With the continued lockdowns across the world I thought it would be nice for us all to post some positives about spending more time at home / inside. Maybe you've ploughed through the lead mountain, or got that back bedroom decorated finally. Post pics pics if you've got them and let's all use this as a little corner of positivity while we get through this together.
For me, a day at home today meant that I could get the garden done and remove a particularly stubborn bush that was starting to tip our wall over...!
Well... :-\
I've actually managed to get some painting done - even if it is mostly not 10mm stuff :D
We also got into the garage and pulled out a couple of boxes of board games and books - which have been in there for over a decade - to put on our new shelves (and a few old figures).
...and I dug out the piles of flotsam which had accumulated in front of said shelves in only a few short weeks, so we can access them... :o
Switched our weekly D&D game to Zoom, which has been working very well so far :-bd
Back to work tomorrow, not sure I'll remember what I do for a living... :-SS
PS Just putting in a modest order to Pendraken for a few 'essentials' O:-)
In another bright note, our eldest has got so bored during the lockdown that he's started washing the pots, loading the washing machine and ironing the clothes... We're using it as training for when he goes to Uni in a couple of years time.
Quote from: Leon on 19 April 2020, 10:05:49 PM
In another bright note, our eldest has got so bored during the lockdown that he's started washing the pots, loading the washing machine and ironing the clothes... We're using it as training for when he goes to Uni in a couple of years time.
Maybe there's hope for ours yet... 8->
Lot of figure painting, bike rides with the youngest, attempts at home schooling (insert irony here) and we built a tree fort.
Stay safe all.
Quote from: O Dinas Powys on 19 April 2020, 10:09:21 PM
Maybe there's hope for ours yet... 8->
Yeah, it took us a bit by surprise! He's even ironing socks and tea towels, which no sane person should ever be doing!
Quote from: mad lemmey on 19 April 2020, 10:48:13 PM
...attempts at home schooling (insert irony here)
We've been a bit lax on that front, mainly as we're both still out at work for most of the day. The youngest has been doing a couple of hours most days though, so he's doing a little bit at least.
A bit of a bright spot for me in this ghastly business has been that, with egaming, I've renewed contact with two old gaming buddies, an agreeable Englishman and a really pleasant Australian (redundancy - Aussies are seldom anything but lovely people). And, as my various posts must have made clear, I've got an awful lot of improvement done on bases.
Quote from: Leon on 19 April 2020, 09:00:34 PM
With the continued lockdowns across the world I thought it would be nice for us all to post some positives about spending more time at home / inside. Maybe you've ploughed through the lead mountain, or got that back bedroom decorated finally. Post pics pics if you've got them and let's all use this as a little corner of positivity while we get through this together.
For me, a day at home today meant that I could get the garden done and remove a particularly stubborn bush that was starting to tip our wall over...!
Well, now, Sunday was very exciting. I removed our 25 year old wooden compost bins which were only supported by their contents and replaced them with some nice new plastic ones, which will still be around long after I'm compost.
The only thing that really ticks me off at the moment is the constant negativity and bellyaching in the media, and the anti-social behaviour of some elements of the public, who never disappoint. Other than that, self-isolation is not much of a challenge to be honest. It is not that different from being retired - every day is a 'Sunday'. I can do it indefinitely, so long as I can get my wine delivered when I need to.
In the interim I have persuaded the 'sergeant major' to wargame. Her only proviso is that it must be with "pretty armies". What will I do if she wins?
So far I've completed 111 SYW figures, from start to finish in the past 4 weeks.
The picture is of the latest - Russian infantry which will be used for "Twilight of the Soldier King" and/or, "For King or Empress".
In the background you can see their theoretical sons and grandsons. I'm switching to Napoleonics next and have another 150 figures primed for painting.
Those are very spiffy, Shecky ! :-bd
Cheers - Phil
I am painting daily, which has always been a promise and never a reality! :-)
I have become involved in another person's game by sending that player orders for the army and then he plays it out while doing a video while playing over a couple of days. That is a new thing for me and although my investment is relatively minor, I find myself waiting with some anticipation for the next video to appear.
Finally, I had a Don Featherstone scenario and simple rules on the table on Saturday ..... a nice revisiting of my youth!
Having taken voluntary redundancy a month before the lockdown, life seems pretty much the same except for the social distancing in the house and having to queue at supermarkets. The lovely weather has allowed me to do an awful lot on the garden, which I love. Painting has been sparse to say the least, except for the next few days of painting the back of the house! So the weather has so far allowed us to carry on fairly normally, which is nice. Trying to get some games in but evenings are becoming family times as much as we, giving trying to keep 2m apart when watching telly, which is easier said than done.
I'm still working, but from home. I'm trying to keep a routine, so I'm "in the office" by 8am, and work through till 4.
I've found that I have become something of a nature watcher. Over the last few weeks I have watched the tree outside my window come into leaf and have noticed the many different types of birds that are around.
2020 was supposed to be a year of Napoleonics for me, but I've spent more time reviewing and revamping my 1944 Europeans - hence the upgrade of the British. I have now turned my attention to the Germans and finally got around to painting the 4 Tigers I bought years ago.
Since my office is my Games Room, I try and make sure I have a game set up at all times. Currently, a squadron of He111s escorted by Me110s is being stalked by a trio of Hurricanes and some optimistic Blenheims. Helps me through the day.
John ask FierceKitty about losing to your wife ;)
Shecky :-bd =D> :-bd
Norm =D> =D> =D>
Steve J alot of people are spending more time with their families :)
Fsn routine is good :)
For myself I normally work from home two days a week so am now doing an extra 3 days from home
Plenty of painting and lots of video chats with various wargamers plus I'm involved in issuing orders for a Spearhead game being played by 8 players and the umpire who has the troops at his place
Quote from: fsn on 20 April 2020, 06:21:30 AM
I'm still working, but from home. I'm trying to keep a routine, so I'm "in the office" by 8am, and work through till 4.
I've found that I have become something of a nature watcher. Over the last few weeks I have watched the tree outside my window come into leaf and have noticed the many different types of birds that are around.
Same, I'm also working from home and as I'm set up in the kitchen, so have enjoyed watching the birds come to the tree outside the window and its colours change from green to white and pink. I'm sure people wonder what I keep glancing at in video calls as the birds flit by. I suspect with less . Between that and the dog splitting his time between me and my wife, it can be quite peaceful.
My life is actually not too bad ... dare I say that ... ???
I work from home a lot of the time, when I am not on trains to London, or planes to Edinburgh, Glasgow and a number of European capitals - all of which has been replaced with video conferencing. We are lucky pretty much all our 120,000 staff globally are either now working from home or in lock-in (with client staff in key fascilities - such as nueclear power plants) or are providing critical services for H.M.Gov and the NHS (we have teams on-site at a lot of the big hospital trusts and providing break-fix onsite in the new Nightingale hospitals). So my working weeks is actually much busier than normal - so I count myself lucky.
My wife has taken herself up to stay (for at least 3 months) in lock-down with her 89 year old mum, who is very frail and has dementia. I do their shopping and leave it in the garage - waving my hello's through the patio windows. So I am left alone with 2 mad cats for company.
Both my daughters - in their early 30's - have had the virus and are now out the other side - and that included my son-in-law and my 7 month old grandson (who started coughing for the first time ever and it caused him endless giggles). Eldest daughter is working from home - she looks after Sainsbury's for her company - so really busy and my son-in-law's firm is also able to keep him working full time at home. So we thank our lucky stars all round.
I am using my spare time to 'exercise' upon my allotment - I have 250 square of glorious self-isolation - and that Mr Gove chappy has stated that going to the allotment is perfectly acceptable activity - so who am I to disobey a government directive. And it has never looked better or gotten more attention.
I am also spending my evenings attacking the lead pile - and I am 2/3rds of the way through painting up a massive 28mm Early Carthaginian army - 1st Punic & Syracusan Wars - but it is slowly morphing into 2nd Punic Wars as I just couldn't resist the elephants.
NB: I must also set aside time to finish off CWCII and also a couple of other new sets of Pendraken rules - even in lock-down there is never enough time.
So all in all I cannot grumble - especially now the panic buying seems to have died down. Thank goodness.
It is a glorious day today - on 20th April 2020 - my 60th Birthday - one to remember :D
Keep your spirits up folks.
Happy Birthday Mark <:-P <:-P
Quote from: Big Insect on 20 April 2020, 07:58:17 AM
even in lock-down there is never enough time.
So very true :)
A mere youth Mark !
Quote from: ianrs54 on 20 April 2020, 09:08:02 AM
A mere youth Mark !
60 is the new mid-life Ian - but I had my own mid-life crisis 20 years ago - got divorced, bought the sports-car etc. - I wouldn't want to do it again - seriously overrated IMHO !!!
Quote from: John Cook on 20 April 2020, 03:10:05 AM
In the interim I have persuaded the 'sergeant major' to wargame. Her only proviso is that it must be with "pretty armies". What will I do if she wins?
I think FK is the person to go to in that case. He is used to being defeated by the fairer sex. (on the wargames table at least) :)
Reflect that it shows she's intelligent, and then consider that she chose to marry you, of all the people in the world.
Happy birthday, Mark ! :-bd :-bd
Cheers - Phil
Life for us here has been much the same as normal, as Mrs Orcs works from Home and I am a Key worker ad have to go into the office to work. If anything I have worked more since this all started.
The only real changes have me not being able to go out shooting or gaming and Mrs Orcs doing Pilates via Zoom rather than going to it.
So I have had similar amounts of time to normal. I finished decorating our bedroom just before lockdown, but we are still waiting for the fitters to come and fit the bedroom. So its all bare floorboards and echos. Fortunately we have a couple of spare bedrooms. No Idea when it will be completed though.
I have managed to tidy up my Den. I had hoped to get some solo games of Furioso to see how ithey worked, but have been drawn into getting stuff done that has sat all over the Den waiting for me to do it and thus making the room untidy.
I have sorted and labelled all my 10mm Terrain. Made some more Woods for 10mm Based a bag of fruit trees for 20mm. Today I will finish these off and start doing the assorted figures on the painting table. Tomorrow will be more of the same , and Wednesday Mrs Orcs is off so we will probably do some gardening then have a picnic in the garden assuming the weather is good.
Hoppy beer date Mark
He dont drink Will ;)
Thanks to all for the birthday wishes.
I took a consignment of hops from a near neighbor on the allotment over the weekend - he is a brewer - so we all get a sack to use as mulch - smells wonderful - but as Ian states - sadly i can no longer drink alcohol - but I do have a few bottles of some very nice Bavarian alcohol free beer in the fridge for later.
:D :D :D
Quote from: ianrs54 on 20 April 2020, 11:12:31 AM
He dont drink Will ;)
I have to be careful on my intake as I am diabetic, but I certainly enjoy a beer or two
Quote from: Big Insect on 20 April 2020, 07:58:17 AM
It is a glorious day today - on 20th April 2020 - my 60th Birthday - one to remember :D
Happy Birthday Mark
I was 70 last Monday and I was told 70 is the new 40.
Getting next to no painting done, a few bits of scenery started but not finished, lots of computer time, far more meals from scratch and far fewer ready meals.
Gaming is almost entirely on the computer with the odd solo game of a rules-lite Midway carrier game on the kitchen table.
Just spent 10 minutes, or so, watching one of the local foxes having fun on my upstairs neighbours' trampoline, maybe ten feet from my kitchen-diner window.
Were it not for the appalling reason for it, I could wish this crisis to go on forever.
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 20 April 2020, 11:37:20 AM
Happy Birthday Mark
I was 70 last Monday and I was told 70 is the new 40.
Couldnt agree more Jim - if life gives you lemons ... sell them & buy wine women & song !!!
Congrats to both Jim and BI on your 'big birthdays.' Hopefully it won't be too long when you can celebrate in style! :) <:-P
Quote from: Westmarcher on 20 April 2020, 05:10:57 PM
Congrats to both Jim and BG on your 'big birthdays.' Hopefully it won't be too long when you can celebrate in style! :) <:-P
Hear! Hear! To both those sentiments!
Happy birthday Mark! Our son is 20 on Thursday and it's our 25th wedding anniversary next month, so none of us are able to celebrate, but frankly it's not a big deal given the current circumstances.
I too have spent more time birdwatching, which I do normally anyway, but they somehow give me more pleasure at present. I take part in the butterfly cound each year, so have enjoyed spotting a mixed bunch so far with the glorious weather. I still get a buzz seeing them.
The garden is loving the extra attention and hopefully will give me a bumper crop this year.
Quote from: Steve J on 20 April 2020, 06:03:00 PM
I too have spent more time birdwatching, which I do normally anyway, but they somehow give me more pleasure at present.
Funny you should mention that, Steve. Seeing I was at a loose end, Mrs Westie suggested I make a new bird table. Unfortunately it all kicked off when she saw she was third .....
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 20 April 2020, 11:37:20 AM
Happy Birthday Mark
I was 70 last Monday and I was told 70 is the new 40.
Congratulations Jim - something for me to aspire to - you are only as young as you feel - which is odd as I can some days feel that I am 8 or 27 or 41 or 10000 year old - occasionally all at once.
Don't act your age, act your shoesize.
Quote from: Steve J on 20 April 2020, 06:03:00 PM
Happy birthday Mark! Our son is 20 on Thursday and it's our 25th wedding anniversary next month, so none of us are able to celebrate, but frankly it's not a big deal given the current circumstances.
I too have spent more time birdwatching, which I do normally anyway, but they somehow give me more pleasure at present. I take part in the butterfly cound each year, so have enjoyed spotting a mixed bunch so far with the glorious weather. I still get a buzz seeing them.
The garden is loving the extra attention and hopefully will give me a bumper crop this year.
Thanks Steve - but I have had a great day - lots of calls - a what's app video conf with my grandson - his mum sang happy birthday and he just gnawed a coaster (1st tooth came through yesterday). I then got introduced to the cultural wonder that is The Stick Song from Hey Duggee! Hmmm ... not sure I approve of that daughter no.2. Shouldn't he be watching David Attenborough or something educational. A host of cards tumbled through the letter box - "gawd bless the posties every-one of em."
I managed to even take some shopping up to Cathy & was greeted by a hand-painted Happy Birthday placard in the window.
Sometimes it can be the simpler things that are memorable - we had planned a big lunch in a fancy resturant with both daughters and extended family attending - but the stress of that - pre Covid - was already taking the fun edges off it.
Glad to hear the wildlife is appreciating lockdown Steve - the allotment was certainly full of life this morning at 07.00 - magpies, jackdaws, robin, thrush, the overnight smell of a fox and most wonderful of all the call of a pair of Ravens flying over high up. The sun was shining - the dew was on the grass ... and it was relatively quiet.
Wonderful ... :)
Quotethe allotment was certainly full of life this morning at 07.00 - magpies, jackdaws, robin, thrush, the overnight smell of a fox and most wonderful of all the call of a pair of Ravens flying over high up. The sun was shining - the dew was on the grass ... and it was relatively quiet.
Simple pleasures that you just can't beat :)
Quote from: Big Insect on 20 April 2020, 08:30:31 PM
... Sometimes it can be the simpler things that are memorable ...
Well said
The grand kids have sent us their paintings of rainbows (in the UK all the youngsters are painting rainbows and displaying them in windows - is that happening anywhere else?), so tonight, I dug out the watercolours and painted up a couple of similar, put a message on for the grand kids and in the morning will post to both households as there are still daily collections from the post box.
I sent some sweets a couple of weeks ago ...... resulting in embarrassment as one of the packages (they were both identical!) got withheld by Royal Mail until the excess postage was paid .... ooops! in the end, it all turned out dearer than the sweets! I should have just ate them .... like I did the Easter Eggs :-[
Loads of rainbows in the windows around here, which is nice to see.
Some rainbows and other drawings but mainly teddy bears and similar soft toys in the windows here, so young kids can do teddy bear hunts on their walks
Our PM declared the Easter bunny an essential worker but did explain that they may have trouble reaching some houses due to the restrictions
There is a decorated wall over the road, each brick chalked a different colour...and rainbows in most windows.
With us being on top of the PPE production for the first time in 3 weeks, I can put my attention to something else for a change! So, I'll be spending the next few hours carefully checking and cleaning up 100's of Japanese figures for production moulds...!
Quote from: Leon on 27 April 2020, 08:18:26 PM
With us being on top of the PPE production for the first time in 3 weeks, I can put my attention to something else for a change! So, I'll be spending the next few hours carefully checking and cleaning up 100's of Japanese figures for production moulds...!
Quote from: Leon on 27 April 2020, 08:18:26 PM
With us being on top of the PPE production for the first time in 3 weeks, I can put my attention to something else for a change! So, I'll be spending the next few hours carefully checking and cleaning up 100's of Japanese figures for production moulds...!
Quote from: O Dinas Powys on 27 April 2020, 08:33:36 PM
Doing all that lot its more likely to be wanting to commit Seppuku:D :D (Please Don't)
Here's how some New Zealiand ladies are getting through it :)
I hope they realise a lot of NZ now knows where at least one of them lives ;) :o
I recognised my old home town pretty quickly and one of the shots includes a fairly obvious landmark
Good on them :-bd =D> :-bd
I don't want to know why all four have matching ABBA outfits X_X
Quote from: Leon on 27 April 2020, 08:18:26 PM
With us being on top of the PPE production for the first time in 3 weeks, I can put my attention to something else for a change! So, I'll be spending the next few hours carefully checking and cleaning up 100's of Japanese figures for production moulds...!
That's really good to hear - on both parts.
The celebrations for Captain (now honorary Colonel) Tom provide a moment of pleasure during these diffcult times. Thank God common sense prevailed and the Spitfire and Hurricane flypast was allowed to go ahead. Not only has he raised a phenomenal amount of money, but still going strong at 100 is amazing. It has cheered me up today and I hope others too.
YEP !! :)
Cheers - Phil
Quote from: Steve J on 30 April 2020, 08:27:12 AM
The celebrations for Captain (now honorary Colonel) Tom provide a moment of pleasure during these diffcult times. Thank God common sense prevailed and the Spitfire and Hurricane flypast was allowed to go ahead. Not only has he raised a phenomenal amount of money, but still going strong at 100 is amazing. It has cheered me up today and I hope others too.
Yep that was a real good one. He deserves the honours he has been given.
I enjoyed watching it on the NZ news first thing this morning.
Well done, that man =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
Hear, Hear !....
I look forward to the Beeb's re-run of the Blankety Blank* show he was in. Recorded sometime in the eighties, apparently.
Cheers - Phil
* A rather silly quiz show, for those of you who don't live in the UK, or are too young to remember. ;)
Quote from: Techno on 01 May 2020, 06:29:55 AM
* A rather silly quiz show, for those of you who don't live in the UK, or are too young to remember. ;)
Just a TAD understated there Phil !!
Well....It was done on the cheap*....and the prizes weren't a lot of cop. X_X
Cheers - Phil. ;)
* Now THAT'S an understatement. ;D ;D
Quote from: Techno on 01 May 2020, 11:35:09 AM
Well....It was done on the cheap*....and the prizes weren't a lot of cop. X_X
Cheers - Phil. ;)
* Now THAT'S an understatement. ;D ;D
What was worse was it was originally presented by the absolutely awful (other opinions are available- but not from me :)) Terry Wogan
The worse things are that a) when it started there were only 3 channels to choose from, and b) you almost certainly only had one TV in the house.
So if your parents wanted to watch Blankety Blank - and it was on at prime-time in the evening - you had the choice of either watching it with them or retiring to your bedroom.
Quote from: Orcs on 01 May 2020, 09:56:52 PM
What was worse was it was originally presented by the absolutely awful (other opinions are available- but not from me :)) Terry Wogan
What about Les Dawson and Larry Grayson ?
Oooh....Shut that door. ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil ;)
Been busy with Army Reservist duties for last month, so avoided the stay at home element of the lockdown largely.
Been interesting, and at least I have some extra money coming in, but will be happy to be at home a bit more next week.
I imagine the Mrs will have plenty for me to do!
Had some good news yesterday, I'm on furlough, thought I wouldn't get anything as these days I'm a casual invigilator, doing one on one stuff. Ok its only about £9 per week, but.... :) :)
As it's International Dawn Chorus Day today, I got up at 4.30am and headed out to open fields which luckily are just a few hundred meters away from me. I was amazed at how many birds were already singing (ditto how many cars were on the ring road at that time!) at this time and soon the cacophany was overwhelming. I stayed out for around an hour and as dawn broke the noise did drop off, so headed back home and managed to fall asleep again. A bit tired now but worth the effort.
Quote from: Steve J on 03 May 2020, 06:39:34 AM
I was amazed at how many birds were already singing (ditto how many cars were on the ring road at that time!) at this time
More traffic around here, as well, Steve....Sure of it !
Von actually got stopped by the boys in blue, a couple of days ago, asking where she was going.,,Apparently they were checking on every car driving into, or through, the local village.
She was off to get horse feed from store 5 or 6 miles away.......That was absolutely fine.
I wonder if they DID catch anyone extracting the urine.
Cheers - Phil
Quote from: Steve J on 03 May 2020, 06:39:34 AM
As it's International Dawn Chorus Day today, I got up at 4.30am and headed out to open fields which luckily are just a few hundred meters away from me. I was amazed at how many birds were already singing (ditto how many cars were on the ring road at that time!) at this time and soon the cacophany was overwhelming. I stayed out for around an hour and as dawn broke the noise did drop off, so headed back home and managed to fall asleep again. A bit tired now but worth the effort.
Well done, that man =D> =D>
Since even in the best of times a hospital is no place for someone with Parkinsons we are going into a pretty strict isolation to try and ensure that my Mom doesn't get this virus. Even if she did survive, being in a hospital with no visitors and possibly with overworked nurses would be a real nightmare for her.
Luckily, we have a very nice place here by a lake and the various birds do their best to keep us entertained. Our little town has a carillon bell tower that has been putting on drive up concerts that my mom can look forward to. I guess living in the unfashionable countryside has it's perks on occasion.
Some time in the middle of last week I lost track of time and date.
Misjudged the length of the week.
Caught myself up at 02:00 on Saturday (Sunday morning) reading.
This isn't very good - confusing.
It's now Wednesday, as I only work Wednesday at the school I'm doing three half days at this week...
Quote from: lowlylowlycook on 04 May 2020, 03:59:04 PM
I guess living in the unfashionable countryside has it's perks on occasion.
I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. :)
Cheers - Phil
See the message is changing from "Stay Home" to "Stay Alert".
Reminds me of the old schoolyard joke - Be alert, Britain needs lerts!
Nah! We've got enough lerts now, what we need are more loofs :)
Quote from: Ithoriel on 10 May 2020, 02:02:48 PM
Nah! We've got enough lerts now, what we need are more loofs :)
That one deserves a good chewing - Nobby wait til he gets his coat on whilst I fetch a Noyed..
All of us struggling to remember which day of the week it is, as it's all become a bit of a blur. Taking a break from gardening and have set up a game to play tomorrow. Next week hope to be able to go out for a longer walk and to somewhere local that's quiet, just for a change of scenery. It's all becoming a bit 'Googie Withers' at present.....
Quote from: Steve J on 10 May 2020, 08:36:13 PM
All of us struggling to remember which day of the week it is, as it's all become a bit of a blur.
Just a bit ! @-)
Have to admit, that for someone probably
least affected by 'all this'....(Like I've said, the only thing I can't, or rather won't do, is pop down to the local village on a whim..... And not go and get a paper on a Sunday,).......I AM starting to feel a bit 'ground down', twitchy and worst of all, somehow almost 'bored'....which I hope doesn't mean that I'll start getting careless.
oodles of work lined up....The weather's been really nice....I can listen to whatever I want, all day...I CAN go out for normal shopping..
and down to the post office, when I need to get some soldiers sent off.....
and the pharmacy for any prescriptions.
Got an extra morning out this week to go and see the nurse for a B12 jab.....Perhaps that's why I'm twitchy.....The jab doesn't bother me in the slightest.....(I must have had dozens, by now)...I think it's because I really
would like to avoid the surgery. :-\
Cheers - Mr Paranoid.
My wife recently had her flu jab, they came out to her car and did it there
Quote from: Techno on 11 May 2020, 06:06:53 AM
....The weather's been really nice....
Yeah, you're not kidding there. It seems to have been almost unbroken sunshine for the last six weeks. Maybe three days where it's rained?
For which I am eternally grateful - if we'd all been stuck in the house watching the rain on the windows for the majority of the time I think there'd have been a
lot of friction in the house.
If it was like the wet Frebruary we had, then it would have been a lot, lot harder for sure. I've no idea how we would have coped.
Yes Mrs Orcs and I have been very fortunate, Only us and both working normally. Biggest problem has been keeping In-laws of 86 and 79 from going out.
I'm going to pitch in with badly and bored at the moment...
Irony is, two teachers at home, eldest does all her work independently by 10.30 each day, youngest is still in her pjs at 11 and is refusing to work...
I'm with you, Will.
Know just where you're coming from !
Cheers - Phil
My wife is a TA and was bored by the first morning of the lockdown!
Quote from: Steve J on 11 May 2020, 11:23:16 AM
My wife is a TA and was bored by the first morning of the lockdown!
Teach her how to paint figures.....BUT NOT how to wargame. Unless you want to be beaten on a regular basis. (for clarification that's beaten in a wargame) :)
Quote from: mad lemmey on 11 May 2020, 09:52:16 AM
I'm going to pitch in with badly and bored at the moment...
Irony is, two teachers at home, eldest does all her work independently by 10.30 each day, youngest is still in her pjs at 11 and is refusing to work...
Which one are you Will?
I tend to be the latter! :D
I hate to say it but busier than normal at work.
I work for a contract cleaning/facilities company who provide services to Supermarkets so that part of our business is operating normally
Painting up as much 10mm as I can in my free time plus a weekly quiz with the chaps from our WG club and a Friday Zoom date with some of our friends where we eat together, drink wine and talk crap every Friday for a few hours 😁
With the announcements today, looks like our family won't be able to go out until sometime in July, assuming Stages 1&2 go OK. So another couple of months on the 'Googie Withers*' front :(.
* Googie Withers was an actress who starred in a tv series 'Within These Walls' set in a female prison. So growing up being stuck indoors (ie imprisoned by the weather etc) was referred to as doing a 'Googie Withers'.
I've been getting through this by buying several Pendraken armies recently ..... :D
Welcome on board Macsen :).
Hello and welcome, good choice Macsen.
Quote from: Macsen Wledig on 11 May 2020, 07:10:54 PM
I've been getting through this by buying several Pendraken armies recently ..... :D
What kind of armies?
Welcome Macsen Wledig :-h
I've been painting one project and have ordered another ;)
Saxons (early), Later Romans and Romano British so a mix of whats available. Pictish army very shortly too :)
Quote from: Macsen Wledig on 11 May 2020, 09:02:31 PM
Saxons (early), Later Romans and Romano British so a mix of whats available. Pictish army very shortly too :)
Cyfarchion Macsen - highly appropriate armies with your moniker! ;)
Welcome aboard bach >:<
Quote from: Macsen Wledig on 11 May 2020, 09:02:31 PM
Saxons (early), Later Romans and Romano British so a mix of whats available. Pictish army very shortly too :)
Good shout! Pictures when you're done please.
Well I'm just about back on top of the emails now, there were only 400 to deal with...! Tomorrow I can get on with chasing up some of the orders as well, we're starting to see some stock shortages creeping in but nothing too drastic.
In non-work news, I managed to get through the new Sky 'Gangs of London' series while I was off, not massively impressed sadly. It didn't seem to know what it was trying to be, a Game of Thrones style web of plotlines, an all out stylised action affair, or a gritty London drama. Nice set pieces but completely unrealistic in many places.
I'm part way through series 2 of Van Helsing (excellent so far) and Jo and I are part way through Designated Survivor (series 1 was great, 2 hit and miss).
Welcome from me, too !
Cheers - Phil :)
Still more - Hi
welcome Macsen
Much better morning, had good news regarding previous pay that was owed me, phew.
Now, what new career to dream of after this is all over?
Quote from: mad lemmey on 12 May 2020, 09:14:57 AM
Much better morning, had good news regarding previous pay that was owed me, phew.
Now, what new career to dream of after this is all over?
Wargames Holiday centre manager - Not sure that will pay much tough as there have been a few and most don't seem to last that long.
Quote from: mad lemmey on 12 May 2020, 09:14:57 AM
Much better morning, had good news regarding previous pay that was owed me, phew.
Now, what new career to dream of after this is all over?
Surely the experience gained being a teacher opens up options in crowd control, child psychology, creative writing and cat herding :)
Just had my Furlough pay confirmed ! :P
thanks for the welcome......who knew there was such a good forum just for Pendraken loveliness in existence! I will of course post pictures up in due course. I have completed around 300 figures in the past month although I am yet to base them as I like to mix and match as much as possible different figure poses.
300? :o
Quote from: Macsen Wledig on 12 May 2020, 12:25:49 PM
thanks for the welcome......who knew there was such a good forum just for Pendraken loveliness in existence! I will of course post pictures up in due course. I have completed around 300 figures in the past month although I am yet to base them as I like to mix and match as much as possible different figure poses.
Welcome and looking forward to seeing pictures!
I'm in a similar boat (though not quite 300 figures in a month!) and been working through 6 or 7 different packs recently to base together as mixed medieval crusader infantry. It looks well for the periods to have a bit of a hodgepodge rather than nicely ordered ranks.
hoping to get to the 1000 mark by the summer so I can field a whole range of armies + allies
Quote from: Macsen Wledig on 12 May 2020, 03:15:59 PM
hoping to get to the 1000 mark by the summer so I can field a whole range of armies + allies
havent got there yet.... 8)
making a start on the next batch of 300 whilst waiting for the Picts to turn up :)
Quote from: mmcv on 12 May 2020, 02:00:46 PM
Welcome and looking forward to seeing pictures!
I'm in a similar boat (though not quite 300 figures in a month!) and been working through 6 or 7 different packs recently to base together as mixed medieval crusader infantry. It looks well for the periods to have a bit of a hodgepodge rather than nicely ordered ranks.
Though I like the Romans to show more uniformity of pose (not the Varangians, of course).
Happy Towel Day! 👍
I know where my towel is
Towel Day ?????
http://www.towelday.org/ (http://www.towelday.org/)
Happy Towel Day hitchikers!
I am glum.
I'm awaiting two packages from Pendraken. They have been en route for over a week now. :(
I neeeeeeeeeeddddd them. :'(:'(:'(:'(
They are the last NW Europe 1944 I'm eveerrrrrr going to buy, because I will have finished the project.*
*Possibly but not probably.
I am a hoopy frood and I know where my towel is.
Quote from: fsn on 25 May 2020, 10:33:31 AM
. . . because I will have finished the project.
I don't understand this bit?
Quote from: DaveH on 25 May 2020, 10:31:20 AM
http://www.towelday.org/ (http://www.towelday.org/)
Happy Towel Day hitchikers!
Ta La
Quote from: Raider4 on 25 May 2020, 10:44:15 AM
I don't understand this bit?
It's something I say before I go and do a different project for a while ...
As da Vinci said "art is never finished, only abandoned". In my case, usually temporarily abandoned.
I can send you unpainted figures. I'll even send you a paid for way to get them back to me when you've finished painting them. That way you will have something to do.
I'm all heart.
I resemble Titian in my painting. Note our shared tendency to remark "%^$%^, I know I had some carmine somewhere in this lot!" and "What, in the name of the College of Cardinals, has happened to my titanium white?"
Have you looked down the back of the sofa ?
Have the cats batted it under the sofa ?
Cheers - Phil
There's no way our moggies could get paint up our stairs.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 26 May 2020, 02:45:16 AM
. . . has happened to my titanium white?"
Argh! Bob Ross flashbacks. Titanium White was always on his palette, that and Phthalo Blue.
Remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents!
My local model shop (Widnes) is open for click and collect.
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Normally I pop in for a couple of paint brushes and come out with a bag full of stuff, so perhaps click and collect will save me money. :)
Placed an order, more for supporting the shop than anything else.
Good man
=D> =D> =D>
I've never pictured you with quite so much hair, Nobby ! ;)
Good news about the model shop !! :-bd
Cheers - Phil
Quote from: Techno on 07 June 2020, 06:50:01 AM
I've never pictured you with quite so much hair, Nobby ! ;)
You Oik!
Netflix has been a saviour and also gives us some family time each evening, even though we are still maintaining social distancing in the house. Early morning bike rides are a tonic as is pottering around the garden.
Quote from: Steve J on 07 June 2020, 07:40:46 AM
Netflix has been a saviour and also gives us some family time each evening, even though we are still maintaining social distancing in the house. Early morning bike rides are a tonic as is pottering around the garden.
You can come and potter round my garden - I hate gardening. It is a necessary evil. Consequently my favoured choice of tools for gardening are chainsaw, loppers and a mower. I keep thinking of getting one of those weed burners, but Mrs Orcs has said NO!
Normally I do virtually what I like and work on the basis "better to beg forgiveness than ask permission", but the look on her face when she said NO! was such that not only would forgiveness not be given, but that I would also be walking funny with the weed burner stuck somewhere. :)
motoring through my Pendraken figures.......I cant seem to stop!
Quote from: Orcs on 07 June 2020, 07:10:51 PM
Normally I do virtually what I like and work on the basis "better to beg forgiveness than ask permission", but the look on her face when she said NO! was such that not only would forgiveness not be given, but that I would also be walking funny with the weed burner stuck somewhere. :)
As long as you didn't fart you'd probably make it to A&E for the removal O:-)
Quote from: O Dinas Powys on 07 June 2020, 07:44:31 PM
As long as you didn't fart you'd probably make it to A&E for the removal O:-)
Unfortunately the tablets I am on "Metformin" are often referred to by diabetics as "Metfartin" so I probably wouldn't make it. :(
Quote from: Orcs on 07 June 2020, 07:51:44 PM
Unfortunately the tablets I am on "Metformin" are often referred to by diabetics as "Metfartin" so I probably wouldn't make it. :(
Well, try to streamline yourself and you might make orbit <:-P
Quote from: O Dinas Powys on 07 June 2020, 10:05:09 PM
Well, try to streamline yourself and you might make orbit <:-P
=O =O Streamline myself ????? I am a proper wargamer shape
Quote from: Orcs on 07 June 2020, 11:46:14 PM
=O =O Streamline myself ????? I am a proper wargamer shape
Wizard hat, corset and bell-bottom flares?! :-\
Quote from: Orcs on 07 June 2020, 07:51:44 PM
Unfortunately the tablets I am on "Metformin" are often referred to by diabetics as "Metfartin" so I probably wouldn't make it. :(
That explains it. I'm also taking something that is a diaretic - but not noticed that effect, too much coffe I suspect.
Metformin nearly killed me whilst taking part in a clinical trial post prostate cancer op!
Whoa !!
That does NOT sound fun, Steve ! :o
With Nobby's post about his local model shop 'opening' again....What other shops are folk waiting for, to open again ?
I want a haircut !!
Cheers - Phil :)
dont need a haircut here :D
You're lucky ;D ;D ;D ;D
I dread to think how long it will take, to even get an appointment, once all the poodle parlours are open again.....certainly over here. :'(
Cheers - Phil
My local's going to be re-opening "soon", but there's a note in the window saying that prices will go up to cover their extra costs :(
And the fact that they won't be able to have as many folk in 'as normal', Martyn ?
I also want our local electrical shop open.....very useful for all the obscure watch batteries...and just about everything else electrical.
The opticians....that's another one....a little 'trophy' shop in Cardigan.....Be able to get a new watch strap from them.
Cheers - Phil ;)
Quote from: Techno on 08 June 2020, 12:02:17 PM
I want a haircut !!
Can't you get the bloke who's coming to shear your sheep to do yours as well?
No.....Dave's clippers are far too big !! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil.
Just checking in, how is everyone?
Bored Will, am a tele op onTest and Trace, spoken to nobody, apart from Answer Phones.....Our team of 20+ has made 2 live calls. :-X
That's optimistic for its success
Tis int it ! :D
Quote from: mad lemmey on 16 June 2020, 12:41:17 PM
Just checking in, how is everyone?
Grumpy.....The telephone scammers, must have been furloughed for the past few months.....they've just started up again.
Three so far today. =)
Cheers - Phil ;)
I'm fine. thank you for asking.
I think I may have to go back to the office this week, but there's not a huge imperative. I thank Milady's Rosiest Cheek* that I have a hobby that is so absorbing, yet allows me to stay at home. Extrovert acquaintances are chewing the curtains and desperate to join a throng - any throng. I am doubly blessed by Milady's Opulent Bounty** in that my job allows me to work from home with almost no problems. I should also give praise to Milady's Mastery*** of Scrabble and other Word Games for this Forum as an outlet for whatever small desire I have to communicate with others of my ilk.****
I can always while away the time phoning Techno and telling him that I am from his bank and he needs to give me his account number and pass code before thieves steal everything.
Good of you to ask, Lemmey. How's everything with you?
* No, not that one
** Other chocolate bars are available
*** Mistressy?
****"You know what an ilk is?"
"A large deer."
City Heat, 1984
Like this:
Thanks for asking! :)
Your Facebook posts are a constant source of entertainment, Mr. Lemmy.
I do plan to go to the barber come July for an estimate.
Hope others are well and as sane as their disposition allows.
Bit bored, technically working from home, but there's not that much to do (which is a bit worrying). Missing the office environment, if not the commute.
Not much hobby-ing going on - can't seem to get myself motivated to do owt.
Bought myself a father's day treat off of ebay - an old Hornby steam engine that I wanted to get ~25 years ago. Now I can afford it, but currently have no where to run it. I can just look at if for now.
Hope everyone's okay.
Quote from: d_Guy on 16 June 2020, 03:25:52 PM
Like this:
I let my wife cut my hair and beard at the weekend. She did a good job, much cooler now without the equivalent of a medium sized dog covering my face and head.
That is a suitably epic beard though and should not be touched by a razor!
A razor would have NO effect !
Hey, d_Guy, I hear Marvel are looking for someone to play Odin in the next Thor film.
They need to be mature, to look good in a beard, have gravitas and a commanding presence. They need to be charismatic and exude an animal charm. Women need to see them as dangerous but are inevitably drawn to them.
Do you think Gerard Butler would be interested?
Ah - fsn - it's like the old days. :)
Incidentally - I think I have a gravitas down in the shed. The bell still works - maybe.
mmcv - I would become nervous if my wife approached with a sharp implement.
I may keep it since Leon had offered a prize for the longest covid beard - or did I dream it?
I am back to using dash punctuation which is like catnip for Fierce Kitty.
The "I" pronoun lifts my spirits.
Trimmed my hair this afternoon with electric clippers - all going well until I accidentally detached the widget that sets the length.
Now have a small bald patch at the base of my skull.
Just letting mine grow - almost shoulder length.
No one sees it, so what does it matter? At least I'm still showering and shaving - not quite given up yet!
I'm all good, just checking in as I know some people are back to work, others part time, others at home working and others still at a loose end!
Still very busy working from home - it did settle down to fairly normal for a couple of weeks - but has got back to being very busy again.
Generally we are spending more time together as a family, as we are all in the same place, not travelling to and fro all over the place. I'm certainly not missing travelling places.
Went out for a cycle ride 7:30ish this morning, and was surprised at just how busy it was (mainly traffic). I much preferred the quietness of lockdown.
Heard an aeroplane fly over yesterday, which was quite surprising.
We're all fine but as with most people I've spoken to, pretty bored now and really looking forward to life returning to normal, whenever that might be. Daughter cut my hair again today, which was nice, given the heat and humidity of the past few days. I don't know what I would have done without the clippers we had from when our son was young!
Quote from: fsn on 16 June 2020, 04:28:06 PM
Hey, d_Guy, I hear Marvel are looking for someone to play Odin in the next Thor film.
They need to be mature, to look good in a beard, have gravitas and a commanding presence. They need to be charismatic and exude an animal charm. Women need to see them as dangerous but are inevitably drawn to them.
Do you think Gerard Butler would be interested?
Well, I have to say that in
my minds eye I was picturing a certain Mr P Lewis :-\
:o :o :o :o
What ?.....It'd have to be a false beard.
Mostly, I are wearing three days stubble. :D
Cheers - Phil
Not only would it have to be a false beard, but faux gravitas, faked commanding presence, spray on animal charm and you'd need to get some really good actresses who won't giggle at the "danger".
Sorry Techno.
You know I appreciate you for your unique personality and considerable abilities >:<
Quote from: fsn on 17 June 2020, 07:37:34 AM
Not only would it have to be a false beard, but faux gravitas, faked commanding presence, spray on animal charm and you'd need to get some really good actresses who won't giggle at the "danger".
Sorry Techno.
You know I appreciate you for your unique personality and considerable abilities >:<
All I can say Nobby is that you've
obviously never met the man in person :>
Quote from: Techno on 17 June 2020, 06:33:48 AM
:o :o :o :o
What ?.....It'd have to be a false beard.
Mostly, I are wearing three days stubble. :D
Cheers - Phil
It's okay Phil, they can give you injections to induce up-fuzzing these days. Plus, like Uncle Anthony, you've spent a lot of time on Welsh hills - it'll come naturally to you if give you it a go :-\
I'll look even more like Catweazle, if I do that, Meiron !
Cheers - Phil :)
I'm just going to invite captions.
I'll start with "Get the implement Von. I'm stuck again."
Quote from: fsn on 17 June 2020, 05:09:44 PM
I'm just going to invite captions.
I'll start with "Get the implement Von. I'm stuck again."
"Just when I am about to have my annual bath Von's taken all the hot water"
"Techno was fortunate that a deep muddy puddle broke his fall from the ladder"
;D ;D ;D ;D
Careful - Techno will be using the shouting-bone to complain.
Sorry Phil - you said "Catweazle" and my Oik Sense went into overdrive.
Catweazle perhaps but I've a more stately and romantic image (here accompanied by fsn):
You see Techno as "the Knight Whose Armour Didn't Squeak"?
I confess that Milne's knight did not really come to mind as Techno's descriptions of his work life seem to consist more of yelps than squeaks.
Quote from: Techno on 17 June 2020, 04:31:11 PM
I'll look even more like Catweazle, if I do that, Meiron !
