Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Wider Wargaming => Painting & Modelling => Painting Diaries => Topic started by: pierre the shy on 29 September 2014, 09:52:02 AM

Title: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 29 September 2014, 09:52:02 AM
Ordered the stuff for our ITLSU 1917 project over the weekend...a fair chunk I might add  ;)

BIG thanks to Leon for his flexibility on my numbers of figures required and the great customer service.

Since I'm in NZ its not like we can just pop round to the factory and pick up the order when its ready :)

Thanks also to Paul for the great job he did on painting up my 1914 stuff - on the last batch of mainly German Dragoons now, though he might get a few more 1914 British figures to do with this order to round out the infantry battalions to full strength and add a couple of cavalry MG carts.

We'll keep you posted on how things are going.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 29 September 2014, 07:16:23 PM
I also have to really thank Leon & co, my part of the order had 43 different codes, 22 of those included part packs  :o

Some examples;
 German guns with crew from the East African range,  ;)
 commanders from the Turkish gun crews to give me officer variety,  :o
 pack horses with MGs from the SCW range (but not the lead horse from that pack),  ;)
 3 different codes from the South American Pacific war range for the Asian Korps cavalry of 6 figures :o :o :o

Leon's comments "we can sort all of this out for you, no bother at all", "We can't offer much in the way of discount on custom orders like this, but we can knock the shipping down a bit".

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Two very happy custoners waiting for a very tired postman to arrive at Peter's place  ;)

Now to focus on finishing the current batch of 1914 stuff so I can do some AWI before this lot arrive :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 29 September 2014, 07:27:20 PM
Well I'm certainly looking forward to seeing that take shape.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 09 October 2014, 07:18:22 PM
Over 100 views  :o and the project hasn't really started yet  ;)

I'm looking at Sinai and Palestine mainly in 1917. Being a Kiwi my main focus is the New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade but I have tried to select units that will let me cover a variety of actions.

Imperial Forces
Mounted Cavalry Brigade
Dismounted Cavalry Brigade
2 Infantry Battalions (plus enough extra infantry & MGs to convert dismounted Brigade into an Infantry Brigade)
1 Horse artillery Battery
1 Field artillery Battery (which can act as a second HA battery)
1 Mounted Camel Brigade Battalion (can use dismounted cavalry as remainder of brigade)
2 Tanks
2 Armoured cars
2 Light cars (Model Ts with MG on back)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 09 October 2014, 08:28:00 PM
Turkish Forces
Turkish Infantry Regiment
Arab Infantry Regiment (which can also serve as 'regular' revolting Arabs)
MG Battalion
2 Artillery Batteries
Mounted Cavalry Regiment

German Forces basically Pasha II
3 Infantry Battalions with attached MG companies
Pioneer Company
MG Company (which can be used for Austrians, sort of)
Cavalry Squadron
Mixed Artillery Battery (which can be used for Austrians, sort of, most Austrians will be off table)

Arabs ('loyal', revolting, or independant)
20 mixed stands of Arabs
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 October 2014, 07:21:58 PM
Intelligence reports indicate the figures are on their way  :)

Apparently passed through Germany on their way to NZ last night, that should have pleased the figures for Pasha II  ;)

I better crack on with basing the last of the 1914 chaps and that AWI Militia :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 16 October 2014, 04:47:17 AM
Apparently arrived in China this morning ... anticipation building  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 16 October 2014, 07:19:44 PM
Did a bit more planning and organising in anticipation of the imminent arrival  :)

I think I will go with pale background colours for the labels to show nationality: Imperial - blue, Turks - red, Arabs - green.

Not sure about Germans - darker red? or the Turkish Arab regiment that can be used as regular Arabs  :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 17 October 2014, 03:59:36 AM
I am reliably informed that our order was at Changi airport this morning :) :) :)

At this rate I won't have varnished the last batch of the 1914 project before the next lot get here  :o

Let alone finished the brigade of AWI Militia I was planning to do in the interim  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 17 October 2014, 08:01:51 AM
Quote from: paulr on 17 October 2014, 03:59:36 AM
I am reliably informed that our order was at Changi airport this morning :) :) :)

How is it that you can track your order so exactly when I have no idea what happens to mine once it leaves Middlesborough, 240 miles away by road?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 17 October 2014, 08:37:38 AM
Quote from: Hertsblue on 17 October 2014, 08:01:51 AM
How is it that you can track your order so exactly when I have no idea what happens to mine once it leaves Middlesborough, 240 miles away by road?

Morning Hertsblue

The freight company that PM shipped the order with sent me a email with a tracking number link so been watching its progress from time to time and I've been keeping Paul up to speed.

Looks like he better do some speed painting this weekend if he wants to get that other stuff finished before the 1917 order turns up - its left Changi now, hopefully heading in a generally SE direction  8)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 17 October 2014, 06:10:01 PM
Quote from: pierre the shy on 17 October 2014, 08:37:38 AM
Looks like he better do some speed painting this weekend if he wants to get that other stuff finished before the 1917 order turns up - its left Changi now, hopefully heading in a generally SE direction  8)

:o :o :-t
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 18 October 2014, 11:45:58 AM
Looking forward to seeing how this project develops.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 18 October 2014, 12:08:10 PM
Ditto !
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 19 October 2014, 10:02:08 AM
I'm looking forward to finding out how soon the "package" arrives.  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 19 October 2014, 07:15:11 PM
Quote from: Hertsblue on 19 October 2014, 10:02:08 AM
I'm looking forward to finding out how soon the "package" arrives.  ;)

So am I  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 20 October 2014, 04:10:03 AM
"Package" is in Auckland so about 600km left to go  :)

Shipper is anticipating delivery tomorrow  :D

Peter has very kindly offered to drop my share off to me once it arrives  :D :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 20 October 2014, 07:29:23 AM
Quote from: paulr on 20 October 2014, 04:10:03 AM
"Package" is in Auckland so about 600km left to go  :)

Shipper is anticipating delivery tomorrow  :D

Peter has very kindly offered to drop my share off to me once it arrives  :D :D

Courier dropped off the order to my door this afternoon....only 6 days from door to door :)

Paul has just dropped off all my 1914 figures in return for all his 1917 stuff.

I think you could say that he's rather happy ;)

Thanks to everyone at Pendraken once again  :-bd
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 20 October 2014, 07:31:09 AM

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

As Peter said the "package" arrived a day early so after a quick visit to his place I laid out about 2.5kg of lead  :) :) :)

Happy, who me  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: nikharwood on 20 October 2014, 01:47:32 PM
Always a fun activtity - laying all the Pendraken loveliness out like that  8)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 20 October 2014, 07:13:16 PM
Now all I need to do is finish basing the last of Peter's 1914 troops and finish painting that AWI Militia brigade  O:-)

I suppose sorting out some of the new arrivals won't hurt  :d ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 20 October 2014, 08:01:10 PM
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 25 October 2014, 10:46:11 AM
Away in Christchurch this long weekend so visited the Air Force Museum which has a special WWI exhibit focusing on the contibution of the people of Canterbury to NZ's war effort. A well done exhibit with some interesting photographs of Kiwis in Sinai and Palestine :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 29 October 2014, 07:28:07 AM
Definitely some useful photos and exhibits at the Wigram Air Force Museum.



Even some direct evidence for the BW25 Heliograph teams I ordered :) :) Will have to replace some of the crew with ME4 Dismounted Australian cavalry or similar to add that scruffy look
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 29 October 2014, 08:02:08 AM
I found this picture and it's caption particularly poignant


"To Mother from your loving son Mark... This is a photo of the platoon I belong to, we had it taken before the Messines Battle, there are only 12 left."

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 29 October 2014, 08:07:09 AM
I even managed to get in a bit of research for Peter's next project, "Bag the Hun"  ;)




Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 29 October 2014, 08:58:47 AM
Very useful photos, many thanks.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 29 October 2014, 10:51:19 AM
Quote from: paulr on 29 October 2014, 08:07:09 AM
I even managed to get in a bit of research for Peter's next project, "Bag the Hun"  ;)

Nice WW1 pictures Paul......that Mustang pilot looks vaguely familiar too  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 29 October 2014, 03:58:26 PM
Some excellent pics !
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 29 October 2014, 04:12:14 PM
good stuff on the pics.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 30 October 2014, 03:51:19 AM
Quote from: pierre the shy on 29 October 2014, 10:51:19 AM
Nice WW1 pictures Paul......that Mustang pilot looks vaguely familiar too  ;)

I should hope so  ;) and jolly good fun and interesting it was  :)

They even let me close the canopy  :o :D The buggers knew there was no fuel in her  ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 30 October 2014, 08:29:14 AM
Did similar in an F Mk2A Lightening in 1972......

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 30 October 2014, 09:20:30 AM
Quote from: paulr on 30 October 2014, 03:51:19 AM
I should hope so  ;) and jolly good fun and interesting it was  :)

They even let me close the canopy  :o :D The buggers knew there was no fuel in her  ;D

And no ammo in the Brownings either. Shame!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 31 October 2014, 04:50:26 AM
Over a thousand views and I haven't even opened the first pack   :-[ :-[ :-[

Will hopefully sort some Turks this weekend between coats on the AWI Militia
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 31 October 2014, 08:42:18 AM
I managed to sort all the Turks tonight  :)

Everything there as ordered,  in fact, a few extras in a couple of packs  :) :D Thanks Leon & co  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 November 2014, 10:07:13 PM
Thinking about colours for the Turks, probably looking for a fairly scruffy weathered look based on what I have read about their supply situation.  :-\

This will also fit with the motley scruffy look I will be going for with the Imperial forces.  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 03 November 2014, 09:07:34 AM
A quick flip though the web suggests that Turkish khaki could be any shade from a light sand colour up to a dark brownish hue. Might be a way of distinguishing units, perhaps?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 November 2014, 07:09:08 PM
Quote from: Hertsblue on 03 November 2014, 09:07:34 AM
A quick flip though the web suggests that Turkish khaki could be any shade from a light sand colour up to a dark brownish hue. Might be a way of distinguishing units, perhaps?

The challenge will be getting the right balance between variation and coherence.  I may go with about 5 variations and use about three per battalion. So one battalion uses the three lightest colours, the next the middle three and the third battalion the darkest three.

Using three different colours allows me to do jacket, trousers and hat/putees different colours in various combinations. I did this for the dry brush colours on Peter's 1914 figures and it worked well. With the extra wear and tear in the Sinai I will look to extend it to base colours as well.

Thanks Hertsblue you have helped to crystalise my thinking  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 04 November 2014, 09:04:39 AM
Any time, Paul.  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: WeeWars on 04 November 2014, 11:27:51 AM
My main colour palette for Turks is Foundry's Rawhide 11. Carefully, because Rawhide Light corresponds exactly with my base colour. I make sure I don't use this palette for any Imperial troops.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 November 2014, 06:44:32 PM
Thanks Michael
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 21 November 2014, 08:56:27 PM
Watched part one of a very interesting doco on Aljazeera, World War One Through Arab Eyes.

A different perspective on Arab involvement in WWI  :-\

Part 2, The Ottomans, on 25 November sounds even more interesting.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 24 November 2014, 02:23:23 AM
Doco also availble on youtube here, (
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 24 November 2014, 09:20:42 AM
Set up the recorder for the Ottomans. I was given the option to record the series on the screen menu so presumably there are other episodes. Anyway, that was the option I selected. Will give the episode on You Tube a watch.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 24 November 2014, 07:09:02 PM
Third, and last, episode is about the borders drawn after WWI and their impact on the Middle East.

The different perspective is what I found thought provoking.

One quote that resonated was "who would fight for another country unless they were forced to". My immediate thought was, New Zealanders, repeatedly...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 25 November 2014, 07:10:11 PM
Missed it last night >:(

Will have to track it down on YouTube
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 26 November 2014, 08:09:49 AM
Watched it on YouTube tonight, mostly politics  :(

Some interesting footage I will have to review for inspiration ;)

Some very obvious 'errors'. E.g. talking about three bridges over the Suez canal only one of which was completed during the 1915 attack on the canal, correct. Shame they were showing footage of troops by a ruined brick bridge.

