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Pendraken Releases, Requests and Photos! => Previous Years' Releases => New Releases! => 2017 Releases => Topic started by: Leon on 27 October 2017, 11:38:33 PM

Title: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: Leon on 27 October 2017, 11:38:33 PM
These were previewed a short while ago and we've got them into production moulds now, so here they are!  We've revamped the Jagers and Grenzers for our 1860 Austrians, which brings that whole range up to par now with our recent sculpts. 

1860's Austrians -
AU3    Jagers, inc. command (30)    £4.95
AU12    Grenzers, inc. command (30)    £4.95

And the pics:

AU3 - Jagers

AU12 - Grenzers

Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 27 October 2017, 11:45:20 PM
Very nice
Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: abikapi2 on 28 October 2017, 08:17:26 AM

Waiting new 1860 Italians for a big Order!

Will they be available all together?

Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: Steve J on 28 October 2017, 09:36:07 AM
Very, very nice 8)
Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: Leman on 28 October 2017, 04:04:09 PM
But we still need Hussars with shako for 1859, 1864 and many units in 1866.
Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: abikapi2 on 28 October 2017, 04:19:17 PM
Hussars with Shako!!!

Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: paulr on 29 October 2017, 01:05:18 AM
Very nice, you guys have been busy with releases :)

I'm sure FSN, in particular, will love the poses ;)
Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: fsn on 29 October 2017, 08:06:20 AM
3 out of 4.

3 out of 4.
Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: Leman on 29 October 2017, 10:54:42 AM
Why would he, they're not in a tank.
Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: fsn on 29 October 2017, 12:04:14 PM

I know there was a time before tanks. It's called "fantasy".

Actually, the last 3 books I bought on Amazon were "A history of the Campaign of 1866 in Italy", "The Contribution of the Royal Bavarian Army to the War of 1866" and "The Organisation of German State Forces in 1866".

All 3 on the Kindle for about £6!

Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: Westmarcher on 29 October 2017, 12:20:32 PM
Quote from: fsn on 29 October 2017, 08:06:20 AM
3 out of 4.

3 out of 4.

Agree. Not a fan of the "kneeling" pose in this scale, either. As for the "skating with one leg in the air" pose, this should be banned!  :-q

.... otherwise ..... great!  :-bd  :P
Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: Leman on 29 October 2017, 01:06:25 PM
Well, two things:

1. FSN - good to see that there is something that stirs you in the C19th. There were still Austrian hussar units in the shako in 1866, so that would be a useful figure for you.

2. Westmarcher - the original skating on one leg poses from the 90s were pretty grim, but I rather like this new one as it has a light infantry dynamic that marks it out from the normal line infantry. I also like kneeling poses as a varied firing line can be achieved, or a skirmisher can be situated behind a rock, bush or bit of wall. I think these kinds of poses are great for the C19th when troops began increasingly to shake out into a more open order, whereas the infantry line in one pose looks much better in the C18th.
Title: Re: Revamped 1860 Austrians!
Post by: cameronian on 31 October 2017, 01:07:30 PM
Kneeling pose good for 'distressed' stands.