Would Pendraken consider producing packs of heads with different types of headgear for WW1 Middle East? I'm thinking Wolesley helmets as a preference, but also turbans, kabalaks, fezs etc. I'm planning to do some Mid-east highlanders and dismounted yeomanry. (I've seen other requests for the highlander figures). I recognise that what I want to achieve will need some conversion work. I know the obvious would be to buy packs for both the head and the body. Whilst I'm not adverse to carving wolesleys out of milliput for the odd figure or three, the idea of doing this for whole units of 30+ figures is filling me with dread, for my results are mixed and I wouldn't have any fingers left!
The principle could be applied to other periods for shakos, helmets, field caps etc.
This may not be viable idea, but if you don't ask, you don't get.
I'd hate to swap heads on a 10mm fig. :o
Quote from: fsn on 04 May 2019, 05:03:09 PM
I'd hate to swap heads on a 10mm fig. :o
It's a lot less fiddly if you swap the bodies I believe :-\
Oh! That's what I've been doing wrong. :o
Quote from: fsn on 04 May 2019, 06:46:11 PM
Oh! That's what I've been doing wrong. :o
Heads have been suggested a few times in the past but it's not something that we think is viable unfortunately. It certainly makes certain jobs easier, but we're not sure that the costs/time of prepping and moulding a load of heads would be worth the potential sales. And once we've done one headgear type, there'd no doubt be requests for every other type of headgear in military history, so it's a can of worms we'd rather not open!
Quote from: Leon on 04 May 2019, 11:03:23 PM
it's a can of worms we'd rather not open!
Well you could always go fishing with them.
What ? By using them as weights on the line ? ;)
(What are those made of nowadays ?.....They used to be lead, didn't they ?)
Techno opens the way for more fish and fishing puns. :D
Cheers - Phil
Na - bait - wuz refereaing to ut worms lad....
I got that ;).....I was just thinking the separate heads could be used on the line as sinkers.....Leon could probably sell 'oodles' of those to the fishing 'hobby', as novelty weights. :D
Cheers - Phil
Youese is just beeggggin for more work :D
Quote from: O Dinas Powys on 04 May 2019, 05:12:32 PM
It's a lot less fiddly if you swap the bodies I believe :-
You are a silly person.