They were pontoon bridges  X_X
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 26 November 2014, 08:30:36 AM
Least it was a BRIDGE !

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 30 November 2014, 07:23:26 PM
Sorted the Imperial forces yesterday, all there, in fact a few extras  :) ;) Thanks Leon and co, very pleased with the variety of poses  :D

Either I have been very lucky with the extras, miscounted when sorting, or miscalculated when putting the ordered together but it looks like I have enough extra figures for a third infantry battalion  :D :D :-\

I will need to check carefully when I do the dismounted cavalry and the infanty battalions  :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 December 2014, 08:48:57 AM
Started preparing the first batch of this project:
- an Anatolian Infantry Regiment of three battalions
- two Regimental HQs
- four Signallers
- two Spotters

The figures are very promising, only two poses for the infantry but using officers from various packs will add some variety as will a variety of uniform colours.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 05 December 2014, 08:01:51 AM
Very little clean up required on these figures, my complements to the casting dwarves ;) :) :)

First batch of this project is now undercoated :) :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 05 December 2014, 08:09:40 AM
Watched the third and final part of World War One Through Arab Eyes, on Aljazeera tonight

Again an interesting perspective on mainly post WWI events and their impact on the Middle East today
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 05 December 2014, 11:57:52 PM
A productive morning, this batch now base coated  :)

Will start dry brushing after lunch
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 December 2014, 07:11:32 PM
Good progress yesterday afternoon, dry brushed about two thirds of the figures :)

Will finish the rest this morning then start on weapons and equipment

I have been thinking about what skin colours to use... :-\

My normal approach for Europeans is to base coat with Vallejo 955 Flat Flesh and highlight with 845 Sunny Skin Tone

For the Turks and Arabs I probably need something a bit darker, suggestions welcome (preferably Vallejo)

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 06 December 2014, 07:19:40 PM
To be honest, the difference between skin tone of a tanned European and a Turk would be negligible.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 December 2014, 07:30:38 PM
Good point but a tanned European is probably darker than 955 Flat Flesh highlighted with 845 Sunny Skin Tone
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 December 2014, 08:01:27 AM
Quote from: paulr on 06 December 2014, 07:11:32 PM
Will finish the rest this morning then start on weapons and equipment

Well it is now 9pm (NZ time) and much to my amazement I have finished painting this batch  :o :o :o

Only touch ups and then wash left to do  :o :o :o

These were mainly ME3 Turkish Infantry which have painted up very quickly and easily  :) :) :)

I mostly had the day to myself but managed to fit in a trip to the Asian store and supermarket with my wife ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 07 December 2014, 09:01:08 AM
Quote from: paulr on 07 December 2014, 08:01:27 AM
Only touch ups and then wash left to do  :o :o :o

AND take some photo's and put them on the forum......Tease !!  ;) ;)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 December 2014, 06:44:26 PM
As usual I will take some photos once based and varnished  ;)

A couple of questions about the figures in ME3 Turkish Infantry:
- on their left side is it a bayonet and entrenching tool or just a bayonet
- do the advancing figures have a bag/haversack on their left hip

I might have a couple of minor mods to do ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 08 December 2014, 09:02:49 AM
Turks now have an entrenching tool and bayonet rather than a ridiculously long bayonet and the advancing figures have grey haversacks  :)

I have highlighted the skin with a second coat of Vallejo 955 Flat Flesh rather than using a lighter highlight, will see how these look once washed  :-\

Touch ups completed  :) :)

Should be washed tomorrow night  ;)

I better get on with cutting out and preparing the bases :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 09 December 2014, 07:13:13 PM
All washed last night  :)

I used a more dilute wash than I did on the 1914 project and am still not sure if it was too dilute :-\

Cut out enough bases for the first two batches plus a few extras. Need to sand and wash them tonight  :!!

Still exploring label colours as I want more subdued labels that don't clash with the pale desert colours of the table and bases. But still want to show nationality and identify companies 'at a glance' :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 10 December 2014, 09:09:46 AM
Did a second wash and pleased with the result  :)


96 Infantry, Officers and Signallers
3 Motorcycles
99 Total

Sanded and washed bases to tonight, will start painting them tomorrow :) :!!

Have come up with labels, will print tomorrow and see how they look against the bases and desert flock  :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 10 December 2014, 07:01:34 PM
Got first lot of paint on the bases before heading off to work this morning   :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 December 2014, 07:11:32 PM
Finished painting half the bases I need for the first batch, other half just need edges painted  :)

Very pleased with look of labels so they will go on bases after the magnetic vinyl  :)

First batch of figures waiting impatiently to be based, I'm keen to see how they look when finished  ;) :-w
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 December 2014, 07:19:47 PM
Double checked the next batch and found I was a couple of figures short  :( but also found I had a couple of appropriate figures spare  :) :D

Next batch is a dis-Mounted Rifle Brigade: 3 regiments and an MG squadron plus two Brigade HQs, 5 signalers and 2 spotters.

The majority of the figures are ME4 Dismounted Australian cavalry which, correctly,  have feathers on their hats. As I am mainly interested in the New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade I am seriously considering removing all the feathers :-\

Will try a couple when I clean up the figures and see how I go X_X
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 December 2014, 10:21:06 PM
I will hopefully be basing my Turkish infantry over the weekend and am trying to decide how to mix the figures on the bases. I'm basing for ITLSU so two figures per base and 3-4 bases per company and 4 companies per battalion.

The challenge is that there are two main poses in ME3 Turkish Infantry:
- charging with rifle at port
- kneeling with rifle held at waist level

See the bottom picture here,6719.msg68845.html#msg68845 (,6719.msg68845.html#msg68845)

I'm not sure if each company should be completely charging or completely kneeling (Zippee's approach) or if I should mix the figures across companies or even bases :-\

I like the idea of mixing the figures on bases to maximise variety. Most bases would have one kneeling and one charging figure and some would have two charging as there are more charging than kneeling figures. The aim would be to look like half the unit is rushing forward with the other half in support while waiting for their turn to rush forward.

The concern with that approach is it could look as though the unit is in total confusion.

Thoughts and suggestions welcome :-/
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 11 December 2014, 10:37:11 PM
I tend to go for mixing up - I prefer the slightly chaotic look for 20th century onwards.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 12 December 2014, 09:05:56 AM
I'm with Fred. Once the troops shake out into more open order a mixture of poses looks more realistic IMO.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 12 December 2014, 07:37:05 PM
Thanks guys, moment of indecision over come  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 13 December 2014, 02:24:05 AM
Steady progress on the current batch, all bases painted, all labels cut out and now waiting for glue to dry on magnetic vinyl before labelling and then basing :)

Quote from: paulr on 11 December 2014, 07:19:47 PM
Next batch is a dis-Mounted Rifle Brigade: 3 regiments and an MG squadron plus two Brigade HQs, 5 signalers and 2 spotters.

The majority of the figures are ME4 Dismounted Australian cavalry which, correctly,  have feathers on their hats. As I am mainly interested in the New Zealand Mounted Rifle Brigade I am seriously considering removing all the feathers :-\

Will try a couple when I clean up the figures and see how I go X_X

All the feathers have come off with only one disaster - the head of one of the machine gunners decided to come off :o :o :o

Fortunately I had some more machine gunners I am planning to use in a later batch so can use one of those for now.

So second batch, sans feathers, ready and now waiting for the Ottomans to get off the painting rods  :-w
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 13 December 2014, 07:18:11 AM
Milliputt his head exploding?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 14 December 2014, 01:06:30 AM
All bases for the current batch labeled :)

Figures sorted on to bases  :) :)

Next batch now on painting rods  :) :) :)

Solid 2.5 hour basing session so...

96 Infantry, Officers and Signallers
3 Motorcycles
99 Total :D

Next batch waiting for wind to drop enough for undercoating :-w
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 14 December 2014, 07:05:17 PM
Wind did briefly drop yesterday so next batch under coated  :)

Not entirely happy with the sand flock I used on the first batch, looks a bit "busy"  :-\ :-\

Looked ok on the test base but distracts from the figures too much. I will have to experiment further tonight  :-\ :-\

Hopefully I can save these bases rather than having to rebase...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 14 December 2014, 10:33:53 PM
Lemmy, I know war is hell, but..........
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 15 December 2014, 06:56:54 AM
Well. It was an idea, either that or scratch build him a new head...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 15 December 2014, 09:36:24 AM
Do you have the headless cuirassier leading the glorious charge at Reichshoffen?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 December 2014, 06:59:31 PM
Quote from: mad lemmey on 15 December 2014, 06:56:54 AM
Well. It was an idea, either that or scratch build him a new head...

Leon has come to my rescue  :)

As well as the poor chap I inadvertently behead one of the other MGs had a miscast barrel. Two replacements are on their way from Pendraken HQ  :D

I have only had two miscast figures from Pendraken, not bad at all out of about 1,500 figures so far ;) :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 December 2014, 07:06:32 PM
Quote from: paulr on 14 December 2014, 07:05:17 PM
Not entirely happy with the sand flock I used on the first batch, looks a bit "busy"  :-\ :-\

Looked ok on the test base but distracts from the figures too much. I will have to experiment further tonight  :-\ :-\

Hopefully I can save these bases rather than having to rebase...

I've worked out the problem, wrong scale sand  :(

I should have read this post,5583.msg53169.html#msg53169 (,5583.msg53169.html#msg53169) before buying my sand

I will buy some finer sand and mix with a little of what I already have which is pebble / small rock size

Hopefully I can add the finer sand to the existing bases over a coat of watered down PVA
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 December 2014, 07:13:34 PM
Made a start on the dis-mounted brigade, base coated shirts last night  :)

Had 20 minutes before work this morning so started on first uniform colour painting jacket, pants or hat & puttees on each figure  :)

Realised about half way through the batch that I had missed my bus  :!! ...washed up brush and caught a later bus and just made connection with my train  #:-S
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 16 December 2014, 09:17:27 AM
I'm amazed that you can actually paint after just rolling out of bed. I can barely find my mouth with the cereal spoon.  (:| (:| (:|
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 16 December 2014, 06:52:43 PM
Finished off that base colour last night and made a start on the final base colour this morning. I did about a third of the figures and managed to catch my normal bus  :)

I'm a morning person Hertsblue ;) I can't understand how people can paint after 10 at night ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Ithoriel on 16 December 2014, 07:10:06 PM
I can't understand why anybody would be out of bed before 10 am nor why they would be in bed before 2am.

If you go to a party and aren't in bed by midnight .... you might as well go home :-)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 17 December 2014, 09:10:13 AM
Glasgow perchance?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 17 December 2014, 06:37:27 PM
 ;D ;D

Completed last base colour last night  :)

Dry brushed shirts this morning and caught normal bus  :) :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 18 December 2014, 07:03:27 PM
Found a suitably scaled sand yesterday at my local stationery shop  :)

Tested my rescue plan for the bases on the first batch, fortunately it mostly worked. Expanded it to one battalion and finished them off this morning. Will check tonight when the glue has dried.  :-w :-\

Certainly takes more time than getting it right in the first place but will be easier than rebasing

Also did first dry brush colour on  uniforms of dis-Mounted Brigade  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 19 December 2014, 10:38:30 PM
Happy with my basing rescue method, now completed 3/4 of the first batch and half way through the last quarter  :)

Monday or more likely Tuesday look are forecast to be varnishing weather  ;)

Good thing I am now on my Christmas/Summer holidays  :) :)

I have also finished dry brushing the dis-Mounted Brigade, will do their rifles after my tea break  ;) :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 20 December 2014, 11:19:40 AM
This scale-sand business is actually more relevant than you would think at first sight. I normally use builders' sharp sand for basing (lots of miniature boulders along with the grit) but having used most of it up I'm now left with large boulders. Ah, well, down to the builders' merchants for another 20Kg bag, I guess (Oh, my poor back!).
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 20 December 2014, 08:44:06 PM
Made good progress after my tea break; rifles, webbing and boots done :)

Bases of the first batch now rescued, awaiting varnishing weather  :-w

Started work on the bases this morning and now onto bayonets, rifle slings and brass

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 21 December 2014, 04:50:48 AM
I've made good progress again today, only hair and touch ups left to do and then dis-Mounted Brigade will be ready for washing  :)

I've decided to leave the unit marking until after the wash to help them show up, not sure how they will go as they are quite small :-\

Bases are progressing as well  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 21 December 2014, 04:55:54 AM
There was also an unexpected out break of varnishing weather - sunny, light winds and 20 degrees  :D

So here is the first batch...

