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Pendraken Releases, Requests and Photos! => Previous Years' Previews => New Figure Previews => 2017 Previews => Topic started by: Leon on 12 February 2016, 01:15:26 AM

Title: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Leon on 12 February 2016, 01:15:26 AM
Martin previewed these already but they're definitely worth another look, so here they are!  This expansion of our Modern ranges will continue throughout this year, with some infantry being the next priority for us to address.

The M26 Pershing briefly saw action in WWII but was used more extensively during the Korean War.  With over 2000 produced, this one has been on our wishlist for a while now.  This was also produced with the 105mm howitzer turret on the right of the image, designated M45.


Next up is the M41 Walker Bulldog, developed to replace the M24 Chaffee in the early 1950's and used during the Korean War.  It was also used by the ARVN during the Vietnam War as well.  This is a great looking model, one of my favourites of this new batch.


The M47 was the predecessor to the M48 Patton we've already got in our ranges.  With nearly 9000 produced, it saw service in a wide variety of conflicts over several decades, from the Arab-Israeli war to the Somali Civil War.  Hopefully that should give it a lot of use on your game tables!


Moving forward into the 1960's we've got the M60A1 and A2.  Although brought into service in 1961, these are still in use in parts of the world, most recently in the ongoing Yemeni Civil War.  Along the way it was used in the Yom Kippur War, the Iran-Iraq conflict and the Gulf War.  Current operators include Egypt, Turkey and Israel.  

The A1 variant (shown on the hull) was armed with a 105mm gun, while the A2 'Starship' had a 152mm gun (centre of the image) similar to that on the M551 Sheridan below.  


And finally on the 'M' side of things we've got the M551 Sheridan, which was mainly used during the Vietnam War.  It also had limited service in the Gulf War as well, before production ended in 1996.  Interestingly it was designed to be dropped by parachute and to be able to swim across rivers.  Armed with the 152mm gun used on the M60A2 above, it was also capable of firing AT missiles.  


Moving across to recon, we've got the Ferret armoured car.  This was produced by Daimler in the UK from 1952-71 in numbers over 4000 and has been used by dozens of countries around the world.  It is still in use in Pakistan, Sudan and many others.  This model covers the Mk 1 (no turret), Mk 2 (with turret) and Mk 2/6 with the Vigilant AT missile turret.


That's a whole load of goodies!  They've already gone away for moulding so we're hoping to have those back with us within a month or so and we can get started on production moulds.  We're not yet sure whether they'll be ready for Salute though, but we'll do our best.

Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 12 February 2016, 07:54:14 AM
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: fsn on 12 February 2016, 09:10:12 AM
With the M47, and the M24, I can now refight the Battle of the Bulge - the Film.

They all look very tempting. I think an Arab-Israeli conflict is in my future.

Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Matt J on 12 February 2016, 09:52:20 AM
QuoteThey all look very tempting. I think an Arab-Israeli conflict is in my future.

Agreed, can't wait to get hold of some of these
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Roy on 12 February 2016, 10:26:28 AM
 =P~ =P~ =P~


Want some!

Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Sunray on 12 February 2016, 03:36:03 PM
Best news in a long time.  Are mortgages available ?  Counting the days ....
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Mako on 23 February 2016, 08:14:35 AM
Really great to see these prototypes.

I do hope the M60A1 will come with a searchlight box.

Can't wait to see them available for sale, as well as some more US Modern infantry to go with them.  I prefer the M1 helmets to the Fritz-style ones, if anyone is listening, and they'd be able to expand the Vietnam era range figs, which is a bit limited for the US troops, as well as to serve in Europe too.
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Jim Ando on 08 March 2016, 07:52:36 PM
With a small modification to the end of the gun barrel an M26 Pershing
Could become an M46 Patton. The M46 was used in Korea as the pershings were withdrawn from service because they were underpowered. The pershings were then upgraded to M46s. So if Korea figures are being planned then Patrons are a must.

Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Leon on 08 March 2016, 11:30:09 PM
Quote from: Mako on 23 February 2016, 08:14:35 AM
I do hope the M60A1 will come with a searchlight box.

