I/the Circle Battlegroup will be there, 28mm Trojan Wars using Song of Blades and Heroes.
Anyone else?
Too far for me I am afraid but I would be interested in your stats for the Trojan War if you are willing to share? and please post a few piccies when you have done the show.
Agree with Bodvoc about the pics. I might recognise some people.
Well, Big Al is otherwise engaged, but John and Little Al should be there!
I'll see if I can use my new tripod to get a decent few piccies.
Also, we'll be participation friendly so if anyone wanders past and wants a game do poke me :)
Ok-dokey, there's some pics up on my Faceache page - ( and a quick taster here - (
Day went really well - nice to meet Alan/Shedman in the flesh, we had seven sets of punters through to play and the games all went very well - everyone picked them up and ran, including the under tens! Got a potential couple of new people for the club, had a good natter, spent a little here & there so all good! Show seemed to be going well over all, but a couple of the traders reckoned it died off sales wise after lunch - there seemed a decent number of punters still, right up to the close but I wonder if they'd spent the monies quickly?!
I've also attached the warbands doc I knocked up - I think the Achaeans might have been a bit better than the Trojans, what with the score going seven-nil in their favour :S
For a small show it was very pleasant with some traders I don't normally see
Highlights were
got lost driving into Halesowen
Met Nathan
Picked up a few packs of old style Peter Pig SCW
Bought a dozen 28mm WW1 Bulgarian Irregular Infantry for the Club's Back of Beyond game
got lost driving out of Halesowen
got lost driving through Kidderminster
And Bewdley had deployed Flood defenses along the river Severn closing the road I normally used
Quote from: Shedman on 07 December 2015, 06:52:47 PM
Highlights were
got lost driving into Halesowen
got lost driving out of Halesowen
That happens to me every time I go there to deliver training and I only every visit the Travelodge and the business centre. I had hoped the car would have learnt the way by now!
Good to hear you obviously managed to escape eventually.
- Neil.
Impressive directional skills all round there :) Were you both driving Trojan chariots :D
I did like those "Back of Beyond" sculpts from Ainsty, if I had half a reason for yet more unpainted lead...
I think they were by Tiger Miniatures
Oh yes, so they are! Why did I think otherwise?!
Quote from: Subedai on 25 November 2015, 08:32:07 PM
Agree with Bodvoc about the pics. I might recognise some people.
Nope, don't recognise any of them, far too small and I know it got a bit naughty at the Circle near the end but don't remember anyone ever wearing armour either -bronze or otherwise.
#Shedman, from what I remember of Halesowen, it's the new Oxford as far as driving and getting lost is concerned. I always used the bus and hoped the driver knew where he was going.
On a more serious note, nice looking game Mr Toxic.
I'm not surprised, as I seem to have entirely missed John apart from some blurry trousers, and everyone else ducked out! The rest of the people there are punters :)
Thanks Subedai! It seems to have gone down well, was great fun and has garnered us a couple of new members for the club, possibly...