Regimental Headquarters 1 and Spotter 1


Regimental Headquarters 2 and Spotter 2



Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 21 December 2014, 05:00:50 AM
Anatolian Infantry Regiment

1st Battalion


2nd Battalion


3rd Battalion

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 21 December 2014, 08:42:53 AM
Great work, Paul.
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 21 December 2014, 09:09:45 AM
Looking good.

Are these the ones you were worried about the lack of poses? If so they have come out very nicely, they look like a unit skirmishing forwards.

I might suggest adding a small amount of foliage to the bases, in a pale or burnt shade, rather than bright green.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 21 December 2014, 09:13:16 AM

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 21 December 2014, 09:20:17 AM
They look really good. I would also suggest painting the front and side edges of the stands to neaten them.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 21 December 2014, 11:14:55 AM
Very nice.
Can't add anything to the feedback above.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: jchaos79 on 21 December 2014, 03:20:19 PM
Very nice terrain effect. I like it!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 21 December 2014, 07:26:21 PM
Quote from: fred    12df on 21 December 2014, 09:09:45 AM
Looking good.

Are these the ones you were worried about the lack of poses? If so they have come out very nicely, they look like a unit skirmishing forwards.

I might suggest adding a small amount of foliage to the bases, in a pale or burnt shade, rather than bright green.

There are only two poses but I am please with the look. As you say skirmishing forward with half rushing while other half ready to give covering fire  :)

I have some 'Arid' static grass I was planning to use but had left it off to keep the bases simple (in reaction to them being too busy). I will definitely try adding some.

Any suggestions on the best way to apply static grass so it stands up  :-\

Quote from: Dour Puritan on 21 December 2014, 09:20:17 AM
They look really good. I would also suggest painting the front and side edges of the stands to neaten them.

A good idea, normally I don't get that much spillage  ;)

Thanks for the kind words and useful feedback guys :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 22 December 2014, 04:53:41 AM
Another good days progress:
- bases for the dis-Mounted Brigade ready to be labelled this evening, when it is cooler :)
- third batch cleaned up and ready to go on the painting rods, apart from some gluing of artillery this evening :)
- dis-Mounted Brigade painting finished  :D


186 Infantry, Officers and Signallers
5 Motorcycles
191 Total

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 22 December 2014, 09:00:54 AM
VERY nice - 110% with bits DP has mentioned.... 8)

You're fair racing through these 1917 things Paul......

Might have to find something else to keep you busy painting next year - did someone mention 1940 Chain of Command? (not to Mrs Shy just yet anyway I hope , its just an idea currently)  ;)

Complements of the season to all..... big thanks to all at PM and on this forum for assistance rendered to us Kiwi gamers.

Chances are that Mrs Shy and myself will make it over to UK in mid 2015 all going well.  :) :) :)   
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 22 December 2014, 05:48:04 PM
All the best for Christmas down there. Have a hot one.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 22 December 2014, 06:53:59 PM
Good progress again last evening :)
- bases labelled
- artillery and armoured cars glued
- dis-Mounted Brigade figure bases painted

and this morning :)
- dis-Mounted Brigade sorted onto bases
- next batch on painting rods and under coated

The third batch is mainly Ottoman support:
- Machine battalion
- 2 Artillery battalions
- Cavalry regiment
- 2 Rolls Royce Armoured cars (I feel like painting some vehicles)

Now for breakfast...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 23 December 2014, 12:03:16 AM
Dis-Mounted Brigade based  :) less the MG Squadron as I ran out of basing mix, will make some more up and finish these after lunch

As I was basing these this morning I was thinking about how much I have learned from the forum, some of it actually useful  :o ;)

Probably three main things:
- basing mix; filler, paint and PVA mix for texturing bases then covered in flock  :)
- the level of detail that 10mm can be painted to, lots of inspiration  :) :)
- using a very wet brush to immediately clean up those little mistakes :) :) :)

The last is probably the simplest but also the most powerful. I had been trying to member who to thank for this, Sandinista solved that with the post linked to below.  :) ;)

Mickey Sims used the technique in one of his videos on 'How to Paint: Pendraken Miniatures: SYW French Line Infantry'.
Up until then I used touch ups to fix mistakes which as we all know can lead to another touch up being required ... >:(

The wet brush technique has not only sped up my painting it has allowed me the freedom to add more detail :D

Thanks Mickey and here is a link to a plug for Mickey's services,11092.msg139090.html#msg139090 (,11092.msg139090.html#msg139090)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 23 December 2014, 06:07:27 AM
MG Squadron of Dis-Mounted Brigade based  :)

While waiting for bases and undercoat to dry I have followed up on some suggestions on the Ottomans

Quote from: fred    12df on 21 December 2014, 09:09:45 AM
I might suggest adding a small amount of foliage to the bases, in a pale or burnt shade, rather than bright green.

I have tested out some arid static grass I have, see below. I suspect it blends in a little too much  :-\

Quote from: Dour Puritan on 21 December 2014, 09:20:17 AM
They look really good. I would also suggest painting the front and side edges of the stands to neaten them.

I have painted all the sides, of all the Ottomans, I think they look much better

Signallers - before


Signallers - after


More feedback welcome :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 23 December 2014, 07:25:29 AM
Yup, that works. :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 23 December 2014, 07:46:01 AM
I agree, the extra bits definately lift the finish base.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 23 December 2014, 08:00:58 AM
Lovely stuff again, Paul.
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 23 December 2014, 09:21:34 AM
Like the idea of motorcyclists for signallers. Looking very good. When I was at secondary school in the 60s I had a friend whose parents had married and started a family quite late in life. His father had been a motorcycle despatch rider on the Western Front in 1918. 
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 23 December 2014, 07:06:45 PM
Another option for adding some variety to the bases is some 'larger' rocks, actually Medium grit  :-\

A quick grab shot with my mobile


Again feedback welcome :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 23 December 2014, 10:01:29 PM
That works as well - I think anything that helps break up the large sandiness is good.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 23 December 2014, 11:49:57 PM
Quote from: fred    12df on 23 December 2014, 10:01:29 PM
That works as well - I think anything that helps break up the large sandiness is good.

Agreed  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 23 December 2014, 11:56:12 PM
Quote from: paulr on 15 December 2014, 06:59:31 PM
Leon has come to my rescue  :)

As well as the poor chap I inadvertently behead one of the other MGs had a miscast barrel. Two replacements are on their way from Pendraken HQ  :D

I have only had two miscast figures from Pendraken, not bad at all out of about 1,500 figures so far ;) :D

The Pendrakenmas fairy has been kind to me  :) My replacement MGs have arrived on Pendrakenmas eve  :) :)

What's more mi'lady has looked kindly on me and sent a whole pack of ME12 rather than just the 2 gunners I needed  :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 24 December 2014, 06:38:13 AM
Another productive day :D

- Ottomans have had 'larger' rocks added after the edges were tided up yesterday
- Ottomans have had a second varnish to help 'tie in' the rocks :)
- dis-Mounted Brigade basing finished (including 'larger 'rocks) and will be varnished shortly, 7:30pm and still 23 degrees (thanks DP) ;)  #:-S
- horses for third batch base coated, dry brushed and saddle blankets done  :)
- Artillery and Armoured cars base coated :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 24 December 2014, 07:12:02 AM
Agree with Fred.....Works really well. :-bd
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 24 December 2014, 10:45:02 AM
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 26 December 2014, 02:52:48 AM
Well a productive couple of days, despite festivities getting in the way of me posting updates  ;)

- dis-Mounted Brigade basing finished  :D

186 Infantry, Officers and Signallers
5 Motorcycles
191 Total

- only some detailing left on the third batch before they are ready to wash
- have started on the bases for the third batch

My wife worked Xmas morning in the kitchens at a nearby rest home and we got up at 0330 on Boxing day morning to get her to the airport for her flight to Melbourne... 9 days of painting for me  :D

There is some bad news... she took the camera with her so no pictures until she gets back  :(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 26 December 2014, 06:09:52 AM
Uniform help

I'm hoping someone on the forum, perhaps a member from Wales, can provide some assistance with some uniform information for the next batch of figures I will be painting :-/ :-/

This batch will include two Imperial Infantry Battalions I am hoping to paint up as part of the 158th Brigade of 53rd (Welsh) Division in Feb-Mar 1917, in the lead up to the First Battle of Gaza.

From what I can find so far the brigade consisted of:
- 1/5th Royal Welsh Fusiliers
- 1/6th Royal Welsh Fusiliers
- 1/7th Royal Welsh Fusiliers
- 1/1st Herefordshire Regiment

Uniform appears to have been a mix of various kit. What I am particularly interested in is the coloured patches worn on the pugaree of the Wolseley helmet, the shape representing the brigade and the colour the unit. Apparently 158th Brigade worn horizontal rectangles on the back of the helmet.

I haven't been able to track down the colours of the patches for each unit and also want to confirm that the pugaree was khaki. :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Steve J on 26 December 2014, 07:23:49 AM
The following site has loads of links, so maybe some of these may provide you with your answers? Worth a try I would have thought...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 26 December 2014, 06:52:07 PM
Thanks Steve J, I had found the museum on Faceache but hadn't found their website, will have a hunt through the links  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 27 December 2014, 03:46:11 AM
Good progress again today
- third batch now ready for washing tomorrow morning :)
- bases for third batch ready to have the magnetic vinyl glued on, will do that before heading off for our ITLSU game this evening  :D
- fourth batch sorted and ready to clean up tomorrow, there is even a chance they may get undercoated as well ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 December 2014, 03:45:57 AM
Another good day  :)
- third batch washed and final details painted :)
- bases for third batch have had the magnetic vinyl and labels glued on :)
- fourth batch clean up about half way through, should finish tonight  :) undercoat tomorrow  :(

225 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
36 Cavalry and Motorcycles
6 Guns and vehicles
267 Total
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 December 2014, 06:53:41 PM
I am not sure how to base up my Ottoman cavalry, there are two poses for the horses; galloping and standing. I have put together a poll,,11125.0.html (,11125.0.html) to gather suggestions on how to base these up :-\

Any feed back appreciated  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 December 2014, 06:55:22 PM
Third batch now sorted onto their bases ready to base up (except for the cavalry, see above)  :)
Fourth batch sorted and about to go on the painting rods  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 29 December 2014, 01:41:53 AM
Fourth batch under coated  :)
- 3 battalions of Infantry; 2 Royal Welsh Fusiliers and 1Herefordshire Regiment
- 2 extra MGs to convert MG squadron to an MG company (Thanks again to Leon for getting me the replacements so quickly)

Not much else in the way of progress, been doing some non-painting tasks
- testing geohex terrain for our Nery game late next month
- organising cards for each unit for ITLSU
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 29 December 2014, 01:30:34 PM
The fusiliers insist on spelling it "Welch", Paul. We'll drag them out of the eighteenth century one day.  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 29 December 2014, 07:03:45 PM
Quote from: Hertsblue on 29 December 2014, 01:30:34 PM
The fusiliers insist on spelling it "Welch", Paul. We'll drag them out of the eighteenth century one day.  :)

I have seen both spellings used but did read somewhere that the "official" spelling during WWI was Welsh, will have to do some more checking :-\

Have they given up wearing the flash to protect their jackets from their cue ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 29 December 2014, 11:48:21 PM
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 30 December 2014, 07:53:05 PM
Made some more progress yesterday and this morning...

