One of the most frequently asked questions from people new to 10mm is 'What rules can I use with them?' In response to this, we're launching the Great 10mm Rules Directory! The idea is to pull together all of the various 10mm-suitable rulesets out there into a single pdf document, broken down into period, that people can have a browse through when deciding on a new project. Each entry will contain a few bits of key information about the rules, where to get them from, scale of game they're aimed at, and finally what tweaks might be needed to use them with 10mm miniatures.
So this is where you can help out! There are potentially 100's rulesets out there and you'll know better than us how well they work with 10mm. Below are the 6 questions we're asking, along with an example entry to give you an idea of what we're looking for. Join in and let us know your entries for the 10mm Rules Directory!
Name of rules:
Available from/Published by:
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)?
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?
Name of rules: Blitzkrieg Commander IV
Available from/Published by: Pendraken Miniatures - https://pendraken.co.uk/rules/blitzkrieg-commander/
Period: WWII
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-10mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? One base = One platoon
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? Designed for 10mm so no changes needed.
You can add your entries below or send them through to us by email using the Contact page on our website: https://pendraken.co.uk/ContactUs/
Honours of War
Available from/Published by:
Osprey Publishing https://ospreypublishing.com/store/osprey-games/osprey-wargames/honours-of-war (https://ospreypublishing.com/store/osprey-games/osprey-wargames/honours-of-war)
Seven Years War
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?
28mm to 6mm.
What tactical level is the game aimed at?
Infantry battalions, cavalry regiments and artillery batteries organised in brigades or as independent units.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?
Little or none at all, depending on your existing collection. Quick Reference Sheets are provided for all scales. Basing is relatively flexible; ideally all standard size cavalry and infantry units should have roughly the same frontage and allow you to form line, march column and, in the case of cavalry, double line.
Simply match your preferred frontage for your standard infantry and cavalry units with the maximum "muskets only" range to determine which scale QRS to use. It is therefore possible to have figures in one scale and use the QRS for another scale.
Nice initiative, Leon. May it help more gamers to find the right games for them (and shift more 10mm figures!).
Name of rules: Bloody Big BATTLES! (BBB)
Available from/Published by: Published by SkirmishCampaigns https://www.skirmishcampaigns.com/index.htm ; retailers include Brigade Games http://brigadegames.3dcartstores.com/ ; Caliver Books https://www.caliverbooks.com/ BBB players' forum at https://groups.io/g/bloodybigbattles
Period: 19th century (French Revolution to 1914)
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 2mm-10mm ideal; works fine with 15mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? Entire battle (~20,000-200,000 a side), on 6'x4' table, in ~3 hours game time. 1" base typically 1,000-2,000 men but can be more.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None - ideal for 10mm. Rulebook includes 9 Franco-Prussian War scenarios. Campaign volumes available: 'Bloody Big European Battles!' has 16 scenarios from Crimean War through to Greco-Turkish War 1897; 'Bloody Big Balkan Battles!', scenarios for Balkan Wars 1912-1913.
Bloody Big BATTLES!
Name of rules: HIND & SEEK
Available from/Published by: OSTFRONT PUBLISHING http://www.ostfrontpublishing.com/games/hindandseek/ (http://www.ostfrontpublishing.com/games/hindandseek/)
Period: 1980's Asymmetric warfare in Afghanistan
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? COMPANY(ish)
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? NONE WHATSOEVER!
Great fun and one of the few rulesets that manages to balance the game so that both sides have a chance to win within asymmetric battles
P.S. Author currently finalising a Vietnam ruleset again aimed at 6/10mm
Name of rules: Warmaster
Available from/Published by: Originally published by Games Workshop, now long out-of-print. But . . . Rulebook (http://www.darkagepress.com/files/Warmaster-RuleBook.pdf), Advanced Rules (http://www.darkagepress.com/files/WarmasterRulebookPart2.pdf), Rules Update (http://www.darkagepress.com/files/Warmaster_Rules_Update.pdf), Army Lists (http://www.darkagepress.com/files/Warmaster_Armies.pdf) and Trial Army Lists (http://www.darkagepress.com/files/Warmaster_Trial_Armies_2009.pdf)
Period: Fantasy, set in Games Workshop's Warhammer world
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 10mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? 3 bases = 1 regiment(?)