Cheers - Phil :)
Phil, what have you done! X_X
You should have just accepted the complement ;D
Not quite what Von had in mind when she asked him to Phil the bath up...
Loved Catweazle!
I still use expressions such as "Telling-bone" and "elec-trickery", mostly to puzzled looks it has to be said...
=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
I've changed my mind.
Catweazle's far too fat to be my body double.....and his hair's nowhere near long enough.
Cheers - Phil. ;)
(I like the idea of Nobby sitting on the donkey, Bill. ;D ;D ;D)
Quote from: Techno on 18 June 2020, 06:36:34 AM
I've changed my mind.
Catweazle's far too fat to be my body double.....and his hair's nowhere near long enough.
Cheers - Phil. ;)
(I like the idea of Nobby sitting on the donkey, Bill. ;D ;D ;D)
Well, you know what they say: the lens adds pounds and inches...
still shirking from home here....actually in all seriousness never been busier. Now I realise what time I waste mucking about visiting suppliers and production sites when MS Teams is your friend
Most of Birkenhead seemed to be open, spent about £60, but most or the new openings were on limited hours, 10-1600. And it's still raining ! ;)
It's more foggy (sorry, low flying cloud) here......Where's that nice sunny weather gone ? ;)
Cheers - Phil
It's grey, showery and miserable here. Yet still warm, so nice and muggy.
Down Bristol way still pouring (possibly a month's worth of rain in the past 24 hours), but next week is looking good and possibly 29C 8)
Quote from: Steve J on 18 June 2020, 03:20:08 PM
and possibly 29C 8)
In your dreams, Steve. ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil. (That'd mean I could/should get down to a tee-shirt.....and scare small children....."Mummy, there's a skelington (sic) walking around.")
Quote from: Techno on 18 June 2020, 03:43:27 PM
In your dreams, Steve. ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil. (That'd mean I could/should get down to a tee-shirt.....and scare small children....."Mummy, there's a skelington (sic) walking around.")
A rare portrait Phil?
(It's alright....Couldn't be me.....There should be hair down to the collar bones.....And that's definitely not Von. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Cheers, Phil
Quote from: Techno on 18 June 2020, 04:19:53 PM
(It's alright....Couldn't be me.....There should be hair down to the collar bones.....And that's definitely not Von. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Cheers, Phil
He's got your finely chiselled cheek bones though ;)
PS I'm guessing it's an illustration of/from Terry Pratchett's "Reaper Man"
Imitating Grant Wood, for those who don't know their American artists. See also Dammit, Janet in Rocky Horror.
Yep! On both counts.
And Phil, you're clearly hiding your hair in the hat. That's not Von though, that's your great grand neice, once removed, of course. Sprightly young lady... comparatively speaking...
Oh poop.....There'll be the chance of having one of those in the next few years. X_X
(I really dislike the fact that I'm classed as a Great Uncle to my nephew's boys.......I won't even allow them to call me Uncle. ;D ;D)
Cheers - Phil
sooooo...now onto basing of the Roman British project for the 1st batch of figures painted up. its a labour of love
Quote from: Techno on 19 June 2020, 06:03:22 AM
Oh poop.....There'll be the chance of having one of those in the next few years. X_X
(I really dislike the fact that I'm classed as a Great Uncle to my nephew's boys.......I won't even allow them to call me Uncle. ;D ;D)
Cheers - Phil
It's just that because you're so great?
Quote from: Macsen Wledig on 19 June 2020, 07:56:04 AM
sooooo...now onto basing of the Roman British project for the 1st batch of figures painted up. its a labour of love
I'm just sitting at two screens waiting to trace one of you lot, just to get an answer phone AGAIN. But we are all doing very aparently.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 19 June 2020, 09:31:31 AM
I'm just sitting at two screens waiting to trace one of you lot, just to get an answer phone AGAIN. But we are all doing very aparently.
I have to say the Dominic Cummings organised scifi dystopia is a little underwhelming- there isn't even an underdressed Jenny Agutter in it.
She is abit old these days
Quote from: flamingpig0 on 07 October 2020, 03:07:37 PM
there isn't even an underdressed Jenny Agutter in it.
Quote from: flamingpig0 on 07 October 2020, 03:07:37 PM
I have to say the Dominic Cummings organised scifi dystopia is a little underwhelming- there isn't even an underdressed Jenny Agutter in it.
Isn't she a Nun now - or something?
Last time I saw her on the TV, she was. ;)
Cheers - Phil
We are going to get though it this Christmas on the proviso that 'People should exercise a high degree of personal responsibility'. So, we are ****** then.
Seems to me to be a complete ducking of responsibility by our so called leader. Will he take personal responsibility for deaths when they go up in January - I doubt it somehow.
What doesn't seem to be discussed in the media is that it only takes a small minority of people not following the 'guidance' and acting irresponsibly to screw the rest of us.
Just my tuppence worth.
Stay safe.
Cheers Paul
Quote from: T13A on 16 December 2020, 07:36:44 PM
What doesn't seem to be discussed in the media is that it only takes a small minority of people not following the 'guidance' and acting irresponsibly to screw the rest of us.
Unfortunately round my way, it is most often teenagers and twenty somethings from a particular part of the world that are the main culprits of not following the guidelines. Due to the current political climate pulling them up would result in all sorts of claims of harassment etc. They are not the only ones, but by far the majority
We had a number of colleagues take a release scheme at work and one of the company pensioners came along to the leaving do repeatedly saying " its all down to herd immunity" and "We have all had it and we are fine cos we keep fit". " I came back from Spain three weeks ago (when it was blacklisted) and I stayed in for a couple of days but then I got bored so didn't bother any more"
He was from the same culture as the ones we see breaking the rules round her. - Strangely this is the same culture that has the second highest death rate from COVID 19. So perhaps there is justice after all.
Almost the exact opposite round my way, Orcs.
Teenage to middle-aged "white folks" seem to be the main culprits. Older locals and BAME folks of all ages masked and making liberal use of hand gel dispensers.
For a full lockdown to be fully effective, you need the full support of the population. I think it is a realistic acceptance by the nations' governments that the people's morale is down and that a full lockdown is therefore unlikely to get the same level of public support experienced earlier in the year. I think it is also a recognition by our leaders that there is little they can do if a significant proportion of the population decides to meet up with their families regardless of any measures they might decree.
Ignoring those who are not the sharpest tools in the box (and so struggle to understand lockdown rules or the gravity of the crisis), and the conspiracy theorists, I like to think the public will be ready to give their full support again to measures designed to restrict the spread of this bug as long as they get their 'morale' break. Unfortunately, this means there will be an increased infection rate, increased pressure on the NHS in the New Year and sadly, additional casualties. That is the sad reality for the early part of 2021. Obviously I hope I am wrong.
In the meantime, all the rest of us can do is to follow the nations' governments advice and be as careful as possible until this 'festive' period is over.
Stay safe everyone.
Don't let this start getting political, Gang.
Cheers - Phil
Quote from: Techno II on 17 December 2020, 07:25:56 AM
Don't let this start getting political, Gang.
Cheers - Phil
I don't think you have much hope of that Phil. from the outside looking in you have main Government saying go and have your break we all agree then less than an hour later, two of the three dissolved Governments/Parliaments say no that's not right we should all stay in our bubbles.
i think people just want clirity and one voice (a certain divolved party just seem to use the Covid breifs to say how great they are compared to rest of UK)
its the same in Germany main government saying one thing regional say something totally different (the State of Bavaria has been in total lockdown for nearly a month because of infection rates. whereas rest of Germany been living life quiet normally.
The Bavarian Government has been blaming the infection rates on people going to Austria ski-ing so shut the borders! but infection rates in Austria are no where near Bavaria's :D
me i go to work go home paint my little friends watch some tv go to bed and do it all again the next day (ex military so used to having restrictions on my life when on tour)
At least the respective governments are marching, more or less, in step on this one but, though I applaud the 'libertarianism', I have no confidence that elements of the public will behave cautiously as they are being asked to do. I'd be delighted to be proved wrong though
Quote from: Westmarcher on 16 December 2020, 11:34:31 PM
For a full lockdown to be fully effective, you need the full support of the population.
And I think we had that, at least back in March/April/May.
Since then a steady drip-drip of stories of the rich/famous/politically connected behaving as they want - because the rules for the plebs couldn't possibly also apply to them - has diluted this support.
So, thank you the PM's special advisor, England footballers, Barbarians rugby players, vacuous popstars and everyone else who's just carried on as normal.
Quote from: sean66 on 17 December 2020, 09:26:02 AM
two of the three dissolved Governments/Parliaments
sean showing his true anarchist colours here ;D
All we can really do is follow the best advice that science and the experts can offer for ourselves and our families, and hope enough others have the sense to do the same. I understand the political motivations behind the "Christmas amnesty" and yes if there were stricter rules a lot of people would have ignored them anyway, but it does seem like it's giving a lot more people who were on the fence a free pass to undo all the good work they've been doing the past year. All the experts say it's a bad idea and going to lead to more deaths next year, so ultimately people have to weigh up the cost of morale vs human life and make their decisions.
I have no intention of putting my family at risk for the sake of one year of "traditions", though others within my family have made different decisions in that regard, mostly due to political "allowances", so all I can do is my best to minimise any further impact.
Oh well, here I am in my new flat in the Netherlands with just my son for company, so we shall be having a very quiet Christmas, although we shall be inviting round a few new Dutch friends called Grolsch, Heineken, Amstel and Hertog Jan. Couple of mates from Chile popping by, as well as a Scotch pal.
Cheers all, Andy
Quote from: Leman on 17 December 2020, 10:42:32 AM
Oh well, here I am in my new flat in the Netherlands with just my son for company, so we shall be having a very quiet Christmas, although we shall be inviting round a few new Dutch friends called Grolsch, Heineken, Amstel and Hertog Jan. Couple of mates from Chile popping by, as well as a Scotch pal.
We have a Dutch guy at work. His opinion is that Amstel is the Dutch equivalent of Carling. Grolsch is good though!
Quote from: Raider4 on 17 December 2020, 11:20:38 AM
We have a Dutch guy at work. His opinion is that Amstel is the Dutch equivalent of Carling. Grolsch is good though!
Le Trappe takes you to the Belgian style, without crossing the border.
Thumbs up also for Grolsch.
Quote from: mmcv on 17 December 2020, 10:26:03 AM
sean showing his true anarchist colours here ;D
I must be the worst Anarchist in history :-
24 years serving in the British Army. then working past 6 years for the American Army as a contractor 8)
Grolsch and Hertog Jan, yes. Heineken and Amstel not so much. With both Belgium and Germany as neighbours there is always quite a selection of quality beers available in the supermarkets, and even more in specialty shops.
A few of the times I have been in the Low Countries I was partial to Kasteel.
It came in a distinctive glass.
Quote from: sean66 on 17 December 2020, 01:45:43 PM
I must be the worst Anarchist in history :-
24 years serving in the British Army. then working past 6 years for the American Army as a contractor 8)
Working to bring them down from the inside, clearly! ;)
Quote from: OldenBUA on 17 December 2020, 01:49:12 PM
Grolsch and Hertog Jan, yes. Heineken and Amstel not so much. With both Belgium and Germany as neighbours there is always quite a selection of quality beers available in the supermarkets, and even more in specialty shops.
I remember getting a pack of Dutch craft beers in the summer and quite enjoying them (on a beer subscription service). Seems like there's a good brewing scene there.
Well worth a visit if you are in "The 'Dam" for a few days.
Quote from: mmcv on 17 December 2020, 02:44:59 PM
I remember getting a pack of Dutch craft beers in the summer and quite enjoying them (on a beer subscription service). Seems like there's a good brewing scene there.
Yes, brewing beer is quite popular, lots and lots of micro breweries. There are 1745 different beers made (or formerly made) in the Netherlands listed here:
Quote from: OldenBUA on 17 December 2020, 04:10:51 PM
Yes, brewing beer is quite popular, lots and lots of micro breweries. There are 1745 different beers made (or formerly made) in the Netherlands listed here:
This is making me very thirsty! ;D
So, the answer to the question "How are we getting through it?" appears to be alcohol, lots of alcohol?
Wearily resigned to this carrying on well into the New Year. For some reason we in South Glos are still in Tier 3, but Glos which has a higher rate now in Tier 2! We also have the classic case of one side of a road in Tier 3, the other in Tier 2. I'm sure lots of locals to us will take a short walk across the border into Bristol on Saturday to enjoy a pint or two, even though they're not meant to :(
I've almost given up trying to follow the restrictions in Wales.
I'll just treat it as us being fully locked down from this point, until I hear otherwise. (I think that's the safest thing to do.)
If I need something urgent from the shops...then I'll go and get it.
Other than that, I'll batten down the hatches.
Cheers - Phil
Quote from: Techno II on 18 December 2020, 07:30:29 AM
I'll just treat it as us being fully locked down from this point, until I hear otherwise. (I think that's the safest thing to do.)
If I need something urgent from the shops...then I'll go and get it.
Other than that, I'll batten down the hatches.
Aye, that's what I'm trying to do. Unfortunately my wife has other ideas, and is poring through the rules (guidelines?) trying to find loopholes & excuses to try & have as "normal" an Xmas as possible :(
I might aqctually be able to ignore BL***y Xmas this year. Phil my understanding of the Welsh restritions is that it is just about full lock down. Mr Smug in Tier 2.
We're going into extreme lockdown in NI from Boxing Day it seems, not even allowed to see other households outside, which somewhat ruins our plans to go for a boxing day walk with the family in lieu of Christmas. Should really just cancel the whole affair and have Christmas in July. Our antipodean brethren can manage it, I'm sure we can for a year.
My sister-in-law lives in Sydney. and when it gets bad they issue a "Stay at home order". THis makes policing it fairly straightforward. If they see you out you have to have a good reason or you are liable to be in trouble.
Quote from: Orcs on 18 December 2020, 11:06:44 AM
My sister-in-law lives in Sydney. and when it gets bad they issue a "Stay at home order". THis makes policing it fairly straightforward. If they see you out you have to have a good reason or you are liable to be in trouble.
My son lives in Melbourne and it was similar there when the outbreak was at its height during the summer. There was an overnight curfew from, I think, 20:00 until the following morning and you were limited to how far you could go from your house. The rules were enforced by the police and they have to be, otherwise they are just rhetoric.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 18 December 2020, 08:29:02 AM
I might aqctually be able to ignore BL***y Xmas this year. Phil my understanding of the Welsh restritions is that it is just about full lock down. Mr Smug in Tier 2.
We're going to be on a rolling, three weeks at a time, effective full lock-down after Christmas...Which is absolutely
no surprise.
Like I've said before...Really, it will make
very little difference, day to day, for Von & I.
Cheers - Phil.
QuoteLike I've said before...Really, it will make very little difference, day to day, for Von & I.
To be honest it's the same for us Phil, due to our circumstances. The only real difference is my wife, who's a TA, has to work now. On the news tonight it sounds as if another full lockdown is in the offing post Xmas due to rising rates everywhere. Apparently 20% of people in a recent survey admitted to meeting up in a house with people from outside of their support bubbles or immediate family :'( :'( :'(
Ruling out Territorial Army, Trapeze Artist, Trump Admirer or Tree Arger,* I'm going for Teaching Assistant. :>
p.s. Is there a prize? O:-)
* I think you might get these in hospitals.
Trombone aficionado?
Yep, it's teaching assistant! Sorry about the short hand but that's what they're referred to in school all the time.
Quote from: Steve J on 18 December 2020, 09:12:49 PM
Yep, it's teaching assistant! Sorry about the short hand but that's what they're referred to in school all the time.
Sorry I'm old enough to not have had teaching assistants in my school.
Sorry also I'm old enough to not have had teaching assistants in my kids school.
I have a grandson at nursery though.
The land lord has said he is "thinking about selling"...
'Thinking about'
What the hell does that mean? Do I need to find somewhere else to live? When?
A little stressed at the mo...
Well that's certainly not what you want to hear in the run up to Xmas and in the current situation too :(.
Oh, brilliant ! X_X
Hope that all works out, LH !!
All the best - Phil.
Quote from: Steve J on 18 December 2020, 09:12:49 PM
Yep, it's teaching assistant! Sorry about the short hand but that's what they're referred to in school all the time.
Or, as a colleague's child once memorably said, "the lady who does the laminating".
Quote from: Last Hussar on 19 December 2020, 01:05:18 AM
The land lord has said he is "thinking about selling"...
'Thinking about'
What the hell does that mean? Do I need to find somewhere else to live? When?
A little stressed at the mo...
You would be classed as a sitting tennant. Unless he he selling as a dwelling to live in, you have a right to remain. If you need my mums number, pm me, she's a bloody good lawyer and the first appointment is free!
Quote from: mad lemmey on 19 December 2020, 09:51:00 AM
You would be classed as a sitting tennant. Unless he he selling as a dwelling to live in, you have a right to remain. If you need my mums number, pm me, she's a bloody good lawyer and the first appointment is free!
I had similar thoughts (the first part at least...)
Its the selling it as a place to live that is worrying me!
Quote from: Steve J on 17 December 2020, 09:10:10 PM
For some reason we in South Glos are still in Tier 3, but Glos which has a higher rate now in Tier 2! We also have the classic case of one side of a road in Tier 3, the other in Tier 2. I'm sure lots of locals to us will take a short walk across the border into Bristol on Saturday to enjoy a pint or two, even though they're not meant to :(
Yeah, well, don't worry. That didn't last long :(
How's it going?
Sunday went like this.
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50775807427_4dfd00597b_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kmThxD)oops (https://flic.kr/p/2kmThxD) by Last Hussar (https://www.flickr.com/photos/lasthussar/), on Flickr
Looks nasty.....
Good to see that panto season is in full swing:
Swiss Govt.: "Sorry, but you British tourists must now quarantine"
The rich: "Oh no we don't! (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55465079)"
And, social distancing? Yeah, we've heard of it (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-55471235).
Quote from: Last Hussar on 29 December 2020, 04:44:45 PM
How's it going?
Sunday went like this.
Ouch! Are these the MDF figures? If so hopefully light enough not to be too badly damaged.
Quote from: Raider4 on 29 December 2020, 04:47:28 PM
Good to see that panto season is in full swing:
Swiss Govt.: "Sorry, but you British tourists must now quarantine"
The rich: "Oh no we don't! (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-55465079)"
Yeah, but surely the "rules" that apply to us plebs don't also apply to those "special" people...?
Awwwww. That can't be right. My heart bleeds for them.
I seems to recall the phrase "we're all in this together". Again, not everyone seems to think it applies to them.
Of course, I bet David Cameron and Theresa May are both secretly thinking "thank f*#k all this didn't happen on my watch".
Quote from: Last Hussar on 19 December 2020, 11:07:47 AM
Its the selling it as a place to live that is worrying me!
Don't worry about it. Your rights as a tenant do not change as a result of a sale or change of owner. You can remain in the property until your current agreement expires, regardless of the purpose to which the new owner intends to put the property. Any new owner becomes your new landlord and has to accept you as a sitting tenant until your agreement expires.
Quote from: Last Hussar on 29 December 2020, 04:44:45 PM
How's it going?
Sunday went like this.
My sympathies. I hope there were no casualties.
Blimey, I hope you didn't lose too many figures to damage etc :(
Wot they sed :o X_X
Christ! Hope all is okay Last Hussar! :(
In the immortal words of ET: Ouch.
Thats a bugger - how many gins had you partaken of. Hope the figures survived
Awwwwww..... X_X :( How did that happen ?
Like everybody else, I hope there wasn't too much damage. !
Cheers - Phil
I moved the shelves around a bit earlier in the year, and they are a bit tight, so you have to take the bottom RUB at the same time as the top one. I didn't realise it was more than half out when I removed the top one, and not being metal I didn't spot the shift in weight.
Luckily very little damage - they are the Little Wooden Men, so paint didn't chip, and my theory on the dedicated LWM thread seems to be correct; they are so light the don't hurt other bases. Broke one gun, but the crew stayed, and a few other singleton/double figures came off, but easily glueable. Only 1 or 2 flags as well, so that was good. A couple of the skirmisher muskets are broken, but hanging on in a shoot round corners way, and one general appears to be 'Nearly Headless Nick'. You all know how wood doesn't snap cleanly, and the thin slither is keeping bits together. Because they are semi-flats, they didn't tangle.
The oddest bit was the single figure that was part of a strip - it was the STRIP that broke, not the legs, despite it being glued down! Not sure how that happened.
The most relief was finding I hadn't lost 1 lance on the 36 Uhlans!
However - do you know how to tell the difference between French and Austrian Hussars at 1:200? No, neither do I!
Some good news peps - Astra Zenica vaccine has been approved - 100m doses ordered - end of the begining not begining of the end ?
There's a little more light at the end of the tunnel, now. :)
Cheers - Phil
It is indeed good news about the Astra-Zeneca vaccine and it is probably the only way out of the restrictions we find ourselves. However I am wondering when normality will return and more importantly, when can we play a game again...
Taking the UK as an example and assuming a double dose, the vaccine needs to be injected into two million arms a week to achieve this in a year.
Quote from: chrishanley on 30 December 2020, 07:04:43 PM
It is indeed good news about the Astra-Zeneca vaccine and it is probably the only way out of the restrictions we find ourselves. However I am wondering when normality will return and more importantly, when can we play a game again...
Taking the UK as an example and assuming a double dose, the vaccine needs to be injected into two million arms a week to achieve this in a year.
Yep, its a long term prospect. Hope the vaccine works for longer than a year.
in the meantime keep on painting so you can have mega games when its over.
Mojo sadly lacking at present, despite two game ideas ready to put on the table :(. Ditto painting. I think in the main this is caused by the current uncertainty on school closures (my wife's a teaching assistant), with half the staff wanting them open, the other half not, alongside the distinct possibility of another full lockdown. Also no idea whether our daughter will be able to fly back to Edinburgh and Uni in just over a week or so. Not being able to plan anything more than a day in advance is very frustrating!!!
Quote from: Techno II on 30 December 2020, 05:02:46 PM
There's a little more light at the end of the tunnel, now. :)
Cheers - Phil
Yeah - it's a 6 car Merseyrail train doing 100km hr :d
I find myself looking at another fortnight of holiday, possibly more. Just as well I'm not the primary earner here.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 04 January 2021, 09:09:03 AM
Yeah - it's a 6 car Merseyrail train doing 100km hr :d
Don't be silly! 100km/hr! Pah!
Catch one to Chester sometime - every other one on the 15 min Time Table runs through Capenhurst - so 100 km/hr more than possible !
So, our (i.e. England's) 3 tier system has now reached level 5 . . .
One wonders when they'll dial it up to 11.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 04 January 2021, 01:08:58 PM
Catch one to Chester sometime - every other one on the 15 min Time Table runs through Capenhurst - so 100 km/hr more than possible !
As long as they don't get up to ludicrous speed.
Well back to isolating/shielding* as a family due to our son being on the clinically extremely vulnerable list. At least we know what's happening until the February half-term, when hopefully at least our son and myself should have had our first vaccine jab.
* To be honest we've been doing pretty much this since the March lockdown just to be safe.
Best wishes to all, stay as safe as you can
Quote from: paulr on 04 January 2021, 10:17:34 PM
Best wishes to all, stay as safe as you can
Am quite jealous of NZ now - my sister lives out there and calls over Christmas with blue skies were bad enough, but now with extra CV restrictions, even more so.
Quote from: Steve J on 04 January 2021, 09:49:35 PM
Well back to isolating/shielding* as a family due to our son being on the clinically extremely vulnerable list. At least we know what's happening until the February half-term, when hopefully at least our son and myself should have had our first vaccine jab.
* To be honest we've been doing pretty much this since the March lockdown just to be safe.
My wife is on the CEV list too, so we have been doing limited excursions from the house, the main change will be for my daughters, who will be back to remote school. The biggest impact will be on my eldest daughter who is in A level year, and really into her sport, she had just got back to training on a track in Nov and Dec, and now will be back to much more improvised stuff. She is also going to have the challenge of choosing a university without having visited them. Younger daughter will be much less bothered - she seems more annoyed that they are having school by video call, rather than just being set the work remotely as they were in April to July.
Personally, I think these changes make it easier for me to exercise outside. As we were in Tier 3, but on the border of T4. So where I could cycle to was limited due to the sea to the West, T4 to the East and North. But now with everywhere being in T5, I can go back into Lancashire again. A small silver lining.
Covid is turning out to be "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."
I've left the house nine times since lockdown started last year.
Two visits to Tesco while I got home deliveries set up, four visits to the local pharmacy to collect repeat prescription meds, one visit to the podiiatrist, one visit to the doctor and one visit to a centre to get a flu jab.
Lots of reading, online lectures, films, TV, computer games.
Not enough tabletop gaming and next to no painting. Not enough games to motivate me to paint. Hasn't stopped me adding to the lead mountain though!
Truly, I am in the land of the Lotus-eaters :)
Quote from: fred. on 04 January 2021, 11:27:44 PM
Am quite jealous of NZ now - my sister lives out there and calls over Christmas with blue skies were bad enough, but now with extra CV restrictions, even more so.
I'm very aware of how fortunate we are here in NZ and have deliberately limited my comments on it
Quote from: Raider4 on 04 January 2021, 09:33:04 PM
So, our (i.e. England's) 3 tier system has now reached level 5 . . .
Well if it was good enough for Douglas Adams ;)
I'm hoping that Wales doesn't come out of lock-down before the rest of the UK........Otherwise we'll get the folk that think the rules that don't apply to them*, trundling over for a day out......Or go to the pub, 'cos ours are open and theirs aren't. X_X :'(
In theory..We could be out of our lock-down in a few days.......But I'm absolutely sure it'll get extended for another 3 weeks...and probably for another 3 weeks after that.
I check on the number of new cases in Pembrokeshire every morning...and it's been slightly disheartening to see the totals going up, after we'd been doing really quite well up until a few weeks ago.
* Wonkers ! (sic)
Cheers - Phil (I'm sitting in a bunker...here behind my wall.)
Hang in there Phil, we will keep picking on you to keep you on your feet :P
Quote from: paulr on 05 January 2021, 01:28:49 AM
I'm very aware of how fortunate we are here in NZ and have deliberately limited my comments on it
Don't worry about it, it gives us some hope that normality will be possible again!
Normality - any problems you have are your own - to miss quote Douglas Adams
Got my first unit up for painting. Lockdown supposedly ending on 19th here in Nederland, but I think it will be extended whilst the vaccination programme is rolled out. I now have a very nice Polish made paint station set up that happily takes 60 of my Vallejo paints, with anothe 8 tucked away in the painting area. Also brush and tool holders. Very useful and easily moved with hand holds. so plenty to keep me occupied through lockdown and cold weather.
A nice walk this morning over the hills and through the woods to get some fresh air, as it's too cold to enjoy a bike ride. However walk spoilt somewhat by a group of 5 ladies taking their dogs for a walk, when you are only meant to 'exercise' with one other person not from your family :'(. Some people just don't get it!
Quote from: Steve J on 06 January 2021, 10:59:53 AM
A nice walk this morning over the hills and through the woods to get some fresh air, as it's too cold to enjoy a bike ride. However walk spoilt somewhat by a group of 5 ladies taking their dogs for a walk, when you are only meant to 'exercise' with one other person not from your family :'(. Some people just don't get it!
Perhaps they were named Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Catherine, and Lydia? One family, then.
Our regional restrictions at one point said that indoor and outdoor gatherings were restricted to only 6 people from one household. This could have made things awkward for big families...
They have since corrected it.
I suppose the girls were rather like a pride of lionesses, and somewhat prejudiced towards restrictions. I am afraid that whatever we do evolution will win out.
;D ;D ;D
I heard a little 'segment' on the radio this morning, where a supermarket 'operative' working in Leeds, said that she, and her colleagues refer to the face-masks that a lot of people wear as ' Chin-warmers'.
Says it all..... X_X ;D ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil. ;)
Quite a few with none at all in Birkenhead...
Quote from: Techno II on 07 January 2021, 10:35:35 AM
I heard a little 'segment' on the radio this morning, where a supermarket 'operative' working in Leeds, said that she, and her colleagues refer to the face-masks that a lot of people wear as ' Chin-warmers'.
A colleague floated the idea of getting a mask made with the passive-aggressive message
It goes
the nose
printed on it.
Yep, I'm constantly amazed at how many people's noses are not covered by a mask :o :o :o.
Pretty good in Techno tower's area.
Very few folk 'seem to refuse' wearing a mask...and they MAY have a genuine reason for not wearing one....But not all of them. ;)
Von's just fielded a call from her Mum's care home......Two of the residents have now tested positive for Covid-19...Hey Ho ! :( X_X
I would never give anything but massive praise for the care home.....They've done SO well.
Maybe Von's Mum will 'get the jab' really soon......She's a tough old bird....Bless her.
Cheers - Phil.
Quote from: Steve J on 07 January 2021, 12:21:36 PM
Yep, I'm constantly amazed at how many people's noses are not covered by a mask :o :o :o.
I don't care if you have a big nose - I still wear underpants.
Watching TV last night seems the BBC are collecting spare IT kit (laptops and tablets) Now I have a spare laptop, but didn't note the URL, anyone got it ?
Thanks Will
Quote from: Techno II on 07 January 2021, 12:41:16 PM
Von's just fielded a call from her Mum's care home......Two of the residents have now tested positive for Covid-19...Hey Ho ! :( X_X
Maybe Von's Mum will 'get the jab' really soon......She's a tough old bird....Bless her.
.......and Von got a letter from the care home today.....The two tests that showed two of the residents had Coid were 'false positives'....and now all the residents have had their first vaccinations...
That's slightly cheerier news. :-bd
Cheers - Phil. :)
That is good news Phil. Luckily the school my wife works at are being really good and allowing her to stay home or work half days due to our son being CEV. Also managed to get a bike ride in for the first time in a week, just round our area and it felt so good to be doing something other than sitting at home.
I wouldn't risk cycling on the roads near where I live.
I live on the side of a hill on a rat-run between the top end of town and the bottom end of town. The road at the top end leads onto the busiest road junction this side of the city and the road at the bottom end leads onto the second busiest road in the neighbourhood.
I would need to go either up the hill or down the hill to get to the nearest cycle path. There have been several cyclist fatalities nearby.
I'll take the car as its safer.
How are we getting through it? I think this post from Reddit sums it up. :D :D :D
Who the heck is Craftbitch ?
Why on earth would I want to follow her ?
Cheers - Phil ;)
Well the recent announcements by the government and devolved assemblies gives me some hope that Colours may go ahead this year. I do hope so as it would be so nice to get my annual gaming show fix and to catch up with other forum members, friends, traders etc.
I'm playing a solo SYW campaign and thoroughly enjoying it.
Quote from: Leman on 24 February 2021, 09:24:29 AM
I'm playing a solo SYW campaign and thoroughly enjoying it.
I expect there are a lot of wargamers currently playing with themselves . . .
Quote from: Raider4 on 24 February 2021, 10:33:35 AM
I expect there are a lot of wargamers currently playing with themselves . . .
A few solo games & campaigns planned, but not in the mood to get them onto the table at present.
After 12 months with no dice rolling I finally cleared my wargames table of books and set up a 20mm World of Tanks game, pan-European versus Russian, just so as to roll some dice, update my vehicle data cards, and get some use of all the models I've been building :)
Quote from: sultanbev on 24 February 2021, 12:19:59 PM
After 12 months with no dice rolling I finally cleared my wargames table of books and set up a 20mm World of Tanks game, pan-European versus Russian, just so as to roll some dice, update my vehicle data cards, and get some use of all the models I've been building :)
Is that the updated/re-branded version of the 'Tanks' game from Battlefront?
ooh no, my own game, using real world stats for a start, and tanks (and guns) the computer game would never allow.
All you have to do is concoct a tournament style points scoring and tier system, then use any existing tank battle rules you have.
Just trying a test photo:
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50975348028_ded758b4f2_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kEvZ1Q)DSCN8427 (https://flic.kr/p/2kEvZ1Q) by Mark Bevis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/188034976@N08/), on Flickr
Ah ha! That worked. Visible is the Pan-European team base. They started with a 1938 (tier zero if you like) Spanish T-26B and Turkish T-26B, and have upgraded to 1938 Heavy Tank tech line, and acquired both French Somua S-35 I have.
In this picture is the Soviet team base. They started tier 1938 with a T-26B, added BT-2, T-26 A43 artillery tank, BT-5. The Soviet team is in the lead, I've just handed decision making over to a colleague, am waiting on what tank he buys next before starting the next round.
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50976037991_71605bb82c_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kEzw7K)DSCN8426 (https://flic.kr/p/2kEzw7K) by Mark Bevis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/188034976@N08/), on Flickr
Between each game, the bases move round the table 12". Once I've been round a couple of times, I'll change the map.
A nice looking layout for playing the game. :-bd
Quote from: Leman on 24 February 2021, 09:24:29 AM
I'm playing a solo SYW campaign and thoroughly enjoying it.
Good stuff, also. Is that the 'snakes and ladders' campaign system you are using (and, if so, what
Maurice cards did you pick out?)?
For those unfamiliar with this system, this link was recently featured in the Honours of War forum by one of the members there. https://gridbasedwargaming.blogspot.com/2020/06/beginning-snakes-and-ladders-campaign.html (https://gridbasedwargaming.blogspot.com/2020/06/beginning-snakes-and-ladders-campaign.html) ]
I'm doing a few hours in the garden when weather permits.
Otherwise I have rather lost my painting mojo.
Hope that returns when we get some usable intensity daylight.
I am filling the gaming hours by:
* Re reading already owned rules and contemplating when (if ever) they'll see some play - May be a prelude to a big turf out.
* Mentally rehearsing the next 2 or 3 "projects" and committing some early plans to paper.
* Looking at "Future releases" and convincing myself I don't need more stuff.
* Got dragged into a D&D campaign by a few lads from the last-but-two workplace. So far so good: Character's not dead and no players have indulged in devil worship, human sacrifice or cannibalism (Maybe we have to level up).
Quote from: Westmarcher on 24 February 2021, 12:53:59 PM
[For those unfamiliar with this system, this link was recently featured in the Honours of War forum by one of the members there.
https://gridbasedwargaming.blogspot.com/2020/06/beginning-snakes-and-ladders-campaign.html (https://gridbasedwargaming.blogspot.com/2020/06/beginning-snakes-and-ladders-campaign.html) ]
Ooh, I rather like that. Good idea!
I'm mixing gardening with another hobby, making wooden boxes etc, along with plenty of planning for various wargames projects. The downside is my painting mojo is zero at present, but then spending time with the family each evening in lockdown is far more important than sat in the kitchen painting.
I have painted loads in lockdown, partly helped by working from home.
Trouble is Mrs Orcs is so accommodating I am able to paint any time I like. As I work shifts this can be 8 hours a day on my day off. I am not even expected to make the dinner, although I often do.
BUT .... I have to make her a latter 10:30 or thereabouts each morning.
Quote from: Orcs on 25 February 2021, 11:06:27 AM
BUT .... I have to make her a latte 10:30 or thereabouts each morning.
A small price to pay for such freedom ... a good hearted woman :D
Mrs Orcs and I have our vaccinations booked for next Tuesday morning. :-bd
Due to a quirk where our doctor is we have a 40 mile round trip to get it, when there are two other vaccination centers in 3 miles .
Von had her first jab, this morning. :-bd
Cheers - Phil. :)
Great news Phil!
Quote from: Techno II on 04 March 2021, 05:18:44 PM
Von had her first jab, this morning. :-bd
Cheers - Phil. :)
Thats good. Both of you @done' now
Von was chuffed to bits. :)
We'll TRY and go for a joint visit in the local surgery for our second jabs. ;)
Cheers - Phil :)
Good for Von - now you are looking end of May or early JUne for the 2nd assault
We'll both be taking the same 'lock-down' care for months and months.....even after we've both had our second 'jabs'. Ian. :)
I do keep thinking of Yann's (Barbarian's) warnings when this all started.....He (sadly) was SO right....And I'm as guilty as anyone of those who thought....."No...don't exaggerate....it'll fizzle out."
Boy, was I suckered. X_X
Cheers - Kryton.
I still am, although no where near what Govt want me too, I'm supposed to be highly vulnerable.....Still go down town to Asda, and was prepared to comute by train to to Halewood. Still am.
On a more depressing note I've just heard that a freind Mike Yates is in hospital undergoing palliative care, I'll keep peps in the loop.
Awww...Ian. :(
All the very best - Phil.
Ta La
Sorry to hear that Ian :(
Good to read that those here are taking sensible precautions (if only those outside my window were as cautious) and sorry to hear your news Ian.
Phil, I was warned by a couple of research virologists online of what was coming and self-isolated about a fortnight before self-isolation was a thing. Even I feel I underestimated things!
After a brief flurry of activity, painting is back on hold as I vanish down the rabbit hole that is "Valheim," a computer game where you are a dead Viking hero plucked, by Odin, from the ranks of the worthy dead of Midgard to combat the evil menace attempting to break out from it's imprisonment in the world of Valheim.
It's a survival game set in a procedurally generated world where you are dropped into the game in your underpants and left to work out how to find things to eat, to gather resources and to create shelter aided occasionally by sage advice from the raven Hugin. I have graduated from beating things to death with a stick to hacking them up with a bronze axe .... such is progress :D
With five million subscribers, despite being "early access" (i.e. still being made!) and up to five hundred thousand players at any one time it's already as surprising success.
You can play solo or with up to ten players in a world.
<dons troll armour> <picks up axe>
"I am just going outside and may be some time." :)
Currently a mix of pottering about in the garden and woodworking in the garage, when it's warm enough for the latter, as currently a tad cold for craft related activities. Wargaming should resume next week as SWMBO returns to school, giving me more free time during the day :).
Apparently, I'll be helping Von repair one of the sheds this afternoon. =)
Cheers - Phil. ;)
Sounds like it's under protest Phil. ;)
Well...I'm not the one who's going to be allowed to play with the new toy. :(
(An angle grinder, to cut through some corrugated iron sheets......But, thinking about that.....that's probably for the best, especially with my penchant for self mutilation. :D)
Cheers - Phil. :)
Good to hear Von is protecting you from yourself ;)
In our house any power tool use is classed as a 'Blue' job.
Had our Covid Jabs today. All very efficient, they let us go in together despite our appointments being 20 mins apart. I think the times are jsut to stop them getting swamped.
Barely felt the needle.( I did not look) Was unsure I had even had it. I have no side effects (yet) Mrs Orcs had a headache and felt a bit 'Fluey' this evening. But otherwise all ok.
Great news, Mark. :-bd
I was the same in regards to....."Did you really give me the injection ?"
Felt VERY slightly 'bruised' in the 'jab area' a couple of days later, but that was all.
Von had a slight reaction on her arm, a couple of days after her jab. Sore looking area which was slightly hot.
Again, nothing to 'write home about', though.
Cheers - Phil :)
Did a day of testing yesterday at Halewood Acadamy - well organised and vey efficent. Results in about 15mins but left for 1/2 hr. One kid in tears but got the test (no it wasn't me) and one kid to;ld it was positive, but our test wasn't. That was a bit scary but we suspect it was a wrongly issued mobile no. Overall it was a good day.
Stay safe guys.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 10 March 2021, 08:35:50 AM
Stay safe guys.
Same from me......Stay safe, yourself, Ian. :)
With 'things' appearing to be going pretty well (or at least, encouraging)...I'm just hoping we don't start seeing
too much of an increase, in the number of cases, as the 'lock downs' are relaxed.....and we go back to
some sort of 'normality'.
Like I said a week or so ago, I'm going to continue to be somewhat paranoid, even after Von & I have had our second jabs.
Cheers - Phil :)
Yep, we are remaining very cautious here too, even though my son and I have had our first jabs. With my wife back at school there is always the worry she may contract the virus or bring it home, but the H&S measure in place are very good, which is reassuring. Also she has to home test twice a week and submit the results to some NHS website it appears.
My sister's tested positive - in addition to the boyfriend's paralysis and the mastectomy a few days ago. If there's anything in the local karma nonsense, she must have been Hitler in her previous life.
She is, however, an asymptomatic carrier, he's on the mend, however slowly, and the cancer wasn't a serious as feared.
Well, fingers crossed for them both Alexander!
And from me, Alexander !
Cheers - Phil.
Thanks, all.
Best wishes on their recovery.
Hope things go as well as they can with your family members Kitty.
Wot they sed >:<
And one more time, thanks, you sweet people.
Just saw this, hope all goes well with your family Kitty.
Hugs all
No hugs for me Will, I heard you are infections ?
Just had the letter through inviting me to apply for a vaccine appointment.
Didn't think I was that old :(
You do look it ;) Take the vaccine
Quote from: ianrs54 on 11 March 2021, 02:27:37 PM
You do look it ;) Take the vaccine
Oh, I will. Just thought they were starting 56-60 this week, and I'm really not quite there yet, honest.
Scan your passport or birth Cert. Actually don't worry, some peps get called earlier cause there is spare vacine, and obviously they don't want to waste it.
Quote from: Raider4 on 11 March 2021, 03:11:46 PM
Oh, I will. Just thought they were starting 56-60 this week, and I'm really not quite there yet, honest.
I don't think I am there yet. (in my head.) ;)
Bloody kids ! ;)
Cheers - The Ancient One. :)
Not all of us count a birthday once a century Phil
;D ;D ;D
I'm feeling a bit like that, at the mo', Ian. X_X
Cheers - Phil. :)
Quote from: ianrs54 on 11 March 2021, 04:06:30 PM
Scan your passport or birth Cert. Actually don't worry, some peps get called earlier cause there is spare vacine, and obviously they don't want to waste it.
That makes sense.
When Von got jabbed, one of our 'young' friends, from up the road was also in the queue.
He's in his mid/late thirties ? (Said he, guessing wildly) and genuinely couldn't understand why he'd been called in at that point.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Jab booked for 08.40 on Sunday morning :D
I actually have 2 1st jabs booked now - so can cancel my NHS jab at end of March and release that place for somebody else.
Just got to hope I don't get a bad reaction from it, as I already have Post Viral Fatigue - having caught a SARs type bug on a plane flight 4 year ago.