Fourth batch base coated and first dry brush done  :)

Third batch based, so...

225 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
36 Cavalry and Motorcycles
6 Guns and vehicles
267 Total ;) ;)

Just guns and shell cases to glue on once I finish painting the shell cases (have done a batch of about 70 which should be enough for all the artillery)

Still haven't managed to find any info on the coloured patches worn on the pugaree of the Wolseley helmet by 158th Brigade (which are the troops of batch 4) :( :-S
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 31 December 2014, 01:23:26 AM
A three questions for any Turkish speakers on the Forum, or anyone else that can assist  :-\

- is Topçu Bölüm a correct translation of Artillery Section, i.e. 2 guns
- what is a Storm Trooper battalion called in Turkish, and can you identify one that fought in Palestine
- the only infantry regiments I have managed to indentify as having 3 Tabur (battalions) at the 1st Battle of Gaza are 79 and 138, was either of these Arab?
   - Can you identify any other Arab regiments at 1st Battle of Gaza
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 31 December 2014, 10:32:45 AM
Quote from: paulr on 30 December 2014, 07:53:05 PM
Still haven't managed to find any info on the coloured patches worn on the pugaree of the Wolseley helmet by 158th Brigade (which are the troops of batch 4) :( :-S

From "REGIMENTAL RECORDS OF THE Royal Welch Fusiliers (23rd FOOT)
(late welsh guards)


Out of copyright - download link

Appendix 11 (page 408)

"Distinguishing badges were worn by certain battalions.
10th Battalion. Battalion Headquarters wore purple shoulder-straps ; A Company,
blue ; B Company, yellow ; C and D Companies, green.
The 13th, 14th, 15th, and i6th Battalions wore the collar badge in place of the
cap badge.
Other distinguishing badges in the 38th Division Battalions were : 13th Battalion
a red flannel triangle half-way between shoulder and elbow, 14th Battalion a blue,
15th Battalion a yellow, i6th Battalion a green, 17th Battalion a salmon-pink square.
The officers of the 19th Battalion wore two strips of ribbon on the sleeve, the
upper red, the lower blue."

Not 158th Brigade but might be of some use.....detailed history of 158th brigade in 1917 - 18 included but no speciific mention of patch system.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 31 December 2014, 06:10:12 PM
Thanks Peter,

If I don't get anything more specific I thinking of going with horizontal rectangle on the back of the Wolseley as indicated by one source in red, yellow, blue and green  :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 31 December 2014, 06:43:13 PM
Third batch basing almost finished; guns and shell cases glued on and sand touch ups done :)
Just need to touch up base edges and hopefully varnish this afternoon

Ended up doing 80 shell cases, cut up all the plastic rod, will be enough for all the artillery :)

Finished dry brushing fourth batch :)

Finished all the cards I need for ITLSU, assuming my Turkish is correct :-/
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 01 January 2015, 11:58:43 PM
Good progress again, somewhat slowed by some domestic duties :(
My wife returns from Melbourne tomorrow night, fortunately after our game  ;)

Third batch varnished  :)

Fourth batch, basically finished; webbing, skin, pugaree and flashes to do - still have not found confirmation of the colours :-SS

Turkish on cards improved, thanks KTravlos :-bd

Lots of pictures to take when the camera gets back ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 02 January 2015, 08:49:30 AM
You let your wife borrow your camera !  :o :o :o ;)
Cheers - Phil

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 January 2015, 08:52:10 AM
Quote from: Techno on 02 January 2015, 08:49:30 AM
You let your wife borrow your camera !  :o :o :o ;)
Cheers - Phil

We have two camera bodies, but she took all the lenses...  :(

My subject won't be going anywhere  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 January 2015, 07:08:21 PM
Slow progress yesterday, distracted by domestic duties  :(

Webbing done on about a quarter of the current batch

Found a little more information on flashes for 158th Brigade
- 1/5th RWF Black / White horizontal rectangle, horizontally bisected puggaree flash; Black / White horizontal rectangle, vertically bisected shoulder flash
- 1/6th RWF Black / Red  horizontal rectangle, vertically bisected shoulder flash
- 1/7th RWF ?
- 1/1st Herefordshire ?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 January 2015, 10:57:13 PM
Better progress this morning :)

Finished all the webbing, officers belts and bandileros :)

Its amazing what gets done when the alternative is doing the vacuuming ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 January 2015, 12:04:17 AM
Managed to do two thirds of the initial skin coat yesterday afternoon :)
Also sorted out bases for this batch and started painting them  :)

A very pleasant evening spent in the Baltic in 1915, unfortunately the Russian shooting was better than the Germans  :( ;D

Had enough time before I had to leave for the airport, to pick up my wife, to start on the first scenario for my 1917 forces  :D

Looks like we will be playing a small part of the 1st Battle of Gaza soon  ;) :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 January 2015, 06:29:51 AM
Good progress today  :)

Just a few touch ups to do and then ready to wash tomorrow morning :)

Making good progress on the bases as well  :)

Scenario seems to have come together, just need to draw the map, and proof it then I will run it past Peter
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 January 2015, 11:50:40 PM
Current batch washed this morning  :)

Bases now all painted, magnetic vinyl and labels to do then ready for basing  :)

Learning mapping software and drawing a fairly simple map for the scenario, should be ready to send to Peter for review later today :-\

Focusing on the various counters we use for ITLSU, I need to produce them in desert colours so they blend with the table  :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 05 January 2015, 06:40:22 AM
Looking forward to the next photo's, Paul !
Cheers - Phil.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 05 January 2015, 06:43:54 PM
Quote from: Techno on 05 January 2015, 06:40:22 AM
Looking forward to the next photo's, Paul !
Cheers - Phil.

A marathon photo session yesterday afternoon means I have photos of everything painted to date. #:-S

I should get to process and hopefully post them tonight  :)

Starting back at work today after my Christmas / summer holidays, so progress will slow  :(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 05 January 2015, 06:51:26 PM
Map completed and scenario sent off to Peter for review :)

This is my first ITLSU scenario and first time using armoured cars so I hope I have the balance right :-SS

Final details on current batch almost finished, dust highlight, then paint figure bases and they will be ready to base  :)

Still focused on desert coloured counters, edges left to paint on about half of them. Then they need labels glued on and a varnish  :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2015, 03:10:31 AM
With time on the train to work today, a quiet first day back, and time on the train home I have caught up with my  reading on the forum :)

Working from home tomorrow so I should be able to make some progress on the counters  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2015, 08:38:16 AM
Good progress on the counters this evening  :)

Some very useful feedback from Peter on the scenario, thanks Peter  =D>

Processed the pictures I took yesterday afternoon - 43 pictures  :o

I will post them in batch order...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2015, 08:46:50 AM
The initial batch of Ottomans which I first posted on 21 December, now a with improved basing

Regimental Headquarters 1 and Spotter 1


Regimental Headquarters 2 and Spotter 2




I only added the static to the signallers because the colour blends so much with the main sand colour. Is it worth adding to others?

Should I get a different colour static grass?

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2015, 09:04:37 AM
Anatolian Infantry Regiment

1st Battalion



2nd Battalion


3rd Battalion

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 06 January 2015, 09:08:17 AM
Lovely stuff, as usual, Paul !!
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2015, 09:23:23 AM
Now onto the new stuff...

Batch 2

New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade
The inspiration for this project, I was fortunate to get to know a gentleman who served in the Canterbury Mounted Rifles

Auckland Mounted Rifles


Close up showing the dark green puggaree (hat band) of the Mounted Rifles and the Auckland unit flash, a white rectangle with red vertical strip two thirds of the way to the front of the rectangle

Wellington Mounted Rifles


Close up showing the dark green puggaree (hat band) of the Mounted Rifles and the Wellington unit flash, a rectangle divided diagonally white over black

Canterbury Mounted Rifles


Close up showing the dark green puggaree (hat band) of the Mounted Rifles and the Canterbury unit flash, a rectangle divided into 48 black and white checks (in four rows). I got a bit impressionistic when painting this one  ;)

New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade MG Squadron


Close up showing the dark green puggaree (hat band) of the Mounted Rifles and the MG Squadron unit flash, a rectangle divided diagonally red over black. It shows up best on the Wolseley helmet of the loader in the middle

The Otago Mounted Rifles was serving as the divisional cavalry for the New Zealand Division in France.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 06 January 2015, 09:30:45 AM
Excellent work again, Paul. My abiding memory of Canterbury is rolling fields of sheep (or possibly, fields of rolling sheep).
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2015, 09:31:51 AM
Brigade HQ 1 and Spotter 1


Brigade HQ 2 and Spotter 2



Yes those are heliographs  :) there is also one on the Brigade HQ 1 base  :) :)

11th Light Armoured Motor Battery
Armoured cars to every one but the Machine Gun Corps ;)



Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 06 January 2015, 09:38:15 AM
Yet more cracking work, Paul. :-bd
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2015, 09:41:16 AM
And to end this marathon...

Batch 3

Ottoman MG Battalion


Ottoman Cavalry Regiment


Additional Ottoman Cavalry Sqadron


1st Artillery Battery


2nd Artillery Battery

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 06 January 2015, 12:05:57 PM
Like the expended shell cases.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 06 January 2015, 01:38:53 PM
Fantastic. I love those armoured cars. Plenty of inspiration for when I get stuck into my Turks and Brits. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: WeeWars on 06 January 2015, 02:58:51 PM
Very, very nice!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 06 January 2015, 06:22:08 PM
Yes, the flock works.
A nice tribute to those units there. Good work fella! 8)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 06 January 2015, 08:16:07 PM
They've all come out very nicely.

How did you do the shell cases, they look very good.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2015, 09:02:30 PM
Thanks all for the comments  :-[ :) :D

The shell cases are roughly suitable diameter plastic rod cut to 3mm lengths and painted brass. I basically roll them round in brass paint twice and then finish them off by painting a black dot on one end.

I did a batch of 80 which should be enough for all the artillery for this project  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2015, 10:23:01 PM
I have painted the flashes for two of the three battalions I have of 158th Brigade
- 1/5th RWF Black / White horizontal rectangle, horizontally bisected puggaree flash; Black / White horizontal rectangle, vertically bisected shoulder flash
- 1/6th RWF Black / Red  horizontal rectangle, vertically bisected shoulder flash (did puggaree flashes as well)
- 1/7th RWF (will use dismounted cavalry as stand in)
- 1/1st Herefordshire  :-/ still would like to find their flashes

Making good progress on the counters  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 06 January 2015, 10:29:21 PM
Quote from: paulr on 06 January 2015, 09:02:30 PM
The shell cases are roughly suitable diameter plastic rod cut to 3mm lengths and painted brass. I basically roll them round in brass paint twice and then finish them off by painting a black dot on one end.

I did a batch of 80 which should be enough for all the artillery for this project  ;)

They have worked really well - I tried cutting up some brass rod, and it sort of worked, but did still have the crimped end look from being cut. I think it is the effort to paint in the black ends that makes yours look like shell cases.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 07 January 2015, 07:53:55 AM
If you want to get rid of the 'crimped ends' on 'snipped' brass rod......You can grind them flat with a small carborundum (is that how you spell that ?) disc, using something like a Dremel.
Fiddly....But it doesn't take much practice to get the hang of that.
(You'll almost certainly need some pretty fine needle nosed pliers to hold the brass while you do this, as the 'bits' are going to be rather titchy.
Hope that's of some use. ;)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 07 January 2015, 09:39:23 AM
I thnk painting plastic rod would be easier than trying to dremel small bits of brass rod!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 07 January 2015, 10:20:01 AM
Sorry, Fred.

