Welcome to the Pendraken Miniatures September newsletter!
The second half of the show season is in full swing, but we've still found time to get some more goodies released!
Latest Releases!
The run of new releases has continued with another 25 new codes added to the catalogue! This month we've seen:
> Waterloo British (Part 2) (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,12729.0.html) - With the addition of the artillery, limbers and personalities, this range is now complete and we can move onto some of the other nations over the coming months.
> Nap French generals (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,12746.0.html) - We couldn't have the French wandering aimlessly around the table without Boney to keep them in check, so we've also released the French personalities.
> WWI extension (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,12817.0.html) - And bringing up the rear we've added a bunch of requested WWI items, with Belgian lancers, Highlanders in glengarry and a variety of casualty markers as well.
In The Pipeline!
For the first time in a long time, there's not a lot to report on this front! With Techno working on the Warband expansion and the vehicle guys working on some longer term projects, we've not had any new masters arriving at Pendraken HQ in recent weeks. We are constantly working on getting more moulds done though, so we should have the Napoleonic Nassau troops ready in the next few weeks, then the new Roman / Gauls before the end of October. We've also got a bit of a surprise range expansion coming in the next fortnight that's not been previewed anywhere as yet, so keep an eye out for that! 1513 anyone...
We are also looking ahead to future ranges at the moment, in particular WWII Polish. To this end, we've put up a master list on the Forum where we'd like your input on what else you'd like to see included. Head over and add your feedback here. (http://www.pendrakenforum.co.uk/index.php/topic,12819.0.html)
With Border Reiver and Colours behind us, we've got another four outings to go this year, so we hope to see a lot of you on the road somewhere. Next up is the World Wargames (http://www.worldwargames.co.uk/) event, taking place at Castle Donington Exhibition Centre on the 3rd/4th October. There's not much time left for pre-orders for this one, but we've extended the deadline to midnight on Sunday 27th to give people a little extra time.
After Derby/Donington our next outing will be a slightly more local affair as we make the short trip down to the Royal Armouries in Leeds for the Fiasco (http://leedswargamesclub.webs.com/fiasco.htm) show. Pre-orders for this one need to be with us by Sun 18th please.
And finally, some very important news for any of our customers attending the Crisis (http://www.tsoa.be/crisis_general.html) show at the beginning of November. As you may already be aware, we were unfortunately unable to attend Crisis this year due to the costs/sales involved, which was a real shame. However the good news is that our friend Ian at Eagle Figures has agreed to take any pre-orders across for us, ready for folks to collect at the show!
As with any other show, we'll need your pre-orders into us at least 7 days before the event, so before Sat 31st October please. We'll get them cast up, pass them to Ian, and they'll be ready to collect from the Eagle Figures stand at Crisis! One quick note, all orders will need to be paid for in advance please, just to keep everything nice and easy for everyone.
We're getting closer and closer to our own Battleground show now, so we're constantly updating the website and our Facebook page with all of the latest trader news and games updates. We've got a lot planned for this year, some of it yet to be announced, so make sure to keep checking the website (http://www.battlegroundshow.co.uk/) or follow our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BattlegroundShow).
Warband Demo Games!
The author of the Warband rules, Steve Hardy, has very kindly agreed to attend some of the shows and put on demonstration games for people to have a look at and get a feel for the rules, ask any questions, etc. Steve was with us at Border Reiver earlier this month and he will also be attending Battleground at the end of November. We're also looking at Fiasco but we'll confirm that one closer to the event.
We also got ourselves a nice little roller banner (https://www.facebook.com/pendraken/photos/a.10153380112585412.1073741830.66277745411/10153490408115412/?type=3&theater) to grab some attention!
And that's everything for this month! Keep an eye out for more new releases coming very soon and we hope to see you at the shows!
Nice banner!