But I've heard rumours that people who have had similar infections or have PVF and have had the new vaccine, have actually found their previous symptoms are helped, as the vaccine acts like a booster shot - so there might be a silver lining (for me) to all this.
One advantage of my PVF is that I no longer get coughs and colds as my auto-defense systems are always on DEFCON 1 - but the ongoing fatigue is not fun.
The missus had her jab 4 weeks ago along with aged parent she is caring for.
So we all might all be able to see my nearly 2 year old grandson who we haven't seen in the flesh for a year now and get aged parent (who has dementia) safely into a care-home, as she desires.
Did get offered two slots via GP, and 3 via NHS. Have cleared it up. Hope it goes well Mark.
Same here, Mark !
Cheers - Phil :)
Wife and I got our #2 shot this AM.
Excellent, Bill :-bd
Cheers - Phil. :)
That's great news Bill :).
Good for you Bill :-bd
:-bd :-bd :-bd
First Astra Zenica today. Right in the middle of the rugby, other side of town.
Quote from: Last Hussar on 13 March 2021, 10:03:07 PM
First Astra Zenica today. Right in the middle of the rugby, other side of town.
Good health has to involve some pain ! :D
Awwwww.......Pembrokeshire's rate per 100,000 has gone UP a smidgeon....That wasn't supposed to happen !
Up from 13, a couple of days ago....Now we're at 17.....PANTS !!
Cheers - Disappointed of Wales. :(
Here's hoping it won't increase more and no one is seriously affected by it.
Might be a localised outbreak in one village or family, areas of low population density can be affected that way, or if you have a hospital that covers a wider area.
Shropshire and Telford had high numbers because their cases included mid Wales as there is no hospital and their cases were coming into Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals.
Sitting on an island as I do, we are lucky that we have had no cases for over a month now. We had a massive spike over Christmas with over 100 cases in less than two weeks. I get my first jab on Monday morning. I get all the kids back into my school then too.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Quote from: Techno II on 14 March 2021, 07:57:26 AM
Awwwww.......Pembrokeshire's rate per 100,000 has gone UP a smidgeon....That wasn't supposed to happen !
Up from 13, a couple of days ago....Now we're at 17.....PANTS !!
Cheers - Disappointed of Wales. :(
Phil where you that means 17 cases ;) Dont worry about it, just keep an eye on the "R" number, yesterday it was between 6-8 so it's going down. The jab has given you about 70% imunity and will reduce the effects considerably.
Stay safe and get your injections all. Also about 30 miles from me there are rates in the mid 20's
No....I am really very pleased with the way things are going, Chum.... :)
I've just got this pathetic/stupid idea that I want Pembrokeshire to 'beat' Ceridigion regarding the number of cases per 100,000.
Like I say....It's all very encouraging at the mo'......I just don't want to see everything going back to 'square one' in a few weeks time.
Fingers and toes crossed. ;)
Cheers - Phil :)
Quote from: Techno II on 14 March 2021, 12:31:28 PM
I just don't want to see everything going back to 'square one' in a few weeks time.
Cheers - Phil :)
You will ban this un - but not even Boris could manage that. Remember that a virus that kills all it's hosts is very unsuccessful. The flu we all get jabed for is a varient of the 1918 strain, which had 20-25% death rate, now much much lower.
I had the Jab on Sunday morning - feeling rather chipper - not even a bruise - slept like a baby last night ... roll on the booster in 12 weeks time. :D :D :D
Thought I'd 'crosspost' fron 'Fun Stuff' as may be of interest. Apologies!
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 15 March 2021, 05:07:10 AM
Had 1st Covid jab today, (Sunday 14th), at 'Centre For Life', N'cle. (Being a 'carer', I got a letter inviting me to make a booking, a while back). I thought that there would be huge queues and parking problems... but, no. No queue... well, one person! In and out in less than 20 mins, (including the 15 min wait afterwards. Plenty of parking in the 'pay' car park nearby... but other days may be different! Jab was the Oxford AstraZeneca. 'Possible' side-effects... will have to wait and see... (But I cannot fathom those countries suspending their programmes over a MINISCULE number of 'clotting' issues which may easily be unrelated! IF the issue worries you, then maybe try to find out what jabs may be on offer at various sites?).
Just an update. Jab Sunday. Absolutely NO side effects by Wednesday. VERY slight 'sensation' at jab site but not 'sore' . :) Don't want to 'get up and DO things'... but that's just Me! ;) :D
A BBC article may be of interest. I was wondering if strength of 'reaction' meant increased effectiveness... but maybe not.
Pembrokeshire and Ceredigion have been creeping up* regarding the number of cases per 100,000 in the last few days.....Which I would guess is something to do with the schools starting to re-open....and was probably inevitable. :-\
Nothing that I feel terribly concerned about.....But I'll be watching 'the map' with interest.
Cheers - Phil
*These are both from pretty low numbers per 100,000.
To give you a boost Phil, none of the 90 odd kids we tested at Halewood one got a positive resuklt, caused by a mixed up phone number, so net result 0 positive.
That's damn good news, Ian. :-bd
Cheers - Phil :)
Better news - just had from that nice Tony? Hancock - no need to sheild from 01/04/21 not that I was......
I've almost given up listening to/watching "The News".
It gets very confusing watching what's happening in the land of the Saesneg....when we do something slightly different, here.
Yesterday, I got VERY tired..(TRULY)...observing the rules over here.
Two households ..up to four people, can meet outside...(In a private 'garden').....That's OK.... we've got bloomin' acres of land.
Young 'R' from 'up the road' came down to pick up a couple of dozen eggs, along with her two and a half year old son 'J'.
'R' chatted to Von outside..(Social distancing..naturally)...and I kept an eye on 'J' for about 15 minutes.
No wonder 'R' looks so bloomin' tired...I couldn't believe how a little lad could move SO fast....and keep asking questions in such a short space of time.
I truly was shattered by the time it was time for them to go home.
"Can I leave him here, Phil ?"......NO.... BOG OFF !
I know I'm older than J's grandad.....by a few weeks.....and I felt even older by the time R & J went home. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil. ;)
Now you have some idea what its like being a grandparent, Phil. We have our grandson two days a week and sometimes it is exhausting.
But, thankfully, there's the two of us and we can play our own form of tag wrestling with one taking a rest while the other chases after the boy! ;D
Quote from: Westmarcher on 18 March 2021, 07:33:10 PM
Now you have some idea what its like being a grandparent, Phil. We have our grandson two days a week and sometimes it is exhausting.
But, thankfully, there's the two of us and we can play our own form of tag wrestling with one taking a rest while the other chases after the boy! ;D
Maybe we should form a granddads club.
Had the jab yesterday morning. 36 hours now and absolutely no side effects, no soreness, no swelling, nothing. So, lucky me.
And we have a 4½ year old grandson. Love him to bits, but I'm also very glad we only see him twice a week ;).
If I got worn out in just 15 minutes.....I can just imagine that being the case ! ;D ;D ;D
'R' is due to have her jab soon, and she's really worried that she might have a reaction like her husband.
He ended up almost flattened for a couple of days. *
'R's fear is that if she reacts the same way.... how will she cope with the little lad ?
Pleased you've had your jab, Martyn. :-bd
Cheers - Phil :)
* He's definitely the worst I've heard of, of all the folk that I know who have already had the jab.
One theroy is that the worse the reaction the better the effect of the injection. The presenter of Inside Health on R4 had a bad reaction, lasted 2-3 days.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 19 March 2021, 08:21:50 AM
One theroy is that the worse the reaction the better the effect of the injection. The presenter of Inside Health on R4 had a bad reaction, lasted 2-3 days.
To be really pendantic, replace "Better the effect" with "Stronger the immune response".
I could try to explain the difference, but would probably increase misunderstanding and waste 30 minutes of your time.
Suffice it to say the two are almost the same, provided your immune system is in good order.
Just finished my shift at the Jabbing Centre, nice and steady flow through. We are doing 400 to 500 a day, seven days a week. 100% of over 80s now jabbed here and 88% of the over 55s. Onward and upward!
Great stuff Ben :D
Well done that man ! ^:)^
Cheers - Phil.
Weather has been Scorchio down the Costa del Clyde.
A great opportunity to:
* Scarify more moss off the lawn.
* Scrape moss of the north elevation roof.
* Change bedding, launder and hang outside.
* Assemble and varnish new furniture.
Scarifying and forking the lawn on my list for this coming week, as I've been trampling on it a bit too much of late and it's looking a bit sad.
Planting red onions on the allotment for me on Sunday
Saturday is waiting in for Dyno-rod plumber to turn up to fix plumbing leak - so that means soldier painting time :D :D :D
Quote from: ianrs54 on 19 March 2021, 08:21:50 AM
One theroy is that the worse the reaction the better the effect of the injection. The presenter of Inside Health on R4 had a bad reaction, lasted 2-3 days.
This is true. If the Vaccine kills you, you DEFINATELY won't catch Covid.
Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 19 March 2021, 06:29:12 PM
Weather has been Scorchio down the Costa del Clyde.
A great opportunity to:
* Scarify more moss off the lawn.
* Scrape moss of the north elevation roof.
* Change bedding, launder and hang outside.
* Assemble and varnish new furniture.
I would like to deal with the moss on our lawn, but I am afraid thatv there is do much of it it would end up looking like the Somme with a few blades of grass. Its probably pointles anyway as the water table is quite high and the lawn gets very damp. Still at least its green
Had the Oxford vaccine, today.
No side effects, just, the desire to use, commas, more than, usual. I am, my, same, beautiful, self.
Quote from: Orcs on 20 March 2021, 12:32:31 PM
I would like to deal with the moss on our lawn, but I am afraid thatv there is do much of it it would end up looking like the Somme with a few blades of grass. Its probably pointles anyway as the water table is quite high and the lawn gets very damp. Still at least its green
Did someone mention the Somme?! My digging work continues...
I have my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday. My wife's already had her second, and felt rubbish for a few days after. :(
Great plot you got there Leon, hope it's veg beds and not lawns you'll be developing!
As for me, I've been hedgelaying, this at the bottom of the neighbour's allotment:
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51055964723_ddcd4483b0_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kMDaxR)IMG_2932 (https://flic.kr/p/2kMDaxR) by Mark Bevis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/188034976@N08/), on Flickr
and alongside the adjoining path of our allotments:
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51056690141_4dcffd3805_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2kMGTc4)dec 24th 2020 hedge deadhedged (https://flic.kr/p/2kMGTc4) by Mark Bevis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/188034976@N08/), on Flickr
And this was a dead-hedge I did last summer:
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50061782522_01a7b24acd_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2jgMHPq)allotment Apr 2020 004 (https://flic.kr/p/2jgMHPq) by Mark Bevis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/188034976@N08/), on Flickr
Quote from: sultanbev on 20 March 2021, 09:48:03 PM
Great plot you got there Leon, hope it's veg beds and not lawns you'll be developing!
This bit's going to be a big concrete plinth for my new shed to go on, but there'll be some raised beds down the end to start growing stuff in. That'll be later this year I think.
Quote from: Leon on 20 March 2021, 09:59:17 PM
This bit's going to be a big concrete plinth for my new shed to go on, but there'll be some raised beds down the end to start growing stuff in. That'll be later this year I think.
If you are going to have electricity in your shed make sure you know where the power cable (hopefully armoured) will run before you lay the concrete plinth. It's a pain digging a trench for the cable through concrete.
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 20 March 2021, 10:15:48 PM
If you are going to have electricity in your shed make sure you know where the power cable (hopefully armoured) will run before you lay the concrete plinth. It's a pain digging a trench for the cable through concrete.
We're going to run it above ground I think, it's only 8ft or so from the house so we'll build a frame across from the back wall to site the cables in.
I just can't believe this is all in 10mm.
Quote from: Westmarcher on 20 March 2021, 11:17:24 PM
I just can't believe this is all in 10mm.
Various 'digging' figs available... ;) ;D
'Allotment / Garden Wars'... combat with sharpened spades! :d
Now I know why I live in a 1st floor flat....
Well the 2021 Census online form was very quick and easy to do, much more so than the last one that had to be filled in by hand IIRC.
Day 2 and no side effects. No discomfort in the arm, no flu like symptoms.
However I did have a very vivid dream. I was painting some British WWI figures using Humbrol 237, when my father dressed in a neat blue suit (with black collar and tie - which was unusual) announced he was no longer living in the house. He had with him a small brown suitcase and the bottom half of a 1980s computer paper box in which were various electrical parts and wires hanging over the side. I asked him where he was going to sleep and he said in the car (which was the Nissan Almeira.) I was very concerned because he had p[art of his spine eaten away by cancer, so cut to me at work arguing with my wife (played by Jodie "Dr Who - sort of" Whittaker). I told her I was going to sell the house and but a smaller house with my father. She then proceeded to introduce me to a number of cute children who all claimed I was their father - and they loved me.
I know what you're thinking - "Nobby, why were you painting British WWI figures with Humbrol 237?" - which is, as we all know, Desert Tan. The only explanation I have is that there has been a comment about Allenby on this forum and it must have got stuck ion my psyche.
Quote from: Steve J on 21 March 2021, 08:16:14 AM
Well the 2021 Census online form was very quick and easy to do, much more so than the last one that had to be filled in by hand IIRC.
Ditto, I've just pressed the send button!
It's not a one day snap shot, I did it a couple of days ago, and at end of Feb, for which I got paid, am assuming that was a live test. Both seemed identical
Yes I was able to fill it out in bed this morning easily enough. I seem to get phone signal there until it cuts out about eight. Currently found a square foot of the kitchen that gets a 4g signal 80% of the time. And was enjoying sitting at the end of our new garden listening to the birds and buying a few necessities online where I had signal for half an hour or so.
Two more days until internet goes in...
I'm going to have to start using a landline for the first time in a decade.
I asked for a paper copy of the census, my experience of government webforms has not been a good one. Filled it in and posted today.
We did the online one - oldest daughter, who has recently turned 18 was very keen to complete it. So I only had to do the bit about me - was very quick and easy, mainly just clicking the buttons against the options.
With Spring here, but not quite in full swing, I've been planting seeds and in about a week, my dahlias and cosmos have already germinated :). No matter how many times I do this, I still get immense pleasure when they first appear. Also today I took a nice long walk by the Avon and the local woods were full of birdsong, which was a pleasure to sit and listen to.
I was a Census Enumerator during the 2011 census. A few exciting episodes with dogs gave me the "postman's experience" - the census form snatched out of your hand as you pushed it through the letterbox and the "there's no way I'm going into that front garden with that massive, aggressive canine growling away between the gate and the front door" moments. Then there was the time of the two old age pensioners who (in retrospect) both had dementia when (after delivering three census forms in person - "no, we didn't get one") I had to sit in their urine smelling house (poor souls) and help them fill in the forms (and even then, the contradictory stories - not their fault) as opposed to the time a resident appeared at the door with an open, bleeding eye wound (to this day, I still don't know what that was about - the eye was clearly gone - but there was a Rottweiler in the vicinity so I focused on the business at hand)!
Quote from: Leon on 20 March 2021, 10:32:35 PM
We're going to run it above ground I think, it's only 8ft or so from the house so we'll build a frame across from the back wall to site the cables in.
Hope the frame is not adjacent to the property boundary.
When I wired up my wargames hut the cable from the house had to be armoured, laid in a 2 foot deep trench lined and topped with bricks before being terminated in a fuse/switch box inside the hut. This is to stop someone putting a spade through the live cable.
If you run the cable along the property boundary you run the risk of a neighbour putting a screw through from their side and electrocuting themselves.
Yes. Must be 'armoured.' In my early DIY days, I ran a new heavy duty cable inside a wall and then fixed wood panelling on the wall with panel nails. Unfortunately, I had nailed one of these through the heavy duty cooker cable. Later, I happened to bump against the cooker. The back of the cooker made contact with the head of the nail. Bang! When I pulled the cooker out there was a small star shaped crater in the metal back plate of the cooker! So, moral of the story, take heed of what Jim said!
p.s. In my defence, I followed the instructions in "The Techno Book of DIY."
Quote from: Westmarcher on 21 March 2021, 10:03:45 PM
p.s. In my defence, I followed the instructions in "The Techno Book of DIY."
The Chernobyl edition?
Cheek ! ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil. :)
Does Phil know about electricity....
Quote from: ianrs54 on 22 March 2021, 06:48:24 AM
Does Phil know about electricity....
Yes he uses it when he want to injure himself with the Dremel :)
Thought he drove it with a tredal.... ;)
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 21 March 2021, 09:50:35 PM
Hope the frame is not adjacent to the property boundary.
When I wired up my wargames hut the cable from the house had to be armoured, laid in a 2 foot deep trench lined and topped with bricks before being terminated in a fuse/switch box inside the hut. This is to stop someone putting a spade through the live cable.
If you run the cable along the property boundary you run the risk of a neighbour putting a screw through from their side and electrocuting themselves.
Sorry, to clarify when I said above ground I meant about 7ft up in the air! We're going to build a frame/trellis type thing to carry the cabling inside a metal conduit and take it across the gap and into the top of the shed roof. We'll have a fusebox inside there and then take the lights/plugs from that point. There'll be an external plug socket en-route but that will be fused at the main box in the house.
Quote from: sultanbev on 20 March 2021, 09:50:25 PM
And this was a dead-hedge I did last summer:
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50061782522_01a7b24acd_c.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/2jgMHPq)allotment Apr 2020 004 (https://flic.kr/p/2jgMHPq) by Mark Bevis (https://www.flickr.com/photos/188034976@N08/), on Flickr
I spy a WRG ancients "plashed wood edge".
Quote from: Westmarcher on 21 March 2021, 10:03:45 PM
Yes. Must be 'armoured.' In my early DIY days, I ran a new heavy duty cable inside a wall and then fixed wood panelling on the wall with panel nails. Unfortunately, I had nailed one of these through the heavy duty cooker cable. Later, I happened to bump against the cooker. The back of the cooker made contact with the head of the nail. Bang! When I pulled the cooker out there was a small star shaped crater in the metal back plate of the cooker! So, moral of the story, take heed of what Jim said!
p.s. In my defence, I followed the instructions in "The Techno Book of DIY."
Mains will do that.
I have an insulated handle screwdriver that looks as through Godzilla chewed the end off, where I had the poor coordination to bridge the terminals.
Bigger voltages can be quite spectacular.
The datacentre where I worked in the Netherlands had steel doors across its power ingress.
One had a very obviously welded repair patching a hole about the size of a football.
"Somebody had wired the board wrong", and then the power company activated their 11,000 volts.
I spent a while explaining the scenes from the Italian Job to Wouter - the "New" electrician.
Quote from: Leon on 22 March 2021, 11:23:38 AM
Sorry, to clarify when I said above ground I meant about 7ft up in the air! We're going to build a frame/trellis type thing to carry the cabling inside a metal conduit and take it across the gap and into the top of the shed roof. We'll have a fusebox inside there and then take the lights/plugs from that point. There'll be an external plug socket en-route but that will be fused at the main box in the house.
Handy: Avoids problems with flooding.
Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 22 March 2021, 08:23:00 PM
Handy: Avoids problems with flooding.
And it will take an unlikely set of circumstances for someone to put a spade through it, methinks.
Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 22 March 2021, 08:23:00 PM
Handy: Avoids problems with flooding.
Sounds like a hole in your roof though.
We're in danger of needing a diagram here...!
We've got a 40x10ft concrete block, with a pergoda/covered seating area in the first 16ft and then a large shed for the remaining 24ft. The house is about 8ft away from the pergoda. We'll take the wiring out of the side of the house, across our framework and onto the internal of the pergoda's front beam. It'll go along there and then into the side wall of the shed, underneath the roof line, so it'll be covered by the pergoda roof and safe from the elements.
Pergoda? A combination of pergola and pagoda? ;)
The Teahouse of the August Moon perhaps?
Must go Googling later!
Quote from: Ithoriel on 22 March 2021, 10:54:25 PM
Pergoda? A combination of pergola and pagoda? ;)
Pretty much, a wooden covered structure for outside seating, providing handy shelter for the traditional British rainy BBQ.
Quote from: Raider4 on 22 March 2021, 08:39:27 PM
And it will take an unlikely set of circumstances for someone to put a spade through it, methinks.
Never underestimate a nine-year-old with a "lightsabre".
Quote from: Leon on 22 March 2021, 10:38:41 PM
We're in danger of needing a diagram here...!
We've got a 40x10ft concrete block, with a pergoda/covered seating area in the first 16ft and then a large shed for the remaining 24ft. The house is about 8ft away from the pergoda. We'll take the wiring out of the side of the house, across our framework and onto the internal of the pergoda's front beam. It'll go along there and then into the side wall of the shed, underneath the roof line, so it'll be covered by the pergoda roof and safe from the elements.
That's better.
Quote from: Leon on 22 March 2021, 10:59:35 PM
Pretty much, a wooden covered structure for outside seating, providing handy shelter for the traditional British rainy BBQ.
Takes me back to the Deolali Bashas in It Ain't Half Hot Mum.
Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 22 March 2021, 11:32:52 PM
Never underestimate a nine-year-old with a "lightsabre".
Quite so. With electricity laid on, is this an enhancement requiring planning permission?
Quote from: hammurabi70 on 23 March 2021, 12:19:55 AM
Quite so. With electricity laid on, is this an enhancement requiring planning permission?
Not under the new rules no, it classes as 'permitted development' as it's less than 2.5m high and doesn't take up a large percentage of the available outside space.
Ma had her 2nd jab yesterday at local Health Centre. Staff/helpers... Many Thanks! :)
Took 'our' chair this time... just as well, as she went into 'Can't stand up/do anything' mode before we set off... and for rest of the day. :( 'Coped'... but I'm having to realise that, at nearly 59, I am NOT 'what I was', only 4 yrs ago! :( :(
Still, Her jab job done... until 'boosters' for new variants become available later in year! :o :)
Stuck my head into Doc's thoter day to see about my regular Diadbetic check, they were looking for marshals for injections. I volenteered and havea shift on 10th April - 09:00 to 13:00. If you have the free time please do similar.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 02 April 2021, 09:17:59 AM
Stuck my head into Doc's thoter day to see about my regular Diadbetic check, they were looking for marshals for injections. I volenteered and havea shift on 10th April - 09:00 to 13:00. If you have the free time please do similar.
Well done that man!
Thanks Ben :)
Quote from: ianrs54 on 02 April 2021, 09:17:59 AM
Stuck my head into Doc's thoter day to see about my regular Diadbetic check, they were looking for marshals for injections. I volenteered and havea shift on 10th April - 09:00 to 13:00. If you have the free time please do similar.
:) :) :)
Ta La
Good for you, Matey !! =D> :-bd =D>
Cheers - Phil. :)
Well done Ian!
Nice one Ian
=D> =D> =D>
I just took a blood test as part of the UK Biobank's study into Covid-19 and despite having had my first jab towards the end of February, so far I have no measurable antibodies to the virus. Bugger :( !
At least SWMBO is cooking me a nice roast for lunch, so something nice and positive today...
Don't know what to say re the antibodies, Steve....IS that 'normal' ?
Anyway...Send us a food parcel,....I could murder a roast din-dins, today.
Cheers - Phil. :)
QuoteDon't know what to say re the antibodies, Steve....IS that 'normal' ?
I don't know Phil but that's the point of the research, as this is all rather new territory. I had hoped to have some sign, but absolutely zilch on the test strip! Still it's all useful info going forward.
As for the roast dinner, this is the first I've had since around Xmas, so I'm sorry but no food parcels today ;).
(We've not had a roast since Christmas either....Too much hassle. ;D ;D)
No one cares for the starving 'artiste'. :'( :'( :'(
Cheers - Phil. ;)
Quote from: Techno II on 11 April 2021, 10:32:11 AM
No one cares for the starving 'artiste'. :'( :'( :'(
Cheers - Phil. ;)
When did you get the sex change Phil - artiste is femine
Quote from: ianrs54 on 11 April 2021, 10:49:57 AM
When did you get the sex change Phil? - artiste is femine
Probably about the time the chisel slipped in his hand.
I thought was quoting that nice Mr Cleese from the 'Architects' sketch. ....No....He does say 'artist'...not artiste.
You whining hypocritical toadies. ;)
Cheers - Phil. :)
Quote from: Techno II on 11 April 2021, 11:05:21 AM
You whining hypocritical toadies. ;)
Cheers - Phil. :)
I'm not an ampibian - I can barely swim :D
Sorry Phil, I know you don't want to hear this, but the beef was so tender and tasty, it was a pleasure to eat :d! Luckily we have a very good local butcher, a few hundred yards away, that sources its meat locally and is properly hung. Their home made sausages and chipolatas are a joy, as is the bacon :).
Quote from: ianrs54 on 11 April 2021, 12:02:06 PM
I'm not an ampibian - I can barely swim :D
Hey.....YOU can't swim ?
If you can barely swim, Ian......That's an
awful lot better than me.
I only used to be able to move in the water if I had a pair of flippers to help.......I just sink....This load of poo about relaxing and 'you'll float'...absolute garbage !!
I must be made of lead.
I haven't tried swimming since I was 11 ?
Nearest I've got to swimming since then, is having a bath.
Quote from: Steve J on 11 April 2021, 01:29:42 PM
Sorry Phil, I know you don't want to hear this, but the beef was so tender and tasty, it was a pleasure to eat :d! Luckily we have a very good local butcher, a few hundred yards away, that sources its meat locally and is properly hung. Their home made sausages and chipolatas are a joy, as is the bacon :).
I hate you, Steve !! :P ;)
Cheers - Phil :)
Quote from: FierceKitty on 11 April 2021, 10:53:06 AM
Probably about the time the chisel slipped in his hand.
OUCH!! Just the thought makes my eyes water
;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Techno II on 11 April 2021, 02:57:56 PM
Hey.....YOU can't swim ?
If you can barely swim, Ian......That's an awful lot better than me.
I only used to be able to move in the water if I had a pair of flippers to help.......I just sink....This load of poo about relaxing and 'you'll float'...absolute garbage !!
I must be made of lead.
I haven't tried swimming since I was 11 ?
Nearest I've got to swimming since then, is having a bath.
I hate you, Steve !! :P ;)
Cheers - Phil :)
Well I did get the lifesaving qualli but no idea how...wuz needed for a job. Not been to a baths for 30+ years.
At least for me This Age of Covid would be considerably more difficult to deal with if it wasn't for the quite wonderful 'indie' war game companies such as Pendraken, Peter Pig, Alternative Armies and Red3
Quote from: flamingpig0 on 12 April 2021, 07:24:36 AM
At least for me This Age of Covid would be considerably more difficult to deal with if it wasn't for the quite wonderful 'indie' war game companies such as Pendraken, Peter Pig, Alternative Armies and Red3
Well said that man...
Quote from: flamingpig0 on 12 April 2021, 07:24:36 AM
At least for me This Age of Covid would be considerably more difficult to deal with if it wasn't for the quite wonderful 'indie' war game companies such as Pendraken, Peter Pig, Alternative Armies and Red3
Well said.
It's the little bits of normal that keep us sane.
Not sure I was normal or sane BEFORE Covid, let alone now :D
Quote from: Ithoriel on 12 April 2021, 10:32:40 AM
Not sure I was normal or sane BEFORE Covid, let alone now :D
Defo not our kid
SWMBO and my good self went for a lovely walk today in bright sunshine, albeit with a rather cool breeze. We were very happy to see and hear the first skylark this year and then soon after a couple of swallows by the Avon river :). Simple pleasures and all that.
Swallows, already ? :o
Good grief.....I haven't even heard a cuckoo yet..
I'll be watching the skies, Steve. :)
Cheers - Phil :)
Jab 1 today. 8)
We managed to get out to Brockholes today, saw Oyster Catchers, thrushes, bullfinch, sand martins, a buzzard, a pied wagtail, and heard a curlew.
Was fascinated to watch a pair of tree creepers down at my allotment the other day. Been too cold to plant out most of my spuds yet though!
Been back in the office this week; inducting a group of young people.
It's been a week of (a warm place). I have had to dig out my iron, and dust it off and try to remember how it worked. I've had to wear socks. I'm back to an hour travel both ways, and 'cos the day job don't stop for inductions ... the hours are piling on. Add to that IT system failures and a key speaker pulling out 30 minutes before they were due on ... and I am proper Kerry Packard.
Walking back to the car through a crowd of drink fuelled revellers ... enjoying themselves! >:(
I want my lockdown back!
Grim Russian Sci-Fi films
Seconded :-bd
Have fun Will.......
Just been into 'town' for the first time since lockdown was ended. Seemed horribly, horribly crowded after months of relative emptiness.
Went to London on business yesterday, rammed; cars, people everywhere. =)
Quote from: Matt J on 16 April 2021, 11:30:26 AM
Went to London on business yesterday, rammed; cars, people everywhere. =)
Didn't read the punctuation on that quite right to start with! Thought you had been ramming cars and people!
Yep, definitely seems much busier the last few days.
Did notice that Birkenhead was much busier, queuing outside Primark and the banks.
Feel like I've been kicked by a horse today!
Not your jab Will ? Take it easy for a day or two. :- ;)
I had my jab a couple of weeks ago - I spent the next day in bed pretty much, then the following 6 days functioning at low efficiency (which is why no more Belgian BKC lists have been done), just wiped out.
I wasn't to bad, station is about a mile away I walked there and back. The only problem is that the injection point nags at me. Musta been lucky.
My shoulder is still not right after nearly two months from the first jab. Famous last words but other than that the rest of the family OK and no side effects from their first jabs.
Didn't notice a thing after my jab but then I have arthritis in my shoulder.
Hmmm....I've only heard 'next day and beyond' problems* with the jabs from blokes.......and even that seems to be pretty uncommon.
Anyone's wife/girlfriend/mother etc report any side effects ?
Just wondering.
Cheers - Phil. :)
(*Feeling rubbish, with flu type symptoms.)
A female friend of ours who is a few years older than me has/had exactly the same shoulder problem since her jab.
Me... no side effects at all to 1st Oxford Zeneca jab. Age nearly 59.
Ma... no side effects that I can attribute to the Pfizer jabs... she has had both. She has had 'periods' where she feels that she 'can't do things... like standing, using her feet, etc BUT this is probably her general state of health deteriorating, rather than a reaction to her jabs. She is 88 with gradually progressing Dementia. :(
A couple of female friends in their 40s were 'knocked for six' for a few days after their jabs... but, they have outstanding 'health issues'. Ok now.
The marshalling thios morning - entire team (with one possible exception) worked well. Was acting as a liftboy since centre is on 2nd floor. OK as far as work went, but not the most exciting experiance. Do check and volenteer
Quote from: ianrs54 on 17 April 2021, 12:47:56 PM
"with one possible exception"
Was that the lift boy? :P :)
Seriously, Ian, well done you!
Ta la
Good man, Ian. :-bd
Cheers - Phil. :)
The Robin chicks have fledged and left the nest, with one doing well but the other not so. The latter appears to have been abandoned by its parents who are focussing on the other chick :(. We hope it survives the night.
Went down to pick up some parcels from the depot this morning, couldn't believe people were queueing at Primark at 8.30am, half an hour before it opens. They even had barriers up to make a separate lane for them. :o
We've had similar here in Bristol Mark :o.
My mum and step-dad came down from Salop for an afternoon visit, lunch in the garden and exchange of Xmas and mother's day presents. First time they've seen the girls in the flesh since August (I was lucky enough to see them Mid-November).
I got sunburnt!
Quote from: Lord Speedy of Leighton on 17 April 2021, 10:37:00 PM
My mum and step-dad came down from Salop for an afternoon visit, lunch in the garden and exchange of Xmas and mother's day presents. First time they've seen the girls in the flesh since August (I was lucky enough to see them Mid-November).
I got sunburnt!
Good stuff, Will :-bd..(apart from the sunburn.)
Well......Delighted to report that we've reached the heady 'heights' of
zero cases of Covid per 100,000 in the population in Pembrokeshire. :-bd
Sad thing is...that means it can only get worse. X_X......Fingers crossed it's driven
right the way down in the whole of the UK !!
Keep staying safe, chums !!
Cheers - Phil. :)
Well I'm expecting a smaller third wave aka Spanish Flu. 3 more marshalling shifts to do over Friday, Sat and Sun.
Once again well done Ian :).
Off to see a friend today, so my first social visit for 6-7 months. Really looking forward to it but it will seem weird after so long of not being able to socialise.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 21 April 2021, 07:20:35 AM
Well I'm expecting a smaller third wave aka Spanish Flu. 3 more marshalling shifts to do over Friday, Sat and Sun.
Good man, I restart at our vaccination centre again next Tuesday, after a couple of weeks pause to get the second doses out. The boy's pub reopened last Monday and they took £17,000 in the first four days, phew that's his job a bit more secure. Got to Church for the first time since November on Sunday. Onward and upward!
Good for you, Ian. :-bd
Wish the pubs were open in Scotland. Ours will open on Monday - you can go in until 8 pm but won't sell alcohol inside!* :o
*understand it's the same in England but, so far, it will be possible to drink indoors there on 17 May.
Thanks Guys... ;)
Quote from: Westmarcher on 21 April 2021, 08:09:53 AM
Good for you, Ian. :-bd
Wish the pubs were open in Scotland. Ours will open on Monday - you can go in until 8 pm but won't sell alcohol inside!* :o
*understand it's the same in England but, so far, it will be possible to drink indoors there on 17 May.
Our local eaterie opens on Monday but we won't go out until we've had our second jab.
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 21 April 2021, 09:20:30 AM
Our local eaterie opens on Monday but we won't go out until we've had our second jab.
Must admit, going to our local caff for a fried breakfast is one of the things I've missed most over the past year.
Quote from: Raider4 on 21 April 2021, 09:22:27 AM
Must admit, going to our local caff for a fried breakfast is one of the things I've missed most over the past year.
I have a fried egg sandwich for Sunday brunch. It is the only tried food I am allowed.
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 21 April 2021, 10:24:55 AM
I have a fried egg sandwich for Sunday brunch. It is the only tried food I am allowed.
One thinks you mead "fried" Jim.....Birkenhead was heaving this morning, and Asda have removed their traffic barriers in the store, although not outside. Lots of peps with no masks as well.
Well I have had tired food before now.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 21 April 2021, 12:22:56 PM
One thinks you mead "fried" Jim.....Birkenhead was heaving this morning, and Asda have removed their traffic barriers in the store, although not outside. Lots of peps with no masks as well.
I did, I mean't freed, sorry, friid, sorry, damn fingers are all brexited.
Now, ASDA, I'm not allowed anywhere near there.
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 21 April 2021, 02:16:35 PM
Now, ASDA, I'm not allowed anywhere near there.
Hats off to both Ian, and Ben !!! :-bd
Cheers - Phil. :)
Quote from: Westmarcher on 21 April 2021, 08:09:53 AM
Good for you, Ian. :-bd
Wish the pubs were open in Scotland. Ours will open on Monday - you can go in until 8 pm but won't sell alcohol inside!* :o
*understand it's the same in England but, so far, it will be possible to drink indoors there on 17 May.
May 17th is also "4 people from 2 households may meet indoors in private homes".
That's really the first opportunity to get friend(s) [Maybe just friend] around for a long awaited game.
Quote from: Techno II on 21 April 2021, 06:58:50 AM
Well......Delighted to report that we've reached the heady 'heights' of zero cases of Covid per 100,000 in the population in Pembrokeshire. :-bd
Sad thing is...that means it can only get worse. X_X
Oh, well.....Two days at zero is better than nothing, I suppose......Fairly inevitable that it didn't last long.
At least it hasn't suddenly
rocketed up !
Cheers - Phil
IOM - no cases for a week the 8 or was 9 turned up yesterday. The damned thing is never going away, it'll just mutate to a less deadly version and remain endemic, after all we still have varients of Spanish flu around and that's over 1200 yrs ago. Sorry bit down today, no reason.
Quote from: Steve J on 11 April 2021, 09:40:30 AM
I just took a blood test as part of the UK Biobank's study into Covid-19 and despite having had my first jab towards the end of February, so far I have no measurable antibodies to the virus. Bugger :( !
Just received my invite to take part in this.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 23 April 2021, 08:39:57 AM
IOM - no cases for a week the 8 or was 9 turned up yesterday. The damned thing is never going away, it'll just mutate to a less deadly version and remain endemic, after all we still have varients of Spanish flu around and that's over 1200 yrs ago. Sorry bit down today, no reason.
Spanish flu has only been around for a hundred years Ian, though it already feels like the Covid lockdown has been longer than that!!! :)
Flu itself may have been around since at least 6000BC though.
However, we are better and better at dealing with it. Despite the deniers, intent on sabotaging our efforts.
As the quote attributed to Einstein says,"Only two things are infinite ....." :)
Be cheered by the knowledge that you have more than done your bit during this pandemic. Well done!
Quote from: ianrs54 on 23 April 2021, 08:39:57 AM
Sorry bit down today, no reason.
Amazing anyone has stayed cheerful over the last 12 months.
I get my second jab this afternoon and can finally stop shielding (in two weeks) thanks to the efforts of folk like you
The sun is shining
Your forum buddies are here to exchange merry quips
AND more importantly
Pendraken are casting again
Onwards and Upwards
I'm not doing anything special honest...well apart from being rude to all the other members on here. :)
Get my second jab next week.
Got my second jab yesterday.
Yesterday - headache, sore shoulder and neck, stomach pains, all the energy sucked out of me. Slept for 10 hours.
Today - right as rain.
I'll take that to reduce both the chance of getting Covid and it's impact if I get it after all.
Quote from: Ithoriel on 23 April 2021, 09:23:14 AM
Spanish flu has only been around for a hundred years Ian, though it already feels like the Covid lockdown has been longer than that!!! :)
Flu itself may have been around since at least 6000BC though.
However, we are better and better at dealing with it. Despite the deniers, intent on sabotaging our efforts.
As the quote attributed to Einstein says,"Only two things are infinite ....." :)
Be cheered by the knowledge that you have more than done your bit during this pandemic. Well done!
Meant 100 years, never could type.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 23 April 2021, 11:11:36 AM
Meant 100 years, never could type.
I'd assumed it was a typo - hence the smiley
Just to depress everyone the Spanish pandemic lasted almost 3 years. I hope we have a better handle on this one. Certainly the vaccination process seems to be very efficent.
My friends Dad did the same UK Biobank test and had no measurable antibodies, so at least I'm not alone. Also at the garden centre today and another person complaining about shoulder problems post the jab, so again it's not just me falling to bits with older age!
Excellent news, Mike and Jim. :-bd
Even though you haven't had it yet, Jim...must be a great feeling to know it's just 'round the corner....Think Von and I have still got around 4 weeks before our second jab.
As I've said before, though....I'm still going to be pretty damn careful, for a fair old time
after the second jab.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 23 April 2021, 11:43:40 AM
Just to depress everyone the Spanish pandemic lasted almost 3 years. I hope we have a better handle on this one. Certainly the vaccination process seems to be very efficent.
I think you're right, Ian....I'm sure we're probably going to be coping with this for a fair old while yet....BUT we
should have a better handle on it.
Cheers - Phil. :)
We're still being very careful and only going out for food shopping in the early morn to minimise exposure etc. Can't see our mindset changing for quite some time to be honest.
Wish other people were doing that Steve
Two weeks short of the 12 week period between first and second jabs and still haven't heard a thing. :-w
Same here, Davy.
We'll probably get a phone call a couple of days before we're due to turn up.
Quote from: Steve J on 24 April 2021, 06:29:34 AM
We're still being very careful and only going out for food shopping in the early morn to minimise exposure etc. Can't see our mindset changing for quite some time to be honest.
Mindset, Steve ?.....
Totally with you on that......Like you, I do the 'shop' as early as poss....I still wear disposable gloves, every time I visit Tesco's. (Plus face-mask...That's compulsory anyway, of course).....Once I've finished...Gloves off....and then use the sanitiser on my hands, once I'm back in the Batmobile)
Cheers - Mr I don't think I'm being
totally paranoid. :)
Quote from: Techno II on 24 April 2021, 06:05:10 AM
I think you're right, Ian.
I'M ALWAYS RIGHT Had you forgot Phil
Just got back from 2nd jab, no side effects, and so far has stopped the niggling pin prick in lefty arm. Back off to Saint Cat's this afternoon.
Quote from: Westmarcher on 24 April 2021, 09:04:40 AM
Two weeks short of the 12 week period between first and second jabs and still haven't heard a thing. :-w
Did mine through the NHS - booked 1st and 2nd at same time. 2nd due for 6/6.
Is yours through your GP?
Second AZ jab yesterday afternoon 11 weeks and 1 day after the first. Was reminded a few days before by text to book time (I was instructed by text to attend the first). No effects at all yet (maybe thats worrying? did it work?) other than a slight feeling that I am wearing a hat. (which I am not).
From the stats, this area is well below national average but I am just going to drop down to "cautious sociopath" from "paranoid hermit".
They laughed at Howard Hughes.........
Quote from: ianrs54 on 24 April 2021, 09:40:18 AM
Just got back from 2nd jab, no side effects, and so far has stopped the niggling pin prick in lefty arm. Back off to Saint Cat's this afternoon.
Excellent, Ian. ! :-bd
Cheers - Phil. :)
Mine is 12 wks 1 day after 1st. Text from surgery, then ring to book. Booked second marshaling ses at the same time....Its one thing that runs smoothly, altough was directed into a lift with old couple who promptly exited - the shower gell can't have worked, :'( :'(
Quote from: Westmarcher on 24 April 2021, 09:04:40 AM
Two weeks short of the 12 week period between first and second jabs and still haven't heard a thing. :-w
We had our first jab on 12th February and will get our second on 28th April but only got our appointment in a blue envelope yesterday (23rd).
My second vaccine shot was Monday. I've had a low-level fever and dull on/off headaches with added lassitude since then. Finding it hard to concentrate for long.
I'm glad I now have theoretical protection, but I'm going to keep wearing a mask in public. There are too many bloody Covid variants out there to mess around taking chances.
Still no news when I'm getting first jab let alone second!
I think I'm in the minority demographic on here :)
Ma jabs were via phone calls from GP. Being a carer for her, I got a letter from NHS inviting me to book online. Both my bookings made at same time.
Think masks will be advisable for many situations for some time. I wear disposable gloves when shopping, etc.