I was, as usual, thinking about things having to survive pressing ! X_X
Yours is a much more practical solution for basing and painting.
Cheers - Phil (Mr Brain hadn't started working properly when I posted that !!....Not sure if he's woken up, even now !  ;D ;D)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 07 January 2015, 11:23:32 AM
Quote from: fred    12df on 07 January 2015, 09:39:23 AM
I thnk painting plastic rod would be easier than trying to dremel small bits of brass rod!

Or wooden dowel for the larger calibres.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Subedai on 07 January 2015, 11:53:18 AM
First off, they are very nice, the vehicles look really dusty and the little chaps are great, especially with the unit flashes -definitely a labour of love.

Going back to the subject of bases, you asked whether different coloured tufts would work. If the table you are using is the same terrain colours as your bases then fair enough but if your boards have any green on them it might be an idea to add the occasional faded green tuft or even dry brush some of the existing ones a little just to break up the browns. That's just a personal observation.

Irrespective of where my armies come from on the planet they all have exactly same combination of colours and foliage bits on the bases to match my boards.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 07 January 2015, 12:22:44 PM
On my Deserty and Snowy stuff I usually put one or two green spots.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 January 2015, 09:03:01 PM
Thanks for the feedback  :)

We will be using the figures for the first time on Saturday, I plan to take some pictures so will give you an idea of the colours of my desert base cloth (sandy brown).
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 08 January 2015, 02:14:00 AM
Batch 4 is now painted:)

Except that the 1/1st Herefordshire are without their battalion flash :(
I will have to add it if I ever find out what it is

328 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
36 Cavalry and Motorcycles
6 Guns and vehicles
370 Total

Magnetic vinyl glued to bases this morning, should be dry tonight so I can add the labels

Preparing next batch, an Ottoman Arab Regiment
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 08 January 2015, 06:19:44 AM
Have you tried:  :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 08 January 2015, 06:45:34 PM
Thanks ML,

I had found the site but not the info required. I have used their contact page and will see if they can help.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 08 January 2015, 06:50:24 PM
Labels done for batch 4  :)

Batch 5 all prepared and waiting for batch 4 to get off the painting rods, which will hopefully happen tonight after work,

Scenario ready for Saturday,  just need to make up the cards ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 09 January 2015, 06:22:19 PM
Batch 4 sorted on to bases, will hopefully be based today :)

Batch 5 on the painting rods and undercoated last night, hopefully base coated today  :) :)

Cards made up last night so the scenario is all ready for tonight  :) :) :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 09 January 2015, 06:29:10 PM
Just checked my email and the very helpful curator at the Herefordshire Light Infantry Museum has provided the following

Quotehalf grass green and half black

The officers wore on the neck of their jackets at the back a small red/white Herefordshire Lion badge.

:D :D :D :D

I have a little more painting to do on one battalion of batch 4 ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 09 January 2015, 06:43:38 PM
That's sooooo cool!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Schlesien on 09 January 2015, 07:47:55 PM
Quote from: ianrs54 on 06 January 2015, 12:05:57 PM
Like the expended shell cases.


I may have to use that idea.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 09 January 2015, 09:06:30 PM
Quote from: Schlesien on 09 January 2015, 07:47:55 PM
Quote from: ianrs54 on 06 January 2015, 12:05:57 PM
Like the expended shell cases.

I may have to use that idea.


It seems to be spreading  ;) :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 10 January 2015, 06:49:01 PM
2 out of 3 battalions based yesterday, ran out of focus for the third due to heat  :) :) :(
Will do the third battalion today  :!!

Uniforms on batch 5, Ottoman Arab Regiment, base coated :)

First evening of the first 1917 scenario seemed to go well  :) :)
I have posted a couple of questions on the Too Fat Lardies Yahoo group and forum as the separate MG commands seem very deadly  :o :o :o (but it is WWI)
and the Blinds cards aren't turning up very often >:( ~X( :!! :-w

I will hopefully get to post a report on the first half of the game this week before we finish the game off next Saturday evening

Now off to sort out some more basing :-h
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 10 January 2015, 07:19:08 PM
I'll swap you some rain for some heat, Pail.  ;)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 10 January 2015, 09:27:46 PM
Here, here. Drove back from Hertford on Thursday through a dip where the local stream had burst its banks, with the car throwing up a bow-wave like an MTB.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 January 2015, 08:22:33 AM
Based third battalion of batch 4  :)

Finished off basing of the other two battalions  :) :)

No more progress on batch 5 :(

Processed the pictures from last nights game  :)

Haven't started the report as yet  :( :!! but here is a taste...  ;)


Most of I/32 Piyade Tabur (Infantry Battalion) charge up Hill 405 at the remaining squadron of 1/1st Berkshire Yeomanry. The other defending squadron having suffered heavily from artillery and rifle fire. The third squadron was still advancing from Beit Durdis.

The Wellington Mounted Rifles are standing in for 1/1st Berkshire Yeomanry.

The scenario is based on events around Beit Durdis and Hill 405, east of Gaza, during the 1st Battle of Gaza, 26th March, 1917.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 January 2015, 08:26:07 AM
Quote from: Techno on 10 January 2015, 07:19:08 PM
I'll swap you some rain for some heat, Pail.  ;)
Cheers - Phil

Someone seems to definitely be focused on rain  :-\ ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 11 January 2015, 09:06:57 AM
Ooops !.....Sorry, Paul.  ;D
(Dammit !... I hit the 'i' instead of the 'u' AGAIN....Least I spotted it this time. X_X)
Cheers - Phil.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 11 January 2015, 09:15:42 AM

IanS  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 11 January 2015, 09:58:16 AM
Nice figures, looks fun!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 January 2015, 06:38:08 PM
Quote from: mad lemmey on 11 January 2015, 09:58:16 AM
Nice figures, looks fun!

Not for the Berkshire Yeomanry :( ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 January 2015, 06:40:24 PM
Quote from: ianrs54 on 11 January 2015, 09:15:42 AM

IanS  ;)

Good to see your throat is feeling better Ian ;)

And you forgot to mention,  WORK FASTER ;D ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 11 January 2015, 06:58:55 PM
Don't you start on me, as well, Paul !
(Opens the new edition of "The little black book.")
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 11 January 2015, 07:10:11 PM
Off to work now... ;)
CO of the Berkshires survived. Brigade Commander
will put him up for a gong a he evaded capture
three times.
Biet Durdis will not fall....or will it be LAMBs to the slaughter ?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 12 January 2015, 03:30:47 AM
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 12 January 2015, 04:21:12 AM
Quote from: paulr on 10 January 2015, 06:49:01 PM
First evening of the first 1917 scenario seemed to go well  :) :)
I have posted a couple of questions on the Too Fat Lardies Yahoo group and forum as the separate MG commands seem very deadly  :o :o :o (but it is WWI)
and the Blinds cards aren't turning up very often >:( ~X( :!! :-w

Got some useful feedback on the Too Fat Lardies Yahoo group and forum  :)

We got the MG rules right  :o ;)

Also have a couple of options for the blinds not turning up to discuss with the lads before we resume our game next Saturday  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Dickie255 on 12 January 2015, 07:12:59 AM
Hi Paulr

May I ask where you got your mat from? I particularly like the sandy colour

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 12 January 2015, 06:38:05 PM
Quote from: Dickie255 on 12 January 2015, 07:12:59 AM
May I ask where you got your mat from? I particularly like the sandy colour

It is a beige bed sheet sprayed lightly with a mid brown paint
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Dickie255 on 13 January 2015, 06:35:33 AM
Ta very much! Certainly looks very effective with the brown mottling

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 January 2015, 07:17:19 PM
Some progress over the last few days, being back at work has certainly slowed progress :( and the heat hasn't helped

Finished the basing on the last battalion of batch 4 :)

Painted Herefordshire unit flashes and remembered why I prefer painting figures before basing them

Just need to varnish them and they will be done, shame the forecast is for strengthening northerlies :-w

Have made a start on after action report but will probably wait till we play the second half, tomorrow night, before posting

Need to make some progress on batch 5 tomorrow :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 15 January 2015, 07:46:11 PM
Quote from: paulr on 15 January 2015, 07:17:19 PM
Some progress over the last few days, being back at work has certainly slowed progress :( and the heat hasn't helped
Just need to varnish them and they will be done, shame the forecast is for strengthening northerlies :-w

Oh.....How my heart bleeds for you.  ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D

Paul.....Even 54mm white metal figures nailed to a table would be in danger of flying away, and down the road..... Here at Techno Towers the mo'......
Forget spraying anything.....Apart from upstairs in the pole barn.....And I wouldn't risk that, in case the whole structure gets whisked away.

Cheers - Phil  ;)

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 16 January 2015, 05:40:32 AM
Quote from: Techno on 15 January 2015, 07:46:11 PM
Quote from: paulr on 15 January 2015, 07:17:19 PM
Some progress over the last few days, being back at work has certainly slowed progress :( and the heat hasn't helped

Just need to varnish them and they will be done, shame the forecast is for strengthening northerlies :-w
Oh.....How my heart bleeds for you.  ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D

Phil, you'll be relieved to know that I got to finish work early today and was home in time to varnish batch 4 before the wind got up ;) ;) ;D ;D

I hope all have coped with the bad weather in the UK
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 16 January 2015, 08:29:09 AM
I's absolutely still here, at the moment, Paul (Thank goodness !)
As Paul says.....Hope everyone else is coping/has coped.

Cheers - Phil.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 16 January 2015, 10:01:14 AM
Quote from: paulr on 16 January 2015, 05:40:32 AM

I hope all have coped with the bad weather in the UK

A bit blowy down here in the south east, and there are some monster puddles like small lakes, but nothing we haven't seen before.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 17 January 2015, 04:13:55 AM
Slow progress continues on batch 5  :(

Only the base colours on the kufiya done
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 17 January 2015, 04:28:52 AM
I did however get batch 4 photographed  :)

1/5th Royal Welsh Fusiliers Black / White horizontal rectangle, horizontally bisected puggaree flash; Black / White horizontal rectangle, vertically bisected shoulder flash




1/6th Royal Welsh Fusiliers Black / Red horizontal rectangle, horizontally bisected puggaree flash; Black / Red  horizontal rectangle, vertically bisected shoulder flash




1/7th RWF (will use dismounted cavalry as stand in)

1/1st Herefordshire  Black / Green horizontal rectangle, horizontally bisected puggaree flash; Black / Green horizontal rectangle, vertically bisected shoulder flash




You may also remember this from the curator of the Herefordshire's museum
QuoteThe officers wore on the neck of their jackets at the back a small red/white Herefordshire Lion badge.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 17 January 2015, 06:59:00 AM
Very, very nice again, Paul ! :-bd

Do you take the photo's outside, or use 'flash' ?...I'm assuming you use one of those little 'tents' to diffuse the light ? :-\
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 17 January 2015, 09:27:36 AM
The chaps in the bush hats look really good.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 17 January 2015, 09:41:32 AM
Superb batch.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 17 January 2015, 10:11:58 AM
Excellent, Paul. The muted colours fit the period perfectly.  8)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Steve J on 17 January 2015, 10:14:42 AM
Lovely, lovely work once again 8).
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leon on 17 January 2015, 04:58:53 PM

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 17 January 2015, 07:00:35 PM
Quote from: Techno on 17 January 2015, 06:59:00 AM
Very, very nice again, Paul ! :-bd

Do you take the photo's outside, or use 'flash' ?...I'm assuming you use one of those little 'tents' to diffuse the light ? :-\
Cheers - Phil

I take the photos inside but next to a large glass sliding door so plenty of natural light. I also use the large white styrene sheet I cut the bases from as a reflector.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 17 January 2015, 07:01:28 PM
 :-[ :) :D

Thanks All for the kind words
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Matt J on 17 January 2015, 07:15:54 PM
Great stuff Paul  :-bd
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 17 January 2015, 09:18:08 PM
Quote from: paulr on 17 January 2015, 07:00:35 PM
I take the photos inside but next to a large glass sliding door so plenty of natural light. I also use the large white styrene sheet I cut the bases from as a reflector.