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? Designed for 10mm so no changes needed.
The game that introduced me to 10mm, and thus to Pendraken.
Great Idea Leon, anything that unites the holy trinity of figures, rules and basing systems is manna for the smaller scales.
My opener will surprise few.
Name of rules: Irregular Wars (Conflict at the World's End).
Available from/Published by: Amazon, Vexilla Lts, Wargames Vault
Period: 1500 - 1700 (Fringes of the European World - Britain and Ireland), New World, East Indies and the Eurasian Steppe.
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 15mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Each "Lord" will command between 5 and 16 companies representing 80 - 150 men (or a far smaller contingent of specialists).
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? I will put about 50% extra figures on each stand compared to the 15mm recommendations.
Name of rules: Liber Militum : Tercios
Available from/Published by: El Kraken / Tercios Miniatures - https://terciosminiatures.com/ (https://terciosminiatures.com/)
Period: Thirty Years War, and ECW
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 15mm-28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? One base = One regiment
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? Resize the bases a little bit.
Name of rules: Chain Of Command
Available from/Published by: Too Fat Lardies - https://toofatlardies.co.uk/ (https://toofatlardies.co.uk/)
Period: WW2
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? (15mm ?) 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? One base = One men
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None.
Name of rules: Black Powder
Available from/Published by: Warlord Games
Period: 1700 - 1900
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Units are battalions of infantry and regiments of cavalry (Artillery is rather vague)
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? The rules are rather "Free and easy" about basing, through they feature large movement distances and do recommend unit frontages. Decide your own scale to the distances, then adopt a basing system that reflects this - Ignore their "2 / 4 figures per stand"and use what looks best.
Name of rules: Soldiers of God
Available from/Published by: Artorus Games, available from North Star Figures.
Period: Medieval - Crusades
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? Any
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Full army divided into three battle divisions of individual units.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None really, the only requirements are number of bases (1-4) and roughly matching frontage. Distances are in "paces" which you can designate the unit of yourself, with some suggestions for different scales including 10mm.
Name of rules: DBA (and other DBx rules)
Available from/Published by: Wargames Research Group http://www.wargamesresearchgroup.net/WRG.net/index.html (http://www.wargamesresearchgroup.net/WRG.net/index.html)
Period: Ancient & Medieval
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 15/28mm with mention of smaller scales
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Armies
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? Additional figures per base to give massed effect
Name of rules: For King & Parliament
Available from/Published by: BigRedBat https://bigredbatshop.co.uk/ (https://bigredbatshop.co.uk/)
Period: English Civil War (Wars of the Three Kingdoms)
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 28/15/10mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Each unit is a batallia of foot or regiment of horse
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None
Andrew may wish to improve the above
Name of rules: Volley & Bayonet
Available from/Published by: Frank Chadwick http://www.testofbattle.com (http://www.testofbattle.com)
Period: 1700-1890
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 54-15mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Each unit is a brigade, but variants go as small as a unit as a wing of a battalion
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None
The rules are supported with a number of scenario books for the Jacobite rebellion, Seven Years War, Napoleonic Wars, American Civil War, Spanish American War
Unofficial variants are available for most of the colonial wars of the 19th century
Name of rules: If the Lord Spares Us
Available from/Published by: TooFat Lardies https://toofatlardies.co.uk/product-category/if-the-lord-spares-us/ (https://toofatlardies.co.uk/product-category/if-the-lord-spares-us/)
Period: WWI
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 15/28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Brigade or Divisional games with multi-stand companies being the manoeuvre unit
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None
Designed for fighting actions in the Middle East during the Great War, these rules cover Gallipoli, Palestine, Messopotamia, Africa and the more mobile periods in Europe.