Sadly, i think i wont make it to crisis either this year :'(
Nice banner indeed :)
I hope Phil has finished all the figures shown ;)
I know a particular member of the forum who will be pleased with the 1513 news. ;)
Quote from: paulr on 27 September 2015, 04:41:54 AM
I hope Phil has finished all the figures shown ;)
Only the ones
I was told to. :P ;)
Cheers - Techno-Clone 4.
Hurrah for 1513/Dragonman/Empire armies
Yes, Steve.
It was you I was referring to ! ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil
Purrrrrrrr. =^..^=
Quote from: Techno on 27 September 2015, 07:11:53 AM
Only the ones I was told to. :P ;)
Cheers - Techno-Clone 4.
Oh ... yes, Great Dark Lord ... I shall communicate your great desire to your humble servant.
People of Pendraken! I have communed with the Great One (May his dread sporran never get bald) and he has passed to me a message for the one he refers to as "shortbow". He, whose biceps are never curled, says unto his pitiful Cymric servant, that the list he gave you is as yet incomplete. He commands you to create, from dollies and green putty, some figures who are super-powered. Not, says the Obsidian Overlord (may his rash always respond to the cream), from the stable of the heretic Stan-Lee, but from the noble line of DC. And the fruits of your handywork are to be given to his most trusted and devoted servant, the one they call Oik.
Keep trying, Nobby ! ;D ;D ;D ;D (You OIK !)
Cheers - Phil
1513? Flodden?
My first thought too Mollinary, though it might equally be the Italian Wars, La Motta is also 1513 iirc.
There is also the possibility that it refers to Ponce de Leon arriving in Florida and being the first European recorded as seeing America proper. Yes, yes, I know ... Vikings and Skraelings ... whatever ... currently no extant historical recording of that!
Be still thy beating heart FK :)
I think it prompted the writing of a popular ditty, along the lines of:
O Flower Of Scotland, when will they see their like again,
That fought and died there,
On Flodden's hill and then,
Stood against them,
Proud Henry's army,
That sent them homeward,
To think again.
That hill is bare now
And autumn leaves lie thick and still
O'er a land that is lost now,
Which covers those that died
To stand against them
Dear Katherine's army
Which sent them homeward
To think again
Those days are passed now,
And in the past they must remain
But we still stand now
And hail our nation's fame
That stood against him
Proud Jamie's army
And sent it homeward,
To think again
At least, I think that is how it goes?
You're not English by any chance, Moll? :-\
Quote from: Westmarcher on 27 September 2015, 07:39:59 PM
You're not English by any chance, Moll? :-\
When last I looked, yes, I think so! This old English folk song may have been hijacked of late - I blame Mel Gibson. Mind you, I tend to blame Mel Gibson for everything! :D :D :D
Quote from: mollinary on 27 September 2015, 07:49:15 PM
When last I looked, yes, I think! :D :D :D
But where did you look? X_X
(don't tell me - TMI :D)
The new figures all look great, by the way - apart from one - sorry, the truth devil made me say it.
Hmmm ... but (bear with me chaps, I'm going into unknown territory here) Techno is cleverer than that.
When he typed 1513, did he mean the year 1513 or did he mean 15:13? That could be nearly quarter past 3 which is known the be the traditional time for a chocolate drink break.
Alternatively, Techno could be getting Biblical. John 15:13 says "greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends", which points to casualty markers. Proverbs 15:13 says "a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken". Put John and Proverbs together, and we're talking about lying down and hearts ... perhaps sacrifice by having the heart ripped out ...
Now, the obvious thing for 1513 is Flodden, but one of the mercenaries on the field was a certain Pablo Escovar Diaz, who was an adviser to d'Aussi on James' side. Afterwards Diaz returned to his native Spain where he met up with a certain Hernan Cortez, who was planning a trip.
The Koran 15:13 states "they will not believe in it, while there has already occurred the precedent of the former peoples". Well, we may not believe it, and who could these former peoples be?
Then again, 15-13 is 2 and 1/2 is a half, and where is half a world away? South America.