It works really well to knock out shadows, Paul.
The sun never seems to be strong enough in the Land of Rain, for that to work for me :( ;)
Cheers - Phil.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Maenoferren on 17 January 2015, 10:54:50 PM
looking fab....
can I ask a stupid question...
what do the coloured squares mean, I thought maybe sub units ... but now I am not sure :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 18 January 2015, 12:08:00 AM
Quote from: Maenoferren on 17 January 2015, 10:54:50 PM
looking fab....
can I ask a stupid question...
what do the coloured squares mean, I thought maybe sub units ... but now I am not sure :-\

I suspect the close up might be confusing you as I tend to grab one base from each company  ;)

First square is the Brigade, second the Battalion and third the company. So for example 1st/1st Herefordshire is the fourth battalion of the 158th Brigade so the Battalion HQ has a Blue Green (Sand) label and the companies are Blue Green Red, Blue Green Yellow, Blue Green Blue, Blue Green Green.

The Blue for 158th Brigade is an arbitrary choice (2nd Light Horse will be red and NZMR are yellow).
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Maenoferren on 18 January 2015, 12:45:41 AM
I was sort of right  :D
Thanks for clearing it up
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 18 January 2015, 08:29:21 AM
It's either that or he's having a quiet game of 'Mastermind'!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 18 January 2015, 09:36:06 AM
Quote from: mad lemmey on 18 January 2015, 08:29:21 AM
It's either that or he's having a quiet game of 'Mastermind'!

Had to look that game up. An interesting game that I don't remember playing as a kid or with my kids :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 18 January 2015, 09:44:08 AM
Used to play it a lot in the 80s - great fun.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 20 January 2015, 07:21:29 PM
Still very slow progress, only first of five dry brush colours done so far :(

Lack of enthusiasm from work seems to be spilling over onto my painting  :( :o
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 25 January 2015, 04:35:41 AM
No more progress on this project  :(

The weather has been too hot and I have been distracted by the celebration of my daughter's 21st Birthday  :)

I have managed to post a report on our first Middle East ITLSU game here,11289.0.html (,11289.0.html)  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: on 25 January 2015, 06:34:41 AM
Just come across this thread and read through it.  BRILLIANT.

My only problem is the damn weather report -  envious doesn't come into it.   ;)

Seriously though some really great painting.   8)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 25 January 2015, 08:57:06 AM
Quote from: on 25 January 2015, 06:34:41 AM
My only problem is the damn weather report -  envious doesn't come into it.   ;)

You and me, both !  :'( :'(
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 26 January 2015, 11:58:19 PM
Quote from: Techno on 25 January 2015, 08:57:06 AM
You and me, both !  :'( :'(
Cheers - Phil

"Can't beat Wellington on a good day"  :)

Looks like we will be doing a Gallipoi game around the anzacs
later on 25 April 1915 once they got inland a bit.

Quite a lot going on around the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoi landing here in NZ.

They'll be remembered
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 27 January 2015, 03:46:47 AM
No progress the last few days  :(

Dry brushing in over 30 degrees Celsius is out of the question :o  #:-S
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 27 January 2015, 08:07:09 AM
Oh....Go away, Paul.....I hate you !!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Seriously though, 30 degrees would be too hot, even for me !!.....And the green putty would be almost unworkable at that sort of temperature.
Mind you, ProCreate would probably be my putty of choice in those conditions.
Hope you get a chance to do some more soon.....Looking forward to seeing the next 'batch'.
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 27 January 2015, 08:49:53 AM
ProCreate?  ;D ;D ;D ;D  Hot summer nights, eh Phil?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 31 January 2015, 02:24:13 AM
Stll too bloddy hot to paint ~X( Having to run the heat pump as air conditioning and it doesn't cover my painting area :(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 31 January 2015, 09:06:54 AM
Meanwhile we're having the coldest snap since 2013.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 31 January 2015, 10:52:02 AM
Time to make a start on boring the exchanger vent through the core, methinks.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 31 January 2015, 03:24:12 PM
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 01 February 2015, 09:57:40 PM
Finally manged to get one more dry brush colour painted yesterday before it got too hot :)

Three more to go... :-w

Cooler with rain now but at work today  :(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 February 2015, 07:55:45 AM
Busy week at work but Friday off for Waitangi Day (our National day) so managed to get the last three lots of dry brushing done  :) :) :)

Blankets, rifle stocks and packs next :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 06 February 2015, 09:02:50 AM
We have that over here, but it's quite random and called Waiting Around Day. Generally it's sponsored by the NHS.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 06 February 2015, 09:54:10 AM
Quote from: Leman on 06 February 2015, 09:02:50 AM
We have that over here, but it's quite random and called Waiting Around Day. Generally it's sponsored by the NHS.

;D ;D ;D It would be even funnier if it wasn't so true.  :'(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Ithoriel on 06 February 2015, 10:03:14 AM
Having used the services of the NHS quite a bit over the past few years I've been impressed by the speed and efficiency of the system.

For "Waiting Day" try US medical services. Unlike the NHS, where you get what you're given and woe betide you if you turn up late, the Americans let you pick a time and date that suits you but you then wind up waiting long enough to be able to write a novel let alone read one.

In my experience at any rate.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 06 February 2015, 10:14:59 AM
The corollary of that is when your doctor or community hospital gives you a slip with a red tag on it to take to the general hospital, you find you're next regardless of who's waiting. You also know you're in trouble.  :(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 February 2015, 04:48:13 AM
Quote from: paulr on 06 February 2015, 07:55:45 AM
Blankets, rifle stocks and packs next :!!

Got the blankets done  :)
Then diverted into domestic duties  :(
To ensure smooth hosting of a game tonight  ;) :)

Rifle stocks and packs next :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Roy on 09 February 2015, 02:08:53 PM
Cracking stuff! :-bd
I really like those New Zealander troops
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 10 February 2015, 11:12:16 AM
Were they wearing the old lemmon-squeezer hats back then?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 10 February 2015, 07:20:44 PM
Quote from: Hertsblue on 10 February 2015, 11:12:16 AM
Were they wearing the old lemmon-squeezer hats back then?

The infantry probably were but the Mounted Rifles didn't
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 February 2015, 11:59:12 PM
In what is begining to look like a pattern this project is now on hold, after this and the 1914 project put my AWI project on hold  :(

I am now one of the lucky volunteers painting 4,000 54mm Perry figures for a Peter Jackson organised diorama marking the 100th Anniversary of ANZAC Day :) :) :D

For more information see,11412.0.html (,11412.0.html)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 17 February 2015, 09:09:26 PM
We are painting the 54mm figures faster than they arriving from the Perrys so I will have a few days to continue this project :)

I managed to do half the packs for this batch before work this morning  ;) I will do the rest tonight, then move onto rifle stocks...

Peter is coming up with a scenario that needs 4 Turkish battalions to mark ANZAC day so I need to get at least one third of this batch finished by 25 April  :!!

And I need to sort out my photos for the paintings competition,  a busy February :!! :!! :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 22 February 2015, 12:37:03 AM
Made some more progress on this batch as I wait for my next batch of 54mm figures to show up  :)

Packs, rifles, boots and belts done  :)

Will hopefully sort out the photos of my last couple of entries for the painting competition this afternoon, not that I am holding out much hope given the incredibly high standard this year
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 25 February 2015, 06:53:04 PM
Still waiting for the next batch of 54mm  :( so good progress on this batch of 10mm :)

Flesh and touch ups left to do and then they will be ready to wash  :) :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 27 February 2015, 07:17:27 AM
Flesh and flesh highlights done  :)

Touch ups tomorrow

Still waiting for more 54mm figures, just over 31 days to go :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 February 2015, 09:47:50 AM
Domestic duties, getting ready for a game tonight and getting some more 54mm figures got in the way of the touch ups  :( :) :)

They might be lucky and get some touch ups while the glue and spray coats dry on the 54mm figures tomorrow  :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 28 February 2015, 10:11:08 AM
Isn't it still hot enough, over there, so that the spray dries instantly.  ;)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 February 2015, 10:23:36 AM
Quote from: Techno on 28 February 2015, 10:11:08 AM
Isn't it still hot enough, over there, so that the spray dries instantly.  ;)
Cheers - Phil

Only 25 tomorrow Phil  ;D

I tend to be paranoid about the undercoat being completely dry so that it the most likely window for the touch ups ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 28 February 2015, 10:56:37 AM
Quote from: paulr on 28 February 2015, 10:23:36 AM
Only 25 tomorrow Phil  ;D

Stop making me so blanking envious ! ~X( ~X(
Cheers - Damp Phil ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: getagrip on 28 February 2015, 11:23:50 AM
Quote from: Techno on 28 February 2015, 10:56:37 AM
Stop making me so blanking envious ! ~X( ~X(
Cheers - Damp Phil ;)

You chose to move to the land of soggy sheep!  Or did you have another motive... :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 28 February 2015, 02:26:45 PM
Basically, so Mrs T could keep the gee-gees in the 'garden'.
And I like saying "Get orf moi land, to trespassers"......Except when they happen to be carrying a shotgun.
In those cases, I just resort to sarcasm, and then run away.  :D

Cheers - Phil.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: getagrip on 28 February 2015, 03:18:23 PM
Quote from: Techno on 28 February 2015, 02:26:45 PM
Basically, so Mrs T could keep the gee-gees in the 'garden'.
And I like saying "Get orf moi land, to trespassers"......Except when they happen to be carrying a shotgun.
In those cases, I just resort to sarcasm, and then run away.  :D

Cheers - Phil.


Could always go and get the Bren gun; that might put the wind up the tweedy twerps :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fsn on 28 February 2015, 03:29:02 PM
To link this to the eyesight thread, I read that Mrs T had the Bee-Gees in the garden.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 28 February 2015, 04:29:12 PM
Quote from: fsn on 28 February 2015, 03:29:02 PM
To link this to the eyesight thread, I read that Mrs T had the Bee-Gees in the garden.

The Labs probably dug em up to re-bury them.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 01 March 2015, 12:14:50 AM
Quote from: Techno on 28 February 2015, 10:56:37 AM
Quote from: paulr on 28 February 2015, 10:23:36 AM
Only 25 tomorrow Phil  ;D
Stop making me so blanking envious ! ~X( ~X(
Cheers - Damp Phil ;)

Forecast was wrong for today  :(

26 today  ;)

Blanket rolls and packs touched up, just a few uniform touch ups left to do  :)

54mm glued, undercoated and base coated; about to start painting first uniform colour after a nice lunch  :)

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 10 March 2015, 07:13:44 PM
Managed to get the uniform and rifle touch ups done today while waiting for the under coat and base coat to dry on the 54mm  :)

Had to check on here to confirm what was left to do, been a while since I worked on these ;D

Now ready to wash when I get a chance :-w
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 10 March 2015, 09:43:22 PM
Just have a quick shower, Paul...
It'll save time, and you can get back to the painting.  :D
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 March 2015, 02:35:36 AM

Washed the Turks  :)

Need to get these finished and based in time for our ANZAC Day game :!!

While getting the 54mm figures done by the end of the month :!! :!!,11412.msg156068.html#new (,11412.msg156068.html#new)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: getagrip on 15 March 2015, 08:43:18 AM
They sent you any more Paul?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 17 March 2015, 07:03:15 PM
Should be picking up another batch tonight or tomorrow  :)

No progress on the 10mm Turks :( :!!

Good progress on my "Napoleonic" naval rules :-[ ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: getagrip on 17 March 2015, 07:04:03 PM
You are beginning to function like a machine ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 18 March 2015, 07:45:55 AM
Final dry brush done on the 10mm Turks :)

Will paint the figure bases tomorrow and prepare the bases for them  ;)

I need 47 bases, only have 4 spare from the last batch so 43 to cut out  :!!

