Welcome to the Pendraken Miniatures newsletter!
After a couple of month's while we caught the bug in our newsletter system, we're back with another round-up of all the latest news here at Pendraken HQ!
Latest Releases!
There's been a huge amount of new releases over the past 3 months so that seems like a good place to start...
> Napoleonics (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,17189.0.html) - We've added Hanoverians and KGL to our 1812-15 ranges.
> 1849-1866 Italians (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,17405.0.html) - This is one of our main additions for 2018, a comprehensive range covering everything you need for the Risorgimento period.
> WWI (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,17369.0.html) - We've revamped and expanded our Middle East ranges.
> Ramparts (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,17324.0.html) - We've added some handy earthen ramparts to our scenics section.
> Cruisers & Pz IV's (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,17323.0.html) - The updating of our vehicles continues with new Cruiser and Pz IV models available.
> Burnt Houses (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,17371.0.html) - A handy addition here, with some burnt out houses now released.
In The Pipeline!
We've not had too many new sculpts arriving at Pendraken HQ recently, but we have had the last batch of our Indian Mutiny (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,17333.0.html) range. We're waiting on the artillery pieces for this range and then we can get them into some master moulds.
Elsewhere, the arrival of the Korean War range edges ever closer, with the first two master moulds complete and the first of the production moulds being done this week.
The shows have quietened down now we're hitting summer, but we've got one last trip out before we can enjoy a day on the beach! We'll be heading over to St Helens for the Phalanx (https://spartans.org.uk/) show on Saturday 16th June so please make sure to get your pre-orders sent through to us by midnight on Friday 8th June.
Website Photos!
We've been very busy on the photo front as we've added a massive 166 new images added to the Spanish Civil War (https://pendraken.co.uk/inter-war/spanish-civil-war/) section. These cover all of the infantry, cavalry, artillery crews, mortars, personalities and casualties, leaving just the limbers and artillery pieces still to do. We're aiming to have those done in the next week or so.
Elsewhere, JAD Designs completed another batch of WWII British Vehicles so those have been photo'd and added to the website as well.
Minibits Corner!
We've got a few new releases on the Minibits side of things this month as well, with some excellent new MDF designs ready from RedVectors. This batch includes some very nice Sci-Fi & African/Afghan (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,17223.0.html) models so head over and have a look.
We're also now stocking a selection of Putties, Pads and Flat Brushes (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,17286.0.html)!
Painting Competition!
After a year off in 2017, the Pendraken Painting Competition is back and will be launching on July 1st. We've made some minor changes to the format for this year, so keep an eye out for more information on our Forum very soon.
Turnaround Times!
We mentioned earlier this year that we'd taken on some new casting staff with a view to reducing the order turnaround times over the course of the year. The good news is that we've made much better progress than we anticipated and our average turnaround times for this year have been:
- Jan = 12.0 days
- Feb = 11.9 days
- Mar = 7.4 days
- Apr = 6.9 days
- May = 5.3 days
We're not completely on target just yet as the new guys aren't trained up on the 20th Century ranges, so we've still got a bit of a delay there. But we're getting them up to speed on the WWI and Post-War ranges, so progress is being made.
And that's everything for another month, we've got some new previews coming very soon so keep an eye out for those.
It's all good!
A really busy start to the year with a lot of progress :)
Well done all =D> =D> =D>
Really nice!
What a lot has been going on with more tempting goodies in both figures and terrain.
Good to see the return of the newsletter, I always enjoy reading these.
Lots of new models. The return of the painting comp. and a big speed up in order turn around. Loads of good stuff.
But, there is always a but, the turret on the Sherman looks very odd - not sure if it is how it has been assembled or even just the angle of the photo?
I noticed the odd Sherman turrets on a few pics. The gun barrel looks like it's bent down, but since it's horizontal it looks like the turret front is at too flat an angle...
Hopefully they look better in person - I just ordered a handful of different types!
It almost looks like the mantlet is up side down :-/
Quote from: paulr on 05 June 2018, 09:43:55 AM
It almost looks like the mantlet is up side down :-/
That's possible - are they separate parts?
I think it's just the angle of the photo, I've bent that barrel up slightly and it looks fine.
Quote from: Wulf on 05 June 2018, 10:34:48 AM
That's possible - are they separate parts?
All one piece castings, the mantlet is the right way up as the little hole to the right of the mantlet is correct.
Quote from: Leon on 05 June 2018, 11:09:09 AM
... the little hole to the right of the mantlet ...
I love it when you use technical terms.
Glad to hear it. Funny though, it does seem to be affecting a number of Sherman pics.
I'll have a chat with Dave when I see him and check the moulds at this end. The barrel might have been pushed down a little during the moulding process, but they can be pushed back up easily enough.