Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Pendraken Releases, Requests and Photos! => Previous Years' Releases => New Releases! => 2020 Releases => Topic started by: Leon on 07 October 2020, 10:24:23 PM

Title: New ECW Releases!
Post by: Leon on 07 October 2020, 10:24:23 PM
We've been doing some work on our ECW range recently with a variety of revamps and new releases for you!  First up we've got some new Scots codes in the form of infantry and cavalry casualties (commissioned by our own mollinary) and some armoured pikemen.  Next we've upgraded the old dismounted dragoons and peasants with newer sculpts and more poses, and then we've also taken the opportunity to remould a few of the older codes and split the pikement into either standing or advancing options.  So you can now choose whether to have your pike blocks stationary or on the move!

And finally we've added photos of the full range to the website!

English Civil War -
EC43   Pikemen casualty in Scots bonnet (10)   £1.85
EC44   Pikemen casualty in morion helmet (10)   £1.85
EC45   Musketeer casualty in Scots bonnet (10)   £1.85
EC46   Mounted casualty in Scots bonnet (5)   £1.85
EC47a   Scots armoured pikemen, standing (15)   £2.75
EC47b   Scots armoured pikemen, advancing (15)   £2.75
EC4   Dismounted dragoons - REVAMPED
EC8   Peasants with improvised weapons - REVAMPED
EC1a   Armoured pikemen, standing
EC1b   Armoured pikemen, advancing
EC2a   Unarmoured pikemen, standing
EC2b   Unarmoured pikemen, advancing
EC16a   Scots unarmoured pikemen, standing
EC16b   Scots unarmoured pikemen, advancing

And some pics of course!

EC4 - Dismounted dragoons

EC8 - Peasants with improvised weapons

EC43 - Pikemen casualty in Scots bonnet

EC46 - Mounted casualty in Scots bonnet

EC47a - Scots armoured pikemen, standing

Hope you like them!
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: Poggle on 08 October 2020, 02:41:12 AM
Excellent! The advancing pikes will certainly be on my list. :-bd
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: FierceKitty on 08 October 2020, 03:50:27 AM
Advancing pikemen are a good addition. I'd have got them if they'd been available way back when.  :(
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: mmcv on 08 October 2020, 06:43:56 AM
Very good!
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: pierre the shy on 09 October 2020, 07:38:15 PM
These extras do look very nice.

Like others I would have used them but now have lots of Scots ECW pike units, with 8 more Irish/English ones in the pipeline at some stage, for which I already have the figures.
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: Steve J on 09 October 2020, 08:06:59 PM
Excellent additions and revamps 8).
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: paulr on 09 October 2020, 08:31:45 PM
 :-bd =D> :-bd =D>

Some very nice additions and revamps :)

1,683 is probably enough ECW figures for me, for now anyway ;)
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: John Cook on 09 October 2020, 11:02:36 PM
I'd like to see a revamped set of EC10 cavalry, all in lobster-tailed pot helmets and no anachronistic burgonet helmets, and in the poses of EC9 or EC11 so that they are all compatible, one with the other, and not charging around like a bunch of Apaches waving a mix of swords and pistols.
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: pierre the shy on 11 October 2020, 02:57:11 AM
Quote from: paulr on 09 October 2020, 08:31:45 PM
1,683 is probably enough ECW figures for me, for now anyway ;)

I'm sure that between us we have the Wars of the 3 Kingdoms pretty well covered in 10mm....we must have 3000+ figures between us, if I throw in the extra Irish I have fairly recently got ;)
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: sultanbev on 11 October 2020, 07:39:33 PM
Quote from: pierre the shy on 11 October 2020, 02:57:11 AM
I'm sure that between us we have the Wars of the 3 Kingdoms pretty well covered in 10mm....we must have 3000+ figures between us, if I throw in the extra Irish I have fairly recently got ;)

We were thinking of venturing into 10mm ECW, so I considered starting with the Irish army, because, just to be different! Any particular figures you recommend?

Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: pierre the shy on 12 October 2020, 07:25:44 AM
Quote from: sultanbev on 11 October 2020, 07:39:33 PM
We were thinking of venturing into 10mm ECW, so I considered starting with the Irish army, because, just to be different! Any particular figures you recommend?


Hello Mark

Been a few months since I did these guys but I think these references are correct from the spreadsheet of the various orders that I did in 2018/9.

Have a look here:,17480.840.html

and here:,17480.msg280250.html#msg280250

for some pictures of the Irish that I have put together.

I used Lancer Miniatures for the shot in a mixture of felt hats and monmouth caps - KJ0019/53 Mixed musket firing (front rank) and KJ0020/53 Musket at ready (rear rank) as I didn't want to use figures using musket rests.

The pikes are Pendraken Miniatures unarmoured pikes advancing in cap (EC 2) and few Scots Pikes in bonnet (EC 16).

Officers & drummers are from Lancer Miniatures KJ0014, while the standard bearers are more Pendraken EC 2 or EC 16.

However you now have a wider choice of Pendraken figures now the new releases have come out.

Hope that helps. While I'm here thanks for your Modern ToE lists, they have been very helpful down the years.   


Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: mmcv on 12 October 2020, 08:31:30 AM
The LoA range also has some nice figures that can add a bit of variety if you're not too worried about which coat tails were in fashion when. Newline have also released a range of ECW that might complement the Pendraken range (though I'd likely just use them to mix up with the command and keep the main troops consistent). It's definitely a fun period to get into and I'd recommend taking the plunge.
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: DecemDave on 15 October 2020, 08:01:49 AM
For what its worth, I have some of the new newline but have not yet finished painting them up so its an early opinion until I see them in their finished units. (*)  Taking Pendraken as the standard (well it is their forum) then Newline are OK rather than brilliant sculpts with less detail (but enough for en masse painting) Newline bring along some nice new poses including the sword waving officer and  pikes horizontal .  Newline website has pics.   Newline are available in smaller quantities than Pendraken so its easier to get what you want without resulting in a lead pile spares box.  The pikes are scaled a bit longer (my only quibble about the Pendraken range)  but probably still nearer the 12ft than 18. To my eye they dont mix well with Pendraken in the same unit. (Newline are taller and bulkier)   They mix better with AIM/minifigs and I already use minifigs in the same army but in separate units to Pendraken by basing them on 1mm MDF instead of 2mm.   But then I am happy mixing pendraken, Irregular (smaller, slighter) and Lancer (stockier) in the same units to show typical real world variation and other gamers may have different views which they are usually not reticent to share.    My Newline  had minimal mold/flash but I did have to bend a few and file some bases. 

I haven't tried Old Glory or other ranges so I cant compare them.

The good news is that we have lots of choice. Especially with Pendraken updating a few codes and Lancer just about to add a Thirty Years War range for yet more variety in our early war units.


(*)  Irregular are a good example of why first impression of the castings isnt always right.  I think they are small and fragile but with a few coats of paint they add some great variety.   
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: FierceKitty on 15 October 2020, 12:47:17 PM
Irregular's tiny heads often show up very poorly next to Pendraken and Newline ones.
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: DecemDave on 15 October 2020, 06:45:08 PM
Just young farm lads pressed into service with their elder brothers.     ;) ;)
Title: Re: New ECW Releases!
Post by: pierre the shy on 15 October 2020, 07:13:18 PM
Thanks for the comparisons Dave....l mixed Pendraken and Lancer figures and l agree that they fit well together.

You don't need to only order complete packs from Pendraken... Leon and co are very happy to supply X number of figures rather than complete packs...just email them your request. I have made lots of orders since 2014 and all of them have included a number of figures rather than complete packs. Their customer service is VERY good  :)