Will keep me busy until I get my next batch of 54mm in the next few days ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 19 March 2015, 07:22:40 PM
Figure bases all painted, 2 coats as the 'sandy beach' house paint doesn't cover that well :)

Cut out the bases and some extras  :)

Sanded and washed the 47 bases I need :-w

Will paint them tonight, unless I have to go and pick up the next batch of 54mm only 11 days to go  :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 19 March 2015, 07:52:44 PM
No pressure then, Paul.  ;)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 21 March 2015, 12:11:36 AM
Painted both sides on the 47 bases, just the edges to do now
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: getagrip on 21 March 2015, 06:49:20 AM
I don't envy you that; HATE basing!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 21 March 2015, 08:18:15 PM
I don't mind basing too much, particularly now I am using a much simpler approach based around a filler, PVA, paint mix which both textures the base and secures the figures.

I basically put that on, insert figures, smooth, and dip in flock. ;)

I much prefer painting, including horses ;) :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 23 March 2015, 07:58:42 AM
Finished the base edges last night  :)

Glued magnetic vinyl to the underside of all bases and cut out the labels :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 23 March 2015, 08:03:39 AM
Looking forward to seeing them, Paul !! :)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: getagrip on 23 March 2015, 09:32:54 AM
Quote from: Techno on 23 March 2015, 08:03:39 AM
Looking forward to seeing them, Paul !! :)
Cheers - Phil

Ditto that and also the finished project; don't think "immense" will do it justice ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 April 2015, 02:56:31 AM
Managed to get these based up while waiting for some touch up washes to dry on 'another' project  ;) :)

I blame Peter Jackson and the Perrys for the delay on these figures  ;) ;D ;D ;D
Not to mention my AWI project :-$
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: getagrip on 06 April 2015, 08:06:36 AM
Quote from: paulr on 06 April 2015, 02:56:31 AM

I blame Peter Jackson and the Perrys for the delay on these figures  ;) ;D ;D ;D

How cool is that sentence?   :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 April 2015, 08:18:09 AM
Quote from: getagrip on 06 April 2015, 08:06:36 AM
Quote from: paulr on 06 April 2015, 02:56:31 AM
I blame Peter Jackson and the Perrys for the delay on these figures  ;) ;D ;D ;D
How cool is that sentence?   :)

As its true about this cool ... 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: getagrip on 06 April 2015, 08:21:06 AM
Quote from: paulr on 06 April 2015, 08:18:09 AM
How cool is that sentence?   :)

As its true about this cool ... 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

;D. Just about sums it up I think.  :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 April 2015, 08:18:42 PM
Before leaving for work this morning I shook and brushed off the excess flock on about half the bases I did yesterday. Seems to have worked well  :)

Some touch up flocking will be required and the edges will need a paint. They will be ready for ANZAC day  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 14 April 2015, 08:01:43 PM
Touch up flocking done :)
Edges painted  :)

Now I just need some varnishing weather  :-w before ANZAC Day  :!!

Also got a chance to prep and undercoat the next batch :)
- a battalion of the Camel Corps Brigade
- a Field artillery battery, 3 models
- a Horse artillery battery, 2 models
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 April 2015, 08:02:16 PM
First colour done on a quarter of the camels before I headed out to work this morning  :)

I've decided to go with four colours for the camels; buff, dark sand and a couple of light browns. I'll see how they looked after they've been highlighted :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 15 April 2015, 08:59:04 PM
I think only a wargamer or interior decorator would think of those as four different colours  ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: getagrip on 15 April 2015, 08:59:48 PM
Quote from: fred    12df on 15 April 2015, 08:59:04 PM
I think only a wargamer or interior decorator would think of those as four different colours  ;D


Or my wife. :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 April 2015, 11:54:42 PM
Quote from: fred    12df on 15 April 2015, 08:59:04 PM
I think only a wargamer or interior decorator would think of those as four different colours  ;D

Or debate if the off white highlight should be stone grey, deck tan or Ivory  ;) ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 16 April 2015, 07:01:11 AM
You brought this on your selves! ;)
Best Fraiser quote EVER!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 16 April 2015, 07:40:36 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 16 April 2015, 11:55:40 PM
All camels base coated, used German Camo Beige and Tan Earth for the browns  ;)

Started green base coat on artillery
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 17 April 2015, 08:43:30 AM
Have you ever tried to tan a camel? You can't get it to lie down on the sunbed...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 17 April 2015, 09:14:56 AM
Quote from: mad lemmey on 16 April 2015, 07:01:11 AM
You brought this on your selves! ;)
Best Fraiser quote EVER!

Dearie, dearie me....I clicked on that, expecting to see a clip from 'Dad's Army'.  :-[
(New glasses to be ordered soon !  X_X)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 19 April 2015, 12:57:04 AM
Camels have had lighter 'underside' tone applied and saddle blankets painted :)

Guns have had a very weathered sand colour applied, allowing the green to show through where the sand paint has 'worn off' :)

I suspect there won't be much more progress on these today as I have been given a list of domestic tasks that require my attention :(

Can't really complain after the high painting workload for the last two months and spending the last two weekends working with the Perrys ;)

Will make sure I take some pictures of the Ottoman Arabs I varnished during the week ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: FierceKitty on 19 April 2015, 01:06:36 AM
Ottoman Arabs? My curiosity is much, oh beloved of Allah....
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 19 April 2015, 04:44:29 AM
Arab Regiment of the Army of the Ottoman Empire

I wonder if that is 'precise' enough for FK :-\ ;)







These, along with my Anatolian regiment, will be used next weekend in or ANZAC game.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: FierceKitty on 19 April 2015, 05:00:02 AM
No stripy jibbahs or turbans or scimitars? Alas for the memory of the Abbasid Caliphate!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 19 April 2015, 05:20:53 AM
Quote from: FierceKitty on 19 April 2015, 05:00:02 AM
No stripy jibbahs or turbans or scimitars? Alas for the memory of the Abbasid Caliphate!

Not in 1917  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 19 April 2015, 07:51:19 AM
Excellent job, Paul !  :-bd
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Hertsblue on 19 April 2015, 06:29:20 PM
A good-looking unit, Paul.  8)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 19 April 2015, 06:32:47 PM
Very nice work.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: getagrip on 20 April 2015, 08:15:48 AM
Excellent little unit; really impressive. :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 21 April 2015, 07:50:43 PM
Camel Corps and Artillery uniform base colours done, apart from the shirts of those of the artillery without jackets :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 22 April 2015, 05:14:09 AM
Talking of camels.
Have you seen this pic ?

Looks quite surreal.

Extraordinary photograph !  :-bd

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 22 April 2015, 05:38:57 AM
Love that shot.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: FierceKitty on 22 April 2015, 05:43:18 AM
I am impressed. Maybe you can mould us some shadows some day.

(I know how to spell mould, you mindless mechanical moron!)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: FierceKitty on 22 April 2015, 05:43:42 AM
Not you, Techno, the computer!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 22 April 2015, 06:37:51 AM
Quote from: FierceKitty on 22 April 2015, 05:43:42 AM
Not you, Techno, the computer!

I do find that I have to check on the 'spell checker' nowadays. X_X
I know certain words like armor/armour....color/colour....But it's starting to catch me out with American spellings, and I find myself 'trusting' those....and using them from time to time.....Aaaargh !

That, and the preview button still being in limbo (for me, at least) is a pain in the backside.

Cheers - Phil

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 22 April 2015, 07:43:52 AM
Great to see this project making progress again. the shadow camels look like flats from the 70s.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 22 April 2015, 08:06:55 PM
No painting last night, we went to the light and sound show at the National War Memorial Park. Very well done and good to see hundreds of people there on a cool cloudy evening.

The queue to get into the Great War Exhibition was long and slow moving even at 9pm. I will be visiting the exhibition in a couple of weeks when hopefully the crowds have reduced somewhat.

Painted the artillery crew shirts this morning before heading off for work :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 27 April 2015, 08:14:45 PM
Got to do some painting on Monday after a busy weekend with the Dawn Service and two birthday parties (afternoon & evening) on ANZAC Day and our ANZAC landing 'what if' game on Sunday.

Three out of six dry brush colours done on the uniforms and puttees painted on artillery crew in shorts (not sure how I missed those first time round :-/)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Womble67 on 28 April 2015, 08:57:33 AM
Quote from: paulr on 19 April 2015, 04:44:29 AM
Arab Regiment of the Army of the Ottoman Empire

I wonder if that is 'precise' enough for FK :-\ ;)







These, along with my Anatolian regiment, will be used next weekend in or ANZAC game.

these are coming along superbly

take care

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 29 April 2015, 08:23:37 PM
Well this project has been put on hold again :(

I can't blame Peter Jackson or the Perrys this time. My Tumbling Dice 1/4,800 Napoleonic ships have arrived so the artillery and Camel Corps have be replaced on my painting table by some ships that are about the same size as the camels ;)

I will return to this project once I have finished my first batch of ships. For those interested see here,11957.msg164625.html#new (,11957.msg164625.html#new)

And spare a thought for my AWI project that has now been delayed by 4 projects :o
1914, 1917, 1915 and now Naval, at least covering the 'right' period
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 30 April 2015, 10:48:06 AM
Don't forget I'm bringing back some more stuff from PM when I go to the UK next month too, including the 4 "devils on horses" for you, so like driving on the M25 or Auckland motorway "there may be some further delays"  :-\  :o

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 01 May 2015, 12:35:26 AM
Quote from: pierre the shy on 30 April 2015, 10:48:06 AM
Don't forget I'm bringing back some more stuff from PM when I go to the UK next month too, including the 4 "devils on horses" for you, so like driving on the M25 or Auckland motorway "there may be some further delays"  :-\  :o

;D :D ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 June 2015, 07:46:43 PM
Finally got a chance to get back to this project :)

I've finished dry brushing the uniforms on the Camel Corps and artillery crew  :)

Painted OR's boots, rifle stocks and water bottles :) :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 02 June 2015, 08:56:21 PM
Quote from: paulr on 02 June 2015, 07:46:43 PM
Finally got a chance to get back to this project :)

(Get a move on !  ;) )
Cheers - Phil.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 June 2015, 04:55:49 AM
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 03 June 2015, 05:52:48 AM
Look forwards to seeing them done! :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 June 2015, 02:13:32 AM
Made some more progress on these :)

Painted various bages and blankets and other kit hung about the camels. Also painted 'tyres' and breeches on guns :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 07 June 2015, 06:32:31 AM
What are bages, Paul ? :-\
Tried Googling that, without success.
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 June 2015, 07:41:50 PM
Quote from: Techno on 07 June 2015, 06:32:31 AM
What are bages, Paul ? :-\
Tried Googling that, without success.
Cheers - Phil

Sorry FK, a typo. It should have read bags ;)

Did some more detailing on the guns and leather equipment on the men and camels :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 08 June 2015, 06:14:27 AM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sorry, Paul. :-[
I couldn't make my mind up whether that was a genuine typo, or an obscure word for a bit of camel 'furniture'.
Should have realised that was supposed to be 'bags'......But I got completely stuck thinking, "Does he mean badges ?", and I couldn't imagine badges being something you'd find, and paint, on a camel. X_X ....Mr Brain was definitely not in gear, at that time....But then...When is it ever ?)
(Could have been 'badgers', I suppose.)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 08 June 2015, 09:24:40 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D

No apology needed ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Ithoriel on 08 June 2015, 09:49:35 PM
I realised it was a typo but am somewhat disappointed to find your camels are not going to be festooned with bagels :D :D :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 09 June 2015, 04:26:44 AM
That would look tasty  ;) ;D :-[

I've finished the painting and touch up  :) :) :)

Will hopefully get them washed tomorrow night. I better sort out their bases tonight
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 10 June 2015, 08:03:07 PM
Wash done last night :)

About half way through I noticed I had missed painting a strap on one of the bags on all the camels >:(