Quote from: Poggle on 24 April 2021, 07:35:35 PM
My second vaccine shot was Monday. I've had a low-level fever and dull on/off headaches with added lassitude since then.
My completely non-scientific take on those that have found they've had a 'noticeable' reaction, is that the jab is really doing it's job.
I'd guess it's the immune system kicking
right into gear and producing oodles of anti-bodies.
Anyone with more medical knowledge know if that's a reasonable theory ?
Quote from: Matt J on 24 April 2021, 09:08:20 PM
Still no news when I'm getting first jab let alone second!
I think I'm in the minority demographic on here :)
Are you cunningly dropping the hint that you're a lot younger than the rest of us, Matt ? :P ;)
Cheers - Phil. (Now...This morning at Tesco's.....do I dare wear the new face mask a very kind soul has sent me ?......It's a bearded and mustached 'chin', which makes it look as though I'm not wearing a mask, at all !!)
Most of the vacancenies yesterday afternoon were 2nd jabs. Observation says that all jabs on a day are from the same vaccine. St Cats is organised by Birkenhead surgeries, as a centralised point. By about 16:30 they had run out of the vacciene, but several hundred had gone through.
Techno... though from a while back.
I had thought stronger 'reaction' might be better... maybe not. I did ask 'the bloke' doing my vacs, whether that might be the case.... he said, No, just people being 'different'! lol.
I do find the results of people not 'apparently' developing antibodies disturbing. But, 'Testing', Vaccines...or 'Studies' are NOT infallible... and are developing.
Afraid MY attitude to such things is rather 'If the bomb is GOING to land on YOU, no point in worrying about it'... qualified by, 'Keep your Gas Mask bag with you at all times... and it is not a Hand Bag, Miss!' lol! ;)
Interesting !!
Thanks for that, HH ! :-bd
Cheers - Phil. :)
Had an ache in neck from late Sat Morning till this morning, now gone as has stinging feeling in upper arm. In my case it seems thast 2nd jab has cleared the effects of the 1st. As to nothing to do well I forgot about KGV and Mighty 'ood to build. :D
Had a few friends (35-40 age range) who've had the AZ jab and they've all reported being wiped out the next day or two then mostly fine after that. When mum (in her 60s) got hers she was all chuffed cause she had a strong reaction too and they told her it usually only happened to "younger" people ;D.
I got the PIZER one so no major side effects...
The reactions seem to vary hugely from person to person.
I had the Pfizer version, no reaction to the first jab and a mild stiffness in the bicep/tricep area a few hours after the second jab, which had worn off by morning. Some people I know have had reactions varying from sore arms to flu-like symptoms for a day or so. I'm one of those infuriating people who never seem to catch anything; went all the way through school with just mumps and German measles, and I've had what I think was flu just once, although I have the jab these days.
There also seems to a great variation in how people are being notified. In both cases I received a text inviting me to book an appointment, which were about 48 hours later. I had the second jab exactly 11 weeks after the first, give or take a couple of hours. Friends of mine who have had both of theirs were texted on both occasions to tell them when their appointments were. One lives about 2 miles from me and the other about 2 1/2 miles and they are both covered by the same NHS Trust as me.
First proper haircut since about October or November last year, which felt so good! All neat and tidy now :).
Also for about 5-6 days now we've had unbroken sunshine all day, which has cheered everyone up, despite the rather cool winds that came with it. Rain soon though, which is greatly needed.
Quote from: Steve J on 26 April 2021, 02:00:07 PM
First proper haircut since about October or November last year, which felt so good! All neat and tidy now :).
Heh, not had a haircut since 2019 now. Hair is longest it's ever been as an adult. Don't mind it much, although it probably doesn't look terribly good. Really don't want to go to the barber's. Never much enjoyed the experience before, certainly don't want a stranger within inches of my face, doesn't matter how many shields & masks are between us.
Will probably end up getting my daughter to teach me how to braid it, and find myself looking like an extra from Braveheart . . . (joke)
Quote from: Raider4 on 26 April 2021, 08:02:35 PM
Will probably end up getting my daughter to teach me how to braid it, and find myself looking like an extra from Braveheart . . . (joke)
You'd have to develop an Austrailian accent :-*
Quote from: Raider4 on 26 April 2021, 08:02:35 PM
Heh, not had a haircut since 2019 now. Hair is longest it's ever been as an adult. Don't mind it much, although it probably doesn't look terribly good. Really don't want to go to the barber's. Never much enjoyed the experience before, certainly don't want a stranger within inches of my face, doesn't matter how many shields & masks are between us.
Will probably end up getting my daughter to teach me how to braid it, and find myself looking like an extra from Braveheart . . . (joke)
Braveheart? You're showing your age!
Braid your hair ... and your beard, wear a leather jerkin and carry a large axe. If challenged claim you're an extra in Vikings :D
What about 'Alexander' with an Irish accent ?
That's probably in my top five of truly dreadful films that I've watched.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Really delving back - Dick Van Dyke in Marry Popins :'(
Quote from: ianrs54 on 27 April 2021, 01:27:21 PM
Really delving back - Dick Van Dyke in Marry Popins :'(
So bad, that it's good...
Nice morning at the jabbing centre, lots of second doses and the first few 42 year olds. The sun is shining and all is well!
Got my second Pfizer jab this afternoon.
Slight sensation at the injection site but completely outmatched by my arthritic shoulder pain.
So no change really.
Wife and I got booked in for Sunday morning for our first jab. :) Just in time to spend the bank holiday Monday off feeling rough!
Luck with it - I'm back with badge, six gun, horse, winchester and big hat Sat and Sun mornings only they wont give me that just a hi-vis and face sheild.....even those are mine,
Quote from: mmcv on 30 April 2021, 09:49:45 AM
Wife and I got booked in for Sunday morning for our first jab. :) Just in time to spend the bank holiday Monday off feeling rough!
Dont worry. Forecast is for heavy rain anyway!
I'd already booked off Tuesday and Wednesday just for a bit of R&R, so the slots came up at just the right time. I'm hopeful any side effects will clear after a day and I'll be able to get down to some serious hobbying those days I had off as planned.
Will see how I feel and decide whether I'm up to a solo game or just settle in for a good painting session or two. I've all those ECW Royalists to sort out, my Trojan War forces haven't seen paint in a while and I've got a single unit of Greek hoplites looking for reinforcements. Not the mention the alt-20th century forces. Or the 15mm Japanese folklore. Or the 2mm stuff. Or the AWI skirmish project. Or the Imperial Roman and Celt starter packs.Or the Zombicide figuresOr...
Saw a brief glimpse of a Greenfinch in the garden today, the first time I've seen one in over a year, which cheered me up. Sadly very few finches seen these days after they were decimated by disease. Too many bloody wood pigeons though trampling all over my garden though >:(
Have seen one goldfinch in my back garden, not very often though.
Plenty of woodies.
Quote from: mmcv on 30 April 2021, 12:03:34 PM
I've all those ECW Royalists to sort out, my Trojan War forces haven't seen paint in a while and I've got a single unit of Greek hoplites looking for reinforcements. Not the mention the alt-20th century forces. Or the 15mm Japanese folklore. Or the 2mm stuff. Or the AWI skirmish project. Or the Imperial Roman and Celt starter packs.Or the Zombicide figuresOr...
Is that all ! :o
We used to regularly get Goldfinches on the niger seed. But we had to take the tree down and moved the niger seed (different container due to squirrel damage), and not a peep of one since :(
Mrs Orcs and I have just booked our second jab for May 10th so will be all jabbed up for our Welsh Holiday !!
Quote from: Steve J on 30 April 2021, 03:54:54 PM
Saw a brief glimpse of a Greenfinch in the garden today, the first time I've seen one in over a year, which cheered me up. Sadly very few finches seen these days after they were decimated by disease. Too many bloody wood pigeons though trampling all over my garden though >:(
In 45 yrs, We never got Finches except for Chaffinches. Sadly, the Chaffies seem to have gone... maybe battered themselves to death against the windows. BUT, a pair of Bullfinches set up somewhere about 5 yrs ago and seem to have bred. I was very happy to see Goldfinches around in the last couple of years... never before... and not their sort of territory.
Woodies are still there... less One. Cat left a PRIZE on back step the other day. It went 'over the back fence', (No... NOT a neighbour's garden... a disused railway line!), so probably ended up as Fox cub take-away! ;)
Something that I somehow missed from a previous list of garden visitors was Red Squirrels. One used to come to the peanuts regularly, several years ago... but few visits now. They are still around the area, though... dead 'un on road.
I am not a 'bird watcher' or 'naturalist... just nice to have things around.... so MUST mention Otters! It must be about 10 yrs+ ago, now, but going down to the village pubs one spring evening... I was astounded to see a pair of Otters in the village river! When I was young, they were nearly extinct, or so told... except in remote areas of Scotland and SW. I never thought that I would ever see one... never mind 'at home' in S Nothumberand! Just stood and watched them, messing around, doing 'Ottery' things for about 15mins... until they drifted off, down stream. A real joy in my life to see that! :)
Otters are a grey area; adorable animals, but unbelievably destructive if they get into a trout stream (farrrrr beyond dietary needs; they kill for pleasure). Rather like the cats careless crews allowed to get free on islands previously without serious predators.
Good luck, and good news on the jabs front, chaps ! :-bd
Still got oodles of chaffies in the 'garden', here.....But haven't seen a greenfinch for over 10+(?) years....Used to be a good number of those around...But as Steve says, they took one hell of hit from disease.
I think I caught sight of a bullfinch a few weeks ago...Haven't spotted a goldfinch for a year or two.
The comment about niger seed reminds me of the siskins we used to see...Those seem to have disappeared..as have the Goldcrests which were around a LONG time ago... the ravens also seem to have gone....Used to see, and hear lots of those....Plenty of rooks, magpies and jackdaws, though.....And that bloody woodpecker that hammers against a metal plate on the big barn.
"Phew whattaracket." ;D
Hardly ever see Wood pigeons, though there are a few around......It's the feral pigeons that pee me off.......Dozens of the sods, and they hoover up 90% of grub I put down for the 'ground feeders.' >:(
Ooooh.....Heard the first cuckoo, a couple of weeks ago...and Von thought she might have spotted the first swallow around the same time....(She wasn't convinced, though...so that's not a confirmed sighting.
Heedless Horseman !........I'm very jealous....Never seen a red squirrel in the wild.....and it's years since I saw even a 'gray' in the garden
Otters ?......Never seen one of those, myself. Von saw one a few years ago, when she was out with one of the gee-gees, a mile or so 'up the road'.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Plenty of Goldfinches here, once the other finches had 'departed' due to that horrid disease. Plenty of feral pigeons too.
Tomorrow is International Dawn Chorus Day which I did last year, but meant getting up and out around 4.00am to listen to said chorus, which was frankly incredible. Not sure how good it will be this year with the unseasonably cold weather in April, with temps some 4-6 degrees below normal.
We have loads of woodies in the garden, They sometimes ended up on the table or in a casserole, but I am not allowed to deal with them now the general shooting license has been abolished (thanks to Chris Packham)
Think we might have a wren , either that or its a very small sparrow.
Back garden robin has been seen feeding a fledgling with Meal worm I put out.
Magpies keep scoffing all the fatballs, still if it keeps them away from songbird nests thats ok. Another one I cannot deal with due to Mr Packham.
Genuinely don't mind 'woodies'...'cos we see so few......The feral (flying rat) pigeons I could do without......Dakkka, dakka...dakka...punta, click.
There is/was a wren's nest fairly close by.....I HOPE.
The fat-balls, Mark?....Magpies, Crows and Jackdaws don't really give the little 'Tits' a chance, sadly.
Like you say....If if keeps the corvids away from smaller birds' eggs and their nests..that's a definite plus.
Good man, if you've got a robin fledgling. :-bd
Not seen anything 'fledging' wise, so far, this spring.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Here in our part of Ohio we have a Robin nesting in the crook of a downspout. It's a little worrying since it's not that high up and there are cats around here. She tolerates our presence, watching us with a beady eye when we're gardening. I also set up a bird table which is highly appreciated by a nesting pair of cardinals. They really go through the seed we put out for them.
Ohio ?
That's one of the reasons I truly love this forum.
Having worked for Ral Partha/Wizkidz/IronWind metals in the horrendously distant past, I have the vaguest idea where you are, Poggle.....("I dun (sic) stuff for all of those")
Cardinals ?.....No.....They're far too colourful for the UK.....But what wonderful birds, they look. (I'm only jealous !!)
We're definitely going to have to start 'another thread'.
Cheers - Phil :)
Saw a little brown job today. Also met a complete A**EHOLE at St Cats, bulling his way into an appointment and being veryb rude to me on way out. Fortuneatly only oine encountered...
Pigeons are such stupid creatures! Was just now calling The Cat to come in... Himself sitting right out in the open... pigeon lands 10ft away! :'( More Fox food!
As to unlikely sightings... years ago, I was driving towards Allendale, (for a horse holiday), when a BIG cat ran across the road about 80yds ahead. Almost certainly a feral or farm cat... but it DID 'look' like a Wildcat! And it was BIG! Very much doubt it though, but...
Anecdotes can be funny! Again, a while back... someone in the village said that they thought they saw a Mink in the park river. (There had been a 'release' from a Fur Farm a few miles away, some years previously.) 'CHINESE WHISPERS' turned it into a sighting of A LYNX !!! ;D ;D ;D
(Or, maybe a Minx... ? ;) )
A missing lynx, it seems.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 01 May 2021, 03:48:02 PM
A missing lynx, it seems.
I bow to the expert! lol! ;) :)
Oh dear Alexander ;) ;D
Our robin's eggs have hatched. :) The poor parents are going back and forth like a fiddler's elbow feeding them.
Well I managed to roll out of bed and out the door by just past 5.00am and the dawn chorus was already in full swing, as with a clear sky it was already pretty light. Certainly not as loud as last year, so I think less migrants have arrived so far. However the early morning mist and frost was beautiful and saw a vixen and her cubs, a roe deer 'swimming' in mist on a hill and a skylark was singing as the sun rose, which was stunning. A tad tired but what a beautiful start to the day :).
:-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd :-bd
Quote from: Steve J on 02 May 2021, 07:50:40 AM
. . . so I think less migrants have arrived so far.
Ahh, that'll be Brexit then . . .
Quote from: Techno II on 01 May 2021, 06:30:09 AM
.....And that bloody woodpecker that hammers against a metal plate on the big barn.
"Phew whattaracket." ;D
Electricity is your friend:
(I am assured that this is fake . . .)
Martyn....Our local electricity provider has been know to stick a metal silhouette of a woodpecker at the top of a pole, to try and stop the b*ggers from doing that !.....Honestly.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Gota be a magician at the bottom...
On a walk recently we heard a woodpecker drumming away on the local mobile phone mast, which was (unsurprisingly) much louder than a tree!
That's why the 'git' we've got here, pummels the metal plate at the back of the big barn...It really DOES make a racket. %-(-
Cheers - Phil :)
That's not good Phil, but I suppose it's in a sense 'evolution' in action.
With the weather looking rather iffy tomorrow, I've set up another small game which I'm looking forward to playing :).
Finally got my second Covid vaccine jab today (hooray!). <:-P
Went to the pub to celebrate and asked if they had any of these helicopter crisps* ..... but all they had was plane ....
* chips as far as you Yanks and Anzacs are concerned.
Quote from: Westmarcher on 02 May 2021, 10:57:33 PM
Finally got my second Covid vaccine jab today (hooray!). <:-P
Went to the pub to celebrate and asked if they had any of these helicopter crisps* ..... but all they had was plane ....
* chips as far as you Yanks and Anzacs are concerned.
Quote from: Steve J on 02 May 2021, 03:59:31 PM
On a walk recently we heard a woodpecker drumming away on the local mobile phone mast, which was (unsurprisingly) much louder than a tree!
Wow! A Bird with a Brain! Has anyone tried to work out text message what he was 'tapping in ' and whether the 'signal' was transmitted ? Possible Thesis / 'Research Grant' here, folks! ;)
"OK, Pick up at 2, then?"
Quote from: Westmarcher on 02 May 2021, 10:57:33 PM
Finally got my second Covid vaccine jab today (hooray!). <:-P
Went to the pub to celebrate and asked if they had any of these helicopter crisps* ..... but all they had was plane ....
* chips as far as you Yanks and Anzacs are concerned.
So there ARE 'side effects' !!! ;)
That could account for some of the stuff that I have been posting recently... ;D ;D ;D
Well we all sat down to watch the last ever (?) episode of Line of Duty last night and I think it's fair to say we were a bit underwhelmed.
Quote from: Steve J on 03 May 2021, 06:09:44 AM
Well we all sat down to watch the last ever (?) episode of Line of Duty last night and I think it's fair to say we were a bit underwhelmed.
We did as well, we had to watch three in a row as were a bit behind and kept seeing spoilers so wanted to get it done.
It was an interesting approach, but not altogether beyond the pale. Corruption isn't always sexy... Not with a bang but a whimper.
I do hope there's another series as there are still some unanswered questions (Ted's laptop...) plus as its filmed in and around Belfast it's a fun game of "oh that's the so and so building" or "why are they driving in circles?" and "our dog has done his business against that wall". The Steph Corbetts house location was just up the street from our previous house. My wife realised she gave Martin Compston a dirty look one time as he was sitting in the car watching here while waiting to film a drive through and she was in the shot, he gave her a smile but she didn't realise who it was until after when she walked past the film crew.
On another note, first jab side effects are a barrel of laughs, spent half the night shivering and cold to the core, then today feel like a hangover without the night before!
I remember watching the first series, and thinking exactly the same when that ended. Not watched any since.
So all you guys spent a lot of lovely painting time watching a cop TV program, what a waste.
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 03 May 2021, 10:37:49 AM
So all you guys spent a lot of lovely painting time watching a cop TV program, what a waste.
I just envision you locked up in your shed surrounded by thousands of miniatures and paints only coming out for mealtimes.
To be fair... that doesn't sound too bad.
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 03 May 2021, 10:37:49 AM
So all you guys spent a lot of lovely painting time watching a cop TV program, what a waste.
Well by 21:00 I'd be half way through the 2nd bottle of Merlot - so painting is contra-indicated.
Quote from: mmcv on 03 May 2021, 10:46:17 AM
I just envision you locked up in your shed surrounded by thousands of miniatures and paints only coming out for mealtimes.
To be fair... that doesn't sound too bad.
Over the last year that has largely been the case.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 03 May 2021, 11:00:34 AM
Well by 21:00 I'd be half way through the 2nd bottle of Merlot - so painting is contra-indicated.
I'm T-Total (health reasons) so wouldn't be a problem for me.
Too many years working shifts Jim - used to need to have a beer or two to sleep... :'( :'(
The only thing I watch when it's being shown is the BBC News channel. Everything else is recorded and watched when convenient .... like 3am when I can't sleep.
Watched the first ever Line of Duty and didn't take to it. sounds like I've avoided much frustration.
I prefer my cops uncorrupted and with an uncomplicated private life.
I'll stick to the fantasy cops in Midsommer Murders, NCIS or McDonald & Dodds.
Quote from: ianrs54 on 03 May 2021, 12:51:21 PM
Too many years working shifts Jim - used to need to have a beer or two to sleep... :'( :'(
I spent the first 12 years of my working life on shifts plus lots of overtime (low basic salary with excellent overtime rates). Certainly drank too much at the time as well as smoked like a chimney. Had been known to fall asleep on the bus home and missed my stop. Still drank too much when I had a car. Those were different days.
Now I don't sleep well, that's what post cancer stress does to you.
Meanwhile I have a ceiling to paint and then another EPIC ACW Regiment this evening.
Quote from: mmcv on 03 May 2021, 10:46:17 AM
I just envision you locked up in your shed surrounded by thousands of miniatures and paints only coming out for mealtimes.
Can you guys not get deliveries? ;)
Got my second jab booked for a fortnight yesterday.
Could have had it next Thursday.....But that would have meant having to traipse over to the 'distant' surgery, where the parking's a bit iffy...I'm also hoping Von will be able to have her second jab on the same day at the local surgery.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Did get one irriot who blagged his way in and got a jab withg no appointment, really nice man, of course in sports gear.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 07 May 2021, 06:58:22 AM
Eh? Can people stop changing their names? 'Tis getting very confusing!
Sorry. It wasn't my decision
Trying to be annonimouse
My wife got her first jab today, she's a support worker, so fairly high on the priorities (Group 2) :)
Just done the quiz and apparently I'm in Group 4 (the rest) so can get a vaccine from July :-w
Had both mine....and don't forget to check with your surgery to see if they need volunteers !
2nd AZ jab booked in for Monday and our son has had his 2nd Pfizer jab too. SWMBO due her 2nd in June I think, so just our daughter now but not sure when those in their early 20's will get the shout.
With iffy weather for the next few days, I've set up a game of BKC that, thanks to the family, I can play out over a few days leaving the table set up overnight, which is a luxury :). Really looking forward to this and hope it lives up to my expectations!
Quote from: DecemDave on 07 May 2021, 01:53:53 PM
But now we knows where u live, like.
You alus has, it be int profile !
Finally some warm, Spring like weather at last, given the past month or so has been dominated by cold air from the Arctic. So nice to walk outside and not feel cold!
Where? It's wet and windy here!
We have a high overcast, Friday was good if a tad cold, yesterday the Mersey ferries were docking outside...Tuesday massive hail storm.
Managed my first "Zoom" game yesterday (Described in "What was the least ....").
Looking forward to a return to "Gaming as normal" in due course.
In Bristol Will, with the weather much better than forecast :).
Well I'm getting through it by reading this forum and making occasional posts to get my rank up when the promotions committee are still asleep or hungover.
See did it again earlier this morning :D
Congrats, doubles all round.
Well deserved promotion!
Pint of Creme de Menth plz !
Bravo, pass the port old fellow!
We both got oour second dose of the vaccine. Mrs Orcs has a sore arm, but no side effects for me, yet :D
Quote from: Orcs on 10 May 2021, 12:59:34 PM
. . . Mrs Orcs has a ore arm . . .
Dwarven miners are heading your way at full speed.
Quote from: Raider4 on 10 May 2021, 01:03:49 PM
Dwarven miners are heading your way at full speed.
;D ;D
Quote from: Orcs on 10 May 2021, 12:59:34 PM
Mrs Orcs has a ore arm,
Whats the ore ?
Dat tippin almust bad as mone
Quote from: Raider4 on 10 May 2021, 01:03:49 PM
Dwarven miners are heading your way at full speed.
;D ;D
Second jab done and dusted and most likely to get a booster again in September, along with the flue jab according to the nurse. Feeling fine at present.
This morning I saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker in the garden for about a minute, which was nice as it's been a while since I've seen one here. In our old house we used to see Green Woodpeckers on the park quite regularly, but only very early in the morning.
NOT sure about this... I rather distrust 'News' articles on MSN! Frankly, can't be bothered to look into it. :o :(
However, this does sound 'just a bit NASTY'!!! :o
Does anyone else think 'Something' is trying to get rid of Us? ;D... :(
Yes it's me - I'm really a 30 ft tall reptillian, carniverous obviously
Hm. Used a home test kit for 'Presence of Antibodies' as part of a 'Study'. ( I have had 1st Oxford Astra Zeneca jab.). Test 'appeared' negative to Antibodies.
NOW, That DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY AREN'T THERE! Tests... esp. 'home testing' are NOT reliable... but was rather hoping to see another couple of 'bars' on the filter paper stick!
As I do not have a modern Mobile phone with a good camera to upload/send relevant result photo... may not be useable... have not tried yet.
However, 'adjusted' and extrapolated nationally, statistical results from 'tests' may go to form 'advice' on policy...
:o :(
My UK Biobank study test result came up negative too, after having my first AZ test :(. The same happened with a friend's Dad. I'm hoping my recent second jab has done the job...
On a more positive note, we saw a pair of Siskins on our birdfeeder yesterday. We've never had them here before and they are rather pretty finches :).
Pleased you've seen some siskins, Steve. :)
Like I said,a while ago...haven't seen those around here for a few years.
Cheers - Phil. :)
That reminds me I have a 1/72 kit of a Siskin that I need to build... :)
Take it Siskin is a small brown job, or an interwar biplane
The second, but my painting skills might make it the first as well...
Holy crap, we just saw a woodpecker!
That may not seem strange to most of you but they're incredibly rare in Ireland. I think there's a small, growing population on the far south but up in the north here there's only been occasional sightings, like a couple a year and only really in the past decade. I had read recently that there might be some nesting in the area, so we may see a population of them in the future for the first time since they went extinct here.
Also had a blue jay come right up to the window. Nice looking birds.
A BLUE jay ? :o :o
Are you sure, Matthew ?.....Bloomin' heck !
It would be definitely be something that would have 'twitchers' very excited, our side of 'the pond'.
Cheers - Phil :)
Quote from: Techno II on 15 May 2021, 11:13:19 AM
A BLUE jay ? :o :o
Are you sure, Matthew ?.....Bloomin' heck !
It would be definitely be something that would have 'twitchers' very excited, our side of 'the pond'.
Cheers - Phil :)
Apologies, I may have been mistaken on that. Google let me down, think it was just a normal jay. Was brown with a crown up top then blue lower down and on the wings. Picture I'd found online was mislabelled. Further digging looks like Eurasian jay #-o
Awwwww...... I was getting excited !
But still, OUR ;) type of jay is still a handsome bird. :)
We hadn't seen one 'in the flesh' until we moved over here.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Yeah I only started seeing them when I moved here, they seem to not like people too much. Wise birds.
Only ever see them nicking peanuts a few yards from our back door.....But the instant that they see movement....they're off. ;D
Cheers - Phil :)
Very pretty birds but a very awkward flight as if they're still learning.
Such a shame that they allegedly take eggs from the smaller birds' nests, Steve.
Bloody corvids....Hey, ho.....that's nature. ;)
Cheers - Phil. :)
They had a bad rep amongst the hunty-shooty types and had been persecuted for years.
However, they are largely responsible for acorn planting that grows our mighty oaks, so are being encouraged again.
Occasionally saw 'Jays' when 'wardening' in Gateshead area 1980's. No idea which variant. Have not seen any local, North of Tyne. Have seen Kingfishers in local Park, though... but VERY briefly!!! ;D
Today's winner in the 'Now, that's a Bit Awkward category, we have a rabbit digging a brood burrow slap-bang in the middle of our onion bed, which is within twenty feet of our back door.
That's a bit of a pain !
Only time I take any notice of the rabbits around here, is if they dig a really big/deep hole in one of the fields.
As a hole that size could cause a broken leg on one of the gees, I just fill them in with rocks.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Quote from: Poggle on 16 May 2021, 04:11:14 PM
Today's winner in the 'Now, that's a Bit Awkward category, we have a rabbit digging a brood burrow slap-bang in the middle of our onion bed, which is within twenty feet of our back door.
Lovely! Rabbit to casserole with your onions.
If I had a warren in my garden I would encourage them. Could then harvest the odd one for the pot.
Quote from: Techno II on 17 May 2021, 06:20:50 AM
That's a bit of a pain !
Only time I take any notice of the rabbits around here, is if they dig a really big/deep hole in one of the fields.
As a hole that size could cause a broken leg on one of the gees, I just fill them in with rocks.
Cheers - Phil. :)
RESPECT !!! They are far to fast for me to get NEAR them with a rock! :o
I'm only capable (JUST) of being speedier than slugs and snails, now. :P
Second Covid jab into my stick-like arm, a couple of hours ago.......HUZZAH !.....(Still didn't get a sweetie, for being a brave boy, and not crying.)
Fielded a phone-call from a certain member of the forum, this morning, with "Pembrokeshire weather centre."..which made him laugh. :)....It's truly frigging awful here, at the mo' X_X
Mark, (Orcs) made me laugh, by trying to pronounce the village where Von & I 'shop', locally.
Mark....Just get to 'Eggysulu' safely, chum.
Hope you get to read this. ;)....See you in the next few days, my friend.
All good things - Phil :)
Quote from: Techno II on 20 May 2021, 03:35:45 PM
I'm only capable (JUST) of being speedier than slugs and snails, now. :P
Second Covid jab into my stick-like arm, a couple of hours ago.......HUZZAH !.....(Still didn't get a sweetie, for being a brave boy, and not crying.)
All good things - Phil :)
Sure your'e not being chased by Welsh Racing snails Phil. Talking to fellow invigilators it can take up to 9 hours for side effects on your second jabs to come through, heres hoping none.
Local weather ugh - not heavy rain but won't go away.
I've retired - so have worked every day this week, mostly catholic girls schools.
Hmmmm..... :-\
Ian :)....I've got no 'proper' evidence....or whether it's simply 'wot folk say'(sic)....BUT...I was 'informed' that if you had no reaction to the first jab (That's me :-bd).....You stand a better chance of feeling like a pile of poo, after the second.
Feeling fine, at the mo'.....I'll see what I feel like tomorrow.
Seriously....If I feel a bit 'poop' tomorrow....that'll be fine by me.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Hmmm, can someone please confirm we are in late May, as the weather has been bloomin' awful here today, with heavy rain on and off and gale force winds :(.
My second jab was over a week ago and I had no side effects whatsoever and my arm didn't hurt unlike the first jab :).
There seems to be a 'bug' going around here at present, with lots of people with sore throats and then some with rather dicky tummies. I've got the latter and felt really rough today, but feeling on the mend now, famous last words...
I have to say it was F-wording freezing and wet at the jabbing centre this morning...
Weather bod was saying it was much more like Autumn than Spring yesterday.......Still absolute pants, in Pembrokeshire this morning.
Haven't had a single side effect from the jab....Not even a sore arm.
I felt a tiny bit 'washed out' last night.....But that was probably down to 'the excitement' of having the second jab.
Weird.....Actually looking forward to having an injection. ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil.
Yep, weather still bloomin awful here too, with the strong/gale force winds having damaged some plants in the garden :(. I imagine some trees will be down or damaged in the local woods too, given they are shallow rooted due to it being the site of quarry for the GWR line into Bristol.
Just got back from Wavertree - got soaked walking 1/2 mile to bus stop. Face shields need wipers, have to get Leon to make some like that.
Actually I would like it be a very wet and windy day for a short while. We had a water invasion on the roof of our kitchen diner and I think I fixed myself. It would be nice to know if the repair was effective as it only leaked when it was soaking wet outside and the wind was in a specific direction.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 21 May 2021, 02:22:36 PM
Just got back from Wavertree - got soaked walking 1/2 mile to bus stop. Face shields need wipers, have to get Leon to make some like that.
Was it raining?
I know Wavertree - it's good to check.
90f/32C here in our part of Ohio. It went straight from winter to summer without a pause. The '17 year' cicadas are buzzing away as I type.
The rabbit filled in the hole. I think she overheard me complaining.
Quote from: Poggle on 22 May 2021, 02:41:02 AM
90f/32C here in our part of Ohio. It went straight from winter to summer without a pause. The '17 year' cicadas are buzzing away as I type.
The rabbit filled in the hole. I think she overheard me complaining.
The Rabbit filled in the hole? I am curious? If it was a 'walk with a shovel' excavation... understood... although they don't usually bother! But... if it was a 'breediing burrow'... well, maybe best not to dig there for a while, maybe? 'Could' have been a 'failed pregnancy' and hide presence? Dunno? Congrats on summer... UK, maybe been and gone! LOL!
Sounds like an "I'm not ready to settle down and raise a family" burrow.
Quote from: fsn on 21 May 2021, 09:46:23 PM
Was it raining?
I know Wavertree - it's good to check.
Cats and dogs - didn't mind the dogs, but the cats........ :d
Also no road signs, was in Penny Lane ;)
Yep, the cat/s keep digging up our front garden to use as a toilet and the box balls as scent posts >:(.
Not looked out the back for a while. Too cold & wet & windy.
Gosh, that lawn's grown a lot :(
Well we thought the wet weather had ended today as forecast, with a lovely sunny morning. There was mention that we might get rain late afternoon. In fact it pi**ed it down from around 2.00pm onwards and yet again SWMBO got rather wet walking back from school :(.
Lovely afternoon here in Pembs.....Just right for the visit from Mr & Mrs Orcs !
Genuinely delighted to meet you both, Mark.
All the best - Phil & Von :)
That's soooooooo cool!
:-bd :-bd :-bd
Doing a morning marshalling at the local surgery, hope it's dry.....
'Wall to wall' blue sky here. :-bd
Hope it's as nice for you, Ian.
Von had her second jab yesterday....Huzzah !! (I went over with her as 'reserve driver', just in case she had a bad reaction).....The chap that parked next to us was there for HIS second jab...He was really bothered about it, as he had such a bad, and almost instantaneous reaction to his first.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Quote from: Techno II on 27 May 2021, 06:16:54 AM
'Wall to wall' blue sky here. :-bd
You mean it's not raining in Wales ! :-
Blue sky here bit cool though.
Lovely morning here, with a nice late Spring mist, now burning off. Fingers crossed this will mean two nice days in a row, with plenty of sunshine, which we haven't had for quite some time.
Barely seen a butterfly this year, so hope the warmer weather allows them out, which would be nice.
Still in pesky Level 3 here in Glasgow.
I hope this is relaxed so I can start gaming again.
Hmmm, not sure about resuming FtF gaming chez moi until our daughter has had at least her first jab, as she is in the group that seems to being hit hardest by the Indian variant :(. Still, better safe than sorry.
Quote from: Techno II on 25 May 2021, 05:29:16 PM
Lovely afternoon here in Pembs.....Just right for the visit from Mr & Mrs Orcs !
Genuinely delighted to meet you both, Mark.
All the best - Phil & Von :)
Thank you gor your hospitality, It was great to meet you both as well. The eggs were really good and full of flavour, so thank you for those as well.
We are home now, arrived early afternoon, Traffic was terrible.
Mark and Beth
Nobby - chewing needed.......
Glad you got home safely, Mark ! :-bd
You can now regale everybody with tales of the complete chaos and mess at Techno Towers......especially my desk !
The eggs ?....You're more than welcome !.....Von's eaten her biccies....I've drunk my beer....Many thanks for those, Matey. :)
All the best - Phil. :)
2nd Covid jab done. :) N'cle-U-T, Back in March, NO queue. Today 15-20m! Commented to a marshall, and he joked that Now, "It's like Dipping Sheep!" I had a good chuckle ! ;D Maybe he saw my Flat Cap and current 'facial hedge' so knew I would appreciate! ;) Lol!
Great 'service' from all staff. Many Thanks to All, wherever, for aiding in a crisis. :)
Quote from: Techno II on 29 May 2021, 06:33:01 AM
You can now regale everybody with tales of the complete chaos and mess at Techno Towers......especially my desk !
All the best - Phil. :)
I did not see any chaos or mess. I did see some 'greens' of some very nice figures, there were hundreds of them. Unfortunately I am sure that they will cause some lightness in my wallet when they are released.
Quote from: Orcs on 30 May 2021, 08:38:57 PM
I did not see any chaos or mess. I did see some 'greens' of some very nice figures, there were hundreds of them. Unfortunately I am sure that they will cause some lightness in my wallet when they are released.
''A Poor report. Mr, orcs... I am sure that you meant to say "Tharsands of 'em" " Please report accurately.in future!" ;)
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 30 May 2021, 03:46:44 PM
2nd Covid jab done. :) N'cle-U-T, Back in March, NO queue. Today 15-20m! Commented to a marshall, and he joked that Now, "It's like Dipping Sheep!" I had a good chuckle ! ;D Maybe he saw my Flat Cap and current 'facial hedge' so knew I would appreciate! ;) Lol!
Great 'service' from all staff. Many Thanks to All, wherever, for aiding in a crisis. :)
OOF! Mayybe nothing to to with 'jab'... general 'tiredness', but, having 'prepped' for 'later', went for 5 mins lie down, Actually 5 hours! :o
I picked out daughter up from Edinburgh at the weekend, and it was really weird seeing the city pretty much back to normal in terms of its social life. She said it felt strange but nice being able to see her friends again and have a chat in a cafe etc. We toyed with the idea of eating out but decided against it as she still hasn't had any jabs yet.
Driving back in high 70's Fahrenheit heat, we saw a very long traffic jam on the M6 from the Blackpool turn off to past Manchester, we must have been hell for all stuck there, as the traffic was barely moving.
Today I'm going to enjoy unwinding outside with my nearest and dearest after two days of long journeys :).
Quote from: Steve J on 31 May 2021, 06:23:06 AM
Driving back in high 70's Fahrenheit heat, we saw a very long traffic jam on the M6 from the Blackpool turn off to past Manchester, we must have been hell for all stuck there, as the traffic was barely moving.
Bog standard for M6, M60, and M56 :P
It must be rather horrendous for the young ones. You wish Them a 'life' :o Late 50s... doesn't matter so much... maybe. :( I tend to forget how 'important' 'social contact' will be for those in late teens / 20s. BUT... They will get over it... they have to... they will! ;)
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 31 May 2021, 05:41:21 AM
OOF! Maybe nothing to to with 'jab'... general 'tiredness', but, having 'prepped' for 'later', went for 5 mins lie down, Actually 5 hours! :o
Next day, more of same! Slept most of BHol Mon. A real effort to do what was needed. Good thing I am not in 'employment'... wouldn't have been much use. :(
Don't know whether this is from 2nd Astra Zeneca jab, or just myself being very 'run down'. Still, jabs done for the mo. :)
I'm told it is a possible side effect. But chatting to the jabbies on my last marshalling stint they were saying the Nurse reckoned the side effects should be much less on 2nd jab. If you stay tired get tio a doc's .
It's going to be a hot one at the jabbing centre today! :)
Not in till tomorrow afternoon, also Friday afternoon. Supposed to be some localised thunderstorms about.
Quote from: Ben Waterhouse on 01 June 2021, 06:20:49 AM
It's going to be a hot one at the jabbing centre today! :)
After two days of unbroken sunshine, my exposed bits - face, forearms, legs from knees down - are now the traditional pink-ish colour of a Brit seeing the Sun for the first time in six months.
Forgot to mention that I had my 2nd jab (AZ) a couple of Fridays back :D
Probable reason I forgot is that I had no side-effects at all - not even a bruise on my arm - in fact (like my 1st jab) I was lucky enough to feel thoroughly 'chipper' for the rest of the day.
All very unexpected, baring in mind that the doc now thinks my Post Viral Fatigue (now known as Long Covid) might actually have started off with a Covid-like variant (maybe SARS) all those many years ago. So I might actually be a positive beneficiary of the jabs in another way. When lockdown started in UK I was very concerned that I'd be especially vulnerable to the virus, but it might be that I was actually already full of antibodies anyway (shame there wasn't an accurate anti-body test available easily - I did do one but it was inconclusive).
Since having the vaccinations I have actually noticed an improvement in my condition. But that might actually have been the positive side-effect of Lockdown rather than the jabs - a lot less travel for work & a more orderly sleep pattern, more time in open-air at allotment, with regular exercise; eating better (more home grown allotment produce & less 'junk' sandwiches at work) and better air quality in the centre of Bristol. I'm still maintaining my rigorous no caffeine & no alcohol regime that has done me so much good over the last 4 years or so.
But I need to loose my lockdown podge now :(
Bristol appears to be getting back to the 'old' normal - there was a large 'rave' in a local park not far from us on Saturday night/Sunday morning - with the resulting trail of discarded fast food wrappers and beer bottles in all our front gardens on the way from the park up to the local student halls of residence.
It might have been very tempting to wait until about 10.30 on the Sunday morning, when they were all in bed, and phone in a bomb hoax to get them out in the fresh air to help clear their hang-overs!!! ;D ;D ;D
I have faith that 40+ years accumulated deposits of Tar and Nicotine in throat and lungs ... with neat whiskey mouthwashes, will see off the bug!
If not, I expect to be buried... residual alcohol levels in my cadaver would be equivalent to a 500lb UXB if cremated! ;)
Never thought that I would still be here! lol.
Vac Injections... may be different! I Don't Do That Stuff! So think I may have been clobbered :o
Big Insect: Suggest a 'leaflet drop' for printed out ads for 'Pregnancy Testing' Kits! ;D
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 01 June 2021, 10:54:08 AM
Big Insect: Suggest a 'leaflet drop' for printed out ads for 'Pregnancy Testing' Kits! ;D
:) :) :) :) :)
Just took my Biobank test - negative for antibodies :(
Second jab Sunday morning. Have now heard of mulitple people who've been basically floored by the 2nd jab for a day or two, so not looking forward to this.
Myself and Mrs Orcs had absolutely no effects from the 2nd jab, so hopefully you will be as lucky as us.
They did say the second jab should have less side effects than the first one
Yes message I get is less effect of the same type.
QuoteJust took my Biobank test - negative for antibodies Sad
My Biobank test came up negative as well, so you're not alone :(.
As for my second jab, absolutely no reaction whatsoever. Others have been floored by it so it appears to be luck of the draw, or maybe given the above it doesn't work on me...
Just practicing for this afternoon, hope it's a bit better than Wednseday, one nurse at Arrowe A&E for 1/2 session with needle stick injurey. both lap topos not connectcting to register injections and I forgot to wear gloves so develpoed a rash on right hand from using wet wipes. Good natured crowd though. So-
are you here for the jab
Have you had any sympoms
Have you got a mask.
are you here for the jab
Have you had any sympoms
Have you got a mask.
are you here for the jab
Have you had any sympoms
Have you got a mask.
are you here for the jab
Have you had any sympoms
Have you got a mask.
are you here for the jab
Have you had any sympoms
Have you got a mask.
are you here for the jab
Have you had any sympoms
Have you got a mask.
I've got my 2nd jab tomorrow, so let me practice:
Yes, unless there is cake on offer
Several ... what are you looking for in particular? (Would you like to see my rash?)
Yes ... Donald Trump or Snow White?
No, I was looking to score something ... special, but whilst I'm here
Nah, I hate them yellow Bustards
Yes, outwardly I'm a self confident independent woman, but I cry at romcoms
I am. But I am very jab-phobic. Will you hold me afterwards?
Does a yellow-green discharge count?
Indeed. I am actually one of your reptilian overlords.
Actually I was hoping to work on my right hook.