But perhaps we're looking in the wrong place. The newletter says "1513 anyone." "Anyone" or "NE1", which is of course the postcode for Newcastle - which is "nuevo castillo" in Spanish. So who was "new" in "Castillo" or "Castile"? - Hernan Cortez, who was born in Medellin in Castile.
Who brought us the news? - Techno. Where does he live? In a part of Wales which is well known for its garden birds. In fact, you can get a letter to our favourite putty-slinger with the address "Techno, Tit Land", which sounds awfully like "Tenochtitlan".
The clues are all there if you just know where to look. I'm telling you it'll be Aztecs.
Unless it's Flodden.
Hold these thoughts. I'm just about to watch Downton Abbey (I might be back later). :-[
Quote from: Westmarcher on 27 September 2015, 07:51:57 PM
But where did you look?
In my heart, where else could it be? :o :o :o
There's a handful of the early ones 'wot I dun' on this page.....If I do it right. X_X
Scroll down the page half-way (ish)
Cheers - Phil
Nobby.....You're an oik ! :P
Yes, but Leon was saying that whatever-it-is has not been previewed anywhere as yet. Was that a cunning ploy to put them what haven't forgotten your splendid sculpts off da scent?
Quote from: mollinary on 27 September 2015, 07:49:15 PM
I blame Mel Gibson. Mind you, I tend to blame Mel Gibson for everything! :D :D :D
I'm back (sorry, I'm not really into soaps but, for some reason, I watch Downton Abbey - well, Mrs W does .... and I .... er ... happen to be there. Yes, Mel Gibson. ;D
Braveheart. What a distortion (but, nevertheless, based on a great and inspiring story - and James Horner's music ......). And he didn't stop there. When he shot, "The Patriot", he pulled one atrocity from WW2 - the Nazis burning a church in Poland with people in it - and had
us Brits committing it in the AWI (What a rabble rouser!). Also on record as a religious bigot. What a disappointing f.......
But, do you know, Moll, when I look back, this is what I think. I blame Edward I for most of the bitterness between some of the countrymen in our respective nations. Up to his reign, relations between the kingdoms of Scotland and England were relatively good. But he wanted to rule over everyone. As alluded to in the title of one recent biography, he was a great
and terrible king. Take this episode from his younger days, for example.
Matthew Paris, the most notable chronicler of the day, wrote in the late 1250's, in despair as to what the future King Edward I would be like as a king. He described a particularly unpleasant and wholly gratuitous attack by Edwards and his followers on a young man, who at the prince's orders had an ear cut off and an eye gouged out. Matthew altered a quotation from St Luke to fit: "If he does these things when the wood is green, what can be hoped for when the wood is seasoned?" The Scots (and I am sure, others, e.g., Welsh, Irish, French
and English) learned to find out that part of his character. To the great credit of my ancestors, the Scots managed to resist him. Alas, the smaller Welsh nation did not.
So, fair do. In 1513, the Scottish King invaded England and the English won a heroic victory in legitimate defence of their homeland. In 1314, the outnumbered Scots hammered a numerically superior invading English army. In one case, a King acted in accordance with some romantic gesture to the Queen of France and, more importantly, to honour certain Treaty obligations (that if both countries were attacked) (and paid for it with his life). In another, a King (Edward II) just wanted to be dominant over another nation (like his father). So bearing in mind a later Scots King became the king of both kingdoms, and we all became Brits together - and look what epic stuff we subsequently achieved together - I like to think the Scots story was the more laudable ... and therefore more worthy of the song* :)
If it is 1513 (Flodden campaign), I look forward to seeing the new releases in due course.