I already have some rules listed suitable for 10mm
Wargaming Rules (https://www.10mm-wargaming.com/p/wargaming-rules.html)
Take care
Name of rules: Twilight of Divine Right
Available from/Published by: The Pike and Shot Society https://www.pikeandshotsociety.org/ (https://www.pikeandshotsociety.org/)
Period: 1618 - 1680
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? Any scale
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Armies
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None
A set of rules for fighting large historical battles with reasonable resources and in a reasonable length of time. Scenario books are also available and more planned.
Name of rules: Twilight of the Sun King
Available from/Published by: The Pike and Shot Society https://www.pikeandshotsociety.org/ (https://www.pikeandshotsociety.org/)
Period: 1680 - 1720
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? Any scale
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Armies
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None
A set of rules for fighting large historical battles with reasonable resources and in a reasonable length of time. Scenario books are also available and more planned.
Name of rules: Twilight of the Soldier Kings
Available from/Published by: Wyre Historic Books https://www.wyrehistoricbooks.co.uk/home (https://www.wyrehistoricbooks.co.uk/home)
Period: 1730 - 1780
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? Any scale
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Armies
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None
A set of rules for fighting large historical battles with reasonable resources and in a reasonable length of time. Scenario books are also available and more planned.
Name of rules: Mit Blut und Eisen
Available from/Published by: Wyre Forest Gamers https://www.wfgamers.org.uk/FUFF (https://www.wfgamers.org.uk/FUFF)
Period: 1840 - 1880
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? Any scale
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Corps or Armies
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None
A system inspired by the Fire and Fury rules for large battles in the period. Scenarios are online.
Name of rules: Warr Without An Enemie
Available from/Published by: Wyre Forest Gamers https://www.wfgamers.org.uk/WWAE (https://www.wfgamers.org.uk/WWAE)
Period: English Civil Wars
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? Any scale
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Brigade or Division
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None
Scenarios are online.
Name of rules: Clash of Ideologies Version 7
Available from/Published by: Available as a download or on CD from Computer Strategies Pty - clinton_reilly@hotmail.com.
Period: Interwar Period 1918 to 1939. There is a total of 14 different periods available.
1. Clash of Ideologies (Interwar Period 1918 to 1939). . Used personally for SCW and early WW2.
2. Desert Whirlwind (Post-World War II to the Fall of Baghdad). Not used personally.
3. Iron Tigers (World War II). Used personally for WW2 North Africa and Mediterranean.
4. The Desert Column (World War I). Used for 1914 and 1916 naval.
5. Imperial Splendour (Colonial). Not used personnally
6. The Great Powers (19th Century Europe). Not used personally.
7. Rally Once More! (American Civil War). Used personally for ACW.
8. Iron Duke (Napoleonics, including the American War of Independence & War of 1812). Used for Napoleonics, including naval, and AWI
9. The Great Captains (Linear Warfare in Europe from about 1650 to pre-Napoleonic Times). Used for 1745 Jacobite Rising.
10. Gunpowder Revolution (Renaissance Europe and Turkish Wars). Used for ECW and Elizabethan naval.
11. To Me! (Medieval and Dark Age). Used for Norman invasion and Hattin.
12. Macedon, Rome and Hellas (Ancients - 500 BC-500 AD approx.). Not used personally.
13. The Age of Heroes (Biblical Era - 500 BC and earlier). Not used personally.
14. Skull Cleaver (Fantasy). Not used personally.
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? Any scale.
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Any level. I have used it for 1:1 skirmishing at platoon to Brigade level at 1:20. You input the necessary information – ratio of figures to men, ground scale etc. This can be whatever you want. You are only limited by the size of the table and your collection of miniatures.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None at all. The computer doesn't care.
Pros – Can also be run as a solo game against the computer. Naval and air are integrated into the rules or can be run as separate games. All the games run on the same system so you don't need to re-learn the rules. No dice or table-top clutter. Run on any Windows based PC including tablets.
Cons – Like 'Marmite' people either like computer moderated games or they don't. Requires input to the computer before the game and interaction with it during the game.
Great stuff so far, keep them coming!
Name of rules: Lion Rampant, Dragon Rampant, The Pikemen's Lament, Rebels and Patriots, The Men Who Would Be Kings
Available from/Published by: Osprey
Period: Medieval through Pike & Shot, Black Powder period and Colonial, with Fantasy thrown in. Adaptions available for Anglo-Saxon conflicts etc.
