Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Wider Wargaming => Genre/Period Discussion => Fantasy & Sci-Fi => Topic started by: Tristram on 01 December 2016, 09:53:21 AM

Title: Pendraken Ratmen for Warmaster
Post by: Tristram on 01 December 2016, 09:53:21 AM
As the thread title suggests, my plan is to use the Pendraken Ratmen range for my Skaven army. I've put in an order but it will be a bit till it goes out/arrives no doubt, but I've read in numerous places online that the Ratmen are a somewhat large 10mm, with some people using them for 15mm games. I'm curious thus how they would rank up on a 20 x 40mm base? Would I be able to fit 8 figures in 2 rows of 4, or do I need to look at cutting it down to 6 or 4?
Title: Re: Pendraken Ratmen for Warmaster
Post by: Orcs on 01 December 2016, 07:53:25 PM
Not sure of the ratmen, but I have the old Lizards and due to the size/pose most bases only fit 3 figures on a Warmaster base.  Makes a cheap army though , and quick to paint.