Been a while since I've been active on the Internet. Mental health problems :( Hoping that I'm functioning a bit better now and able to take part in things again.
I've offered to paint up a unit of figures for a charity game - and then all the troops are getting raffled off - and am using these Pendraken fantasy apes. You can just about see the pale blue cheeks in the photos. I was hoping to contribute more than one base of figures - but have decided to keep it small and do-able, since I'm terrible at finishing anything.
WIP test figures. Now just need to pull my finger out and finish the others off.
Don't know if the charity 10mm paint-along has already been mentioned on the forum? Here's a link if it hasn't LINK (
Welcome back, and hope you're feeling better.
Those look great.
:-bd =D> :-bd
Good on you for support a worthy cause :)
Welcome back :-h
Welcome back and hope things are going well for you. The Apes look great and hope the game and raffle go well.
Indeed, Roy, welcome back! I see your figures and think, "Come on you apes you wanna live forever?" :)
Welcome back Roy. I had noticed a number of forum regulars have been away a while, and wondered if they were alright.
Glad your feeling better
Great to hear from you again, Roy. :)
Welcome back, Roy.
Like everyone else....Hope you're feeling a lot better.
Best wishes - Phil
Good to have you back, and it gladdens me to see the apes have not strayed from their roots and have in fact 'gone bananas'.
Thank you everyone for the welcome back. Leon too, when I've been in touch via email.
Yep, I'm one of the many adults who've been looked at and decided that I may have an Autism Spectrum Disorder. All the signs have been there for 30+ years for Asperger Syndrome, but we (me and the family) didn't know what we should have been looking for. I just thought I was a bit weird (truthfully). Just waiting on the final assessment to have it confirmed - not that it will change anything for me, except some assistance when needed and a recognised understanding that I struggle with life's tasks. Just be nice to have it confirmed that the 'weirdness' is a symptom of something and not just me.
Quote from: OldenBUA on 14 December 2019, 11:47:01 AM gladdens me to see the apes have not strayed from their roots and have in fact 'gone bananas'.
Its still possible for me to make that flag's symbol look more fruit-like ;D
Black speckles. Bit at the end that connects to the tree (yep, I don't know what its called). Might detract from the raffle if I did though ...or maybe not?
Velvet Underground & Nico album cover? ;D
Quote from: RoyWilliamson on 14 December 2019, 11:49:04 AM
Thank you everyone for the welcome back. Leon too, when I've been in touch via email.
Yep, I'm one of the many adults who've been looked at and decided that I may have an Autism Spectrum Disorder. All the signs have been there for 30+ years for Asperger Syndrome, but we (me and the family) didn't know what we should have been looking for. I just thought I was a bit weird (truthfully). Just waiting on the final assessment to have it confirmed - not that it will change anything for me, except some assistance when needed and a recognised understanding that I struggle with life's tasks. Just be nice to have it confirmed that the 'weirdness' is a symptom of something and not just me.
We're all weird to some degree ;)
I hope having an assessment will help you and those around you better understand your particular weirdness
While down a youtube rabbit hole I came across this, which you may find interesting. I certainly learnt a lot about ASD which is useful as I have a nephew on the spectrum
Quote from: mad lemmey on 14 December 2019, 01:02:45 PM
Velvet Underground & Nico album cover? ;D
Need a repaint ...but there's an idea ;D
Don't want to lower the tone of whats already been painted though... Check out these links (not my work, but the blog owner's) =D> ( ( (
Best point out that some of the 10mm miniatures may be from other manufacturers, but there'll be chunk of it belonging Pendraken.
Thanks paulr. I'll give it a watch. :)