Mild paranoia, voices telling me who to be wary of ... is that the sort of thing you mean?
Will my KKK hood suffice?
Don't hurt me, please don't hurt me!
Oh no! It burns! It burns!
Braiiiinnnns! Brainnnns!
I'm sorry ... I may need a moment ...
Have you got a sick bag?
Sorry about that ...
Here ae your replies Nobby
are you here for the jab - Yes but after you have poked me can I poke you?
Have you had any symtoms - No just a lead addiction
Have you got a mask. - Yes and a whip to go with it
Stunning day here in Bristol, where we had a lovely family BBQ which was a lovely way to end the day :).
Quote from: Orcs on 04 June 2021, 11:54:18 AM
Here ae your replies Nobby
are you here for the jab - Yes but after you have poked me can I poke you?
Have you had any symtoms - No just a lead addiction
Have you got a mask. - Yes and a whip to go with it
Wrong person - dat be me. Good day, quiet which I think is a good thing - cause it seems to indicate we have almost finished.
We're going to shut down in a week or so for the AstraZeneca , to get the super fridges in for the youngsters (under 40) to get their jabs...
2nd jab this morning. Got a sticker :-bd
V. busy at Ashton Gate, but all was moving smoothly.
All well organised at Kingswood too, which is great to see :).
I didn't get a sticker for my 2nd.
I felt cheated.
No stickers for any of the family :(.
No stickers here.
It's a tad depressing watching the colours on the map of 'how many cases of corona virus in my area' changing, as cases go up...particularly in the N/W of England. (Though that's not the only area going the wrong way.)
Cheers - Phil.
There is good news though Phil, the hospitalisation is not going up in anything like the same way, and very few are in intensive care unlike April last year. The other good news is 55%+ have their second jab in England, it's higer in Wales. I'm optomistic that Covid will become no more dangerous than flu by this time next year.
I watched 'Theirs Is The Glory' film over the past few days, about the battle for Arnhem, filmed in 1946 and with Paras who took part in the action as the actors. It was full of some useful footage from the actual action as well as the areas fought over. So much devastation all around with little reconstruction commenced, probably due to the Germans evacuating the population after the battle, IIRC. They also had two Panthers and a Tiger I in 'action', which was great to see. Very patriotic over all but worth a watch nonetheless for the reasons mentioned.
Cases are not important, it's hospitalisation, ventilator beds and deaths which are the metric now.
Indeed, and the need for these seems to be falling.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 11 June 2021, 07:39:24 AM
There is good news though Phil, the hospitalisation is not going up in anything like the same way, and very few are in intensive care unlike April last year.
This is definitely a 'positive'.....Though I'm not convinced we're
quite out of the woods yet......Fingers crossed, though.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Picked two bags of elderflowers for SWMBO, who will turn them into cordial (delightful) and sparkling wine (not for me). The former is like summer in a glass with a superb aroma and taste. Can't wait!
Quote from: Techno II on 12 June 2021, 07:04:58 AM
This is definitely a 'positive'.....Though I'm not convinced we're quite out of the woods yet......Fingers crossed, though.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Doomed, doomed (where have you heard that before).
I think we will be another year before we can travel about willy nilly.
I also think that longer distance car trips to shows will not be the same.
I used to have a fast-ish (diesel) car which could zip down to York in 4 hours (comfort break included), spend 4 hours at the show (good buying and selling show) and then 5 hours home (getting tired and its darker) in time for late tea without topping up the tank.
Now I don't have an Audi. I don't have a car at all. I can borrow my good ladies car but it is a ladies car (no disrespect) not as fast and not as comfy, uses petrol and I don't think the tank is big enough without a stop to top up. I shouldn't have to enter any LEZ's (low emission zone) on the way but I expect that obstacle will only increase given time.
I'm now officially an old man, on the lesser side of good health, smaller pool of stamina and less willingness to be there regardless.
The end result is that the show circuit will become smaller and less extensive in scope.
When in Boots (Metro Centre), yesterday, to get a thermometer, they were giving out free Covid self test kits... (Made In China! LOL!)...so picked up a couple.
Tried mine today and seemed to be -ve. :)
Had been getting a bit concerned, due to various current 'issues' and the changes in India Variant symptoms. Wonder if Much of the current rise in infection rates possibly due to people thinking that they just had a 'summer cold' or Hayfever ??
NOT pleasant to do! The tonsil area swab, (I an't got any), made me 'gag' badly... and Nostril swab VERY uncomfortable! THINK I got it done right, but... :(
Had intended to test Ma. But, absolutely NO way she could take that, the way she is. :( :(
Thermometer... £15 digital... showed 36.5 or so, for us both... so ok. But, we have had no signs of 'fever' at all since it all kicked off, anyway.
Six tests per kit. Will just have to keep an eye on myself. ;)
You are suppoed to test every two days. And yes it's horrible.
We test twice a week at school.
Hell of a way to wake yourself up...
We are asked to test every four days at our stabbing centre.
We've been testing twice a week - led from the kids schools.
It definitely gets easier / less unpleasant with repetition (or you just do it less well)
Test kits can be ordered online for free, if you would rather not go into shops
Over the past few days I was finally able to see my dad, brother and sister-in-law for the first time in two years! Good to see them but very surreal after so long and also eating in a restaurant. As we all said, we're having to learn to socialise again and feel safe whilst doing so.
You cannot scare me with this. Still coming. :P
All was going OK until nearly a month ago when my back flared up again. Now I've had back problems since a teenager when I partially slipped a disc, however this was completely off the scale in terms of pain. After an x-ray (an MRI to follow) it turns out I have mild scoliosis and moderate degenerative disc disease in my L2 & L3 vertebrae (the ones that take most of the load for movement etc). So I've gone from being pretty active for my age to stuck in a chair most of the day :(. It takes me a couple of rather painful hours to get going, even with the anti-inflammatory drugs they given me for the moment. Fed up is an understatement!!!
I sympathise Steve. I also have a bad back, although not as bad as yours. I once asked Bruce Douglas what to do about it - he said exploit it. Was useful for skiving off night shifts.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 21 June 2021, 07:59:32 AM
I sympathise Steve. I also have a bad back, although not as bad as yours. I once asked Bruce Douglas what to do about it - he said exploit it. Was useful for skiving off night shifts.
Would this 'Bruce Douglas' be a wargamer?
Very good 6th edition player was Bruce. He was a consultant Anethsits (SP)
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 21 June 2021, 11:02:42 AM
Very good 6th edition player was Bruce. He was a consultant Anethsits (SP)
He's probably the same Bruce Douglas that I met 'down sarth' at the Nationals many years ago. Silver haired and also had a wargaming son whose name I can't remember.
Alan Douglas. Yes it would be.
Sympathies from me, as well, Steve. :(
My problem is with two 'wedged' discs....so I tend to walk around doing Richard III impersonations....It's a real effort to stand with my shoulders 'level'....(So I tend not to bother.)
The hernia is being a complete 'pain' well...which is why I'm in such a foul temper, most of the time.
Cheers - Phil.
Quote from: Techno II on 22 June 2021, 06:51:21 AM
Sympathies from me, as well, Steve. :(
My problem is with two 'wedged' discs....so I tend to walk around doing Richard III impersonations....It's a real effort to stand with my shoulders 'level'....(So I tend not to bother.)
The hernia is being a complete 'pain' well...which is why I'm in such a foul temper, most of the time.
Cheers - Phil.
We'd noticed, it's not good having all the residual aches and pains is it.
I can empathise with your predicament Phil on the hernia front. I'm glad I managed to get mine sorted via private health insurance, although at times the plastic mesh does irritate somewhat. Touch wood the back is OK today...
Ian's right....For me (the majority of the time) it IS a residual 'nagging' pain.....Which seems to be almost constant....It drags you down when it's there virtually all the time.
Only time I get what I'd call a really 'nasty'...(Aw gosh* ! , that jolly well* hurts) pain is when the hernia 'gets stuck'......That ISN'T fun....and it seems to have gone from only happening once every two months to at least once a week, or more.
Hey, Ho.
Cheers - Phil.
*..Please insert more appropriate potty mouth words as you see fit :D
Quote from: Techno II on 22 June 2021, 04:16:44 PM
pain is when the hernia 'gets stuck'....
Please get medical advice if you haven't already. If its a certain type, gets stuck and then strangulates it can get serious quickly.
Think we are all reluctant to see doc's atm, given the pandemic. But it is very good advice.
QuoteIf its a certain type, gets stuck and then strangulates it can get serious quickly.
I was told the same when first diagnosed. Apparently you would know if it's become strangulated due to level of pain, which is meant to be unbelievable according to my Doc. Also you have a matter of hours before the trapped 'gut' dies and can't be repaired, talk less of you potentially dying! So as the others have said, worth getting it checked again Phil.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 23 June 2021, 05:10:56 AM
Think we are all reluctant to see doc's atm, given the pandemic. But it is very good advice.
Ha! It was bloody difficult to get an appointment two years ago. Now its damn near impossible, at least at our surgery.
There was a piece on news couple of days ago about A&E depts. seeing a large increase in people with 'minor' problems, that would normally be seen by a GP. They didn't go on and ask the question 'Why?'.
At our GP's it is quick to get a telephone appointment with a GP.
I've only had to phone the doc about this once, since the pandemic began.....She wasn't a huge help...it was basically "If the pain gets any worse, go to A&E."
I have to admit, on that particular occasion, I was starting to have a panic.
At that point in time, the last place I wanted to go was A&E....It seemed like hospitals were good places to go, if you wanted to catch covid.
I've found that when 'it' really gets stuck, a hot water bottle over it seems to help 'free' either the muscles around it, or the 'lump' itself.
I HAVE had notification that I'm on 'a list' to see a consultant (?)....So that's a step forward......(Yes, I know, that'll be months (at least) down the road.)
Not sure if our surgery is up and running properly again.... Maybe it's still the telephone triage service.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Phil... from the sound of things, you are the 'type'to 'put up with it' until it knocks you out. I am similar... BUT I HAVEN'T GOT A HERNIA! Get it looked at!! NHS may be under stress, but so are YOU... and YOU are what they are there for. Covid worries, yeah... but better under 'controlled situation' than 'emergency'.
H.... :)
Nah.....The NHS has really got to 'catch up' with a lot more important things before my hernia.
The irony is that I was down to have the op 10 (?) years ago.....this was at the time it was about the size of a small marble..(when it appeared...very infrequently)....But it had behaved itself for such a long period of time, I really thought it had managed to knit together.
Dragging dead sheep over the fields is what's really made it tear. (I reckon)
Wretched 'fluffies' weighed more than me......'Dead weight' was really appropriate.
Cheers - Phil :)
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 23 June 2021, 05:10:56 AM
Think we are all reluctant to see doc's atm, given the pandemic. But it is very good advice.
I'm not...
Guessed that Ben what with the Marshalling.
Invigilating Year 10's all week - started with almost full rooms on Monday, a few down on Tuesday, Tuesday evening an Invigilator reports +ve test, 3 others isolated. Rest all tested -ve. Fewer kids though. Fewer again yesterday and several pulled out exams for isolation. Supposed to do 2 sessions today - two of us with 1 pupil in 1st, Nil pupils in second. Seems it's comon in most schools atm.
I don't know about the rest of you....but I am getting slightly twitchy about the way the cases of Covid are going up & up, at the moment.
There's hardly any 'blue' on the map of the UK anymore.....and that particular shade of blue shows areas that have cases between 50 & 99 per 100,000 of the population.
(Then type in your postcode in the appropriate box...then scroll down to the map.)
Are hospital admissions going up 'alarmingly' yet ?......Are more folk starting to get 'dangerously' ill ?...Am I getting bothered over nothing ?
Cheers - Phil. :-\
Phil - looks like the cases are much ;less serious, far less hospitalisation. Didn't catch the news last night but was over 60% with both jabs, and in the high 80's for first ones. Info seems to say that this is giving a very high level of protection. So DONT PANIC] to be read as nice and freindly !
Thanks, Ian. :-bd
Can you tell me, though.....I've never really got my head around what the 'correct' answer is.
I'm double jabbed...and for the sake of argument, we'll say that I'm completely immune to any of the variants.....I assume that I could still catch the wretched thing and pass it on, before my immune system 'kills it' ?
Yes ??
Cheers - Phil. :)
Sort of - the vaccines give 95-99 percent imunity and reduce your ability to infect by 85-90 % So yes you could infect and or catch it, but it's very unlikley. The other effect is to reduce the severity of an attack, as you already have the anti-bodies. Hence the much lower number of peps being hospitalised with an even lower percentage going into ICU. Overall the situation is far better than in January. We are getting there, honest.
Chatting with a healthcare professional friend last night, we have two cases in Bristol, where the adults are 40, have been doubled vaccinated but are on ventilators. However both are obese, so underlying health issues continue to be one of the main factors in whether you get hospitalised or not. Also her husband went to the Euro final on a minibus with friends, two of whom then tested positive! She is expecting the final to become a super spreader event, but we will have to wait and see :(.
Our son is CEV and the latest guidance is to carry on as if the current restrictions are still in place. Most friends and neighbours we've chatted with are carrying as present for the foreseeable future.
I don't think its panic. Being "slightly twitchy" seems about right. Cases are clearly rising fast everywhere (ten fold here in two months) and as the prevalence increases more and more people are told to work from home/isolate/test etc. So disruption spreads and it gets near impossible to arrange or expect anything to be done on time. I trust my chances of getting seriously ill if infected are now very much reduced (assuming the jabs worked with my supressed immune system which is an unknown) but as the prevalence keeps rising , I become more likely to be infected. And since I am a wimp who needs no more illness at all thanks very much, I shall continue to avoid crowds and busy indoor situations. The shame is I qualified for a bus pass during the pandemic and now dont want to use it. I even had a tip ready for the conductor. (its been a long time)
Oh and 40,000 cases mean 40,000 more opportunities for the little b....r to evolve into the Omega variant.
We are where we are so each of us has to weigh up the risks for our own situations.
My son and I have been playing games of an online version of the board game "Pandemic." We've lost all but one game.
I worry the real world may be playing our strategy too. :-SS :-& X_X
My 'take' is that there will be a massive rise in cases... some of those will be serious. BUT, the vac programme will have greatly reduced the'overall' effects... so, 'hopefully' less Chance if a 'crisis', than before.
The vac would have pretty much clobbered the original strain in the UK, but new variants, less so. And there MAY very well, be Newer variants on their way.
Point is... we have to 'bite the bullet' and ease restrictions, 'sometime'. Too much of 'normal life' has been lost for so many. I don't think things will return to 'normal' for a long time yet, though. Certainly, I will continue to mask and glove for shops, etc. I 'might' venture into a pub sometime... but I hardly ever bothered, pre-covid. (Mutter, grumble).
I just don't see that opening up 'Overseas Holidays' can be a 'good' thing! Not this year, at least! But...
Being vac'd does not mean that you cannot 'catch' covid... BUT . hopefully, your system has more chance of 'killling' it before you become 'highly' infectious... or your health really suffers. People 'at risk' will always be at risk... and I don't think that is going to change.
Remember, though... you do NOT need to 'catch' covid to spread it, through 'contact'! So Hand Washing, Sanitisers and Disposable Gloves sould continue to be 'de riguer' for many circumstances.
LOL. Just how many people do you see wearing gloves?
Things will not 'get back to normal' for a LONG time, yet... and may never be quite the same.
Know I have said this before but the flu some of get jabbed for every year is a mutation of the "Spanish" flu originating in the US in 1917/8 so Corona is not going away, it will become much less viriulant over the years.....
A bit confused abbot 'Pinging'. I don't have a mobile which supports 'aps', whatever they are.
But curios about whether there is a 'Time Expiry' on those registered as having had a +ve result, or full blown case? Tests and diagnosis not infallible.
But, if there is not an expiry, then 'pinging' is just going to keep on rising? Yes, they might bring in an option for 'double jabbed' ignoring a 'ping'... but then, what is the point of it?
If such a system had already been in place in the very early days of first appearance, it might have been an effective countermeasure to prevent spread. For those with appropriate tech. But, given the numbers who 'may' have had it by now, a year and a half later... 'contact' with such will be almost impossible to avoid? Especially for staff on public transport, shops, pubs...etc.
If 'proximity' in a bus/ train/shop/pub will result in a 'ping'... then forget it. You can't go on like that.
I've heard reports of people being 'pinged' because of the next-door neighbours. i.e. <2 metres measured through the wall. /sigh.
Like you, I don't have a phone capable of running these apps.
I am currently unable to go to my local cafe/bar, as they want you to order through WhatsApp.
I certainly can't fly, as there are no paper tickets anymore, it's all done via your smartphone.
My wife's just gone to Spain (booked over a year ago . . .). There's a Spanish app to prove you have been vaccinated and to report your test status - I couldn't do that.
Suddenly feeling that I'm being left behind by the modern world :(
Quote from: Raider4 on 19 July 2021, 04:31:19 PM
Suddenly feeling that I'm being left behind by the modern world :(
Wish it would leave ME alone... but it won't. :'( >:(
Back in the late 80s, a colleague, (I WAS going to use 'co-worker'! lol), not 'THAT' much older than me, wanted pay in cash... wouldn't have a Bank account... was quite happy with his Savings Bank Books! ;)
Then again, he smoked 'Woodbines', (unfiltered cigs), wouldn't see a Quack when he got pneumonia... (Are we SURE Covid has not been around before in a less contagious form?)... and has been Dead 20yrs. :(
Looks like , for the mo, anyway, I'm stuck with it. :(
The modern world has given me chances to travel further than Marco Polo ever did, fight more battles than Alexander, hear music - good and bad - that Bach didn't dream of, the chance to be an open atheist and bisexual without fear for my liberty or employment, a new art form, espresso, and efficient dental anaesthesia. There's lots I dislike, but I'm glad to be here.
And May You be here at 10... whatever! ;) Now't like positive thinking! :)
Me... survived 59 years of increasing negative buoyancy... just haven't 'quite' reached 'crush depth'... Yet... ;) ;D
Quote from: FierceKitty on 20 July 2021, 04:39:15 AM
There's lots I dislike, but I'm glad to be here.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I love being alive now.
I just loathe the way that we're being pushed to 'smartphone for everything', and the need to give up your information to anyone and everyone at the slightest excuse.
Hear, hear....With you on that, Martyn.
(I really MUST reactivate our old mobiles...so I can keep one in the car, for emergencies.)
Cheers - Phil. :)
Quote from: Techno II on 20 July 2021, 06:44:34 AM
(I really MUST reactivate our old mobiles...so I can keep one in the car, for emergencies.)Cheers - Phil. :)
That's why I got mobliles in the first place! otherwise NOT wanted! If it is a really old one... might KO a Pine Martin on a good throw? ;) ;D
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 20 July 2021, 07:02:57 AM
might KO a Pine Martin on a good throw? ;) ;D
a) Its a PoleCat (Save the Polecat one)
b) Pine Martins are protected !
Struggling with the heat at present as it was 33C on the car temperature reading driving back from Wales yesterday. The house was 28C downstairs at 10.00pm and considerably hotter upstairs, in the range of mid to high 30's C, given we didn't cool down at all despite wearing minimal clothing to sleep. Not a breath of wind to cool things down either. I got so hot in fact that I had to cover myself with a wet towel to cool down, which is a first. I think the long hot drive got to me.
Oh and it's only getting hotter here over the next few days!!!
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 20 July 2021, 07:17:46 AM
a) Its a PoleCat (Save the Polecat one)
b) Pine Martins are protected !
My Bad! Was thinking about the TV 'Compare the Meerkat' ads in my 'haze'! THEY need an RPG! ;D
Quote from: Steve J on 20 July 2021, 07:40:04 AM
Struggling with the heat at present as it was 33C on the car temperature reading driving back from Wales yesterday. The house was 28C downstairs at 10.00pm and considerably hotter upstairs, in the range of mid to high 30's C, given we didn't cool down at all despite wearing minimal clothing to sleep. Not a breath of wind to cool things down either. I got so hot in fact that I had to cover myself with a wet towel to cool down, which is a first. I think the long hot drive got to me.
Oh and it's only getting hotter here over the next few days!!!
Curious? Is it a 'New Build House? A lass that I know 'hated' the temps in a 'modern' insulated New Build... just couldn't get it to cool. Moved to an older property as soon as she could... and much happier! :o
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 20 July 2021, 07:46:19 AM
My Bad! Was thinking about the TV 'Compare the Meerkat' ads in my 'haze'! THEY need an RPG! ;D
RPG7 or RPG2... yes they are enough to put you off using the site !
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 20 July 2021, 08:00:25 AM
RPG7 or RPG2... yes they are enough to put you off using the site !
No worse than the gocompare opera singer.
Quote from: Raider4 on 20 July 2021, 08:08:07 AM
No worse than the gocompare opera singer.
Katana Shave, there... Oh No... just pliers, lets not be Nasty! ;D
Quote from: Raider4 on 20 July 2021, 08:08:07 AM
No worse than the gocompare opera singer.
I'm going to get shouted at for this one, but he IS WELSH !
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 20 July 2021, 07:52:50 AM
A lass that I know 'hated' the temps in a 'modern' insulated New Build... just couldn't get it to cool.
Have the same problem. 2019 completion. Special windows to maximise solar gain and everything insulated so the building simply does not let heat go. Dropped from 25C at 10pm all the way down to 24c at 4.00 am. Glorious in winter and the standard that the Greens want us all to aspire to. Except I am seriously considering proper aircon which is kind of defeating the benefit.
Our house a 1960 mid-terrace that is SSE facing. today I left the windows and curtains closed all morning so the heat build up was minimal and you really notice the difference. Thank God for a breeze this afternoon which appears to be blowing in the right direction to cool the bedrooms down tonight.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 20 July 2021, 10:40:43 AM
I'm going to get shouted at for this one, but he IS WELSH !
Really nice bloke...Spoken to him about half a dozen times on local radio.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Well in South Glos we have had a 60% increase in cases in a week and now are at our highest ever level of infections, with hospitalisations on the rise too :(. I imagine it's going to get an awful lot worse before it gets better.
A couple of days ago, Pembs. had the lowest figure per 100,000 of anywhere in the whole of the UK.....We now appear to be catching up with every one else...(our increase was around 90%...but we were starting with a relatively low base)
Nowhere near as bad as the NE of England , parts of which seem to be going ber-zerk (sic). X_X
Cheers - Phil. :(
Shopping yesterday most peps in ASDA were wearing masks
I'm going to keep wearing one for months...even after we're told we don't have to. :)
Be interesting to see what Tesco's is like this morning regarding 'shortages', after the papers appear to be trying to start a panic....again. X_X
I'll guess that those members of Joe Public who have the intelligence of a Toilet Duck, will be fully loading their trolleys with loo-rolls again. =)
Cheers - Phil. ;)
Most peps on Merseyrail were obeying the rules - masks still required. Also at least 50% in shops.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 21 July 2021, 07:36:49 AM
Shopping yesterday most peps in ASDA were wearing masks
Just been to Morrisons - almost no one in there except the staff setting up for the day. I'd say 90% of those were not wearing a mask.
Probably lots of mask wearing cause it makes shoplifting easier :d :d
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 22 July 2021, 07:00:48 AM
Probably lots of mask wearing cause it makes shoplifting easier :d :d
I did wonder about that. Places like shops & banks can't be too happy about people wandering in & out with their faces mostly covered.
My son used to work in a pub that banned people wearing hats, because it made them difficult to identify on the CCTV.
Very few customers or staff at Lidl and Asda wearing masks today. Given the steep rise in cases here you would have thought it wise to keep wearing them. We certainly are.
Have to say...Never seen the carpark at Tesco's, in Cardigan, as full at the time I normally go in. :o (Excluding Christmas ;D ;D)
Yes.....There are certain (but very few) 'really specific' items/brands that aren't there, just at the mo'.....But there are plenty of alternatives....Let's face it..this often happens anyway.
Shelves were empty of Tesco's own brand of dog food....(SHOCK HORROR PROBE ;D).....(Got the boys some Pedigree Chum.....Damn the extra 50p. ;))
Paracetamol tablets.....none of those..but plenty of the 'caplets'.
..and that really was about it....The shelves will be full again in no time at all !
I did hear one shopper, complaining to a friend about someone she obviously thought was a tourist......."YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN HER TROLLEY.....OVERFLOWING, IT WAS....TALK ABOUT PANIC BUYING."
Bloody media, and platforms like Faceache.
Cheers - Phil. :)
First item on radio news: "Supermarkets are urging customers not to panic buy".
I wonder what will happen now . . . ?
Urm.... :-\.....No, I just can't guess, Martyn ;)
Cheers- Phil. ;D ;D ;D
(P.S. If anyone wants loo rolls...gimme a shout.... One roll...£100* to you, sir.....Bargain !...They won't be around for long, Sir..Get'em while you can.....* Plus P&P, of course..This to be negotiated.)
Quote from: Raider4 on 22 July 2021, 10:01:55 AM
First item on radio news: "Supermarkets are urging customers not to panic buy".
I wonder what will happen now . . . ?
Again, even at the height of it last year, the only thing I could not get were Loo rolls and hand sanitizer. Fortunately we buy loo roll in bulk (well 24 roll pack) so had plenty. Work put up Sanitizer stations al over the place with 1 litre bottles in them....Decanted a bot and I was sorted.
Now if we ran out of MDF for bases, or model paints I would be concerned, although I have so much paint, I might have to do another project if a particular colour ru out.
You can bulk buy a lot of that stuff online anyway if you really need it. We also have always tended to bulk buy bog roll and certain larder staples (dried beans, etc) as it's more economical and it's not like it goes off...I don't really understand panic buying mentality though. Especially this time round as it's more to do with staff shortages than supply shortages. Apparently it's something about feeling in control psychologically. Plus some people seem really resistant to trying things outside their comfort zone, like a different brand... =) the horror...
Quote from: Techno II on 22 July 2021, 10:21:25 AM
(P.S. If anyone wants loo rolls...gimme a shout.... One roll...£100* to you, sir.....Bargain !...)
Picked a 12 month supply eariler in the week. £3 Not noticed any shortages in the local ASDAs although stock was very different - memo to self - check Brombrogh as well as Woodchurch and Birkenhead !
We've had constant short orders and missing stuff and wildly entertaining but unusable replacements on our deliveries from all the supermarkets.
The rare occasions I've not avoided going in they've been OK, but recently have nose dived.
Problem with bulk buying is where do you put it? We've squirrelled away stuff all over the house, but then we have a house, with loft and extention which is pretty privilieged. If I was in a flat, or in multioccupancy housing, it would bloody difficult at best.
Just last week, I 'popped into' a shop and was 'mortified' to realise that I'd forgot to mask... didn't even get a 'look', tho. Will continue to mask and glove for some time yet!
'Stockpiling'! Before Ma's Head 'went'... (and looking back, the signs may have been there for a 'long' time)... she was a great cook and always carried MASSIVE stocks of food and also non-perishable stuff. PLUS, her 'emergengy' staches of tinned/ dried staples! :o
Still have FIVE freezers stuffed to capacity! Just hope we never get a long loss of power! Some shelves. I have never looked at... and there are the tubs of 'unidentifiable' gloop!
Tinned produce... have almost finished the cases of Corned Beef got in for 'Work' sandwiches nearly 4 yrs ago. Still good. Other tins... no way would I touch! Last year, I dumped her 'emergency' stache stockpiled for 'The Millennium Bug'! Think current record was a tin of Chicken with a 95 Date!
So, not likely to starve... though death from food poisoning a possibility. ;D
Rater Sad, chucking her 'Cake Baking' stuff out, though. :'( (But... why would she have possibly needed 3 tape sealed Big coffee jars each, of Dried Fruit, Caster Sugar and Almonds?). :o :(
I continue to 'bulk buy' some stuff when possible and 'on offer'... 6 months supply of 'Dog tins', or 3-4 9 packs of Bog Roll... but there is absolutely NO space left in the house... apart from 'The Loft'.... and I AIN'T GOING UP THERE! :o ;D
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 22 July 2021, 03:03:48 PM
So, not likely to starve... though death from food poisoning a possibility. ;D
Don't go there, Keith......Von and I have both been suffering from that for the last couple of days.....(
Not proper food poisoning...a very mild symptom of heatstroke..but somewhat unpleasant.)
Mind you..there's an unopened packet of very nice ham in the fridge....that
should have been used by yesterday.....I won't risk it......Bin...or if it doesn't smell 'off'..I know a couple of our for legged friends who will wolf it down. (Oh, for the extra acid they've got in their stomachs, to kill 'germs'.)
Cheers - Phil. :)
Quote from: Techno II on 22 July 2021, 03:29:32 PM
Don't go there, Keith......Von and I have both been suffering from that for the last couple of days.....(Not proper food poisoning...a very mild symptom of heatstroke..but somewhat unpleasant.)
Mind you..there's an unopened packet of very nice ham in the fridge....that should have been used by yesterday.....I won't risk it......Bin...or if it doesn't smell 'off'..I know a couple of our for legged friends who will wolf it down. (Oh, for the extra acid they've got in their stomachs, to kill 'germs'.)
Cheers - Phil. :)
Unless it smells or looks dodgy of the pot has "Blown" I eat it . Only thing I am careful on is Shell fish.
Apart from well frozen Scampi or cooked Prawns, shellfish has never been part of our menu. Even when guaranteed fresh, I don't trust the stuff. Once stayed with a relative on Yugoslav coast. He would don a Snorkel, take a hammer and 'waddle' out of water with his trunks stuffed with some sort of Bivalve! His wife cooked VERY tasty 'stew'... BUT, 'Adriatic Tummy'... and no water supply in mornings... does tend to put one off! :'(
Our freezers set high... frost/ice on packaging. Sometimes wonder about 'Supermarket Frozen'? Always 'dig' into the compartment. Ma never bothered about dates on Frozen, and we never had problems... but time is passing on freezer contents.
I AM a bit 'dubious' about 'Chilled' that was immediately frozen. Some really nice meals in freezers... but, hmmm... might leave a little bit longer! ;D
Fridge Chilled...'might ' go a day or two after date for self. Ma, I'm more careful... But, given MY booze intake, HER guts work better than mine, anyway! LOL! :o
Bread... usually WELL past... but the odd GREEN fleck , picked off, doesn't harm. Too much... or other colours... bin.
Tins... 'probably' good for a year or two past date... ain't dead... but DO NOT ADVOCATE!
Animals... Dog, Cat or Foxes / Birds... if I won't eat it, they ain't getting it either. Dog... 'BIG' GSD... so 'doggy' 'Bad Guts' is to be avoided...! :o :'( ;D
Well cases have risen by around 200 in just a couple of days here in South Glos, with us now the highest rate in the West country :(. At 888 as of last night, near as damn it double the highest rate at the peak of the pandemic. Not good, not good at all and given the almost complete lack of mask worn in shops over the past few days, it's only going to get an awful lot worse.
...and then there's the 5 day (?) lag on the figures, Steve......So what it's actually doing right at this mo'.... :(
Cheers - Phil.
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 23 July 2021, 03:44:06 AM
Apart from well frozen Scampi or cooked Prawns, shellfish has never been part of our menu. Even when guaranteed fresh, I don't trust the stuff. Once stayed with a relative on Yugoslav coast. He would don a Snorkel, take a hammer and 'waddle' out of water with his trunks stuffed with some sort of Bivalve! His wife cooked VERY tasty 'stew'... BUT, 'Adriatic Tummy'... and no water supply in mornings... does tend to put one off! :'(
Our freezers set high... frost/ice on packaging. Sometimes wonder about 'Supermarket Frozen'? Always 'dig' into the compartment. Ma never bothered about dates on Frozen, and we never had problems... but time is passing on freezer contents.
I AM a bit 'dubious' about 'Chilled' that was immediately frozen. Some really nice meals in freezers... but, hmmm... might leave a little bit longer! ;D
Fridge Chilled...'might ' go a day or two after date for self. Ma, I'm more careful... But, given MY booze intake, HER guts work better than mine, anyway! LOL! :o
Bread... usually WELL past... but the odd GREEN fleck , picked off, doesn't harm. Too much... or other colours... bin.
Tins... 'probably' good for a year or two past date... ain't dead... but DO NOT ADVOCATE!
Animals... Dog, Cat or Foxes / Birds... if I won't eat it, they ain't getting it either. Dog... 'BIG' GSD... so 'doggy' 'Bad Guts' is to be avoided...! :o :'( ;D
Nothing tastier than seafood stews from that region, swimming in olive oil and singing of garlic and saffron.
Quote from: Techno II on 23 July 2021, 06:49:00 AM
...and then there's the 5 day (?) lag on the figures, Steve......So what it's actually doing right at this mo'.... :(
Cheers - Phil.
We're at a worse stage on infections than ever, fortunetly whilst the various vaccines aren't good enough to reliably prevent you catching it they DO mitigate the symptoms. Just a shame we've said "f*** it" as a country and decided to abandon all hope. That said the general populace here in B'ham seems mostly reasonable, at least until beer's involved.
My clubs just restarted and the Committee have put a fair number of measures in place (over some members objections, who have decided YOLO but they got overridden!), but as it's indoors with a couple dozen people I'm not going unless I can organise a game outside and minimise inside rebreathing air for hours with people.
Especially as I somehow caught a bloody cold which has developed into sinusitis - think my eldest got it going swimming (MOAR CHLORINE WALSALL COUNCIL, MORE CHLORINE!), and she's also ended up with an ear infection, and the combined symptoms meant we all got pinged to isolate - waiting on PCR's to coe back but the repeated LFT's came up negative which is good. Ofc mine might have been caught at the club last week, despite large table and outside and masked up, which shows how easy it is to transmit - just a good job no one DID have Covid, as a good chunk of the club is half again as old as me and have undelrying health issues....
Yep, the rate is doubling at just under 7 days now, which is very worrying. In the previous tier system we would be on pretty much full lockdown again!
Quote from: Steve J on 23 July 2021, 10:35:21 AM
Yep, the rate is doubling at just under 7 days now, which is very worrying. In the previous tier system we would be on pretty much full lockdown again!
True dat.
But hey, freedom!
It's small consolation but I'm betting a lot of peoples mental health has improved now they can legally have a pint/party/hug their granny.
Quote from: Orcs on 22 July 2021, 07:21:52 PM
Unless it smells or looks dodgy of the pot has "Blown" I eat it . Only thing I am careful on is Shell fish.
Agreed! We seem to have become overly obsessed with use by dates; we discard based on smell. However, in the hot weather increased caution seems a prudent move; mind you the fermenting pineapple tasted great.
Quote from: toxicpixie on 23 July 2021, 10:50:57 AM
It's small consolation but I'm betting a lot of peoples mental health has improved now they can legally have a pint/party/hug their granny.
But I'm a teetotal sociopath whose Grannies died 40+ years ago.
Those with mental health issues should try becoming
wargamers collectors of unpainted figures , its worked for me :d :d :d ~X(
Quote from: DecemDave on 23 July 2021, 01:44:39 PM
. . . should try becoming wargamers collectors of unpainted figures
Ahhh, so it's not just me then?
Quote from: toxicpixie on 23 July 2021, 10:03:34 AM
who have decided YOLO
:-< Its because I only live once that I would like it to last as long as possible!!
Peeps pretty sensible here in those shops I've been in. But then I am in a small town on the Costa Geriatrica .
Quote from: DecemDave on 23 July 2021, 01:44:39 PM
But I'm a teetotal sociopath whose Grannies died 40+ years ago.
Those with mental health issues should try becoming wargamers collectors of unpainted figures , its worked for me :d :d :d ~X(
I have long accepted that I have largely moved from wargamer to planner of, and collector for, projects that will never be started, let alone completed.
Don't forget "thinker about".
I spend hours thinking about what I should do next - buy, paint, build, read, etc.
It may look like I'm just sitting in my chair sipping tea/coffee, but there's an awful lot of thinking about going on.
Quote from: DecemDave on 23 July 2021, 01:55:29 PM
:-< Its because I only live once that I would like it to last as long as possible!!
Peeps pretty sensible here in those shops I've been in. But then I am in a small town on the Costa Geriatrica .
I had a long discussion with a fellow club member, who has decided he CBA anymore, it's fine and manageable and it only happens to other people, anyway he's bored and wants to play games so GTFO.
That's great, proper bit of "no such thing as society" thinking there, but it's *not him he's risking*.
I'd suggested that people take an LFT before attending the club, and that may have triggered him.
He's no spring chicken, but he's very much an individual. Meanwhile younger attendee's are testing regularly and other club members also chimed in with "ignore that, here's some sensible measures similar to your suggestion 'cos we don't want crippling either"... so, eh.
It's definitely relaxed everyone but some are more relaxed than others, and I'm not sure age is much of a factor?
Got my first shot Thursday (at 61 I'm a senior, so relatively fast tracking). Felt chipper and spry yesterday, but today I feel as if I'm a junkie going cold turkey in rehab. Weak and giddy, some trouble focussing. To be expected, I understand.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 31 July 2021, 06:31:59 AM
Got my first shot Thursday (at 61 I'm a senior, so relatively fast tracking). Felt chipper and spry yesterday, but today I feel as if I'm a junkie going cold turkey in rehab. Weak and giddy, some trouble focussing. To be expected, I understand.
Shouldn't last long more than 2 days see a Doc...
Sorry to hear that Alexander. My wife and I had the AZ vaccine and were fine, our son had the Pfizer vaccine and was fine too, but our daughter who had the Pfizer vaccine was knocked out for about 4 days, with hot and cold sweats and nausea. Hope you feel better soon.
Hope you feel better really soon, Alexander. :)
Take care- All the best - Phil :)
Hope you feel better soon FK. Better a couple of days like this than getting fuill blown Covid
Thanks, all. It's not too bad, but I had to cancel a class this morning. I hate to do that.
I had a rough couple of days each time on AZ, but better than the real thing. This will pass FK, unpleasant as it is. Good excuse for a siesta anyway ;)
Serious electric problem with ' socket circuit' for Kitchen, etc. Local electrician able to restore Lights, boiler, etc. as 'between jobs', fix... run freezers, etc. on 'extensions'. Thought would be able to fix properly... but staff off to Covid... too much on. Arranged visit from 'national' company...
But engineer 'Pinged', just prior to visit! So, next week for another! JHFC! Oh, well, could have been bombed... ;)
Hope that's sorted 'as soon as', Keith.
Cheers - Phil.
That sounds like far too much "fun" :S
Always is fun, no doubt involving lots of sharp intakes of breath, and "It's going to cost you" statements !
Just been told our vaccination centre closes on 26th August. Job jobbed!
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 07 August 2021, 12:19:39 PM
Always is fun, no doubt involving lots of sharp intakes of breath, and "It's going to cost you" statements !
That furrowed brow and slight shake of the head with an indrawn breath...
*reaches for overdraft
Quote from: Ben Waterhouse on 07 August 2021, 12:47:08 PM
Just been told our vaccination centre closes on 26th August. Job jobbed!
Well about 89% had had one jab yesterday. Roughly 70% had 1st.
Ohio has less than 50% vaccination rate. The city of Toledo has ordered all city employees to wear masks indoors again, and to do so if travelling together in the same vehicle.
Quote from: Ben Waterhouse on 07 August 2021, 12:47:08 PM
Just been told our vaccination centre closes on 26th August. Job jobbed!
Good work Ben!
Our daughter's best friends sister has been pinged for the 5th time and told to isolate again. Her Dad has long Covid and she has had Covid too, so I think it's fair to say he's not best pleased.
Really don't see the point about ' pinging' app... NOW!
When virus first appeared, it might have helped to contain... but now, with so many 'possible' exposures... just ridiculous.
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 08 August 2021, 06:31:20 AM
Really don't see the point about ' pinging' app... NOW!
When virus first appeared, it might have helped to contain... but now, with so many 'possible' exposures... just ridiculous.
Its a way of giving us freedom - free at last , thank Boris almighty we are free at last. But still creating an unofficial lockdown to keep the medics happy.
Actually we had a lucky escape - we were a bit miffed that a relative hadn't popped in while in the area until the day after when she got pinged. Phew!
Interesting article on whether 'natural'immune response to infection 'may' be more effective than Booster shots.
Seeing as so many in UK have now been vacc'd or have had Covid, much more survivable... for some, anyway. Still do not want... but I reckon we ALL will either catch or be exposed to Covid at some time. Ma and I due for Boosters, 'soon'...when programme starts. Will certainly get them... esp. if Flu jab done at same time... (think this will happen for Ma, but not sure about me.).
Quote from: Poggle on 07 August 2021, 03:27:24 PM
Ohio has less than 50% vaccination rate. The city of Toledo has ordered all city employees to wear masks indoors again, and to do so if travelling together in the same vehicle.
Listening to R4 on the way home - late night news . Ran a report from I think Louisiana - in a church...The peps interviewed all said that the jab was aganist the will of god. That's what the US authorities are up against fortuneatly the uk has very few like that.
If you're a believer and have actually read the Bible, the opinion is defensible. Ridiculous, but credo qvia impossibile est.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 22 August 2021, 01:59:39 AM
If you're a believer and have actually read the Bible, the opinion is defensible. Ridiculous, but credo qvia impossibile est.
Its still a very dubious (I am being polite here) take on things.
Fundamentalist Believers (of most if not all faiths) generally thank God for his provision of most things. _E.G Believers pray or say grace before a meal to thank God for the food on the table. They do not refuse to eat because the food was produced using machinery - They would say "God helped us build the machinery"
So surely People have used their God given intellect to produce the vaccine to help keep you alive. Therefore in the believers case the vaccine is God given. So how could they refuse it.
As far as I am aware the vaccine contains nothing that is forbidden in any of the mainstream religions of the world.
I'm not supporting them at any level.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 22 August 2021, 01:59:39 AM
If you're a believer and have actually read the Bible, the opinion is defensible. Ridiculous, but credo qvia impossibile est.
Alexander you can prove any opinion with the old testament - and it is full of contrdictions.
The New too. I had a Catholic friend once who was much troubled by the way you can't really combine faith and hope (if you believe it, hope doesn't make sense, and if you hope for it, where's the certainty of faith?).
I'll keep to my own credo - cats, nookie, harpsichord music, espresso, and try to leave room for other people to live their own lives too, except fantasy gamers.
Me likewise similar if slightly different.
