Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Wider Wargaming => Genre/Period Discussion => Fantasy & Sci-Fi => Topic started by: Glorfindel on 25 October 2018, 10:04:36 AM

Title: 10mm Dogs of War Paymaster
Post by: Glorfindel on 25 October 2018, 10:04:36 AM
I'm building up a DoW army for Warmaster (using later medieval Pendrakens) and need a suitable figure for
the Paymaster with wagon.

I thought the ELM18 wagon might work :

( (

...and the General with raised right army, standing to one side
with a green stuff money bag dangling :

( (

I've painted up five pike units so far and they really look the business.
Pikes can literally be a pain !

I have, however, had to explain to our gaming group that they will
be expected to attack them head on - sneaking round the flank will
be a yellow card offence (ungentlemanly conduct)...


Title: Re: 10mm Dogs of War Paymaster
Post by: fred. on 25 October 2018, 05:43:03 PM
Dogs of War are a good army to field.

The other wagons to look at are in the WWI British and WWII German ranges - they aren't as high sided.

A good item to look at is the treasure pile in the Fantasy range (probably the dungeon accessories).

For the birdmen I used the wings from the Pegasus figures attached to crossbow men
Title: Re: 10mm Dogs of War Paymaster
Post by: Glorfindel on 25 October 2018, 06:02:52 PM
Thank you for the response - I will certainly have a look
at the suggestions.
Title: Re: 10mm Dogs of War Paymaster
Post by: Maenoferren on 27 October 2018, 11:24:18 AM
I can't remember what the barbarian flyers are like, but they might work?  If the lid flaps down on the wagon I reckon that would look good.
The late Roman general looks spot on.
Title: Re: 10mm Dogs of War Paymaster
Post by: Leman on 21 November 2018, 12:45:05 PM
Photos have now disappeared, to be replaced by the usual blue and white question mark boxes.
Title: Re: 10mm Dogs of War Paymaster
Post by: andys on 09 October 2020, 08:02:21 PM
Bit of thread necromancy (apt for fantasy?), but I used the 17/18th century coach (code SYW10), with the standing male figure from code SC13 for the paymaster. Then a few random figures from EL6 and EL8 for the bodyguard.
Title: Re: 10mm Dogs of War Paymaster
Post by: Glorfindel on 10 October 2020, 10:19:12 AM
Some really good ideas - I'd be interested to see the final results.   The old Warhammer world had such a wide variety of
inspirations that it gives plenty of scope.

I particularly like the use of Elizabethan figures and reckon they will be a good fit.

My final effort was in this thread:,18157.msg270978.html#msg270978 (,18157.msg270978.html#msg270978)