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?: 10mm - 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)?: Really the choice is yours. Mainly 1:1 but have seen Isandlwana played with house mods.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?: Absolutely none!
Name of rules: AK47
Publisher : Peter Pig
Period: African post war to modern bush wars
scale: designed for 15mm but works well with 10mm
Tactical level - glorified skirmish
Qualifications - Every Boxing Day my family (all 6) indulge me in a war game. AK47 rules are simplistic , bloody and brutal. But easy to follow. And you can add bolt ons to cover personalities and airstrikes. Its Level One gaming but its fun. My family love the tactical scenarios - level of outside (international help) that is decided by dice.
Name of rules; PICKETTS CHARGE
Publisher; Reisswitz Press
Period; American Civil War
Scale; 15mm / 28mm but works well with 10mm
Tactical Level; Brigade
What Amendments; Just use 15mm distances etc for 10mm.
Name of rules: For King and Parliament
Available from/Published by: BigRedBat https://bigredbatshop.co.uk/ (https://bigredbatshop.co.uk/)
Period: English Civil War (Wars of the Three Kingdoms)
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? Any scale. Playtested and demonstrated at shows in scales from 54/28/15/10/6mm.
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Each unit is a batallia of foot or regiment of horse. These can contain any number of bases.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None. The game is played on an unobtrusive grid, and therefore involves no measuring, so no need to change the rules for different figure scales. The grid size can be modified to suit table/ battle size.
Many thanks to Paul for the original post!
Battlegroup and its annexes. Available from PSC, and on Amazon
DEsigned for 20mm, I usually play in 15mm, and have done games in 6mm, so 10 should be fine.
The modern version (due soon???) is designed for 10mm. A use for those Falklands Brits. The Argentines will pass for Dutch and Belgians.
A general introduction covering ideas we are all familiar with might be useful. Perhaps something like the below.
10mm figures can be used with most wargames rules with little or no changes required.
The one area where changes may be useful is figure basing. There are a number of options, you can:
1. Use the same number of figures on the same size bases
2. Use more figures on the same size bases
3. Use similar numbers of figures on smaller bases
1. Use the same number of figures on the same size bases
This approach is often used for skirmish games and the more open warfare of the 20th century or later. The smaller figures are less over sized compared to the ranges of weapons improving the look of the game. It also often better represents the more open formations used.
2. Use more figures on the same size bases
This approach is often used for earlier periods of massed warfare with more figures per base allowing more detailed formations and a greater impression of mass. It can be used in skirmish games with 2-3 10mm figures replacing 1 larger figure upgrading a small skirmish to a large one. In 20th century or later games it allows the numbers of figures to better represent the section or platoon the stand is representing.
3. Use similar numbers of figures on smaller bases
This allows larger games to be played on the same table or smaller tables to be used. If you reduce the base size in most rules the movement distances and weapons ranges should be reduced proportionally. Common approaches are to halve base sizes and all distances or to use centimetres instead of inches.
For rulesets designed for smaller scales (2/3/6mm) fewer figures on the same size bases may be required.
Name of rules: Rommel
Available from/Published by: Sam Mustafa
Period: WWII
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm but also works with bigger miniatures
What tactical level is the game aimed at? One base = one company, battalion for artillery
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? No change required, units are bases and not single miniatures
Name of rules: Pike and Shotte
Available from/Published by: Warlord Games
Period: 1500 - 1700
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Unit is a regiment or equivalent
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None, I use unit frontages as suggested within the book - but with more figures on
Name of rules: A Fistful of TOWs 3
Available from/Published by: A Fistful of Games http://fft3.com/ (http://fft3.com/)
Period: The era of tank combat, contains unit data for 1939 through 2015 and associated army lists for many historical and hypothetical conflicts in the period.
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 3mm, 6mm, 10mm, 15mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Battalion/brigade/regiment level, one stand equals an infantry platoon or 4-6 vehicles (occasionally 3 vehicles).
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? No modifications needed at all. One of the authors plays with 10mm.