Recently returned from a short break down in Ingerlund and wrote a review on one of the hotels we stayed at (Holiday Inn, Riverlights, Derby).
First attempt barred for "inappropriate language." :o
So I deleted a competitor's name (Hilton by Doubleday) and replaced this with "another hotel chain" - and the review was successfully submitted! ;D #-o
Mask wearing seems to have ceased round here on public transport. Just the odd few peps seen with them.
Pretty much over and done with here, not just on the bus (actually might be fine on the bus for all I know, I never use them!) but shops, pubs, offices etc etc seem to have abandoned it.
I would guess mask wearing has certainly diminished in Derby and York (still in force indoors in Scotland and I don't really know what it was like in England before this easement) but saw hotels and many shops and pubs still politely requesting people to wear masks and a number of peeps (including my wife and I) did so.
[I assume my "inappropriate language" post wasn't funny then .... ;) Well, our break was good anyway in helping to "get through it." :P]
Quote from: Westmarcher on 06 October 2021, 11:42:43 AM
[I assume my "inappropriate language" post wasn't funny then .... ;) Well, our break was good anyway in helping to "get through it." :P]
Don't call us we won't call you :d :d
Quote from: Orcs on 22 August 2021, 04:50:38 AM
Its still a very dubious (I am being polite here) take on things.
Fundamentalist Believers (of most if not all faiths) generally thank God for his provision of most things. _E.G Believers pray or say grace before a meal to thank God for the food on the table. They do not refuse to eat because the food was produced using machinery - They would say "God helped us build the machinery"
So surely People have used their God given intellect to produce the vaccine to help keep you alive. Therefore in the believers case the vaccine is God given. So how could they refuse it.
As far as I am aware the vaccine contains nothing that is forbidden in any of the mainstream religions of the world.
Funnily enough; Pharmaceutical companies (or Big Pharma for the tinfoil hat crowd) are quite alert to taboo ingredients in their products.
As for fundamentalists: History shows that their favourite pastime involves inflicting their commandments on others.
The State of Illinois mandates wearing masks inside public places. My wife and I were at the Archon SF/Fantasy convention in Collinsville Il this weekend and I'd say masks were worn 99% of the time, and when they weren't it was where people could be socially distanced. It's the only time I can recall NOT suffering from 'Con Crud' after I got home so I guess the masks work.
By contrast Missouri across the river is a Covid hell hole. I talked to many people who were glad Archon wasn't hosted there.
Good stuff Poggle! People not breathing in each other's faces and actually washing sanitising hands?! Who'd a thnuked that would help...
Westmarcher, there's no laugh response ;)
Quote from: FierceKitty on 22 August 2021, 01:59:39 AM
If you're a believer and have actually read the Bible, the opinion is defensible. Ridiculous, but credo qvia impossibile est.
This is a story of a man, who was a firm believer of god.
One day it began to rain very heavily. It kept raining and a big flood came.
The man climbed up on the roof of his house, and knew that he would be ok. God would protect him.
It kept raining and now the water had reached his waist. A rowboat came by and a guy in the boat said: "Hey, jump in. I'll take you with me".
"No thanks", said the man. "I'm a firm believer in God. He will rescue me". He sent the boat away.
It kept on raining and now the water had reached his neck. A patrol boat came by and a police officer in the boat said: "You look like you could need some help. Jump in and we'll take you with us".
"No", said the man. "I'm a firm believer in God. He will rescue me. Don't worry about me". The boat sailed away.
It still rained and the water now reached his mouth. A rescue helicopter came by and a guy in the helicopter let down a rope ladder and said: "Hi there my friend. Climb up. We'll rescue you".
"No", said the man. "I'm a firm believer in God. He will rescue me. I know he will". The helicopter flew away.
It kept on raining, and finally the man drowned.
When the man died, he went to heaven. When entering Heaven, he had an interview with God.
After giving a polite greeting and sitting down, the man asked: "Where were you. I waited and waited. I was sure you would rescue me, as I have been a firm believer all my life, and have only done good to others. So where were you when I needed you?"
God scratched his confused looking face and answered: "I don't get it either. I sent you two boats and a helicopter".
Nobby - coat chewing time !!!
That was an oldie, Mike. =)
Quote from: Westmarcher on 06 October 2021, 04:30:02 PM
That was an oldie, Mike. =)
No one has ever accused me of being original :-)
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 21 August 2021, 03:00:31 PM
Listening to R4 on the way home - late night news . Ran a report from I think Louisiana - in a church...The peps interviewed all said that the jab was aganist the will of god. That's what the US authorities are up against fortuneatly the uk has very few like that.
Most of the anti-vaxxers seem to be atheists, well very few seem to mention any religious aspect on their internet postings. They generally seem to be suspicious of authority or doubt the efficacy of the vaccine or think it is more dangerous to have than to risk getting Covid and, hopefully, surviving it. A challenging exercise in the interplay between the individual and the community.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 22 August 2021, 06:10:03 AM
The New too. I had a Catholic friend once who was much troubled by the way you can't really combine faith and hope (if you believe it, hope doesn't make sense, and if you hope for it, where's the certainty of faith?).
The whole point is that they are complimentary and not in conflict, like two sides of a coin.
I think we need to minimise the politics and religion aspects of the forum. To judge from the
top-totty folder the politically incorrect amorous postings have, at least, been corralled in one place.
Quote from: hammurabi70 on 06 October 2021, 11:14:51 PM
I think we need to minimise the politics and religion aspects of the forum.
This is a forum for a 10mm Miniature figure manufacture. Modelling, Wargaming, Painting and their associated topics really should be the core topics of discussions.
We do have the unwritten rule about politics and religion....Both subjects can just end up causing bad feeling on the forum.
Said it so many times, that I've just about given up repeating myself.
(I'll just use my Lock and Delete buttons if things get out of hand.) :P
Cheers - Phil.
I see Chat & News or Fun Stuff as 'fairly open', for topic or comment... other boards for more modelling specific.
People need somewhere to 'communicate'... whether, 'Blowing Off Steam', or 'Relating'... and where better than on a site with SOME shared interests, so some common ground. We all know of some of the 'radical' or 'pedantc' views , sometimes expreesed on other Fora.
ANYWAY!, A guy on another Forum, just starting in 10mm or 1/144, was asking about Decals / Transfers for Free French WW2 vehicles. Yeah, some Lorraine Crosses and Flags available fron PenD... but think he might be after a wider selection of markings.
Any recommends to forward?
10mm gaming IS a religion!
As most of us have survived merciless commentary on our generalship/ability to roll dice, surely we can cope with a bit of robust controversy contained in a few threads? I find reading others perspectives on hot topics is useful even if they are so obviously wrong. :D
While the forum host (peace be upon him) and his acolytes have absolute authority over what remains posted, is it not far easier to rely on us making our own minds up on what to bother reading ? Just to stir it up: Given that objectification of women is clearly a hot political topic in the UK, surely the entire "top totty" thread becomes a political statement. It is very hard to have a "no politics" rule as you actually get "no politics I disagree with". What I think is meant is that "we don't want two members getting into aggressive personal arguments (unless in "forum bar fight") or posting stuff/language thats clearly offensive. So its more about thread control and forcing posts into the right threads so the the rest of us are left in peace to admire the latest sashimonos on the sengoku ashigaru or ever more obscure WW2 vehicles.
In any case, the Lisbon Maru post http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,21192.msg334210.html#msg334210 reminds me how trivial are the "hot" debates here or our whines about the shortage of petrol, turkeys, common sense, ...
Quote from: Techno II on 07 October 2021, 06:43:40 AM
We do have the unwritten rule about politics and religion....Both subjects can just end up causing bad feeling on the forum.
Said it so many times, that I've just about given up repeating myself.
(I'll just use my Lock and Delete buttons if things get out of hand.) :P
Cheers - Phil.
Sure you won't just delete yourself !! :d :d
That's always a possibility. X_X :D
I'm still being a sad old git, and watching the map of "How many cases of corona virus in your area."
Coo...the map of the UK has gone awfully red in the past few weeks, as cases rise.
Doesn't seem THAT long ago that Pembrokeshire reached the 'heady heights' of zero cases per 100,000...We're now the worst in Wales.....if not the whole of the UK, at 754 per 100,000.
Only blue bits on the UK map are the Shetland Islands and the Orkneys.
Oh well...I'll keep wearing my mask...though,in Wales, I think we're still required to in shops.
Very rarely see anyone 'unmasked' in Tesco's.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Cases in my wife's infant's and primary school sharply on the rise, with year 6 badly hit. Even the infants have cases now which didn't happen last year. According to a report on The Today programme yesterday, cases are circa 45K per day, with Secondary School age children the worst hit. Deaths I think 500 a day/week. Still many people not wearing masks around here :(.
My friend's 17 yera-old daughter has had to be put onto Beta Blockers due to long COVID.
Her heart rate has been running between 100-120 at rest!
And they say it will have no effect on the youth..
My resting heart rate hardy ever drops below 90....Probably why I'm so skinny.
Just taken it.....102.
Cheers - Phil. :)
In my 40's my resting heart rate used to be around 50 bpm, but now around 60 or a tad above. I can't imagine what it would feel like to have 120bpm!
I'm now seeing a lot of "direct" friends and family catching it, whereas before it at "one remove" or higher (friends of friends, friends extended family etc...).
We're worse off than the "peaks" previously, especially as the Ambulance Service is now overwhelmed and the waits for A&E hitting 13+ hours in some cases :/
Said it before but .....
The important thing is the number of paitents in Intensive Care, and those are much lower. Did some testing with the Kids at Prescot High, over the week one +ve test. Two freinds thought they had it - one did but described it as a the same as a bad cold, the other had a bad cold. Higher infection rate is probably due us being more open, the minority wearing masks and far less social distancing. We could go back to lock down, but dont tghink any of us want that. I suggest we all take lateral flow tests as soon as we show any symptoms and get the booster as soon as offered.
We're still seeing a small airliners worth of deaths every week, and our hospitalisations have been engineered to cripple NHS capacity to operate.
On the plus side I just had my booster shot scheduled. Choice of half an hour time or hour and a half. That's... cutting it a bit close :D
I'm getting mine tomorrow.
Not heard about the booster shot (for either of us) yet.....But got a call yesterday about our flu jabs...9th Nov.
Have to wait and see whether the covid booster is going to be done at the surgery, or at a 'jab centre'.
Cheers - Phil. :)
I imagine they will be done at a centre Phil (our ones are), as they are the Pfizer vaccine and you have the 10 minute wait afterwards. Our son has his on 13th November, so the vulnerable groups are at least getting their done. Hopefully mine will be before Xmas.
I think you're going to be right, Steve.
I just hope it won't be too much of a trek.
I've heard (anecdotally) people being offered boosters 60+ miles away...though they've been able to change that to somewhere a lot nearer.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Getting mine at 10:20 on Saturday along with Flu jab, also been asked to marshal the disorderly mob queueing for them !!
Mine was a generic GPs surgery in the middle of Aston. At rush hour. 15mins to get there, fifteen mins for ja + wait, then nearly 60mins to get bsck through the traffic afterwards :/ At least the first two at a similar place in Handsworth took me cross traffic pre-rush hour.
Bit groggy today, can't tell if that's a disturbed nights sleep or I'm about to message work and have to go have a lie down :D
Had my booster and flu vaccine on Saturday morning at my GP practice's second surgery - 6 miles away.
I can live with that thanks. :D
They phoned me a couple of weeks ago, and the letter confirming the appointment arrived Saturday lunchtime when I returned from it!
Point for the NHS - nul point for The new look super efficient Royal mail.
Covid seems suddenly very close to home after hardly being affected, apart from the restrictions, since it all started. Several of my 16 year old son's friends contacted Covid over the last few weeks and he tested positive from a Lateral Flow Test this morning, he has also had a persistent cough for the last couple of days. He has a PCR test booked for later today and we are waiting to hear from his school about what to do school work wise. Fortunately my wife and myself are not showing any symptoms at the moment; we have both had our two jabs (and had our flu jabs a week or so ago) and I am waiting to hear about my booster jab (66 with a heart condition).
On the down side my wife ahs been working from home since March of last year with no likelyhood of going back to the office in the near future, which given the curent situation in the south west is probably no bad thing. However it does mean that the wargames room spare bedroom is still out of action. :'(
Watching breakfast TV this morning I'm worried (and not for the first time) that this government (apologies for getting political) will not take the appropriate action at the right time for idealogical reasons and things will get a lot worse before they get better. :(
Cheers Paul
Good luck, Paul, for you and all the family.
This has come up a lot with friends whose kids are in school - and we saw it a lot when they forced the kids back face to face. Spreads like wild fire through the whle year group and school, and *whem* all the parents, grand parents and family are at risk :(
QuoteWatching breakfast TV this morning I'm worried (and not for the first time) that this government (apologies for getting political) will not take the appropriate action at the right time for idealogical reasons and things will get a lot worse before they get better. Sad
If you saw Kwasi Kwarteng on the news, you can see he's just promised to do exactly what you fear :( OFC given the past the last minute u-turns, chaos and absentee landlord at the top of the omnishambles atm who knows?
QuoteWatching breakfast TV this morning I'm worried (and not for the first time) that this government (apologies for getting political) will not take the appropriate action at the right time for idealogical reasons and things will get a lot worse before they get better.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that this government is much more motivated by staying in power than taking any appropriate action that will benefit the country. Photoshoots of a clown in a hi-vis jacket/hard-hat will not save lives.
Is that too political?
Quote from: chrishanley on 20 October 2021, 10:20:54 AM
It is becoming increasingly obvious that this government is much more motivated by staying in power than taking any appropriate action that will benefit the country. Photoshoots of a clown in a hi-vis jacket/hard-hat will not save lives.
Is that too political?
Shame there's no "+1, mod up, would recommend" button... but yes.
Quote from: chrishanley on 20 October 2021, 10:20:54 AM
It is becoming increasingly obvious that this government is much more motivated by staying in power than taking any appropriate action that will benefit the country. Photoshoots of a clown in a hi-vis jacket/hard-hat will not save lives.
Is that too political?
Perhappes it is a tad political - but rather accurate.......
Not just This Govt... applies everywhere! True, nonetheless.
Ma 89 with Dementia. Got NHS coms for boosters, but waiting for contact from local Health Centre... as with previous shots... but with Flu jab at same time. Massive problem is that her 'mobility' now MUCH less than earlier in year. Just cannot see how to get her to Vac Centre... so hoping for an alternative. Awaiting events. :(
My 90 y-o father had his booster shot last week courtesy of the NHS. Over here in the Colonies my wife and I are still waiting to hear about getting it. We're also hearing about breakthrough cases where people who were fully vaccinated AND had the booster shot have died anyway. We only go out when we have to, and wear masks within public buildings. Too many people are too blasé about it all, though. :(
Quote from: Poggle on 20 October 2021, 01:07:14 PM
My 90 y-o father had his booster shot last week courtesy of the NHS. Over here in the Colonies my wife and I are still waiting to hear about getting it. We're also hearing about breakthrough cases where people who were fully vaccinated AND had the booster shot have died anyway. We only go out when we have to, and wear masks within public buildings. Too many people are too blasé about it all, though. :(
Colin Powell for one, but then his raft of underlying conditions meant that was disturbingly likely, unfortunetly for him!
EVERYBODY . WILL. GET. some form of Covid, eventually. It's there , and will not go away. It is just how badly afffected. So, shots, and if possible boosters.
Was at a Scottish wargames show a few weeks back. Everyone wore a mask.
Just seen some pictures of an English wargames show. Hardly a mask in sight.
If I had been at the English show I would have worn a mask. I am double jabbed and flu jabbed as well. Just waiting for my booster.
Indeed, Jim.
South of the border we appear to have just given up, although I did see a Bolt Action comp recently from the 'States, where no one was masked.
Apparently that was fine becuase it was an enclosed space, there was no ventilation, it was incredibly hot and stuffy, and wearing a mask would have made it worse.
HH, I'd like to wait for as long as possible, until its thinned out down to a common cold and we're not in the middle of overwhelming and selling off the NHS though :D
I'm just getting totally confused now..(Well, there's a change. X_X)...The news if full of "Will we have to go back to lock-down, because of the number of cases increasing ?"
From what I've gleaned on the radio... Half of the folk want restrictions of some sort, brought back in...The other half are basically saying **** that !!
Cheers - Phil. =)
I don't think anybody *wants* another lockdown, or restrictions, but I think we *recognise* they may be necessary.
I think the problem with the restrictions is twofold.
1 Some people are completely fed up with the restrictions, ansd/ or cant cope with them
2 The economy won't stand another few months of Furlough and closed businesses.
In the case of item 1. What are the government going to do to enforce them on these people?
In the case of 2. I think people would rather take the risks than lose , their job house or the ability to look sfter the family.
So the only option is see how we go and trade people getting sick and dying. If the economy goes down the pan so does the NHS and we would lose even more people in the long run.
I understand the reluctance to introduce lockdown again - and there could be a lot of negatives to go with that
But I really don't understand why masks haven't stayed compulsory indoors and on public transport. Seems very little downside to this.
Daughter's school seems to be getting increasing numbers of cases - I think 6 off in her class this week - both pupils and staff - she is too young to be vaccinated (although that may change next week).
Oder daughter is a Uni and says there seem to be very few cases - but with a student population which will have a high level of vaccination.
What we think about this will partly depend on our individual circumstances (mine in brackets)
do we know anyone who died or got really sick from Covid (yes)
can we easily stay at home (most of the time yes)
do we care about other people not "following rules" ( >:( )
are we savvy enough to navigate complex 5 page letters/instructions (yes but * ) and use the internet to book things (yes)
are we in an area where the NHS system works really well (yes) and we can physically get to it (yes)
do we give more credence to government/NHS/council statements than social media comments (yes)
So for me its a doddle to have restrictions (and get more figures painted). But I know people with many "no" s to the above and I can easily imagine healthy folks who have to go to work and have no personal contacts who have gotten ill just want to get on with life and accept the known risks. Plus, of course, a few who don't give a .... On the other hand, I know a housebound vulnerable individual awaiting their FIRST jab and an elderly couple who don't use the internet and tell me no-one answers the phones.
* Even I am confused over whether the jab I got last week was my third (I am immunosuppressed) or my booster (6 months after the second for the vulnerable) or both. They ARE different. Should I book another as the last letter can be interpreted or follow common sense?
Quote from: DecemDave on 21 October 2021, 07:46:13 AM
What we think about this will partly depend on our individual circumstances (mine in brackets)
do we know anyone who died or got really sick from Covid (yes)
can we easily stay at home (most of the time yes)
do we care about other people not "following rules" ( >:( )
are we savvy enough to navigate complex 5 page letters/instructions (yes but * ) and use the internet to book things (yes)
are we in an area where the NHS system works really well (yes) and we can physically get to it (yes)
do we give more credence to government/NHS/council statements than social media comments (yes)
So for me its a doddle to have restrictions (and get more figures painted). But I know people with many "no" s to the above and I can easily imagine healthy folks who have to go to work and have no personal contacts who have gotten ill just want to get on with life and accept the known risks. Plus, of course, a few who don't give a .... On the other hand, I know a housebound vulnerable individual awaiting their FIRST jab and an elderly couple who don't use the internet and tell me no-one answers the phones.
* Even I am confused over whether the jab I got last week was my third (I am immunosuppressed) or my booster (6 months after the second for the vulnerable) or both. They ARE different. Should I book another as the last letter can be interpreted or follow common sense?
On your last point, the Mem is classed as a vulnerable person, so when she got her jab the other week it was classed as third, rather than my booster I got at the same time, and she was told she would get further communication to be called forward for a booster within six months.
Further to my post on Wednesday, Jack, my son, got his PCR test result first thing morning and it is positive. He is just feeling generally unwell (and sorry for himself and partly fed up as it means he will not earn any money from the job he has in our local pub at weekends). Carole and I booked our required PCR tests on line and are off to Shepton Mallet to have them in about an hour or so (we are not showing any symptoms of COVID). We had a phone call from the test and trace people at about 10.30 this morning which was all very positive and I must say things seem to working very efficiently here at the moment.
Cheers Paul
Fingers crossed you both test negative Paul.
Likewise good luck
Fingers crossed
Hopefully not TOO positive Paul!
Good luck to all of you.
I'm now two days past my booster; this time I haven't got that crushing exhaustion that followed the first.
Good luck, Paul !
Glad to hear that, Alexander !
Cheers - Phil. :)
Getting mine with flu jab today.
Good to hear, Ian...especially with all the 'crowd control' you do at the jab centres ! :-bd
Cheers - Phil. :)
Good to hear Alexander. I reckon mine will be due late November and hope not to have the side effects that affected our daughter first time around.
Quote from: Techno II on 23 October 2021, 06:03:02 AM
Good to hear, Ian...especially with all the 'crowd control' you do at the jab centres ! :-bd
Cheers - Phil. :)
Thanks Phil. Doing more crowd control in classrooms ATM, 2 marshalling sessions in next couple of weeks though.
Carole and I have had our PCR test results back and are both negative. Given the situation in this part of the country we still plan to keep away from people as much as we can at least until Jack is free of the virus.
Many thanks for all the good wishes above, much appreciated. :-bd
Cheers Paul
New Zealand must be laughing at us...
Good stuff Paul
This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
(sound of a glass being filled in the background)
Quote from: FierceKitty on 23 October 2021, 08:31:17 AM
This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
(sound of a glass being filled in the background)
Presuming you can see it through the haze of cigar smoke....
Glad to hear you had negative results Paul. Cases in South Glos rose by 199% in a week, so like you, we are still being ultra careful and not even going in friends houses, given our son is CEV. Cases still high in local schools compared to earlier this year, which is a concern given my wife's a TA. A friends son's school had 5% cases per week recently, which is pretty worrying. Lockdown 3.0 or some variant of on the horizon I think...
Quote from: FierceKitty on 23 October 2021, 12:02:26 AM
I'm now two days past my booster; this time I haven't got that crushing exhaustion that followed the first.
I've had it the opposite way round - not-flu on the first two, absolutely shattered this time.
AZ initially but booster was Pfizer.
Quote from: Steve J on 23 October 2021, 09:26:34 AM
Glad to hear you had negative results Paul. Cases in South Glos rose by 199% in a week, so like you, we are still being ultra careful and not even going in friends houses, given our son is CEV. Cases still high in local schools compared to earlier this year, which is a concern given my wife's a TA. A friends son's school had 5% cases per week recently, which is pretty worrying. Lockdown 3.0 or some variant of on the horizon I think...
Categorically stated otherwise by the Omnishambles earlier this week, so I expect mandatory mask wearing and a lock down next week for sure :D
Quote from: Lord Speedy of Leighton on 23 October 2021, 08:27:57 AM
New Zealand must be laughing at us...
More looking on in confusion :-/
Pembrokeshire is still going up and up...cases per 100,000 have, near as dammit, doubled in the last three weeks. (435 to 803)
The 'place' that's surprised me is Tewkebury.
A few days ago, it was the only 'blue' area on the map of mainland UK, which is why I noticed it.....(Blue being less than 100 cases per 100,000)....It's now over 1,000 cases per 100,000. :o
(That makes me think their figures were 'wrong' a short while ago, and they've just added a lot of 'lost' cases.)
Cheers - Phil :)
With the delay in symptoms & tests, it's quite plausible to spike like that. Did they have a big public event a couple weeks back...
Can't answer that, Matey. ;)
I CAN say, with a little bit of confidence.......that Pembrokeshire 'missed' a good number of cases a few weeks ago.....then added them, which made us look like we suddenly 'jumped'.
Cheers - Phil. :)
That happens every Monday. had booster, no noticable side effects today.
I woke up this morning after another poor nights sleep with an aching right shoulder.
2nd Jab maybe...booster jab....nope.....flu jab.... no nothing like that.
Painting the ceiling in the kitchen diner is the culprit.
I have arthritis.
All the traditional reasons for aches and pains are still with us. I barely notice the jab side effects.
So, I am getting through it.
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 24 October 2021, 03:35:34 PM
I woke up this morning
So, I am getting through it.
Good to hear, Jimbo. :)
All the very best - Phil. :)
It's Life, Jim... but not as we want to know it !
Good Man! First Objective taken... so rest will be a Swan....... ;) :( :)
Sorry to hear that Barrie at TimeCast has been hit with Covid, hopefully he's back on his feet again soon. It's becoming a case of 'when' and not 'if' with this virus it seems.
Arthritis - do try fish oil capsules. They've helped me appreciably.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 01 November 2021, 02:15:12 PM
Arthritis - do try fish oil capsules. They've helped me appreciably.
I swear by Glucosamine and Chondroitin.
I don't know what they do but they seem to work fine.
Quote from: Leon on 01 November 2021, 01:47:56 PM
Sorry to hear that Barrie at TimeCast has been hit with Covid, hopefully he's back on his feet again soon. It's becoming a case of 'when' and not 'if' with this virus it seems.
Awwww....Poor Barrie.....Here's hoping he suffers the mildest of symptoms.
What you say though, Leon.........I'm determined to do my utmost to avoid the damn thing totally.
All the best, Barrie !! - Phil.
Did a load of tests yesterday, no positives on them
That's good news, Ian.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Quote from: Leon on 01 November 2021, 01:47:56 PM
Sorry to hear that Barrie at TimeCast has been hit with Covid, hopefully he's back on his feet again soon. It's becoming a case of 'when' and not 'if' with this virus it seems.
We abandoned "if" eighteen months ago, it's just about hoping your hit mildly now, so get jabbed soon as it comes thru and keep 'em up. Which reminds me, apparently my docs have the flu jab in so I must get that sorted this week as well :D
A friend's daughter tested positive two days ago. He and his wife are now isolating for ten days. Since he's an anaesthetist and she's a nurse their hospital is now short staffed.
My wife and I are debating whether to get the booster shot or not. There are still too many people who refuse to wear masks around here.
Get it - a couple days feeling a bit rough is going to be waaaaaay better than the alternative...
Quote from: Poggle on 02 November 2021, 12:17:36 PM
A friend's daughter tested positive two days ago. He and his wife are now isolating for ten days. Since he's an anaesthetist and she's a nurse their hospital is now short staffed.
My wife and I are debating whether to get the booster shot or not. There are still too many people who refuse to wear masks around here.
Hope she is doing alright and will have only mild symptoms!
I've been super occupied this year and have not really noticed anything Corona related in my neck of woods. ( People have been doing social distancing in Finland since the dawn of time as a cultural characteristics )
So we started building a house this year with my soon to be wife Alexandra ( 12th day this month ).
Been building for 6 months now and we are starting the move next week. Will be a big difference from 50m2 to 122m2. Me and my Father, a Formworker and a Carpenter built everything by ourselves except the Electricity and Plumbing, also digging was done by a neighbour.
I also managed to amputate my left hand index finger from the last joint onwards ( Pattex - No More Nails ). As soon as I finished from the surgeons table I just went back to work using my right hand only. Stressful the housebuilding business!
Now that I've even soaked the land with my blood and sweat, the old gods and the new will be pleased I'm sure.
Everyone else been doing alright?
OUCH !! :o
(I've only given myself a few 'nicks' with a scalpel blade.)
Fine, here, 'N'.
I'm VERY impressed with your building skills...apart from your blood sacrifice !
Very best wishes to you and your soon to be other half. :-bd...Hope the day goes really well !
Cheers - Phil. :)
Wot Techno said :-bd =D> :-bd =D> :-bd
Just fewer nicks for me ;)
That's very, very impressive, but the blood sacrifice of part of your finger make we wince!
Wow, that's phenomenal! :o
Good work, good luck, and good grief *ouch* on the finger ;D
Very impressed! That's quite the build, Frigg will be most pleased with your blood sacrifice. Congrats to you and your wife to be.
Thats a very nice looking house Noktu. Wel done for building it yourself.
Personally I think it deserved the blood sacrifice. As you can no longer sacrifice Thralls or virgins legally. It was the best you could do
Congratulations and best wishes for the future to you and your good lady
Quote from: Noktu on 04 November 2021, 04:52:18 AM
So we started building a house this year with my soon to be wife Alexandra ( 12th day this month ).
Been building for 6 months now and we are starting the move next week. Will be a big difference from 50m2 to 122m2. Me and my Father, a Formworker and a Carpenter built everything by ourselves except the Electricity and Plumbing, also digging was done by a neighbour.
Very nice work, that looks great! Having spent the past 6 months doing various renovation works here, the idea of building a full house scares the life out of me!
Sorry to hear about the finger though, were they able to re-attach it?
Thanks guys! I'll make a post with more pictures to follow if you are interested how it turned out. All the outside work, planting and doing the yard we'll have to do next year as the winter is nearing us. ( I'll also post a picture of my hand to serve as a warning )
Quote from: Leon on 04 November 2021, 07:31:48 PM
Very nice work, that looks great! Having spent the past 6 months doing various renovation works here, the idea of building a full house scares the life out of me!
Sorry to hear about the finger though, were they able to re-attach it?
Yeah I wont be building another house for a good while, there's a reason why I'm a formworker and not a housebuilder!
And the finger was a clean cut with a handheld circular saw, surgeon said it will be better without re-attaching it as all the nerves and veins were cut off. My father had the same thing happen to him some years back, but he had such a powerless and dull makita saw that he had a piece left holding the parts together, and then they were able to attach it back. But it came with the finger being rather numb.
Finns ! :o 8) :) :) :)
Quote from: Noktu on 05 November 2021, 05:02:10 AM
And the finger was a clean cut with a handheld circular saw,
One of the reasons why Von has forbidden me to use our chop saw !!
Cheers - Phil. :D
Get (or make!) one of those prosthetic fingers with a little storage compartment in it. Could keep an emergency tictac in there, or a small roll of string, or a very small pencil, or just some fake blood to freak people out with....
Well I got my booster jab yesterday at a walk in centre (Bath Reacecourse). Luckily I was at the 6 month point to the day quite by chance, as the centre was not allowing in those who had had it 5 months ago, despite the government saying that was OK from yesterday. A lot of confused people for sure. Glad to have had it done, although it did leave me feeling very tired for 24 hours and a bit flu like. Feel pretty good now though.
Mrs Orcs and I have our Booster tomorrow. I have not had side effects to either of the first two. (Mrs Orcs says " No feeling, no Sense") Very rude I thought.
Hope it goes okay
Same from me, Mark !
Von and I had our flu jabs yesterday afternoon..still waiting to get our 'invitations' for the booster.
Cheers - Phil. :)
If you are over 50 and had your jabs 6 months ago or more (or 5 if the government info is right/being applied) then you can bookonline Phil, or it is even quicker to find your nearest walk in centre. I did the latter a quite a few people in the queue had done the same as it turned out to be about two weeks earlier than booking an appointment.
Quote from: Techno II on 10 November 2021, 07:47:57 AMSame from me, Mark !
Von and I had our flu jabs yesterday afternoon..still waiting to get our 'invitations' for the booster.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Got both mine at same time couple of weeks ago. No probs.
Just got our booster appointments.
This coming Monday, 10 past 6 about 20 miles away to the other side of town using the busiest road this side of the country catching the tail end of the rush hour.
That'll be fun!
I was boosted two weeks ago - unlike my 2nd shot which provided a nasty 48hrs, the booster gave on a slightly sore arm. The wife gets boosted tomorrow. She had a similar reaction to her second so we decided to not get boosters on same day.
QuoteIf you are over 50 and had your jabs 6 months ago or more (or 5 if the government info is right/being applied) then you can bookonline Phil, or it is even quicker to find your nearest walk in centre. I did the latter a quite a few people in the queue had done the same as it turned out to be about two weeks earlier than booking an appointment.
I don't think we can do that in Wales, Steve.
Von asked the nurse, Jen, who gave us our flu jabs what the score was....As far as she could tell, we'll get an invite by post sometime (soon ?)
Cheers - Phil. :)
Have just had Flu jab at local GPs. 12/11/21. I mentioned that Covid Booster would be due soon... and they booked me in for the 25th!
Previous jabs... had to wait for letter/email, book and go to town vac center... mucho pleased! :)
Ma was due Booster and Flu jabs 3 weeks ago, but, her near total loss of Mobility meant flagging up District Nurse for home visit. Heard nothing since but imagine VERY busy. :(
Had both of mine on a Saturday. Booked or rather re-booked flu jab for a Saturday, was rung mid-week to ask if wanted both at same time. Anecdotally then seems to vary surgery by surgery
Well Mrs Orcs had aching and flue symptoms for about 24 hours. I had a slightly sore arm for a few hours.
Flue Jabs done, Hope to get my Pneumonia one when I have a Diabetes check next month
Of all the jabs I've had over the past 2 years +.....The pneumonia one is the only one I've had a 'bad' reaction to....Felt very 'fluey'....but it wore off after a couple of hours.
Cheers - Phil :)
My wife has her third covid jab tomorrow (third, not booster - not entirely sure what the difference is, but there clearly is as she has been told she must have a purple form). Got my flu jab next week - my booster's not due for ages though.
You've lost me on that one, Forbes. :-\
Shirley ;) (Sic)..it must be the booster ??
Ian's probably the best for info' on this sort of thing, as he's definitely been 'doing far more than his bit' in being a marshal for the 'jab centers'.
What on Earth is a purple form ? :-\ ...Never heard of that before.
Cheers - Phil. :)
My wife had her COVID booster on Thursday - mine is on 4 December. She felt a bit off colour and sleepy for a couple of hours. We had our flu jabs last month.
Quote from: Techno II on 13 November 2021, 09:53:54 AMIan's probably the best for info' on this sort of thing, as he's definitely been 'doing far more than his bit' in being a marshal for the 'jab centers'.
Not heard of any purple forms in our area - blue cards for the first two, electronically recorded for all 3. Also not heard of any jabs for pneumoinia (sic)
QuoteShirley ;) (Sic)..it must be the booster ??
No, the third jab is not the booster. It is a third primary jab for people with badly suppressed immune system, typically as a result of other treatment. It is in addition to the other two primary jabs, normally given at least 8 weeks after the second. My wife and sister in law are receiving treatment for Breast Cancer and the latter also has Crohn's Disease. Their treatment has immunosuppressant effects and they received a third shot some time ago.
The booster jab is different and is a 'top-up' to extend the life of, and in addition to, the primary jabs. People who've had three primary jabs will still need a booster. My wife and I had our boosters, and flu jabs, a couple of weeks ago with no discernible side effects, but we never do.
The only form that goes by the name of 'Purple' that I know of is the one for Do Not Attempt Resuscitation, which a patient can ask for and will be signed by a doctor. My father requested one when he was in a care home towards the end of his life. The patient will know if they've completed one.
As an aside, this thread seems to demonstrate how inefficient, badly organised and administered the NHS is. I have thought, for a long time, that it needs a root and branch overhaul. Unfortunately it is a political sacred cow. so there seems little chance of that.
Yes what John said at far more length than I could be bothered to type on my phone.
Apart from the DNR bit.
QuoteAs an aside, this thread seems to demonstrate how inefficient, badly organised and administered the NHS is. I have thought, for a long time, that it needs a root and branch overhaul. Unfortunately it is a political sacred cow. so there seems little chance of that.
How so?
It suggests to me how well an underfunded and overstretched NHS has done and that most people get their vaccinations on time without much difficulty.
Outside interpretations of anecdotal evidence, figures suggest that we are on a par with European countries - more than some, fewer than others - for take up - and better than the USA.
Hmmm, our son has Crohn's and got a booster, not a third jab, so a tad confused on this front.
As for the DNR, it has to be signed by two Dr's, something we found out after my late Mum had been in a care home for a few years.
How so?
Well, it isn't just about COVID vaccinations but it is clear from what has been said here that communication is poor, otherwise people would know the difference between the third dose and a booster. The third dose and Crohn's patients is another example.
I know from personal experience that the Clinical Commissioning Group where I live withholds certain drugs, even though they have been approved by NICE and licenced in the UK for years, yet in other areas they are readily available. So the service is uneven and, as a result, people cannot always get the treatment they need which means it is ineffective in country-wide context.
Then there is my wife's misdiagnosis, for over a year, which was only resolved when she insisted on seeing a specialist, and the nurses who treat her now, and her oncologist, who have told use of the waste in the NHS because of its grinding bureaucracy. So it is not necessarily a case of underfunding, rather the poor use of the funds it has.
Then there are the poor clinical outcomes generally, compared with some of our near neighbours, that are a matter of record. The NHS needs a overhaul to drag it into the 21st century.
I could go on but it is probably not appropriate for this site and I expect I've said enough already, suffice to say that I speak from bitter experience.
I agree with you that the NHS should be better.
Why it isn't, and how it should be reformed are no doubt politically as well as clinically contentious, and as you say probably not for these pages.
As for funding issues - well it's difficult to compare countries. However, we rank about half way up/down the list of OECD countries in spending per capita on health care. We spend under half of what the US does on this measure and c80% of what France does. In 2017 we were sixth out of the G7 in per capita spending.
I think the core principle of the NHS is sound.
My good lady and I got our booster jab yesterday. Managed to get through the rush hour traffic with a minute or two to spare then spent about ten minutes walking to the jabbing centre from the car park at the other end of the site.
Today we both have sore arms and I am incredibly tired, so much so that I almost dozed off half way through a chunky KitKat.
Hope am better by the weekend for Battleground.
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 16 November 2021, 10:04:23 PMI almost dozed off half way through a chunky KitKat.
I suspect you probably needed to start of with a standard 2 finger KitKat, before moving on to the 4 finger ones. Going straight to the chunky KitKat sounds like it was just too much. ;) :)
Ah, Chunky KitKats! Some years ago the local shop to where I work had a batch in that had somehow missed most of the wafer and were 90% or more chocolate. Bu God they were nice and we bought loads :) .
Brill for the blood sugar !! :P :P
We used to eat about three a day when we were busy and they certainly did keep us going, especially when working all nighters ;D
Oh, Goody. X_X
Another 'variant of concern' raises its head.
I suppose it'll be a few weeks before we know how 'nasty' this one will actually be.
Fingers crossed that the mutations on this one are 'naff' as regards to transmission.....and the current jabs WILL be effective against it.
Hey, Ho - Phil. =)
Phil DONT PANIC :d :d :d
Apparently more transmissible, but the vaccines still effective, but less so compared to the Delta variant. Still early days though.
Cases up 20% last week in South Glos, after 2-3 weeks of them falling :( .
At least UK Gov't has quickly slapped on travel restrictions from area. 'Cannot Believe' WHO advising against restrictions! :o >:(
OK, MAY be a storm in a teacup, with only a few cases FOUND with multi mutations, in a SMALL area, and MIGHT reduce effectiveness of vacs and COULD be more transmissible... so 'wait and see'? HUH???
Original Covid started small.
And someone bleats about being unable to see family at Xmas. OK, may have had jabs and tests... designed around original variant. "Here, look at what we've brought you!".
Hundreds of variants... but this one seems especially 'worrying'. So... if it or others show signs of spread... SHUT DOWN TRAVEL apart from Trade... and treat Drivers, etc. with extra caution. THEN wait and see.
Personally, I would be cautious about produce, also. Wine may have been in store for months... but Flowers?
Oh, well, 'Flap' might be over by Christmas. ;D :(
Quote'Cannot Believe' WHO advising against restrictions! :o >:(
That made me go 'EH ?' , as well, Keith.
Like you say...may well be a storm in a teacup.
I STILL wait to hear about my booster :-\ ...it
is over 6 months since my second jab....ditto Von, now.
From what I've gleaned from the Welsh NHS site, they've closed the 'walk in centres' for the time being 'cos too many folk were turning up, all at once.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Quote'Cannot Believe' WHO advising against restrictions!
I seem to recall that the WHO were initially advising that masks were not needed, 18 months ago?
We have a few walk in centres, but I think most have closed due to the surge of walk-ins, leaving them only open for bookings, which makes sense. When I had my booster the volunteers were all commenting on how very busy it was, much more so than normal apparently.
Hmm. Is it possible that Omicron variant just might mark a watershed in the Covid story?
It certainly is scary in the number of mutations increasing its transmission and reducing effectiveness of existing vaccines, but...
It is very early days, yet, but Omicron just may produce 'milder' symptoms... at least in some patients. More like a nasty Flu.
Is this how what we now regard as Flu started up? Severe epidemics with high mortality, gradually stabilising into a more endemic but survivable condition... though still unpleasant and a great risk to those vulnerable, (Hence Flu jabs).
Very early days. 'Milder' symptoms may be due to many cases being younger, (Social contact?)... so better able to cope with infection. Increasing hospitalisations may be due to infection numbers, rather than severity. 'MAY'.
Possibly, as Delta variant outstripped the original variant in transmision, (Though original will probably still be around?), Omicron super transmission just MIGHT make it the dominant form over the more serious variants?
Might this actually help to build up general 'immunity'?
Caution, though. The sheer number of mutations indicate that this form may be more 'unstable' and subject to even more mutations... especially as infection numbers multiply. Some of these may be more dangerous... so we still do not want it around. Containment, (if a losing battle), is vastly preferable to slow its spread until more study of effects and to buy time for vaccine tweaks.
Very early days... so... in My view, keep on masking, be cautious in social interactions... and impose travel restrictions... unfortunate for those who have risked travel overseas... I would not have.
To back up the Horseman (above).
Severity is likely to follow "regression to the mean".
In layman terms, the odds are the new variants will be less deadly than what we've seen to date.
Besides, we now have a vaccine that attenuates, of not completely preventing symptoms.
Transmissibility doesn't follow regression to the mean, because variants compete for carriers.
This means low transmission variants disappear fast, often so fast that they are not observed.
This competition (generally you won't suffer 2 vuruses (virii?) simultaneously), means that a transmissable, but low severity variant can damp down an outbreak, even one as big as a pandemic.
The disclaimer is that some viruses (virii?) can co-exist: for example HIV and Hepatitis.
So the picture looks good, with reservations.
My concern for this new variant is how quickly the UK government have moved to reintroduce restrictions again. They didn't seem too concerned with 40,000 new cases per day for the past couple of months, but have now reacted very differently to a handful of cases of the new strain. Whether there's more to it or not, I guess we'll see.
I'm not in Gov't loop. but think rapid response may be due to two factors.
