Hi All,
I have just acquired a lot of 6mm modern stuff. I am planning to use CWC for this. Suggestions for basing and suitable infantry required please gents
Ok - basing for CWC seems to depend on the individual players !. Use what looks right. I use 30 x 30 mm bases for vehicles and most artillery and 30x20mm for infantry. 1 vehicle per base and 4 infantry figures looks right for the scale. It does not seem to matter if opponents bases are different in the big games we all have differing sizes, and mine are set the way they as they started for Spearhead. Other base sizes are 20x40 for tanks and APC's, and 40 x20 for infantry. Some people use round bases for HQ's, I use the number of vehicles, and angle the corners on my observer types (I also try to use the correct vehicle), some people do similar for their recce.
By all means join the CWC forum and ask there, which will just prove my point above.
I haven't played CWC but for BKC I used the small FoW bases for infantry and tanks. If the tanks didn't fit I just used something slightly bigger. It didn't really matter as Ian says
What infantry is the best to get? The stuff with it are Heroics and Ros and no different to the "blobs" I had when I last had 6mm stuff in the 70's
For modern, you're pretty much stuck with GHQ or H&R. I'm not sure if Irregular do a range, but they're worse than H&R if they do.
I'd disagree about the H&R infantry, although the blob comment describes the vastly over-priced GHQ stuff. Vehicles - there are at least 5 manufactures - H&R, who also have the Skytrex moulds, Scotia, Irregular, who also do infantry, CinC and GHQ. Coments on the ranges :-
H&R - most cost effective, the infantry are obvious as to what they are, and reasonably robust
Scotia - avoid the infantry - the vehicles are not quite as good as H&R, but fill in some of the gaps
Irregular - vehicles started as Leciester, they have some that are usable, their infantry, some are bad, some are good when painted (I have lots of Napyys, fantasy, and N. Veitnamese in large numbers)
C-in-C bit more expensive, never seen any infantry.....detail is better than the older H&R, new H&R has overtaken them
GHQ - vastly overpriced, horribly fragile and over detailed. Most of my Cent 5's now have plastic rod barrels. Some infantry figures are good, most not, and they break easily.
Your choice though, and Andy at H&R does NOT pay me anything.
It's WW2 rather than modern, but this should give you some idea of what figures look like from a variety of 6mm manufacturers:
I'd recommend GHQ, even though they're more expensive, but make sure you buy the individual ones, and not the really shitty group based ones. I think with the modern stuff, they only do individual ones though. The newer H&R are better than the older ones, but they're still much smaller and with less detail. Irregular are terrible.
GHQ show the figures on their website too, so you can see them before you buy.
Some of the new Scotia stuff looks nice from what I can tell from the website
I've just been doing some Poles for CWC. First lot here:
I've now started using:
- 40x20 for tanks etc. and larger support vehicles
- 40x20 for infantry
- 20x20 for infantry support
- 40x30 forAPCs, IFVs and other transport
- 40 round for HQs
- 50 round for CO
- 20 round for FAC/FAO
- 40x40 for artillery units, usually with a support vehicle on as well
For Recce I use the base as above but add a couple of foot figures and scenery to ID them on the table.
But as said above, do what you feel looks right as it all works in big games anyway.
Look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Some samples:
:-bd =D> :-bd
Having ways of easily identifying the different troop types really helps any game flow :)
Really nice kit!
I much preferred the Scotia WP vehicles to the H&R stuff, especially the tanks.
Very nice work Count B :-bd
I have bought a lot of stuff from both manufacturers and over the years. Both are nice balance of detail vs price compared to the more expensive US 1/285 products.
Scotia make a lot of WP kit that other companies don't such as specialist engineering and AA vehicles and provide pictures of most of it on their website. H&R have been busy expanding their ranges but don't always illustrate their new stuff which means buying blind or searching for pics when bloggers review them.
Quote from: Count Belisarius on 13 December 2017, 12:24:53 AM
I've just been doing some Poles for CWC. First lot here:
I've now started using:
- 40x20 for tanks etc. and larger support vehicles
- 40x20 for infantry
- 20x20 for infantry support
- 40x30 forAPCs, IFVs and other transport
- 40 round for HQs
- 50 round for CO
- 20 round for FAC/FAO
- 40x40 for artillery units, usually with a support vehicle on as well
For Recce I use the base as above but add a couple of foot figures and scenery to ID them on the table.
But as said above, do what you feel looks right as it all works in big games anyway.
Look forward to seeing what you come up with.
Some samples:
Thanks for all the info and the inspiring photos.
what manufacturers infantry do you use?
I use Heroics and Ros.. The older ones are not as detailed as GHQ but scale better with the vehicles and paint up nice for the scale.