Name: Warmaster Revolution
Available from: https://www.wm-revolution.com/articles/download.html (https://www.wm-revolution.com/articles/download.html) The Revolution ruleset is only available as a pdf to my knowledge.
Period: Fantasy, more specifically the Warhammer Old world.
Scale rules designed for: 10mm
Tactical level: 3 stands make a regiment but generally focus is on brigade of up to 4 regiments.
This is the original Warmaster rules with additions/alterations made by the French and Czech Warmaster communities to incorporate elements from Warmaster Ancients rules as well as a few other changes to aid game balancing.
Steve Holmes beat me before I could beat my own drum, but yes, Irregular Wars: Conflict at the World's End would work easily. However, there are so many good sets of rule out there that can be used without modification. Here are a couple:
Name of rules: Dux Bellorum
Available from/Published by: Osprey
Period: Late Roman-Early Medieval (AKA Arthurian or Dark Ages)
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Small armies of 5-12 bases where each base = 1 warband.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None. Basing is flexible already, so the rule of cool applies - do whatever looks good!
Name of rules: l'Art de la Guerre
Available from/Published by: Northstar
Period: Ancient-Late Medieval
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Armies of 16-28 bases.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None. Basing is flexible already, so the rule of cool applies - do whatever looks good!
Name of rules: FAVSTVS FVRIVS (one of mine! :D)
Available from/Published by: Ganesha Games
Period: Chariot Racing
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? scale agnostic
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? one chariot (or other vehicle), per base, 3-8 chariots per race
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None!
Name of rules: Hail Caesar
Available from/Published by: Warlord
Period: Ancient - Medieval
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Variable sizes armies of c.12+ units where each unit can be one or more bases of figures.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? Convert inches to cm for all game measurements. Basing is flexible already, so the rule of cool applies - do whatever looks good! 2x40mm wide bases per regular sized unit works perfectly...
ame of rules: Hail Caesar
Available from/Published by: Warlord Games
Period: Ancient & Medieval
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Varies, I usually play 16 or more units per side.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? I make no changes, use 120mm frontage for standard units, just putting more figures on the bases
Name of rules: Tilly's Very Bad Day
Available from/Published by: Steven Thomas, Free download from https://balagan.info/version-2-of-tillys-very-bad-day (https://balagan.info/version-2-of-tillys-very-bad-day)
Period: Ancient - Thirty Year's War, (no reason they wouldn't work for the English Civil War).
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? The rules are scale and base size agnostic with measurements keyed to base size.
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)? Units (one base each) represent brigades of 1-2000 pike+shot or about half the number of mounted. Battles accommodate up to 24 brigades comfortably
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None, simply standardize your basing scheme with your opponent.
Name of rules:
I Ain't Been Shot Mum!
Available from/Published by:
Too Fat Lardies
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?
What tactical level is the game aimed at?
The system does not use a point-based method for constructing opposing forces, so most games are designed to be scenario driven.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?
Name of rules:
Flames of War
Available from/Published by:
Battlefront Miniatures Ltd.
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?
What tactical level is the game aimed at?
Company level
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?
Name of rules:
Bolt Action
Available from/Published by:
Warlord Games
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?
What tactical level is the game aimed at?
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?
Using centimeters instead of inches
Name of rules: Age of Hannibal
Available from/Published by: Little Wars TV http://www.littlewarstv.com/age-of-hannibal.html (http://www.littlewarstv.com/age-of-hannibal.html)
Period: Classical Ancients, from the Peloponnesian War to the Fall of Rome.
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-15mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? Army level, one heavy infantry base = 750-1000 men.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None. Recommended basing is on 40mm squares.
Name of rules: Altar of Freedom
Available from/Published by: Greg Wagman https://www.6mmacw.com (https://www.6mmacw.com)
Period: American Civil War
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-10mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? Grand tactical, one base = one brigade.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None. Recommended basing is 60mm x 30mm.
Very useful topic, Leon, but just thinking, "Should this not be in the Rules section?"