I'm sure it does, I just didn't include it in the photo as it wouldn't balance nicely for me!

Quote from: Jim Ando on 08 March 2016, 07:52:36 PM
With a small modification to the end of the gun barrel an M26 Pershing
Could become an M46 Patton. The M46 was used in Korea as the pershings were withdrawn from service because they were underpowered. The pershings were then upgraded to M46s. So if Korea figures are being planned then Patrons are a must.

I think some of these will be going back to Mart so that he can do some conversion work on them.
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Cold Steel on 13 March 2016, 01:38:06 PM
Great to see the M60 series coming soon. Just 1 quibble: take off the large tip at the end of the gun tube. The muzzle of the 105 is smooth. The little bump that shows on some photos is just a rubber cover to keep foreign material (and bird nests) out. You take it off before use, or in a strong wind or you hit a bump.
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 13 March 2016, 01:40:25 PM
Great stuff. You might also want to do stuff listed in "team yankee". M41 Walker Bulldog weren't used in Korea, like the M47 it could have been but not shipped.

Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Mako on 16 March 2016, 10:42:43 AM
Danes and West Germans did use the M41 though, and the Danes also used the M24 prior to that.  There were five attached to the Bundeswehr HS-30 / Spz 12-3 mechanized infantry battalion, as a recon platoon.

Danish tank platoons had three tanks in them.

M47s for the West Germans as well, before they upgraded to the M48A2C, and Leopard.
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: FierceKitty on 16 March 2016, 11:11:56 AM
Quote from: RoyWilliamson on 12 February 2016, 10:26:28 AM
=P~ =P~ =P~


Want some!

Sorry, he's dead. We're not getting any more. :(
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: mart678 on 17 March 2016, 05:18:58 PM
M47's where used in Indo Pakistan war,Jordan in 67 Iran Iraq war ,Ethiopia, Somalia, and Croatia
As for the M46 it is a very modified hull a cross between M26 and M47's

Hope this give more fun with tanks (not "fun with flags")
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Risaldar Singh on 16 May 2016, 08:25:13 AM
Any ETA on these, especially the M-41?
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Leon on 17 May 2016, 12:59:45 AM
Quote from: Risaldar Singh on 16 May 2016, 08:25:13 AM
Any ETA on these, especially the M-41?

I'll check with Dave on that, they've all been master moulded so we're just working on the production moulds.  We've been a bit behind on that since Salute and there's a couple of other ranges ahead in the queue.
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Mako on 17 May 2016, 08:08:39 AM
I'm interested in the release of the M-41s as well.
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Risaldar Singh on 22 November 2016, 05:13:48 PM
Bump!  ;)
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Mako on 11 January 2017, 02:38:56 PM
Good to see the M551 released.

Any ETA on the M41 Bulldog?
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Leon on 11 January 2017, 03:05:15 PM
All moulded and done, just need to photo it for the website.
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Mako on 12 January 2017, 12:53:24 AM
Excellent news!

I can buy them without another photo, since I've seen the prototype photos, if you'll provide a code number and a price.

Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Leon on 12 January 2017, 01:11:34 AM
Quote from: Mako on 12 January 2017, 12:53:24 AM
I can buy them without another photo, since I've seen the prototype photos, if you'll provide a code number and a price.

They'll likely be the same price as the Chaffee, so £3.20 or £2.67 for you in the States, plus shipping.  We've got the M47 ready and moulded as well, just in case you need any of those, that one will be £3.50 / £2.92.

Drop me an email through the website and we'll get them sorted for you:
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Mako on 12 January 2017, 07:49:58 AM
Will do.

Thanks for the info, and the quick response, Leon.  I really appreciate it.

My Bundeswehr and Danish troops will no doubt also.
Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Matt J on 12 January 2017, 10:39:02 AM
Leon, is the Pershing ready?

Title: Re: Loads of M..M..M..Modern tanks!
Post by: Leon on 12 January 2017, 04:26:05 PM
I'll check with Dave on that one, it should be about ready now I'd think.