One being the usual political B/S from opposition parties attacking 'inaction' over previous variants... but, yes, I do think in the early stages of Covid19 , there should have been much harsher travel restrictions, sooner... especially as there were no vaccines. There was an understandable reluctance to incur economic damage... but that came anyway.
The other is that Omicron has so many potential differences to earlier variants, that no-one can yet have any certainty about it's effects...especially with regard to vaccines.
If in doubt, raise the alarm and close the gates. Some may be annoyed, but they would be much more than annoyed if they got 'overrun' due to dithering.
Von & I have given up on getting the booster for the time being. =)
Contradictory messages comes from the Welsh NHS.
"Don't phone to book an appointment."
"Phone to book an appointment if you're over 65 and your second jab was over 6 months ago." (That's us.)
Five goes to try and book an appointment, by Von, yesterday. Each call cut off by the automated answer.
Heard from a friend who had been notified (by post) to book an appointment...She gave up for the reason above.
I think we'll just wait until things calm down. :) One worry is that 'they' forgot Von re her second jab, so we're half expecting that to happen again.
Anecdotally...(again, from friends) the centres that were running, were poorly organised and folk were queuing in their cars in the roads outside the centres for two hours plus.
It would appear, because of this, they're not posting reminders out....until things settle.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Had my booster yesterday - Moderna. Felt rough in the evening, and my arm is aching badly this AM. Poxy Tesco's would not allow me to buy 2 packs of ibuprofen and 1 box of Lemsip together. Grrr. What am I going to do, overdose on Lemsip?
Quote from: Raider4 on 08 December 2021, 08:39:22 AMHad my booster yesterday - Moderna. Felt rough in the evening, and my arm is aching badly this AM. Poxy Tesco's would not allow me to buy 2 packs of ibuprofen and 1 box of Lemsip together. Grrr. What am I going to do, overdose on Lemsip?
I just go round twice.
The stupid thing is that the maximum 2 packs of paracetamol they allow you to buy is enough to kill you anyway.
QuoteAh, Chunky KitKats! Some years ago the local shop to where I work had a batch in that had somehow missed most of the wafer and were 90% or more chocolate. Bu God they were nice and we bought loads :) .
Reminds me of Club bars.
"If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club".
Very occasionally, you'd get a solid chunk of chocolate without any biscuit in.
I like to think that's how the Yorkie was invented.
I think this was manufacturing error with the biscuit missing the mould.
But I have visions of a famished production line worker grabbing a sneaky biscuit as it whizzed past - and unintentionally boosting customer satisfaction.
Yep, I remember the odd orange Jacob's club biscuit that was mainly chocolate, which was simply heaven :) .
Phil. I can't see things 'settling down' for a long time. It might be Best to visit GP/Health Centre in person... even if awkward.
Phone lines are a joke... not! >:( Last time... was 12th in queue and sat on phone for 45mins.
How about online booking?
I am still waiting for District Nurse to recontact for Ma's Booster and Flu jabs. However, I have had Booster/Flu jabs and she has no contact with anyone else, so...
Last time I contacted my Health Centre, which was yesterday, I was first in the queue and waited a matter of seconds after the recorded message directing you to other services for certain conditions.
Same the time before.
I did have to wait about fifteen minutes when I phoned first thing a couple of months ago and was caught up in the rush of people looking for a consult that day.
Postcode lottery or dumb luck?
QuoteLast time I contacted my Health Centre, which was yesterday, I was first in the queue and waited a matter of seconds after the recorded message directing you to other services for certain conditions.
Good for you. Believe me when I tell you that not everyone has that experience. It is next to impossible for us to contact our GP surgery.
And the frontline staff are experiencing the brunt of people's frustration at not being able to see a doctor:
'We're not battle-axes', say GP receptionists (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-59253118)
GP receptionists face increasing abuse, doctors say (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-59401721)
I managed to get a face to face appointment yesterday.
Was also told to book in for Diabetic health check, as they now have enough phials to take blood.
Told to see "Nurse Pippa", not sure I like this informality , think it was better when we referred to them as "Nurse Smith" etc.
Our health centre/surgery is fine, as far as getting through on the phone.
It's the contact number at the health board that's impossible to access. :(
(I like being able to call the nurses by their first names..They all call me "Phil".)
Cheers - Phil. :)
A bit lost here, Phil. Health Centre/Surgery should be able to arrange jabs internally... or flag up contact to Health Board... whatever that is?
Hi, Keith. :)
You could call our local 'Docs' a health centre...or surgery.
It's our health authority...
..the equivalent of the top of the NHS in England that appears to have lost the plot, a wee bit.
For our first two jabs, we went to the local surgery.
But the surgery appear to have decided that they're having nothing to do with the booster jabs.
Cheers - Phil. :)
QuoteTold to see "Nurse Pippa", not sure I like this informality , think it was better when we referred to them as "Nurse Smith" etc.
Staff at the health centre call me Mike and I call them by their first names. Same with the taxi firm I tend to use. Same at work, when I worked for a living.
I prefer that. Mr Such-and-such or Ms So-and-so seems so Victorian to me. We're "a' Jock Tamson's bairns" after all.
But I'm sure that if I took my grandmother's tack of,"You don't know me well enough to call me by my first name!" they'd oblige by being more formal.
I can always tell when someone calls me 'James' that they are quickly reading from a formal record. There are some recording systems which have a 'known as' field and I am normally called 'Jim' at that point so if I am called 'Jim' then I know that the record is being read correctly or the person actually knows me. My GP always called me 'Jim' as I saw him regularly. In recent vaccination premises I am back to being called 'James'.
In work terms I was always known as 'JD' as there were several 'Jims' about.
When I got the occasional 'awkward' client at work I always asked to be known as 'Mr Duncan' whereas everyone from the Rector/Principal/Dean/Departmental Secretary/Head of Security/Senior Janitor always referred to me as 'Jim'.
In wargame terms I used to get called 'Big Jim' and I never really understood why. Honest.
Most of my real friends call me 'Jimbo'.
QuoteLast time I contacted my Health Centre, which was yesterday, I was first in the queue and waited a matter of seconds after the recorded message directing you to other services for certain conditions.
Same the time before.
I did have to wait about fifteen minutes when I phoned first thing a couple of months ago and was caught up in the rush of people looking for a consult that day.
Postcode lottery or dumb luck?
Could be a national difference here.
NHS Scotland are organising vaccinations on a regional basis, bypassing GP surgeries.
My Parents (London) get their vaccinations at their GP surgery.
It is fairly cramped to accommodate the 10 minute sit down and social distancing.
The surgery is also primarily occupied with vaccinations, so other conditions are experiencing longer waits.
Just been advised that we have to wear masks at club. I can fully see the reason for this, so I am not knocking it, particularly given the demographic of our club.
I just cannot see the enjoyment of sitting there for 3-4 hours wearing a mask, just to get a game in. I would rather game at home with a freind, or stay at home and paint.
so looks like club games are off for me for a while.
Quote from: Orcs on 09 December 2021, 07:53:29 PMJust been advised that we have to wear masks at club. I can fully see the reason for this, so I am not knocking it, particularly given the demographic of our club.
I just cannot see the enjoyment of sitting there for 3-4 hours wearing a mask, just to get a game in. I would rather game at home with a freind, or stay at home and paint.
so looks like club games are off for me for a while.
See if you can book 10 Downing Street...
Quote from: Orcs on 09 December 2021, 07:53:29 PMJust been advised that we have to wear masks at club. I can fully see the reason for this, so I am not knocking it, particularly given the demographic of our club.
I just cannot see the enjoyment of sitting there for 3-4 hours wearing a mask, just to get a game in. I would rather game at home with a freind, or stay at home and paint.
so looks like club games are off for me for a while.
=O =O =O
'See if you can book 10 Downing Street...'
To get a serious game with those idiots? :o
They couldn't even 'wargame' a Press Conference! ;D ;D ;D
I don't know of any wargame and if there was a wargame it was just beer and pretzels and I left early and it followed the legal restrictions at the time. But I don't know anything about it...
I get that we're all different and I'm not knocking anyone who does have a problem with them but I don't get the problem with wearing a mask.
I put one on and a couple of minutes later I've all but forgotten it's there. To the point that twice now I've accidentally tried to drink coffee through a mask.
To quote Ian Dury and the Blockheads,"Reasons to be cheerful."
And, to be honest, I could do with one or two of those at the moment.
Fortunately, this forum is another reason! Bless you all, you wonderful weirdos :)
Quote from: Ithoriel on 09 December 2021, 10:21:38 PMI get that we're all different and I'm not knocking anyone who does have a problem with them but I don't get the problem with wearing a mask.
I put one on and a couple of minutes later I've all but forgotten it's there. To the point that twice now I've accidentally tried to drink coffee through a mask.
To quote Ian Dury and the Blockheads,"Reasons to be cheerful."
And, to be honest, I could do with one or two of those at the moment.
Fortunately, this forum is another reason! Bless you all, you wonderful weirdos :)
I will happily wear a mask in the shops or elsewhere when required to. I agree with them in these situations. I do not disagree with having to wear one at club.
However I go to club for the enjoyment of a game, I like to see the faces of my opponents, and the laughter when I throw crap dice etc. Wearing a mask all the time takes away much of this enjoyment.
I am fortunate That I have plenty of space to game at home, and have no need to go to club to be able to game. I am just not interested in wearing a mask all evening.
Orcs, from your response I clearly didn't make my point explicit.
It wasn't that you, or anyone else, should feel or do anything different but that I found a small moment of joy in realising that where other people had issues with masks I didn't.
Life has been spectacularly crappy recently. Small sparks of light in the darkness are to be savoured.
And I will reiterate that this forum has been not a spark but a bonfire in the dark.
Quote from: Ithoriel on 10 December 2021, 01:42:34 AMOrcs, from your response I clearly didn't make my point explicit.
It wasn't that you, or anyone else, should feel or do anything different but that I found a small moment of joy in realising that where other people had issues with masks I didn't.
Life has been spectacularly crappy recently. Small sparks of light in the darkness are to be savoured.
And I will reiterate that this forum has been not a spark but a bonfire in the dark.
I envy the fact that you do not find the mask intrusive. I am also glad that you find the varied and often weird and wonderful chat on this forum a light in the darkness.
So used to wearing a mask when doing the shopping, I don't really notice it......Unless my sodding glasses steam up !! ;D ;D
Still wear disposable gloves when doing food shopping...then use the 'disinfectant gloop' in the car when I take them off.
Again...That's become second nature.
Cheers - Phil. :)
We haven't stopped wearing masks when going in shops etc, as here in South Glos we've had cases above average and continue to do so. I did forget it one day and it felt weird not to have one on and I wasn't comfortable until I left the shop. Wearing one all day at a show is tiring as I found out at Partizan, but I'd rather that than Covid.
I continue to mask and glove for shopping, etc. and have no difficulty with it... apart from the fogging up of varifocal glasses when I don them to read labels on produce. That would be VERY annoying for spectacle wearers.
I do find that facial expression is often a desirable element in 'communication' and so, miss that.
For several years, now, the internet has been my main source of 'social interaction'... and PenD Forum more comfortable and less annoying than TMP or Facebook tend to be. :)
QuoteSo used to wearing a mask when doing the shopping, I don't really notice it......Unless my sodding glasses steam up !! ;D ;D
Still wear disposable gloves when doing food shopping...then use the 'disinfectant gloop' in the car when I take them off.
Again...That's become second nature.
Cheers - Phil. :)
For glasses I use this Anti fog juice (https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Muc-Off-214-1-Anti-Fog-Treatment/dp/B00167S7HO?pd_rd_w=IhzHO&pf_rd_p=5179b30c-ed60-4c88-8379-846dad9c3d05&pf_rd_r=DR7KHPPK5NKFWNQF5G1Y&pd_rd_r=d9e96c32-51a0-4c4b-94de-038d8f56985b&pd_rd_wg=Kcnxa&pd_rd_i=B00167S7HO&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_rp_5_i)
Quote from: Steve J on 10 December 2021, 07:20:06 AMWe haven't stopped wearing masks when going in shops etc, as here in South Glos we've had cases above average and continue to do so. I did forget it one day and it felt weird not to have one on and I wasn't comfortable until I left the shop. Wearing one all day at a show is tiring as I found out at Partizan, but I'd rather that than Covid.
I have a Scottish chum who thinks he caught covid at Partizan where almost everyone was without a mask.
Well my wife just had a message from our GP and now has her booster booked for next weekend :) .
We actually managed to contact the health board, to chase them up.....(This was via e'mail, even though our surgery gave us an incorrect addy. =)......Huzzah for Google. ;) )
I imagine everyone else trying to contact the board was using the wrong addy ...Once we used the right one, they replied in roughly 15 minutes. :o
Cheers - Phil. :)
QuoteI have a Scottish chum who thinks he caught covid at Partizan where almost everyone was without a mask.
Is he a fan of the popular beat combo Steps?
Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 11 December 2021, 10:30:26 AMIs he a fan of the popular beat combo Steps?
No, he's far too sensible for that sort of rubbish.
Well, it rather looks like we are in for another wave.. and this time 'contact' pretty much certain.
So... mask, glove... get boosters... and don't make plans for hols, etc.
The, now usual, fears about NHS being overwhelmed. 'Hopefully' may be milder... but sheer numbers may result in more hospitalisations.
What is getting MY Goat is that Press, Politicians and internet trolls snarl and salivate over those fools at No.10 'party' like Hyenas.Yet... why have THEY not been vocal over actually providing facilities to cope with virus?
TWO YEARS ON... have there been any Recruitment Drives... or 'incentivisations' to staff the extra Medical Facilities which may be needed... and which should have been in place by now?
Given the truly massive expenditure of measures taken already, I can understand Gov't reluctance to fund more... but...
Why no Howls for the above? Just moans about Holidays/ travel or NI/ Council Tax increases.
Bl***y Hyenas. >:(
Well, huzzah !!
Just been informed via email that Von & I will get our boosters a week today.
Just have to phone the local doc's, torrow to move my B12 jab...which is due the same day.
Sod's law, or what ? ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil. :)
Were hoping to get our daughter's booked in whilst she's home from Uni for Xmas. Assuming the rush of today eases off... :-\
I was quite surprised to get the update as well, so I'm booked in for Sunday morning at our local pharmacy. I thought I'd better leave it until we've finished posting for the year, just in case it wipes me out for a day!
We can't book for our age group here yet, can only do walk-ins. Though anyone who has gone has had to queue for 3+ hours in the cold. :| Pharmacies etc are all booked up well into Feb. Not looking forward to losing half a day to queuing and getting wiped out for a couple of days again but better than the alternative.
Our daughter had a text from the GP's the day before she could book, giving here link to allow here to find a time and slot suited to her. She could have had one this Friday, but risky in case flight home delayed, so got one for next Tuesday :) .
I hope this isn't going to go completely bosoms up.
I just got a postal invite for the booster jab....same place..different time, so Von's (hopefully) cancelled this latest one....by email.
(But left the first one, for both of us, 'in place'.)
Cheers - Phil. :)
I got an invite in the post for my booster this week from the NHS, despite having had it about two months ago!
Quote from: Techno II on 15 December 2021, 05:30:44 PMX_X
I hope this isn't going to go completely bosoms up.
I just got a postal invite for the booster jab....same place..different time, so Von's (hopefully) cancelled this latest one....by email.
(But left the first one, for both of us, 'in place'.)
Cheers - Phil. :)
Phil - have had all 3 but stiull get reminders, the system as far as regeristiong jabs seems to be a little bent.
To be fair Ian :) ....It must be such a difficult task to control and organise...It really isn't surprising that there are a number of mistakes.
Hopefully we'll get some sort of confirmation today, or tomorrow, about ours.
Cheers - Phil. :)
Different 'tiers' and Departments. Ma has had NHS email, postal contact and local contact for boosters...great... but District Nurse seems to be on a VERY tight schedule, quite apart from the above.
This was before Omicron reared... so I imagine things to be very disjointed now.
Get what you can, when you can.
Perhaps I should have offered my duplicate jab on eBay.
Well my wife just had her booster at the GP's, which was a Moderna one as apparently they are keeping the Pfizer ones back for the children.
Also it's comforting to know that in this uncertain World, England are still preforming badly Down Under in the cricket, so some things remain the same... ;)
Least most of [ptremier Leauge will be off
Just got a phone call for my booster . Appointment next Tuesday exactly 3 months after my third jab. (I take immunosuppressant meds).
My mega Pendraken order is on its way according to Hermes.
And we have been de-prioritised from an in laws gathering.
Can it get any better? :D :d
Interesting - didn't know they were doing boosters on top of third jabs. But I don't think my wife had her third jab that long ago.
Quote from: fred. on 18 December 2021, 03:10:59 PMInteresting - didn't know they were doing boosters on top of third jabs. But I don't think my wife had her third jab that long ago.
Yep for the vulnerable, Mrs. B is in that category so when I went for my booster she went for her third vaccination...
Unfortunately cancelled today's game with Westmarcher - not wishing to create an unwanted Christmas gift.
We will reschedule soon, so I plead patience from avid "Last set of rules" followers.
I have a late vaccination appointment, so am "just off to get boostered".
Quote from: fred. on 18 December 2021, 03:10:59 PMInteresting - didn't know they were doing boosters on top of third jabs. But I don't think my wife had her third jab that long ago.
If you have a weakened immune system and have had a 3rd dose of the vaccine, you can get a booster dose from 3 months after your 3rd dose.
Extensive check-up this week. Enlarged thyroid - appears safe - but liver and kidneys at risk, high cholestrol; no diabetic, but need to watch it (three cases on mother's side, and she's had to give up sweeties, which is heartbreaking, since she's a chocolate fiend). Currectly drinking gallons of water, cutting back seriously on sugars and salt.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 18 December 2021, 11:08:16 AMLeast most of premier league will be off
Having missed 3 games due to Covid Spurs are supposedly back in action tomorrow, their first game back is against Liverpool....can't see that ending well ;)
Quote from: FierceKitty on 19 December 2021, 01:46:00 AMExtensive check-up this week. Enlarged thyroid - appears safe - but liver and kidneys at risk, high cholestrol; no diabetic, but need to watch it (three cases on mother's side, and she's had to give up sweeties, which is heartbreaking, since she's a chocolate fiend). Currectly drinking gallons of water, cutting back seriously on sugars and salt.
All the best Kitty, stay well!
Fingers crossed Alexander!
Hang in therte Kitty, after all you have 9 lives....
All the best Kitty >:<
Fingwrscrossed for calm waters Kitty
Thanks, all. Not too alarming, and I've had time to adjust to the idea of mortality. It's the wheelchair and white stick that scare me, not the big black box.
Take good care of yourself, Alexander. :)
Tell the General, she's got to look after you.
All the best - Phil :)
Good grief FK, if you're not careful you'll wind up as bad as me! Look after yourself.
To be honest, I'd prefer neither but I'd take the wheelchair and the white stick over visiting "that bourne from whence no traveller can return."
I am going to tell my boss he's been conducting business meetings incorrectly all of these years.
This is what they should look like, apparently:
Not a powerpoint slide in sight!
QuoteI am going to tell my boss he's been conducting business meetings incorrectly all of these years.
Don't forget to insist on cheese, wine and spouses attending as well. :d :d
QuoteDon't forget to insist on cheese, wine and spouses attending as well. :d :d
And not a shovel to lean on or upturned bucket 'seat' in sight!
Personally, I have no truck with this whole issue... there are things much more pressing.
But, I do feel sorry for the bunch of guys in the distance... they seem to have lost their 'Maypole'! ;)
Booster jab done (yesterday)...
Glad that's done, but it was a painful experience, as the jab centre was really out of the way and wasn't monitored very well as far as a quick turnaround was concerned.
Got there around 20 minutes before we were due to be jabbed, but ended up finally getting jabbed well over an hour late.
Total confusion as to where folk were supposed to go to 'queue' before being allowed into the 'car park', for the wait until you were called into the waiting room 'proper'.
There were folk behind & in front of us that actually gave up.
Once inside, it was much better...though the music they were playing in the 'waiting room' %-(.....Christmas songs and carols being murdered by...goodness knows who X_X ....I mean, how can you get the synth riff of YMCA into "I wish you a merry Christmas" ;D ;D ;D
The irony was...that when I was at the local surgery for my B12 jab, (an hour earlier)I again checked with the nurse that the B12 wouldn't be a problem with the booster..."Oh...are you having your booster today ?"......"Oh you could have had that here, we're running a clinic just for today." =)
Anyway..Glad it's done !!
Cheers - Phil. :)
I had my booster on Sunday at an industrial unit in the back end of Runcorn. Yes, Runcorn does have a back end.
Big queue, but it all seemed to be efficiently managed. Somewhat of a pre-apocalyptic feel, a shuffling crowd being herded through checks with hard faced security staff watching whilst harassed medics ask probing questions about health conditions before administering a perfunctory injection. I think there were two exits, one to daylight and one to a dark inner room where I am sure heavies waited with black bags and bludgeons.
Then again, that's Runcorn for you.
No side effects effects, apart perhaps from increased paranoia.
Nearly all the Xmas food shopping done, which is a relief, with just a few perishables to be bought tomorrow. ASDA was rather busy at 7.00am, but at least I managed to whizz through as it was a normal shop rather than anything seasonal. A lot of people really stocking up on food and especially drink. Looking forward to the madness being over as SWMBO and myself always heave a sigh of relief once Xmas is out of the way.
At least today there was some sunshine and a bit of blue sky, which was nice, the first in about two weeks it seems. Clouding over again now though :( .
Had my booster last Thursday- very straight forward - queue of 3 or so people, which moved pretty quickly. Was in a random office style building, very anonymous and clearly a pop-up vaccination centre. Arm was sore after and felt a bit under the weather that evening, but nothing significant.
Daughter is finally able to head back from Uni today after having to self-isolate in an empty flat in an almost empty campus - so it will be really good to have her back. :D
Bit of food shopping still to do - mainly veg and the like. Have turkey ordered from the butcher to pick up on Friday.
And best of all finished work now until the new year - really feel like I need a rest @-)
QuoteAt least today there was some sunshine and a bit of blue sky, which was nice, the first in about two weeks it seems. Clouding over again now though :( .
Came into the office for almost certainly the last time today. Stunned at the lack of traffic. Last time it took me 40 minutes to go ~3 miles. Sailed straight in this time. Schools are off though, so that may have something to do with it.
Beautiful sunrise this AM, lots of red in the sky.
Just been trying to help the wife complete here Tax Return and Companies House return.
She closed the business down back in March 2020 - as all the work dried up - but it is a thankless and nail-pulling task to try and do all these on-line submissions.
Her's was a tiny company (Charitable Company) which made next to no profit (it was never designed to do so) but it takes so much effort to do the returns and closing the company down is even more complex.
Hey ho ... it has to be done ... but it is all so counter-intuitive for somebody like her, she being of the 'creative persuasion'.
At 23.00hrs last night - in the depth of despair (when nothing appeared to add up) it all reminded me of that sketch in the TV sit-com Black Books - when Bernard has to complete his tax return and the Jehovas Witnesses knock on the door and 'save' him from having to do it ... "we'd like to talk to you about Jezuss" ;D ;D ;D : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILysMhm8lXs
NB: It is still not done, as now the Gov.Gateway has locked her out completely!!! I can see another £100 fine for late submission on the horizon, as she's just walked off in a strop.
Big Insect. Only tried to do online Personal Tax form once... and got it wrong.... 'seemed' to be ok, though... but might end up with Al Capone! ;D
Online forms B****y Nightmare. There used to be Tax Offices
Why DO we pay Taxes? >:(
Quote from: Big Insect on 22 December 2021, 11:44:31 AMNB: It is still not done, as now the Gov.Gateway has locked her out completely!!! I can see another £100 fine for late submission on the horizon, as she's just walked off in a strop.
Just do it by paper. I do my tax return using paper form, takes 5 minutes. Once tried online for a customer, took over 40 minutes! Never again! You should be able to download the relevant forms from their website and print them off.
I had my booster on Sunday and had quite a rough 24-36 hours sadly, with hot/cold fevers and nausea. It cleared up by Tues afternoon though, so all fine now.
Our daughter had a rough night with hot and cold sweats too, but after about 24 hours was OK.
I'm finding reading and bits of terrain making when the house is quiet is helping massively at present, as it's a bit of 'me time' which is a precious commodity.
Wife and youngest have had Covid. Wife for the second time...
Trust all recovered Will.
Quote from: John Cook on 20 April 2020, 03:10:05 AMIn the interim I have persuaded the 'sergeant major' to wargame. Her only proviso is that it must be with "pretty armies". What will I do if she wins?
FK has lots of experience on loosing wargames to his wife. Send him a PM :) :)
Yippee!! <:-P <:-P Hermes just delivered two pendraken army packs plus 17 packs of what should be in a "proper" army pack! :D Which answers another thread for next year's plans.
Leon's team performed production miracles while simultaneously fixing the roof and having a cheese and wine business meeting. Then it seems Hermes took 4 days to get it from Middlesbrough to Warrington, 1 more to Rugby and another to down here. hey ho.
Best wishes to the covid afflicted. Our neighbour has tested positive so he had to cancel his Christmas travel plans. But he is a teacher and thus highly exposed to the Mark one germ warfare mini-warriors.
QuoteOur daughter had a rough night with hot and cold sweats too, but after about 24 hours was OK.
Did she get the Moderna jab? Me and Adele both had Moderna and had similar reactions, whereas the Pfizer doesn't seem to hit as hard.
Quote from: DecemDave on 23 December 2021, 11:32:31 AMYippee!! <:-P <:-P Hermes just delivered two pendraken army packs plus 17 packs of what should be in a "proper" army pack! :D Which answers another thread for next year's plans.
Leon's team performed production miracles while simultaneously fixing the roof and having a cheese and wine business meeting. Then it seems Hermes took 4 days to get it from Middlesbrough to Warrington, 1 more to Rugby and another to down here. hey ho.
Excellent, always good to hear! I'll leave the wine and cheese though, I'm more a fizzy pop and a choccy biscuit kinda guy.
Yep, the Moderna jab Leon. Apparently now they are reserving the Pfizer jab for younger people, or so my wife was told when she had her jab. She too was a bit off for 24 hours, but not as bad as our daughter.
Quote from: Steve J on 23 December 2021, 12:12:41 PMYep, the Moderna jab Leon. Apparently now they are reserving the Pfizer jab for younger people, or so my wife was told when she had her jab. She too was a bit off for 24 hours, but not as bad as our daughter.
That's interesting, I'll have to ask my eldest which he gets when his turn comes around. I had Pfizer for Jab 1 and Jab 2 and was fine after both, maybe a little more tired than normal for a day, but nothing major. The Moderna definitely seems to have a bigger impact from folks I've spoken to.
Quote. . . Hermes just delivered . . .
By 'delivered' I presume you mean 'threw vaguely in the direction of the front door from the other side of the road'?
Or is that Yodel?
QuoteThat's interesting, I'll have to ask my eldest which he gets when his turn comes around. I had Pfizer for Jab 1 and Jab 2 and was fine after both, maybe a little more tired than normal for a day, but nothing major. The Moderna definitely seems to have a bigger impact from folks I've spoken to.
Von and I had the Astra-Z for jabs 1 & 2...Moderna for the 'booster'.....DID feel extra tired for the last couple of days. (Both of us)....Yawning like crazy...But didn't feel 'rough'.
Cheers - Phil. :)
QuoteVon and I had the Astra-Z for jabs 1 & 2...Moderna for the 'booster'....
Ditto here. No effect at all for 1 & 2, but the booster knocked me out for the rest of the day, and my arm hurt for three days afterwards.
Anyway, youngest son has just tested positive, so we're all off for a PCR test in a minute. Happy Xmas!
All the best to you, Martyn...
Heard from my little (hah) niece, today...If she was a member of the forum....I think she'd be the most Northern in the UK mainland.
Somehow....she's managed to get covid.
Cheers - Phil. =)
Well after seemingly endless days of cloudy weather (around a month I think), we've had a lovely sunny and very warm day here in Bristol. In fact it felt more like Spring as the sun was so warm. An hour or so spent in the garden which was unexpected at this time of year but a real pleasure to be outside :) .
Well, with all the chaos that Covid has caused these past two years, it is reassuring that England carry on the fine tradition of collapsing against Australia in the Ashes :o . Some things never change...
Perceptions are often misleading. The record shows honours even.
QuotePerceptions are often misleading. The record shows honours even.
QuoteThere have been 72 Ashes series: Australia have won 34, England won 32 and six series have been drawn.
Looks like a root and branch overhaul is needed.
QuoteLooks like a root and branch overhaul is needed.
I've not heard of this Branch chap, but if he can bat, stick him on the first Quantas to Melbourne.
Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 28 December 2021, 12:38:46 PMI've not heard of this Branch chap, but if he can bat, stick him on the first Quantas to Melbourne.
At least ten required.
Well the weather is very strange at present, with it being 15 centigrade here in Bristol at 7.00am today. It feels more like late Spring. Some plants that should have been killed by frost as still flowering!
Quote from: sultanbev on 23 December 2021, 09:24:59 AMJust do it by paper. I do my tax return using paper form, takes 5 minutes. Once tried online for a customer, took over 40 minutes! Never again! You should be able to download the relevant forms from their website and print them off.
Thanks Mark
All sorted in the end - ahead of the deadline(s). But whether it is right or wrong is anybody's guess - we'll see :'(
My Ma is at Peace now. Went in sleep sometime Wednesday night. Thankfully, not virus... she still had not had Booster or Flu jabs. Cousin and Wife rushed through and started the phone calls... cannot Thank enough. I was in shock. Very nice Cop, Nurse and Funeral Staff.
One Nightmare over. Ma had Dementia, no 'mobility' and Urine Incontinence. At Rest, now after Three Years.
Myself... will have all the Financial, Legal and Funeral stuff to go through... and little idea of how.
At least have enough in Bank to get by with for some months, but will have to find another job to run house... another 8 years until State Pension. Ma's pensions and Allowance paid the bills.
But... everyone gets this someday... just My turn.
Sorry to hear your loss HH, but as you say, at least she is at peace now. My Mum was in a similar position with dementia in a care home, but when she passed away, it felt a relief that she was no longer suffering.
I hope you get all the stuff sorted out OK. We used a service that, for a relatively small fee, contacted the banks, pensions, local council etc and informed them of her passing, which made life much easier for me Dad. I can't remember if it was via the Births, Deaths & Marriages people, but I think it was.
Condolences to you HH. Peaceful way to go and at least she is no longer suffering.
Hope you manage to sort out all the legal and formal stuff. Its tricky at the best of times dealing with these people , even worse when your grieving. So Steves suggestion is probably a good one.
Sorry to hear that too, I hope you're doing as well as you can.
Sorry to hear of your loss, but as you say she is at peace
Good luck with all the legal stuff, take some time for you as well
Good to hear you have some help from cousin & wife, let them help as much as they can
Thanks, Guys.
Sympathies, HH.
My condolences HH
QuoteLooks like a root and branch overhaul is needed.
There we go, not much in it. Honours even.
My condolences, HH. Dementia is a horrible condition. Best wishes.
It's been a while, what with moving country, learning a new language, a pandemic, several lockdowns (including the current one) and then organising everything at this end. Apart from everything else, I lost my BBB books (now replaced), then had to find my way round Groups Io, set up a painting area and now at last organising my hobby room properly. My 10mm plans will actually not require much of a spend as I have brought quite a bit of unpainted lead with me. Consequently I am looking at the smaller actions of the 1866 campaigns in Bohemia and Germany (thanks to the BBB groups io files and Neil Thomas' C19th wargames), more SYW action and units, the 1848 Schelswig Holstein project and the great sweep south by the Picts in post-Roman Britain. In short I've been a bit too busy to really notice the pandemic - only leaving the house for Fristi and Paprika Chips.
So sorry to hear that HH. As others have said, look after yourself.
My own Mum died on the last day of October, just over a month after we finally settled Dad's estate after three years of lawyers, bankers, national and local government officers!
Both of them were bed bound, had dementia and Alzheimer's and Mum also had cancer. So neither death was exactly unexpected but it's still a shock when it happens.
One thing my sister and I found helpful was that the local council do a "one stop shop" service where you notify the council (bit of paperwork and a phone call in these Covid infected days) and they then contact all of the council departments so you don't get letters demanding the dearly departed fill out forms, pay bills or turn up for meetings.
Condolences HH.
I lost both of mine half a lifetime ago, you do get through it but they are frequently in my thoughts.
All th best.
Quote from: T13A on 07 January 2022, 10:43:06 AMI lost both of mine half a lifetime ago, you do get through it but they are frequently in my thoughts.
Very true, its been 11 years since I lost mine but when I see a Fudge shop on holiday I still think "I must get Dad some fudge" as he loved the stuff.
HH, so sorry to hear of your loss.
It's important to take care of yourself as well as all the paperwork, be kind to yourself.
As for practical stuff -
See/talk/email someone at Citizen Advice - you'll get a sympathetic and helpful ear and direction on what you are entitled to and what you need to do - if there is something like a Council One Stop Shop they should know and will put you in touch.
Any counselling that may be offered - take it. Our generation often regards this as a bit 'wet' - it isn't.
My condolences and best wishes
Thanks. It is just getting round to 'moving'. Have made some very small steps.
In a 'military' sense... you appreciate WHY troops will just want to 'sit in a hole'... until someone 'kick's 'them out ;)
My comeriserations HH
Sorry for your loss HH. I empathise having been there with both my parents, albeit some time ago. My advice is to let a solicitor deal with all the legal stuff - trying to do it yourself without the necessary experience can be a nightmare, even with a relatively uncomplicated estate.
Well I'm going to sit down with SWMBO and watch Monty Don visiting gardens from Venice, down through the Balkans and into Greece today, to give us a splash of Summer, given it is pouring down here and we've barely seen the sun since November! Roll on Spring and some sunshine I say.
Sorry to learn of your loss HH. May she be at peace and comfort to you.
Condolences sir.
Remember the good times.
Thanks All. Cousin And Wife extremely Helpful.
On practical note... the MASS of outdated papers accumulated is horrendous! Trying to find 'important' docs...
So clear out old paperwork now and then! ;)
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 09 January 2022, 01:39:47 AMThanks All. Cousin And Wife extremely Helpful.
On practical note... the MASS of outdated papers accumulated is horrendous! Trying to find 'important' docs...
So clear out old paperwork now and then! ;)
Sorry for your loss HH, its never easy when parents depart this life, both of mine have passed on (2015 and 2020).
Going through my fathers stuff we found he had kept all his payslips from when he started work in the 1940's onwards as well as the letter written by my mum's father just after the war demanding to know what my father's intentions towards his daughter were...evidently he was forbidden to see her again until mum's father was satisfied with my dad's bona fides! Times have changed a bit since then :)
Quote from: pierre the shy on 09 January 2022, 03:40:19 AMTimes have changed a bit since then :)
Have they?
Told my girls to make sure their boyfriends new I had a Shotgun, a Spade and a big garden to bury them in, if they did not treat them right. :)
Yes, but these days a boyfriend who says "Let's wait until we're married" will have girls complaining he isn't treating them right.
Thank God.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 09 January 2022, 06:51:42 AMYes, but these days a boyfriend who says "Let's wait until we're married" will have girls complaining he isn't treating them right.
Thank God.
I was not looking for that level of behavior, just treating them right.
Condolences HH, lost my own dad a couple of weeks ago. Dementia for 5 years then massive stroke last November, survived a couple of painful weeks before letting go. Care home staff shocking, rang me with the news then next breath asked me to arrange collection straight away as "he'd already been here a few hours and they'd like the body gone now please".
Use 'tell us one service', apparently very good. Cant vouch yet as no agency come back to me!
Quote. . . until mum's father was satisfied with my dad's bona fides!
Bit personal!
(Fnarr, fnarr)
@Raider4 I just looked up your ISO certification. Who knew? Brilliant!
I spent a pleasant day in the garden, which after a month of wet weather, was an absolute treat. Bulbs coming up left, right and centre.
Lilac trees pruned, apple trees too.
Graves. Now, will apologise as 'macabre' and sad subject... but something never thought about.'Family Plot' with grandparents interred'... was desired destination for Ma and myself. Thought it a '4 berth'... and cost £30 in 1966. BUT... plot had a 50yr 'expiry date' for use. Can renew... but for more than £1K! Cemetery also says only room for One! 'Luckily'? Ma booked adjacent plot in '99 for other family members... not used yet... but would need new Stone... and not our 'des res'! Will probably put Ma in with Her Dad and Mam... Me... will have to see. Very Few seem to go for Burial, now... but a consideration for those with 'Family Plot' .
Family and Funeral Directors giving great support... (so don't worry about that)... but, Not something that you want to find out at a bad time.
Many of us are ageing... and may have elderly parents... so thought to advise about 'shelf life' on a grave. :o :(
"Death comes for us all. Even for kings he comes." - Robert Bolt, A Man For All Seasons
"The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay" - Johnny Mandel, Michael B Altman
Macabre and sad perhaps, HH, but an inevitable event none the less.
Put me in a cardboard box and burn me or dump me on the council tip. When I'm gone it won't matter to me.
Funerals are for the living not the dead.
Even my mother was cremated back in 1987 and my father in 2004. My in-laws were both buried but I think both my wife and I will go for cremation (hopefully not for quite a while yet!).
Mince up my remains and put them in a trout stream.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 11 January 2022, 03:05:45 PMMince up my remains and put them in a trout stream.
Please, you will put me off eating Trout
There isn't an atom in either of us that hasn't lost count of the alimentary systems it's been through.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 11 January 2022, 06:29:01 PMThere isn't an atom in either of us that hasn't lost count of the alimentary systems it's been through.
This position must be challenged, Sir
Atomic Particles are long proven in their ability to count numerically with great acccuracy. This is the fundamental basis for much of Atomic Theory in relation to Radioactive Decay... and hence dating of artifacts, etc.
Do publish Your Paper on the theory to which you adhere, Sir.
I feel sure that the Scientific Community will be able to poke holes in it.
;) ;D ;D :) :)
I ran screaming from academia to get away from stuff like that!
A lovely bike ride today where the temperature was perfect and I had some energy in my legs (for once). Really nice hour or so out and about.
When I left England had about 2 1/2 days to bat to at least try and get a win over Australia. They were doing OK so I thought they should do this. Upon return I was gobsmacked to see that they had collapsed all out in one session! Truly shocking.
On the grapevine I hear the England selectors have been in contact with the St Trinian's second 11 as possible replacements for future tests.
David Attenborough is planning a new documentary as a new species of invertebrate has been found 'Down Under'...
I feel we ought to symbolically burn something small & wooden, to signify the death of English cricket . . .
Quote from: Raider4 on 16 January 2022, 11:50:08 AMI feel we ought to symbolically burn something small & wooden, to signify the death of English cricket . . .
What - again !!!
Quote from: Raider4 on 16 January 2022, 11:50:08 AMI feel we ought to symbolically burn something small & wooden, to signify the death of English cricket . . .
I thought we did that every year?
Delayed somewhat due to Covid, I'm now able to start re-decorating the hall, landing and stairs. Rather enjoying it (at present :D ) as I'm able to do things at my own pace rather than fitting it in around work and weekends. How long this lasts remains to be seen!
Didn't expect tghis - my surgery rang me yesterday to say they had a small thankyou for the marshalling. Got a £25 Amazon voucher and a medal. Not expected but very good.
Well done Ian, much deserved
Thanks Matt. Was totally unexpected, I was marshalling to do my bit, not for any reward. :)
Great to see that volunteers such as yourself have got some recognition and a nice little reward :) .
Thanks Steve
Excellent news, congrats!
Ta La
Well deserved recognition. Well done, Ian.
Thanks kid.
Indeed it struck me that the marshals at the vaccination centres are the somewhat unsung heroes of the effort. Out in all kinds of weathers, helping people along and keeping things moving. Well done!
Wot Keith said.
Cheers Paul
Didn't spot this earlier. Well done! =D>
(what medal is it?)
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 18 January 2022, 09:36:49 AMDidn't expect tghis - my surgery rang me yesterday to say they had a small thankyou for the marshalling. Got a £25 Amazon voucher and a medal. Not expected but very good.
Brilliant idea
Not out in much weather me, either hot or inside so didn't get wet or cold too much. Did get a sore throat friom all the chatting.
QuoteDid get a sore throat from all the chatting.
Clearly not enough risk assessment done to avoid this industrial accident :)
Go away
Lol. Have just cleared out the 'Medicine' cupboard in the kitchen. Cork stoppered glass bottles with hand written labels from a Chemist who, I think, retired in the 1970s.
Ipecacuanha wine, Castor Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Lanolin, Medical Paraffin, Camomile Lotion... and 'Cough Mixture'... which certainly worked back then, but contained 'banned substances'!
Have no doubt, many would still be efficacious... but need the cupboard space. :( ;) ;D
Great excitement this morning. Email from the national Lottery that I had won a prize. <:-P <:-P
Logged on for details. £30. Not even enough for a round in the officer's mess. So Sorry chaps.
Oh well, one more Lottery wín and I can afford another army pack. :D
I won first prize in a Belgian-themed fundraising raffle once. Third prize was a large box of Belgian choccies, second a handsome book on Flemish art, full of colour illustrations; first prize was a cut-glass beer tankard. Guess who loathes beer?
QuoteGuess who loathes beer?
You are allowed to put other liquids in it.
QuoteGreat excitement this morning. Email from the national Lottery that I had won a prize. <:-P <:-P
Logged on for details. £30. Not even enough for a round in the officer's mess. So Sorry chaps.
Oh well, one more Lottery wín and I can afford another army pack. :D
Nice. I've had 4 wins in the past six weeks - £5, £3.90, £5 and £4.10.
And no, I don't buy loads of tickets, just one Euromillions and one Set for Life per week.
Quote from: Raider4 on 30 January 2022, 11:04:25 AMYou are allowed to put other liquids in it.
A tankard of espresso? Hmmm, I must think about your suggestion.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 30 January 2022, 11:31:45 AMA tankard of espresso? Hmmm, I must think about your suggestion.
Sounds fine to me. :) ( I am a caffine addictand get headaches if I do not drink enough caffine) I even have a coffee as my bedtime drink.