Thinking if someone is new to 10mm (or even veterans like a good many of us) and wondering what wargame rules would be good for this scale, when they access this forum, wouldn't they logically search the Rules section first and not the General Discussion section? :-\
Quote from: Westmarcher on 13 March 2020, 08:39:27 PM
Very useful topic, Leon, but just thinking, "Should this not be in the Rules section?"
Thinking if someone is new to 10mm (or even veterans like a good many of us) and wondering what wargame rules would be good for this scale, when they access this forum, wouldn't they logically search the Rules section first and not the General Discussion section? :-
It probably should but I wasn't sure if it would get as much traffic as it has here in General Discussion. The resulting pdf will be in the Rules section and I can move this thread over there as well once we've released the first edition.
Hi Leon,
Don't forget to put ours on from the email I sent you
All rules.
Quote from: Bernie on 04 April 2020, 01:08:23 PM
Don't forget to put ours on from the email I sent you
Yours are in there Bernie, no worries. I've been waiting on a couple of rules authors to confirm they're happy with their listings but I've not had any reply yet. I'll get it all formatted tonight and it can go out as a pdf tomorrow.
Quote from: Last Hussar on 04 April 2020, 01:16:08 PM
All rules.
Be easier to list the ones that you can't use 10mm with? I suspect it'd be a much shorter list!
Name of rules:
Piquet Field of Battle
Available from/Published by:
Brent Oman
Horse & Musket 1700-1900
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?
6mm to 28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)?
• 1 Turn = Varying amount of time from 30 minutes to 2 ho
• 1" = 25 yards
• 1 Cavalry Unit = 1 Cavalry Regiment = 400 to 600 men
• 1 Artillery Unit = 1 Artillery Battery = 6 to 8 guns and crew
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?
Use cm instead of Inches
Also ideal for Solo wargame due the card driven Mechanic
Thanks for all of the suggestions so far, the first edition of the directory can now be found here: bit.ly/RulesDirV1-1 (http://bit.ly/RulesDirV1-1)
Thanks to everyone who submitted entries, we really appreciate your contributions. We'll continue to edit and amend it on a regular basis, so keep the suggestions coming!
Quote from: mmcv on 04 April 2020, 04:50:00 PM
Be easier to list the ones that you can't use 10mm with? I suspect it'd be a much shorter list!
I suspect it would be nil.
Name of rules:
Impetus 2
Available from/Published by:
Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?
Impetus can be played with 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm and 25/28mm.
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)?
Army level battles
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?
None, all measures are in Base multiples
"big bases" in diorama style.
Name of rules:
Available from/Published by:
1550 - 1700
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?
Played with 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm and 25/28mm.
What tactical level is the game aimed at (eg, platoon, company, battalion, division)?
Army level battles
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?
None, all measures are in Base multiples
"big bases" in diorama style.
Piquet rules website has changed...
New address is:
Name of rules: Gå På 2nd edition. Wargames rules for the age of Marlborough, Eugene and Charles XII 1700-1739
Available from/Published by: Thomas Årnfelt, nowadays print on demand or pdf on Lulu.
Core rules: https://www.lulu.com/en/en/shop/thomas-%C3%A5rnfelt/g%C3%A5-p%C3%A5-second-edition-electronic-version/ebook/product-1mwzw9r2.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Army lists book 1: https://www.lulu.com/en/en/shop/thomas-%C3%A5rnfelt/armies-in-the-age-of-marlborough-eugene-and-charles-xii-volume-i/paperback/product-19z8q6de.html?page=1&pageSize=4
Period: 1700-1739
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for? 6mm-28mm
What tactical level is the game aimed at? Infantry units are batallions, cavalry units equals 2-4 squadrons.
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures? None, uses scaleable Base widths as measurements.
Name of rules: Divisions of Steel
Available from/Published by: https://divisions-of-steel.co.uk/dos/ paper copies and accessories to come from PSC
Period: WW2
What scale of miniatures is the game designed for?: 3mm, 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, could manage 20mm, 28mm at a push
What tactical level is the game aimed at (battalion level with 2-3 companies, 1 base = 1 squad, 1:1 vehicles/guns)
What amendments/adaptations are required to play these with 10mm miniatures?: none