Please put your entries for the Fantasy & Sci-Fi category in this thread.
Conditions: Anything Fantasy or Sci-Fi oriented, on either a single base, multiple bases, or in a movement tray.
This thread is for entries only, and you are only allowed 2 images per entry, with no montages. If you would like to comment on the entries, please start a discussion thread. Please enter each entry as a separate post, just to make it easier to keep track of them when it comes to judging!
- The Winner of this category will receive £20 worth of Pendraken credit!
- The Runner-Up of this category will receive £10 worth of Pendraken credit!
This category is sponsored by:
Prize: A copy of the Warband Fantasy Rules!:
"Using miniature figures and terrain, you can fight battles from the glorious sword and sorcery epics you've read about. You can play games against your friends or competitive battles against worthy opponents. Whilst the rules have been written with the 10mm Pendraken Miniatures ranges in mind, there's no reason why you can't use other scales as well! Join the 100's of other players currently enjoying these rules!"
For more info:,83.0.html
Good luck to everyone!
High Elf Knights
High Elf Archers
Anubis skirmishers
WWWII - jin roh mecha-panzer granadiers
(I understandd multiple base admit the panzer with the panzergranadiers, if it is illegal, please erase one picture. It is not my intention to bend the rules)
Swat team
swat troopers: Marines, without battle armour SFH2
swat snipers: Scouts, sniper rifle SV27
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Some watery entries to mix things up! (FAN-MON3 Water elementals)
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Beware King Triton! (FF1 Neptune)
Zombie war survivor, who is more than capable to take care of herself. Working the streets, she learned that the hard way.
model from SFZ6 survivors
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Squigs and Night Goblins
Models: DN61, FN01, FN02 and FN04
Grablog's Anvil at the Battle of the Vile Plains
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Martian Space-Rat Field Gun with Forward Observer:
And that's all folks, the 2016 Pendraken Painting Competition is now closed!
Thanks to everyone for their entries, there are some fantastic pieces of work this year and good luck to all of you. The winners will be announced at 6pm on Monday 7th March, so make sure to be online!