QuoteI won first prize in a Belgian-themed fundraising raffle once. Third prize was a large box of Belgian choccies, second a handsome book on Flemish art, full of colour illustrations; first prize was a cut-glass beer tankard. Guess who loathes beer?
Whenever I hear of a Belgian lottery, I'm reminded of their fondness for cowpat roulette.
Indeed the "pastime" is credited as a Belgian invention, along with carillon belltowers, the Mercator projection, plastics, and the saxophone.
carillon belltowers
Belgian or Dutch origin?
I know Wikipedia isn't a cast iron source, but it credits Antwerp.
QuoteOn 30 December 1482, the city of Antwerp (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antwerp) appointed a man named Eliseus to play a small set of bells in St. Michael's Abbey (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Michael's_Abbey,_Antwerp), which had been outfitted with a system of "ropes and sticks".
Quote from: steve_holmes_11 on 30 January 2022, 02:39:36 PMI know Wikipedia isn't a cast iron source, but it credits Antwerp.
All Spanish Netherlands at the time then. They can fight it out amongst themselves; handbags at 10 paces.
After a morning decorating for the past couple of weeks, I'm enjoying relaxing in the afternoon watching the Pakistan Super League T20 cricket. Very entertaining :) .
Saturday Night. Adventured down the village for first time in 3 years without escort. 3 Faces recognised. Some craik. Drunken Females dancing... sadly aged and under watchful gaze of Husbands. 'Befriended' by male of dubious nature... successfully evaded! Spent silly monies on Whiskeys.. solo!. On return home, a serious 'toilet accident'... bath required! :o :( Such is 'life' in 2022. :( :(
Almost enough to make one paint figs! LOL! :o ;D
Wife's just tested positive . . . bugger!
She seems okay, just like a mild cold really, and we've both been vaccinated, so fingers crossed.
Hope it's a minor one...
Aye, you and me both!
I've had two friends come down with Covid.
Both have said it was like having a bad cold and being tired.
On that basis, I may have had covid for 13 years.
My daughter and son-in-law have Long Covid. It has been life changing for them.
A couple I know were only aware they had Covid because they had to take tests. A week at home, feeling fine, mandated by both work and the government ... Yay! Free weeks holiday.
Two people I knew died of Covid back before vaccines were available.
A relative had a mild dose of Covid, slight breathing difficulties but didn't need to go to hospital. Apparently it has damaged their lungs and they will be affected for life.
Welcome to Covid roulette!
I tested positive Monday. Thought I had a head cold Sunday night, didn't feel bad, just like a cold. But I've tested positive all week. Bored. Couldn't paint, run out of undercoat spray.
Quote... Couldn't paint, run out of undercoat spray.
~X( ~X( ~X(
My wife is still testing twice a week due to her work in school with kids. Every time we get a bit of a cold there is that nagging worry as to whether it is Covid or not. So far we've been lucky...
Day 7
Still positive
Sorry to hear that LH :( .
Persistant bu**er there.
I feel fine. Just stuck inside alone.
Well its got me!!!
Not sure if I got it from Ukranian refugees, The various Polish people who helped us, or the complete F*&^ing idiot I had to share the cab of the lorry with last week.
(Sufficient to say he managed to totally p*ss off 4 of the other 7 Drivers in 3 days to the point that, 3 of them nearly punched his lights out. He will not be considered for any further trips.)
I tested positive for Covid on Tuesday morning. So far just a sore throat, a few aches and feeling tired. So Hopefully that will be all.
I have planned to see my new granddaughter this weekend, but that will have to wait.
Sorry to hear that Orcs. Cases here jumped 64% this last week :( .
That's a bit of a b*gg%r Orcs :(
Thank You on others behalf.
On drivers... when I was at work...
Several Guys would try to 'wriggle' out of anything...
Another would sing Horst Wessel in loading bay... (good acoustics!)... but good at job and I think he was OK... just would not have wanted to cross! Was into Milltaria. and had a bit from Wittman's Tiger!
Another really nice lad 'broke rules' to help customer.. and got sacked... because 'expedient' to management.
All sorts around.
Quoteand had a bit from Wittman's Tiger!
Came across this purely by chance when visiting La Camb (German Milatary cemetery) in Normandy a few years ago:
Cheers Paul
Daughter, son-in-law and 2 small grandsons (2.5 & 0.5) are currently trapped in a pitiful cycle of infection and re-infection - it's been going on for the last 3 weeks - once one of them gets over it one of the others gets it. It's probably because the smalls haven't been vaccinated ... but it is so debilitating and they are all trapped in a small house.
Thankfully the baby just has a terrible cough but his older brother is very much under the weather :(
I'm avoiding going out again (for the moment) - I'm not risking getting it.
Children are being sent into the school my wife works at, even though they, or their family members, have Covid. No wonder cases are rising rather fast there >:( .
Quote from: Steve J on 17 March 2022, 02:58:09 PMChildren are being sent into the school my wife works at, even though they, or their family members, have Covid. No wonder cases are rising rather fast there >:( .
Looks like a push for herd immunity.
A friend in the know told us another surge is coming here in Ohio. So far we've dodged the bullet - thankfully, because my wife's in the vulnerable group. She lost a friend to it in January. We wear masks in public, and it seems most other people are still doing so.
Quote from: Poggle on 17 March 2022, 04:47:12 PMA friend in the know told us another surge is coming here in Ohio. So far we've dodged the bullet - thankfully, because my wife's in the vulnerable group. She lost a friend to it in January. We wear masks in public, and it seems most other people are still doing so.
We are the same about mask wearing - I've lost a number of clients to the disease, a couple of them young and seemingly very fit. I also have a number of colleagues who have now got Long-Covid (or Post Viral Fatigue - which is what I have been managing for the last 5 years) and a couple of those colleagues will probably never return to work. It is frightening what the long-term effects of this pandemic will be.
Was out shopping this morning.
With mask on the first three shoppers I passed were maskless, all young and not in company with each other.
On a recent ASDA shop, probably only 5% of people were wearing masks, even older folks weren't :( .
Would advise to continue 'protective measures' for a while, yet.
Had 2 vacs and Booster.
I always Mask and glove for shopping... but when I run out of stocks, will maybe not renew.
Vulnerable Ma not now an issue.
Have 'gone out' for meals / pub, etc... we have to continue 'life'.
Myself...as far as I know, I have never had Covid symptoms... and test negative.
However... have just been feeling Really S**t for about 2 weeks, now. Maybe had a mild dose which may have left residual effects. Don't know.
Off my food... if you have animals, you know 'something' ain't right.
Doctor's 'Bloods' and Stool Sample gave no results... just think 'something' is 'Off'.
Look after yourselves, People.
QuoteWould advise to continue 'protective measures' for a while, yet.
I'm not stopping wearing my 'Dark Side of the Moon' face-mask for yonks. Keith.
As far as I
know, Von and I have managed to avoid Covid, thus far.
Never felt the remotest need to use the PCR (?)'tests' I got from the local pharmacy three (?) or more months ago.
Cheers - Phil.
Yes, it's still out there, guys - in fact, it's "in here" also - I'm currently confined to barracks because of a positive Covid test result last Tuesday. :(
I found out using one of these DIY at home rapid lateral flow test kits the govt. are dishing out. I didn't have to follow this up as it turned out but I then went for a PCR test at one of the local drive-in test centres which also confirmed I had it.
I've no idea where I got it because I've been leading a relatively "sheltered" life at home lately with very few contacts .... with one glaring exception the week before .... we were away on a short break to York and maskless Northern England having a rare old time visiting pubs, shops and restaurants, so guess what the prime suspect is ...
Not surprisingly my wife tested positive yesterday. Not fun and not out of the woods yet (so far, for me, first 48 hours the worst & mainly congestion and cough, now - Mrs Westie has gone back to bed, as I write). Shudder to think how more seriously ill we might be if we hadn't been triple vaccinated.
Victuals are OK for the present. Has anyone got a yellow and black flag we can borrow to hang outside the house?
I hope you and Mrs Westie recover soon
Same from me, Davy !!
Westmarcher. Best Wishes to Both.
Hang in there Kid
Get well soon
Yesterday, an elderly neighbour... not too fit herself... gave ME a Food Parcel!
Well, Thanks for that... though I did not need it... just still feeling 'off'. :)
Must really get the white whiskers shaved off! :o ;)
I'm reminded of a friend of my grandparents who cycled several miles a day to help "an old guy" of around seventy because he was "getting on a bit" and not able to do everything himself.
Their friend was over ninety!!!
I reach my three quarters century in a few days and don't consider myself an 'old guy'!
I am reminded of my late uncle who joined up in 1939 age 40 and served throughout the N African and Italian campaigns in 3 Hussars (Crusaders and Shermans), who when 96 was told that he needed to think about a residential home but refused to on the grounds that such places were full of old people.
Perceptions are everything.
Have to agree John. Was marshalling again yesterday -looking for a bar to my medal.
Having avoided the plague for over two years now, the bloomin' thing has finally caught up with me. I started feeling as rough as hell yesterday and now have tested positive. Currently feeling like I've got a really bad case of the flu and it's getting worse. Bugger :( .
Quote from: Steve J on 06 July 2022, 07:25:21 PMHaving avoided the plague for over two years now, the bloomin' thing has finally caught up with me. I started feeling as rough as hell yesterday and now have tested positive. Currently feeling like I've got a really bad case of the flu and it's getting worse. Bugger :( .
Hope you feel better soon. There's a lot of it about. It took my wife and I out for about 4 weeks overall in May/early June and my daughter in law and son have just gone down with it.
The school where my wife works had cases at about 1:15 at one point, which is way higher than the current English average. Our local hospitals have just reintroduced mask wearing, which IMHO should not have been removed for enclosed spaces. Off to bed soon to try and get a good sleep...
QuoteHope you feel better soon. There's a lot of it about. It took my wife and I out for about 4 weeks overall in May/early June and my daughter in law and son have just gone down with it.
Same for myself and Mrs Westie in March. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Steve.
Best wishes Steve.
My daughter tested positive yesterday. Rest of us still negative at the moment.
Fingers crossed.
Hope you are okay soon
Sorry to hear that, we've managed to steer clear so far but I know it's a matter of when and not if.
Thanks one and all. Well sleep has proven to be rather illusory so am up and typing at 2.45am! Feeling rough as hell :( .
Never had any symptoms of Covid 1. Double Jabs plus Booster. THEN... 3 Bouts of what MAY have been Covid Variant in 4 Months! Knocks you out for 5-6 days. Middle 3 days... can hardly stand up... barely 'functional' at all. Immunity NOT Guaranteed! Survivable at 60 but NOT nice at all! :(
I'm fully boosted and considering my wife works in school, we have managed to avoid it until now. She is the only adult in her year not to have caught it - yet. I wear a mask in the shops to minimise my risks, but am pretty sure I caught it when we went to our first proper social outing for over two years :( .
My son and daughter in law are over from Australia with their infant son. They caught it when they were visiting her sister in Telford. It was brought home by one of her sister's children. The whole family got it - my son and daughter in law, our grandson, her sister, her two sons and husband. What was planned as a week's visit turned into a fortnight. The youngest hardly seemed to notice it at all but it affected the adults differently, my son and daughter in law were pretty rough for a couple of days, her sister's husband was out of it for about four days but her sister, though positive, had no symptoms at all. They were all negative after about ten days. The after effects seemed to be similar and comprised mainly tiredness for the adults. Three weeks later and they are all over it completely. All were fully vaccinated, either here or in Australia. I'm not surprised it is spreading again though as people seem generally to be behaving as if it is over and ignoring guidelines completely. My wife and I are almost alone among customers wearing masks in our local supermarket but the thing which really annoys me are those selfish pieces of work who don't even both to use the hand sanitiser and then go on to pick over the fruit and veg.
Using a mask is really to stop you passing it on if you have Covid. its of little value stopping you getting it.
Quote from: Orcs on 08 July 2022, 04:21:42 PMUsing a mask is really to stop you passing it on if you have Covid. its of little value stopping you getting it.
Yes it is primarily to stop passing it on to others. People who are asymptomatic will not even know they have it and others can still be infectious after the symptoms have gone, or before they appear. Be that as it may the Government recommendation is that people continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces because although it is principally to protect others, masks provide fivefold protection as opposed to no mask at all. Social distancing in crowded enclosed places and using a hand sanitiser all helps and, I reiterate, some people are behaving as if it is all over and have no regard for others.
2nd bout of covid. Off work, feels like a cold.
Quote from: Last Hussar on 02 August 2022, 07:05:17 AM2nd bout of covid. Off work, feels like a cold.
I hope it's mild this time round and you get better soon.
There seems to be little rhyme or reason to the severity of symptoms. My wife and I had a bad bout in May (after I caught it in the US) and our son and daughter in law had it pretty badly last month (after she caught it in France).
I had one of the new variants 3 weeks ago and it hit me really hard, whilst my wife and son had it too, they only had a bit of a headache and sore throat for a few days. Our daughter didn't catch it at all or if she did, was completely asymptomatic.
Just had a bad sore throat for 3 days with negative LF test. Bout 1 1/2 hrs on phone to 111 and surgery.
There is a nasty summer cold doing the rounds at the moment. My wife, my son and I caught it. The symptoms were very much like COVID 19, sore throat, headache, cough, streaming nose and, in my case, very chesty. Very unpleasant indeed. We all tested negative for COVID 19 with LF tests throughout. It took 10 days for me to shake off the catarrh and chstiness. My son, who's had COVID 19 recently, said he rather have that than this cold. So if you test negative you probably don't have COVID 19 and it is as well to remember that there are still colds, and flu, out there.
Stay safe and warm mate. More people die of the flu each year over Covid.
It feels like a cold, actually a bit worse than when I had it in February.
My Wife, daughter and neighbour have been complaining of flu/cold like symptoms lately, but luckily they have not developed into anything debilitating (yet!).
Quote from: Steve J on 02 August 2022, 02:44:37 PMMy Wife, daughter and neighbour have been complaining of flu/cold like symptoms lately, but luckily they have not developed into anything debilitating (yet!).
Well, Steve, if it the same cold I had, the saving grace is that there is no temperature and it is just the inconvenience of the symptoms.
Lots of coughing and sneezing going around. Both the wife & I have had it. No other symptoms (no headaches, fevers, chills, snotty noses or sore throats etc). The wife tested herself twice for Covid - with a clear result.
But it is taking a couple of weeks to clear the chest. Maybe it is/was one of those things we used to get pre-Covid - called a 'summer cold' :D
I had a bout about a month ago. Eyes and nose streaming and an irritating cough but otherwise feeling fine. Whole trees worth of paper hankies and all but mainlining Olbas Oil but none of the usual headaches and generally feeling grotty I usually suffer with a cold.
Yes, that's the one - the old fashioned summer cold. Between us we must have used an entire rain forest's worth of paper hankies. Apparently it was rife in primary schools about three months ago. Taking 10 - 14 days to clear the chest seems typical. I was convinced it was COVID but all my LF tests said otherwise.
Quote from: John Cook on 04 August 2022, 10:16:40 AMYes, that's the one - the old fashioned summer cold. Between us we must have used an entire rain forest's worth of paper hankies. Apparently it was rife in primary schools about three months ago. Taking 10 - 14 days to clear the chest seems typical. I was convinced it was COVID but all my LF tests said otherwise.
Oh, that one, had it about three times!
Feeling 'Ropey' again... though not as Bad as on other occasions... so far! Drove to Tesco yesterday so stocks of food, booze and some Tabs... but anticipated visit to Chip Shop abandoned. No wish for food, but made myself eat some cheese on toast last night... tasted like c**p! Normally, I Love it! (Extra Mature Cheddar seasoned with Italian Herbs and loads of Salt and Pepper!). Oh Well. :(
Ps: Heat not helping... nor German Shepherd doing 'Splats'! Uurgh! LOL!
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 11 August 2022, 03:32:35 PMFeeling 'Ropey' again... though not as Bad as on other occasions... so far! Drove to Tesco yesterday so stocks of food, booze and some Tabs... but anticipated visit to Chip Shop abandoned. No wish for food, but made myself eat some cheese on toast last night... tasted like c**p! Normally, I Love it! (Extra Mature Cheddar seasoned with Italian Herbs and loads of Salt and Pepper!). Oh Well. :(
Ps: Heat not helping... nor German Shepherd doing 'Splats'! Uurgh! LOL!
Hope you feel better, but a bit TMI
Thanks! TMI... yep! Sorry. But OMG!!! :o :'( ;)
He's a BIG Dog! ;D
Fingers crossed you begin to feel better soon.
Hang in there!
Dogs will be dogs.
Well, at least Dog is back to his normal efforts. Myself... not as bad as previous occurrences... managed to drive to local shop for tab replenishment... but definitely poorly. Cannot face food and retching on empty.
And... the Hot Sun! Felt I was going to drop. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be ill in a Hot climate area, Absolute Hell, I would think.
But... I have been worse.... and others will be. A pub friend from long ago died the other week... and he was younger than I. :(
Hang in there, lots of liquid and nowt strenous
Ok, so it has got me at last. :'( Just got back, today, from a wonderful holiday in the US but been feeling pretty crap for the last 36 hours or so. Put down to the heat over there, in the 90's F everyday and several days over 100 F (not sure why they still use F?) and exhaustion simply through the amount of walking we did. Also a dodgy tummy, put down to something or other. Anyway feeling much worse today, just did a COVID test which came up positive. Probably not surprising given that we used the subway system in Boston, NYC and Washington.
Any tips for a 67 year old (on this coming Tuesday) with a heart condition (heart attack a few years ago), Angina and stents on what I can take and generally to help get through it greatly appreciated. :(
Cheers Paul
My fever broke on day 2 of feeling properly poorly and after that I was OK, but took about another 7 days to feel normal. All I can suggest if paracetamol, lots of fluids and plenty of rest. Fingers crossed for you!
If getting on and with health issues, Family, Friends or Neighbors will probably be glad to assist... but you have to let them know!
If you get hit bad, you can't drive and can barely stand up... but someone may get in some shopping? Heart conditions could be dangerous if you try to walk any distance... I felt that I was likely to collapse, so asked next door to post stuff if convenient... fine! :)
A major issue is the total loss of appetite... with some retching possible. You may REALLY not want to face food... but 'Food Is Fuel', as they say. A couple of days with nothing and you get very weak and wobbly. Cereal or tinned fruit may be possible... best to add sugar for energy levels. Some like soups ... but I could not face 'savoury'... only tried once. If on the way back out of it... soft meats like Spam or Corned Beef are a thought.
Good plan is to have some emergency rations in tins, just in case.
Just had a 'thought'... maybe Cooked Rice without additions, could 'go down'? Hmm.
I am 60 with no 'known'conditions but I was 'Taken Down' for 5-6 days, (Middle 3 days Bad!), 3 times in 4 months...and appear to be in another bout! Myself... I find that G&Ts or Beer can help to get to sleep... sometimes it can be difficult. 'Original' Lucozade can help with 'Sugar Levels'... maybe? But not sure whether as beneficial, now, as when I was a kid and 'off food'!
I never had any'original' Covid symptoms... had shots and then booster... and then got hit! Probably coincidence... new strains appearing about that time... but... just possibly attending an inner city Vac Centre for booster? Don't know...but better to have shots. If ageing, could pass it on to others... and newer shots may work better?
Mask when shopping... and I usually glove!
You could try stuff like Nourishment meal shakes (lots of vitamins, sugars, fats and proteins in a can of milkshake), or other meal replacement drinks (Huel etc) - they're mostly ok to awful anyway so perhaps with no sense of taste they'll go down easily!
Although I suggest Nourishment first as it's actually quite nice :)
Loathsome though the stuff is, Coke is quite good at settling nausea, and has sugar content.
Quote from: FierceKitty on 15 August 2022, 09:31:31 AMLoathsome though the stuff is, Coke is quite good at settling nausea, and has sugar content.
That is a useful tip. I had never thought of it. I lived on a honey, lemon, soluble aspirin and Scotch drink when I was feeling rough, though that wasn't in this weather. It could be chilled I suppose. It tasted pretty good but I'm not sure what effect it had on what ailed me. Come to think of it, when I was 'up the jungle' in similar temperatures, the army's solution to almost everything was tea made with condensed milk and lots of sugar. It had a remarkable reviving effect when you were really knackered.
Quote from: T13A on 14 August 2022, 05:57:07 PMnot sure why they still use F?
For the same reason they still use gallons. Centigrade and litres are communist :D
Just take it easy, lots of fluids and paracetamol, and normal food intake if you can manage it. At least the jabs will lesson the symptoms. It took my 37 year old son 7 days to fully recover.
We've had gentle rain on and off for a good few hours now, which has freshened things up a tad. I don't think I've been so happy to see the rain!
Same here - it is just now. Mind you one of the laptops did say we had a thunder storm bout an hour ago...
That's weird Steve. We're about ten miles away from you as the crow flies, across the river and while it's a tad cooler, we haven't had a drop of rain. Sunny with fluffy blue clouds at the mo.
Poured on and off all day here in Edinburgh. OK for a hosepipe still.
Never seen anyone in my house succumb to covid, maybe we were lucky. We did wash our hands a lot.
Nothing today. Light rain promised for tomorrow here in the east.
Looks like it's happening!
Rain stopped, then it got very, very humid and now is cooling down a bit. Inside the house still warm and stuffy, despite all the windows being open all day. No breeze to clear the air through. God I'm looking forward to it being cool to get a good nights sleep in!
We had a little flurry about 7pm ish but only half-hour or so and definitely not the storm/monsoon we were promised!
06.15 Tuesday light rain. :) But now have a bandaged hand as result of trying to treat GSD's Bad Guts....after clearing up indoor mess and "I'm Sorry!" sick! Life is SO good! :'(
After the endless summer, we now have days of showers. So, the washing is building up and Mrs. R4 is Not Happy.
And I am forbidding the usual tactic of putting the heating on just to dry the washing, because a) it's still hot & stuffy indoors, and b) price of gas nowadays.
Thunder on past two evenings - piccies even made evening weather report on the Beeb lightening over the pier head. Very wet on both evenings. Just now dry and sunney
Here in Edinburgh we had a touch of thunder, no obvious lightning yesterday afternoon.
Today we are having an absolute monsoon downpour. There's a river running down each side of the street and a third running across the street from side to side.
QuoteHere in Edinburgh we had a touch of thunder, no obvious lightning yesterday afternoon.
Today we are having an absolute monsoon downpour. There's a river running down each side of the street and a third running across the street from side to side.
Can confirm I am expecting a large boat full of animals, with a beardy guy in a robe, to drift past at any moment :)
Quote from: Ithoriel on 08 September 2022, 10:28:07 AMCan confirm I am expecting a large boat full of animals, with a beardy guy in a robe, to drift past at any moment :)
Two by two?
Thunder and lightning a few nights ago, with the former just now as I type. Plenty of showers, some very heavy, but no rivers running down the roads yet. The grass is already responding a a lot of the plants look much happier too.
Typed too soon as now we have lightning.
I think we must have teleported to Florida.
30 minutes ago we had a monsoon and rivers running down the street.
Now everything is bone dry.
Quote from: jimduncanuk on 08 September 2022, 01:08:36 PMI think we must have teleported to Florida.
30 minutes ago we had a monsoon and rivers running down the street.
Now everything is bone dry.
Well the cliamte will be better, and the rubbish cleared.
Especially if the Mersey floods, and washes away the whole of the Wirral.
Quote from: Steve J on 08 September 2022, 12:33:14 PMThunder and lightning...
Was it very, very frightening?
Very good ;D ;D ;D .
QuoteWas it very, very frightening?
Young lady, I was born on July 25th!
Quote from: Techno 3 on 08 September 2022, 02:24:48 PMEspecially if the Mersey floods, and washes away the whole of the Wirral.
Technically this would count as gentrification
Quote from: Techno 3 on 08 September 2022, 02:24:48 PMEspecially if the Mersey floods, and washes away the whole of the Wirral.
Well as It's roughly 150m above sea level it would be some flood. If I went you would be swimming !!
QuoteYoung lady, I was born on July 25th!
I suppose that was a bit esoteric!
QuoteI suppose that was a bit esoteric!
I have half a memory that's a Chuck Norris quote but since that isn't his birthday I'm probably misremembering
QuoteI have half a memory that's a Chuck Norris quote but since that isn't his birthday I'm probably misremembering
In response to the previous quotes from Bohemian Rhapsody it was intended as a cryptic clue to
Gal, I Leo!
Last Sunday, there seemed to be traffic to and from local Health Center on an Industrial Estate.
I assume that the Booster / Flu jabs have started up.
No invite for me, as yet... and will probably have to go into 'the toon' again. :(
Had my boster couple weeks ago, flu mid October.
Had my 6th Covid jab last Thursday and was offered the flu jab at the same time.
Heavy cold symptoms and listless the whole of next day. :-& Couldn't even be bothered to look at pics of figures.
First time I have had any adverse reaction other than minor pain where the needle went in.
All OK again now.
Our son has his booster on Friday and may be offered the flu jab at the same time, depending upon the pharmacy. My combined jab is in October.
No boosters yet up here but the autumn flu bug has hit with a vengeance and wiped out nearly half the staff. Feeling a bit more human today but it's been a rough one.
I was kinda expecting it after we've all spent so long avoiding each other and staying clear of the regular bugs. Our immune systems aren't going to be primed and ready to fight the common cold.
Had my 'booster' two weeks ago, just after the 28 days interval after having Covid for the first time. Flu jab Saturday week. Covid figures do seem to be creeping up again in the South West.
Cheers Paul
I'm enjoying watching re-runs of the superb World At War tv series from the early 1970's. I've seen it countless times but always enjoy it everytime after a few years break.
Double jabbed today and now beginning to feel rather off colour. Better than having Covid though based upon previous experience.
I have been 'off colour' for last three days. Don't think Covid, though... but no wish to eat anything.
Have received invite for Covid Booster and recommendation for Flu jab but not booked yet.
Lots of colds and Covid have been doing the rounds in the local schools here over the past week or so.
Quote from: Heedless Horseman on 22 October 2022, 03:19:52 PMI have been 'off colour' for last three days. Don't think Covid, though... but no wish to eat anything.
Have received invite for Covid Booster and recommendation for Flu jab but not booked yet.
Got double-jabbed on the 11th; took a week to get over it.
Not feeling too bad now. Flu arm OK, but Covid arm rather sore, but then this is my dystonic tremors arm which doesn't like this sort of thing at all :( .
Covid (and possibly flu) due this coming Wednesday. So far no bad effects at all with any vaccinations, so fingers crossed!
Sorry to hear about others reactions.
(only time I ever had any probs from a jab was a tetanus injection when I was 17, he stuck it in my deltoid for some bizarre reason and it nearly paralysed my arm for a couple of days.)
Had a flu jab and a fifth COVID jab last week. Very efficient. One in each arm simultaneously. No side effects but I never do from flu labs and I've been having them for years. I've had four different 'makes' of COVID jab now and no problem with any of them, just a red mark where it was administered. Must be lucky I suppose.
Waiting for an invitation for flu and covid jabs- think it will be my 4th Covid one, my wife will probably be up to 6 or 7 on the next one.
Never had much of a reaction from flu jabs.
Covid jabs, not the same, first one about 24-36hrs after just went to sleep for several hours after feeling fairly rough. The others I certainly had a sore arm some hours after. When I had covid early this year, my main symptom was to be asleep - which until now I hadn't linked back to the first jab. Perhaps unconnected.
4th Covid jab a couple of weeks ago and seasonal flu jab yesterday. Nay bother whatsoever.
Well done the NHS 👏👏
Had my booster and flu have a couple of weeks ago. Had a really sore arm for a couple of days but I do have arthritis so not unexpected.
Been exposed to airport crowds and overflowing pubs with no obvious problems.
No shortage of sunshine.
Felt OK'ish this morning, went for a bike ride in the afternoon, then started feeling, really, really rough. The double whammy has certainly hit me hard today, with my whole body aching and tender to the touch :( .
Quote...went for a bike ride in the afternoon, then started feeling, really, really rough...
Well, there's your mistake ;) ;D
I knew soemone would comment on the bike ride, so Paul is the winner ;) ;D . Feeling OK now but my wife is not well at all with a bad cold or Covid (will try and get her to test later).
QuoteFelt OK'ish this morning, went for a bike ride in the afternoon, then started feeling, really, really rough. The double whammy has certainly hit me hard today, with my whole body aching and tender to the touch :( .
As a big fan of bike rides - I'd like to say it wasn't that - but when I went for one of my covid jabs and said I was cycling home (just half-a-mile or so) there was a bit of a warning about taking it easy. But they also warn you against driving straight after the jab too.
This was the day after Fred as I knew I wouldn't be up to a ride the same day, plus the weather wasn't great.
My first covid jab affected me far more the day after - mainly through falling asleep! The others have been much less impact, sore arm at the most.
Hope you both feel better soon.
The side effects being described here seem to be common according to the NHS.
The site is worth a read as it gives good advice. NHS goes on to say that if a fever starts more than 48 hours after the jab, or lasts longer than 48 hours, it is possible that you have another infection and you should seek medical advice.
I'm lucky and have never had any side effects. I've been having the flu jab for years and never caught it while commuting in to London every day by train and tube, so it seems to work.
I had flu many years ago and don't ever want it again, and, touch wood, have avoided COVID so far.
The important thing, I think, is not to give up on these vaccination programmes.
Quote from: John Cook on 24 October 2022, 11:54:50 AMThe important thing, I think, is not to give up on these vaccination programmes.
Hear, hear, I second that wholeheartedly.
Completely agree re: the vaccination programmes.
Covid (Pfizer) and Flu vaccines yesterday afternoon. Bit sore at the injection sites, as you'd expect if someone shoves a lump of liquid in a muscle, but otherwise no noticeable effects at all I'm pleased to say. :D
After almost 3 years avoiding it the Covid has finally got me. >:( I felt fine on Thursday but was extremely cold overnight, did a test on Friday afternoon and bang, positive. It's taken out Adele and Jamie today too, so just the youngest one currently refusing to join our club.
Awful timing for the business as well, I've had to print the orders from home, anti-bac them and then leave them outside for someone to come and collect the following day. The team are casting/posting as best they can but we're not going to get everything cleared before Christmas as I'd hoped.
The last batch of releases for this year are going to be delayed a little as well. If I can get a couple of negative tests this week then I should be able to get back in to work on Thurs/Fri.
Get well soon boss.
If new strain... it will take you down for 5-6 days. Day 1, poorly, and NO wish for food. Try! Canned Fruit is a possible... add sugar! For me... Days 2-4, Too weak to do anything... barely get on feet to see to cat & Dog. Days 5,6+ recovery. Booze helps... and almost Xmas! Hope Get Well Soon. :( :)
Our King and Queen have it.
Get well soon, Leon !!
All the best - Phil.
Get well soon Leon and I don't think any of us will worry if our orders etc are a bit late. Given our erratic post in Bristol I doubt anything would turn up before Xmas anyway.
Must be bad if it's stopping you working. Get better soon. ;)
Get well soon Leon, health and family come first.
Agree with Mr Waterhouse. Look after yourself and your family. They can wait for their orders; and I don't think I have anything outstanding at the moment, so do what you need to do to get well.
There's another day after today, and another year after 2022, and if some of them have to wait a few extra days, then it is little lost for them, and they will need to have a little patience.
Deck your halls, sip your drinks and throw another log on the fire. Don't worry about them, they will be fine.
Just whisper to me about the BAOR, and I'll look surprised.
Get well soon, all the Pengilley family! You know we are all rooting for you, and hoping you have a fully recovered Christmas. The business can wait to the New Year. Looking forward to the 2023 painting competition.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for all.
Take a break, you and the family deserve one.
Hope you feel better soon.
Cheers Paul
Cheers guys, really appreciated. I was ready for the flu-like symptoms as I'd heard similar from others who've had it recently. What's been quite a surprise is how depleted my energy levels are, just standing up straight is difficult and getting up the stairs has become quite the chore.
The main symptoms have eased off today but still no energy and still testing positive.
Take it easy, mate.
Here's wishing you and yours a speedy recovery. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
QuoteWhat's been quite a surprise is how depleted my energy levels are, just standing up straight is difficult and getting up the stairs has become quite the chore.
Same thing happened to me when I hit 60.
Take it easy until you're completely back.
My best wishes to Milady and the Youngling. Also a high-five to the youngest who is obviously experimenting in germ warfare.
May you all get well soon.
Quote from: Leon on 21 December 2022, 01:21:25 AMjust standing up straight is difficult and getting up the stairs has become quite the chore.
Isn't that just an excess of alchol ? :D
I'd echo taking it easy and not assuming you'll bounce back quickly. I made that mistake in May and 'double dipped' with the symptoms.
Get well soon!
It took me about 2 weeks after I was Covid free to feel OK and roughly back to normal. The lack of energy thing was a real pain, but at least I did sleep like a log, which was nice.
First time for MONTHS...I wore a mask in Tesco's this morning...I certainly don't want to catch the frigging bug..Best wishes from me, as well...But you already know that !
I manage a team of 8. In the last month 3 of them have tested positive.
Something of a resurgence, I feel.
If I didn't get Covid in M&S this morning I guess never will!
All the queues in Morrisons combined would just about match a single queue, of over a dozen, in M&S and that doesn't count the conga waiting for a free self-service till.
I thought we were all supposed to be broke? :)
Did give me a chance to have a nice chat with a the lady around my own age, behind me, and the Mum and her 10 year old son, in front of me,
Lidl at 7.00am this morning was dead quiet, with myself and another shopper only. Compare this to ASDA which they were queueing to get in at at 6.00am (I rocked up at 7.30am). The car park was half full but not too bad shopping. Dropped some presents off at friends and on the way back around 11.00am and the traffic was pretty bad due to the volume of shoppers.
So hardly any masks being worn and certainly no sign of a spending squeeze.
Our local ASDA was ok, only difficulties were staff restocking and a small spill. Normal number of customers, short queues at the Check Outs. Friday at Woodchurch was busier, but not excessive.
I think I am on a different planet to you lot. Was at ASDA twice this morning, once for petrol and second for a parcel to post. No queues anywhere and the car park was emptier than usual. Did a food shop a couple of days ago, again no queues.
Health-wise I haven't seen covid, had all my jags and boosters. Been to a couple of crowded shows recently, a sunshine holiday, crowded airport, grandkids Nativity play, school playground you name it I've been there. No masks.
I have had all the problems otherwise associated with old age, arthritis, skin allergies, blood pressure but I take all my tablets so get by OK.
Now that I've said it I must go and lie down.
Not been in that many shops, but went to Aldi yesterday afternoon, probably busy for a Wed at 3pm, but hardly heaving and no real queues.
I've been going into Manchester at least weekly recently - often on very busy trains, and around the town as well as work. Barely see anyone in a mask. All seems very much back to normal around and about. Within work the office is still very quiet most times I have been in. Most of us find WFH much more productive.
Of my team of 35 only know of 1 with Covid recently, and that was linked to trans-continental travel. And he was only ill for a couple of days.
Same here. In Sainsbury's today; like a normal week-day. Haven't given up masks - every little helps - although I'm starting to feel a bit self conscious.
NHS24 reckon that one of the things that ails me at the moment is long Covid which suggests I've had Covid and not noticed.
I'm beginning to feel like Robert Graves' Claudius of whom Graves wrote that his longevity was down to the various ailments he suffered from being unable to agree who should have the honour of carrying him off. :)
Tesco's was fairly well rammed at 8:15, yesterday. Could have been worse, though.
Got called to a 'self-service' till..which was manned, so I didn't have to scan everything, myself.
I just did the packing. "How tall are you ?" I asked the operative..."6-8 ?....6-9 ?"
"Good guess", he replied.... "6 foot 8"
He was trying to make himself look shorter, by scrunching down...it didn't work ! ;)
Quote"How tall are you ?" I asked the operative..."6-8 ?....6-9 ?"
"Good guess", he replied.... "6 foot 8"
He was trying to make himself look shorter, by scrunching down...it didn't work ! ;)
So, he had a larger vocabulary than just "Yarp" then?
Quote from: Steve J on 21 December 2022, 01:41:32 PMIt took me about 2 weeks after I was Covid free to feel OK and roughly back to normal. The lack of energy thing was a real pain, but at least I did sleep like a log, which was nice.
We all had it again, took two and a bit weeks to chug round the family. Partner was very rough, I was just a bit snotted up and chesty and was the last to come down (I've not long had my booster, seems to be the difference!), but still knackered - just drained.
Finally negative today, so joining the missus and eldest in the 'Covid-free' club now. Still no energy at all and not much of an appetite either. My sense of taste has gone walkabout for some things and weirdly anything with vinegar in it is now too strong for my nose.
All in all, thoroughly cheesed off with this whole experience now. I've lost a week of work that'll need to be made up before the new year and we're going to start 2023 on the back foot.
Quote from: Techno 3 on 23 December 2022, 07:38:06 AM"Good guess", he replied.... "6 foot 8"
While I was doing my Masters, I was friends with a lass who married Sir Matthew Pincent's training partner, he was of similar height...
In the Vic in Beeston, another friend who is on the short side of 5'4" walked in, walked up to him, shook hands and uttered the immortal line:
"Hi, nice nostrils!"
That made me laugh....Thanks, Will. ;D
Emergency provisions will be available tomorrow (Christmas Day) in the mini supermarket, in the village.
AND they're open Boxing day, as well.
'Mini Supermarket' ?....You can just about get anything, food related, there.
Got my Christmas Twiglets, this morning...so as far as I'm concerned I can batten down the hatches.
Have a great Christmas, all. Leon..Take your recovery slowly. ;)
Take care, All.
I'd not try and rush back too soon Leon, given that you can experience bouts of long covid for quite some time afterwards. Fingers crossed you'll feel all OK come the New Year. Rest works wonders and when you feel up to it, slowly returning to normal stuff is good, but it is surprising how quickly you can become tired despite feeling OK.
As for tall people, when I lived in Surbiton there was a local basketball team and one day one of the players was walking down the street and was quite literally head and shoulders above everyone else, to the point of having to duck to enter shops. At basketball after school one evening thatere was a match on and in the warm up, one of the players was over 7' tall and yet was an airline pilot: I always wondered how he managed to fit into the cockpit...
Woke up this morning and had a great pressy - positive covid test,
Well that's rubbish Ian! Hope you feel OK and don't get hit hard by the damned virus. SWMBO is getting over a filthy cold and I fear I might be going down with it :( .
Dont seem to get colds any more, as this feel light headed, and sneezing a lot. Legs are weak as well.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 25 December 2022, 11:31:53 AMDont seem to get colds any more, as this feel light headed, and sneezing a lot. Legs are weak as well.
Rest up, as Steve J says the bad long term effects seem to be triggered by overdoing things whilst you're virus ridden or still recovering!
Same to you and folks, Leon - my week off set us back a week at work, but self employed/small business must be really awkward :(
Still no let-up here sadly, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, constant coughing. Adele's driven me in to the office for a couple of hours just to catch up on emails but that'll be it for today.
Quote from: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 25 December 2022, 09:48:37 AMWoke up this morning and had a great pressy - positive covid test,
Take it easy, it ain't fun!
QuoteAdele's driven me in to the office for a couple of hours just to get some peace and quiet from me
:P :P :P :P
QuoteTake it easy, it ain't fun!
Same to you, Leon, take care of yourself!
<Hugz> to you all.
Quote from: Leon on 27 December 2022, 01:53:18 PMStill no let-up here sadly, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, constant coughing. Adele's driven me in to the office for a couple of hours just to catch up on emails but that'll be it for today.
Take it easy, it ain't fun!
Couhghing overnight and perpetually runny nose ot6herwise about right now.
Hope you both begin to feel better soon, Ian and Leon :( .
Ta La
This thread has gone quiet for a while. How are we all doing?
Myself, after, Three BAD hits from what I 'think' may have been New covid, last spring/summer... I have had a few periods when 'unwell' but not knocked out. Mid Jan, could not eat anything for TWO WEEKS! Things seem to be getting milder, and have stopped bothering to mask and glove. Hope all ok.
My wife and me had it for a second time last month. Although we recovered I find I get tired easily. Since we're both considered vulnerable we're still masking, avoiding large crowded areas and eating in restaurants.
I'll need to test tomorrow. Certainly exposed recently.
Still avoiding busy areas and times of day, but not wearing a mask now, except at the Doctor's when picking up prescriptions etc. Our son is booked in for his next booster jab, which is good. Covid still going on around here and affecting school staff as kids are coming in with it but feeling fine.
Living with it, rather like flu, these days. Managed to avoid COVID so far but picked up a really nasty bug and chest infection after returning from Australia in February. We were convinced we had COVID but no temperature and all the tests were negative. Antibiotics sorted it out but it knocked the wind out of both of us and took nearly a month get over it. Staff in my GP surgery have stopped wearing masks. My GP told me "It's a waste of time unless you have it then a mask might help stop you spreading it, in which case you should stay at home anyway". Nobody seemed to wear masks in Australia anymore, and they had one of the strictest lockdowns anywhere. They weren't a requirement on the flight either and not many in evidence during the stop-over in Singapore. Sixth COVID jab on Saturday.
We had a pretty woeful winter of illness, seemed to be getting a cold, flu, tummy bug or similar every other week. I suspect at least one was COVID but hard to tell now and didn't seem much point in testing now it's not so different from any other flu. I even got "hand, foot and mouth" which I'd never even heard of until recently (it's different from the mad cow one!). Just seemed like we never had any time to recover (not helped by a baby waking up every couple of hours through the night, every night).
Also found that we had some raw sewage overflowing into our garden which might have been the cause of some of the bugs. :-&
Thankfully seems things are improving a bit, the sewage issue is hopefully fixed, the wee man is finally sleeping through the night so we're getting some rest and recovery time and we've not been sick in a few weeks now... 🤞
I've never known so much illness over such a short period, same for a lot of friends and colleagues too. Must just be a post-COVID surge of mixing and several years worth of illness hitting at once. That and having a kid, which introduces a whole new disease vector!
It's springtime now though, things are going to get better!
Quote from: FierceKitty on 25 April 2023, 07:23:27 PMI'll need to test tomorrow. Certainly exposed recently.
We're OK.
Thanks from both. =^..^=