Well I have eventually painted up enough of everything to actually have a game.
so Yesterday we had a little game, one of the lads brought up Black powder and we gave it a go. Sadly I forgot the camera and phone so you will have to read the report of Percival Fanhard that he was required to write at the inquiry into the conduct of the colonel.
A report on the defeat at Wadi Fallah
News came to Headquarters that the Ansar were stockpiling stores to support an offensive against her Majesty's forces. These stores were to be located in the village of Wadi Fallah. A small cluster of typical Mud brick houses within a mile of the Nile.
Colonel Moncrief was given command of the forces to destroy said stores and eliminate any enemy garrison or forces that he found within the area.
He was taken up stream by the Steamer Victoria whilst a small force made its way up the bank.
Forces at our disposal were:
A batallion of Highlanders
a Detachment of the Durhams
A small force of the 19th Hussars
A battalion of Egyptian infantry
A battalion strength force of Bashi Bazouks
A Royal Navy landing party
A 9lb artillery piece crewed by Royal artillery.
At around nine in the morning our forces regrouped near the steamer and made our way inland.
The Colonel surveyed the terrain and due to some clumps of date palm and other brush split his forces into two. The Royal navy and Bashi's took our right flank, the Egyptians our left. Whilst the Durhams, Sutherland's and hussars held the centre. Our one artillery piece was attached to the Naval brigade. (see attached Sketch)
A general order to advance was given and straight away the Bashi made for the town at some speed. The Naval landing party kept pace with them. Unfortunately the rest of our forces were still preparing for the off and failed to move for some minutes.
Almost immediately our artillery fired a long distance shot at a large force of Ansar that appeared out of the dust. This had little effect and this force made straight for the Bluejackets and Bashi's.
Further large groups of warriors appeared and made straight for our lines.
Moment later a sporadic firing commenced out of the village proper and a number of the Bashi fell to this unexpected attack.
Our forces now advanced, but due to the palms had to swing to the left. This left the bluejackets on their own.
Our own troubles began soon enough with some small arms fire from a large plantation to our front seconds later a large force of Hadendowah infantry and camelry appeared and made straight for us, a second large group made straight for the Egyptians who faltered.
At this point I expected the colonel to form a brigade square but alas he felt otherwise. The blujackets and Bashi were on their own and we watched in horror as the were suddenly overwhelmed by the enemy.
Our artillery continued to fire at the Hadendowah nearest to them and this caused them to halt and reconsider. This gave us some small breathing space, or at least to form the now needed squares, but alas our requests were met with the same reply. The infantry will advance to their front supported by the hussars.
And advance we did.
With a huge cry, the Hadendowah surged forward towards the Sutherland's and the Egyptians. I could hear the Egyptian officers shouting at their men to hold firm. The Highlanders stood in silence, then with the command of present... every weapon levelled and upon "Fire!" the battalion
proceeded to give rolling volleys that stopped the enemy within thirty yards. Unbelievably our Egyptian allies so lately lambasted in the press held firm and stopped their enemy in their tracks. Sadly as they were so close small groups of the enemy would run forward and throw their broad bladed spears at our men. All along the line men fell, and were dragged back towards aid.
Off to our right a great cry of despair went up and the enemy fled the field followed by measured volleys from the bluejackets who had managed to stem the tide. The force attacking the Bashi also retired in good order. However in the confusion and dust the enemy Skirmishers had got within range of our brave artillery crew and killed them to a man.
Our own problems got worse as the Hadendowah rose up and poured forwards once again. We were hard pressed and had to retire some yards, but thankfully our morale held and our men fought bravely against the black tide. The Egyptians, through either terror or Adrenaline, pushed their enemy back in hand to hand fighting and then proceeded to make measured volleys further disrupting them. The 19th dismounted as they were fired their carbines into the mass of enemies but their small numbers made little effect. The measured volleys of the Durham's took their toll and again our foes paused , only to recover their strength and pushed forwards.
Our allies luck eventually ran out and the brave Egyptians died where they stood. The Durham's gave ground which left the Highlander's flank exposed to further attack.
The colonel realising that he was about to lose all of his forces ordered a retreat. The Highlanders managed to disengage from their enemy and fell back in good order.
The Hussars harried the enemy slowing down their advance, which allowed our forces to regain the river and embark onto the Victoria under the protection of her Gatling's and Gardiner's.
Sounds like fun. One suggestion we have tried for Zulu and Sudan games is to give the tribes 6 HtoH and 3 Shooting dice (if they have any fire arms) whilst the Europeans reverse this. Seems to work well.
Sounds as though that was very enjoyable.
Cheers - Phil
Quote from: ianrs54 on 25 October 2014, 06:13:46 AM
Sounds like fun. One suggestion we have tried for Zulu and Sudan games is to give the tribes 6 HtoH and 3 Shooting dice (if they have any fire arms) whilst the Europeans reverse this. Seems to work well.
I will give this a try.:
Quite enjoyed it. I was worried about the rules as I had heard tales of 4 moves in an evening game. We were double that and finished. The best bit though was that it was my figures. I have now got enough to play with.
Quote from: Maenoferren on 25 October 2014, 10:13:45 AM
Quite enjoyed it. I was worried about the rules as I had heard tales of 4 moves in an evening game. We were double that and finished. The best bit though was that it was my figures. I have now got enough to play with.
:) :) :D
Sounds good, Maeno. Any pics?
Nice one sir. glad you enjoyed it.
Quote from: Hertsblue on 25 October 2014, 11:49:49 AM
Sounds good, Maeno. Any pics?
sadly no... however Fanhard did produce a small sketch of the Hadendowah attack on the Highlanders :D
Fanhard's map showing initial dispositions
Fanhards Sketch ( most people would say scribble) however in his defence he was trying to conduct military operations... as it was his sergeant had to stop people stabbing him whilst he did this.
Quote from: Maenoferren on 25 October 2014, 09:24:25 PM
Fanhards Sketch ( most people would say scribble) however in his defence he was trying to conduct military operations... as it was his sergeant had to stop people stabbing him whilst he did this.
Ah, school of early Picasso, I think. :-\
Very nice reportage and the game did sound fun. Would love to see some pics though :).