*which, incidentally, only dates back to roughly 1967 and, in my opinion, as a candidate for a national anthem, is a bit of dirge and slightly anti-English - not an attractive feature for future international relations. :)
Quote from: Westmarcher on 27 September 2015, 11:05:50 PM
*which, incidentally, only dates back to roughly 1967 and, in my opinion, as a candidate for a national anthem, is a bit of dirge and slightly anti-English - not an attractive feature for future international relations. :)
Have to disagree about it being a dirge, especially when sung with gusto by crowds of sports fans, however there is indeed a problem with it being only slightly anti-English ;) :) :D
Quote from: WeeWars on 27 September 2015, 10:35:25 PM
Yes, but Leon was saying that whatever-it-is has not been previewed anywhere as yet. Was that a cunning ploy to put them what haven't forgotten your splendid sculpts off da scent?
There are a few dozen more that
haven't been previewed, though. ;)
Cheers - Phil
Quote from: Ithoriel on 27 September 2015, 11:24:22 PM
Have to disagree about it being a dirge, especially when sung with gusto by crowds of sports fans, however there is indeed a problem with it being only slightly anti-English ;) :) :D
Danny Bhoy explains it all ...
;D ;D
The Big Yin and another dirge .......
Flodden or Le Motta, those non-bag pipe figures might slip into either quite nicely :D
;D ;D ;D ;D Sorry..... :D
Cheers - Phil
I am so confused... ;)
I think that just means you're normal.
But in a nutshell, at a quarter past 3, Techno made some Aztec figures that fought at the Battle of Flodden and ate Cheese and Pickle Sandwiches.
Quote from: bigjackmac on 01 October 2015, 04:15:36 PM
I am so confused... ;) V/R, Jack
Don't worry, Jack....I didn't get that one either. X_X
Cheers - Phil
It was of them cryptic clue thingies... :-\
"It was of them cryptic clue thingies..."
I was going to say 'I like cheese and pickle sandwiches,' but if that's some sort of code, there's not telling what you guys just set me up for!!! ;D
Battle of Flodden
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Battle of Flodden or Flodden Field or occasionally Battle of Branxton (Brainston Moor) was a conflict between the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland. The battle was fought in the county of Northumberland in northern England on 9 September 1513, between an invading Scots army under King James IV and an English army commanded by the Earl of Surrey. It was a decisive English victory. In terms of troop numbers, it was the largest battle fought between the two Kingdoms. James IV was killed in the battle, becoming the last monarch from the British Isles to suffer such a death."
Off to make a cheese and Branston pickle sandwich now :-)
Ooooooooh !
Now I understand.
Cheers - Phil (Can't stand cheese and pickle......YUK !)
Oh no! Techno's pickleist!
Gouda and mango chutney here today.. ;)
Quote from: mad lemmey on 02 October 2015, 07:35:22 AM
Gouda and mango chutney here today.. ;)
Please gargle and brush yer teef.
Wenslydale and Mango Chutney.................marketed as a "Wallice and Gromit" by a cafe in Darlington.
LOVELY :) :) :)
Wound up making mushroom and blue cheese rolls ... at around midnight! Sweet dreams are made of this :)
Who am I to diss a Brie?
Some of them want a fondue
Some of them want to fondue with you :)
To Mis quote Oasis 'She's Electric'
Cheese selector,
She's really into Red Leicester,
She's not much on chedder,
But man she goes for Brie!'
(M. Lockett: 1997)
Quote from: mad lemmey on 02 October 2015, 03:28:38 PM
Who am I to diss a Brie?
Quote from: Ithoriel on 02 October 2015, 03:44:27 PM
Some of them want a fondue
Some of them want to fondue with you :)
Quote from: mad lemmey on 02 October 2015, 04:58:39 PM
To Mis quote Oasis 'She's Electric'
Cheese selector,
She's really into Red Leicester,
She's not much on chedder,
But man she goes for Brie!'
(M. Lockett: 1997)
crying out loud ! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Cheers - Phil (Who quite likes the idea of Mango chutney......But Branston pickle.....NO !)
Cheese and pickled onion is a real sandwich!
I don't know, some people....... *mutter mutter grumble.....*