Will have to paint them tonight and hopefully I won't have to re-wash
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 12 June 2015, 06:53:45 AM
Painted missed straps, final dry brush done, two coats on the figure bases done  :) :) :)

Done, now just need to be based

Cut and sanded bases, should get one side painted tonight  :)

Also worked on pulling together a V&B Wavre scenario for next weekend
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 12 June 2015, 07:07:03 AM
I've just noticed that with all the interruptions on this project I haven't updated the figure count since early January :o :o :o

I blame Sir Peter Jackson and the Perry brothers ;)


419 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
36 Cavalry and Motorcycles
6 Guns and vehicles
461 Total

436 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
69 Cavalry and Motorcycles
11 Guns and vehicles
516 Total
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 12 June 2015, 09:01:54 AM
Pictures ??  :-w :-w

Cheers - Mr Impatient.  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 12 June 2015, 08:11:27 PM
Quote from: Techno on 12 June 2015, 09:01:54 AM
Pictures ??  :-w :-w

Cheers - Mr Impatient.  ;)

You've seen pictures of everything that is based, the Arabs,10663.msg163190.html#msg163190 (,10663.msg163190.html#msg163190) were the last I finished

The Camel Corps were delayed by my Tumbling Dice ships, which reminds me I haven't done the AAR on their first game ~X(

I painted the next side of the bases for the current batch before breakfast this morning. Is that working fast enough?  :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 13 June 2015, 05:01:38 AM
A very productive day :) :) :)

- finished painting the bases for this batch, plus a few spares
- cut out the magnetic vinyl to go under the bases, this will be glued on tonight so it is dry in the morning
- finalised the V&B Wavre scenario for next weekend, including making some additional 'pretty' felt rivers
- uploaded the second evenings photos from the Napoleonic naval game, over 50 to sort through for AAR ~X(

I even made some more progress on the AWI project as well ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 13 June 2015, 05:27:54 AM
Quote from: paulr on 12 June 2015, 08:11:27 PM
I painted the next side of the bases for the current batch before breakfast this morning. Is that working fast enough?  :!!

Ooh  :-\......Alright......I'll let you off, then. ;)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 13 June 2015, 09:36:30 PM
Labeled bases and sorted figures onto bases (before breakfast)  :)

Will base later today, if thats alright with Techno ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 14 June 2015, 03:47:44 AM
Based  :) :)

Will need touch ups and guns glued on. Hopefully ready to varnish on Tuesday if warm enough
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 June 2015, 09:19:42 PM
Flock touched up last night :)

Edges painted this morning :) :)

Guns and discarded shell cases to gule on once edges dry :-w

Varnish this afternoon if it warms up enough, forecast high of 12 :-SS ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 15 June 2015, 09:25:29 PM
Nowt done here...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 16 June 2015, 06:40:10 AM
 :-w :-w :-w :-w

Cheers - Phil  ;)  (PAH !!.....Only 12 degrees, eh ?......It's not a lot warmer 'up here' and it's supposed to be Summer in our hemisphere......What a depressing thought...The days will start getting shorter soon.  :()
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 16 June 2015, 07:55:33 PM
Guns and discarded shell cases glued on :)

Weather wasn't cooperating until cloud broke up late in the day and the sun warmed up my garage enough to allow varnishing  :) :)

Sun went behind the hills before the varnish was dry so no chance for pictures  :(

Frosty today but sunny, unfortunately I will be at work until dark :( Rain forecast for the rest of the week :(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 June 2015, 03:32:42 AM
I managed to take some pictures before the sun disappeared behind the hills yesterday...

2nd (British) Battalion, Imperial Camel Corps Brigade


A Battery, 265th Brigade, Royal Field Artillery


Ayrshire Royal Horse Artillery


436 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
69 Cavalry and Motorcycles
11 Guns and vehicles
516 Total
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 June 2015, 03:42:22 AM
Quote from: Techno on 22 April 2015, 05:14:09 AM
Talking of camels.
Have you seen this pic ?

Looks quite surreal.

Extraordinary photograph !  :-bd

Cheers - Phil

I have seen this picture :)

It is part of an exhibition of the top 50 photographs from National Geographic that is being shown in the local, Upper Hutt, exhibition venue.

The local council are very pleased to be hosting it as they are a small city (~40,000) about 35km north of the capital of NZ, which didn't get to host the exhibit :P ;D

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 28 June 2015, 05:51:57 AM
I LOVE that last picture, Paul ! =D>

The 'proper' ones above, are damn excellent too !  :-bd
Top job, that man !

Cheers - Phil.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 28 June 2015, 07:04:11 AM
That is an amazing piece of art imitating life!
Brilliant job on all of those. 8)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 28 June 2015, 07:21:36 AM
Those camel troops and artillery are really impressive. Nice use of shadowing in final photo.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 28 June 2015, 12:56:09 PM
Very nice painting on the camels - they look great, the blue background sets them off very nicely.

And very clever with the long shadows on the camels!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 June 2015, 07:27:47 PM
Thanks all :)

After Phil's inspiration I had to make use of the low setting sun ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: NeilCFord on 13 October 2015, 02:59:06 PM
A quick basing / painting question:

With MG crews do you base and then paint or paint and then base? I'm thinking the former approach might make getting to some parts rather tricky, but I might just be over thinking things.

- Neil.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 13 October 2015, 11:45:41 PM
Quote from: NeilCFord on 13 October 2015, 02:59:06 PM
A quick basing / painting question:

With MG crews do you base and then paint or paint and then base? I'm thinking the former approach might make getting to some parts rather tricky, but I might just be over thinking things.

- Neil.

HI Neil, I paint and then base all my figures. I have half a dozen painting rods that I attach figures to, grouped by pose. I find I get into a rhythm when painting he same thing on several the of the same pose.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: NeilCFord on 14 October 2015, 07:22:43 AM

Thanks for the quick reply. Confirms what I thought would be the the better way to do it.

- Neil.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 10 December 2015, 07:22:28 PM
After almost 6 months working on other projects progress here has resumed :)

I've sort out the next batch for this project, the first of the Germans of Pasha II
3 Infantry battalions
1 Pioneer company
1 MG company

I'm using GEA3 from the East African range for the MGs as the gunner has a tropical helmet
I'm filing the fezs on the number twos to look more like a tropical helmet, I may try adding a brim as well :-SS :-SS :-SS

The more minor conversions I attempt the more respect I have for the skills of Techno, Clib, et al =D> =D> =D>
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 December 2015, 08:11:06 PM
Figures cleaned up, fezs filed, brim idea discarded, figures washed :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 12 December 2015, 06:31:55 AM
Figures sorted and waiting impatiently for 1914 Germans to vacate the painting rods :-w :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 13 December 2015, 02:27:39 AM
1914 Germans are off the painting rods and have been replaced by the 1917 Germans :)

These were undercoated during a brief lull in the strong winds  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Roy on 13 December 2015, 10:05:49 AM
Excellent work on this project  :-bd
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 14 December 2015, 06:59:45 PM
Germans base coated while pondering the scenario for Sheikh Sa'ad
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 14 December 2015, 07:44:35 PM
Quote from: paulr on 10 December 2015, 07:22:28 PM
The more minor conversions I attempt the more respect I have for the skills of Techno, Clib, et al =D> =D> =D>

90% + is practice, Paul.
Every single person on this forum, that paints the wee men, has the main 'skill' that's involved......Hand/eye coordination.

Cheers - Phil.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 22 December 2015, 06:31:41 PM
No progress on the Germans  :(

But really good progress on the Sheikh Sa'ad scenario, including making part of the River Tigris :)

Also good progress on Cowpens scenario, including sorting all the figures and sending the scenario to Pierre the Shy to review :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 24 December 2015, 12:24:07 AM
Still no progress on the Germans :(

Continued good progress on the Sheikh Sa'ad scenario, the required part of the Tigris is now finished :) :)

A positive review on the Cowpens scenario from Pierre the Shy, though for some reason he's not keen to be Tarleton ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 24 December 2015, 06:25:28 AM

You'd better start getting a move on, Paul......The days are getting shorter in your hemisphere now.
(Says the man who's listening to storm  Eva battering at the windows, as he plonks this out...Roll on Spring.)

Cheers - Phil

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 26 December 2015, 01:12:50 AM
Made some progress on the Germans, touched up the base coat and applied the first of three dry brushes

I highlight the uniform with three different colours; one for the 'hat', one for the 'jacket', and one for the trousers. I cycle through the colours so you get different combinations. This seems to give a nice variably faded look.

I've also refined the Sheikh Sa'ad scenario, it now needs a second small scale play test. This will have to wait till my wife is back at work... tomorrow ;) :D

(Says the man who is avoiding the sun and enjoying 23 degrees)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 26 December 2015, 07:18:38 PM
Quote from: paulr on 26 December 2015, 01:12:50 AM
I've also refined the Sheikh Sa'ad scenario, it now needs a second small scale play test. This will have to wait till my wife is back at work... tomorrow ;) :D

I spoke too soon, one more day until my wife goes back to work. Apparently we are off to the beach with friends this afternoon

Test game will be tomorrow

Hopefully none on the forum have been affected too badly by the flooding in the UK
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 26 December 2015, 07:30:07 PM
Not by actual flooding, Paul......But the weather in SW Wales has been PERSISTENTLY VILE for the past 6 weeks.
The amount of rain has been ridiculous.....Even for Wales.

Like you, I hope none of the forum have had the 'misfortune' (Hardly an adequate word) to be badly affected.
I feel so sorry for those that have been flooded.  :(

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 26 December 2015, 08:39:26 PM
No flooding here in what is in effect SW Lancs, but we also have had rain day after day after day for the last 7 or 8 weeks. Today it never got properly light and the living room lights have been on all day.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 26 December 2015, 09:10:37 PM
I won't complain about it being too sunny & not a cloud in the sky then ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Roy on 27 December 2015, 11:35:33 AM
Catterick Garrison is okay. But some areas around RAF Leeming (near Northallerton, North Yorkshire) were flooded yesterday.

Worse we, personally, have suffered is rain water dripping (slightly) through the back bedroom ceiling, under the roof of the bay window. 
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 27 December 2015, 08:28:44 PM
Managed to finish dry brushing the Germans despite the trip to the beach yesterday ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 December 2015, 05:27:30 AM
Got machine guns base coated this morning :) but too hot for any more painting :(

Finally starting to cool off, 22 degrees at 6:30pm, but heading out to dinner with friends shortly
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 30 December 2015, 03:01:30 AM
Test game for Sheikh Sa'ad successfully completed, I now think I have enough info to get the balance right :-\

Good progress on 1917 Germans; leather, entrenching tool and skin left to do :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 31 December 2015, 07:37:20 PM
Leather, entrenching tool and skin done :)

Skin highlights and touch ups to do

Cut out the 42 bases they need this morning, they need preping, painting, ...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 31 December 2015, 11:42:50 PM
Skin highlights and touch ups done :)

Will hopefully get to wash them this evening, although I suspect my presence may be required at some socialising

Prep'ed the bases, will start painting them once dry
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 01 January 2016, 06:35:44 AM
Two sides off the bases painted :)

Waiting for it to cool down enough to wash the figures, 27 degrees at 7:30pm  :o
I've just seen some of the affects of Frank on the news and hope all on here are OK
and Sandinista hasn't got too damp with the rain up north
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 01 January 2016, 08:47:36 PM
Washed the Germans last night and painted the figure bases this morning  :)

Will crack on with the bases
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 02 January 2016, 12:03:27 AM
What soap did you use? ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 January 2016, 12:08:53 AM
Quote from: mad lemmey on 02 January 2016, 12:03:27 AM
What soap did you use? ;D

Tamyia X-19 Smoke, now they really are the filthy hun ;D ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 January 2016, 03:42:14 AM
Bases painted, will glue magnetic vinyl on tonight and label tomorrow  :)

Sorted out next batch, an Australian Light Horse Brigade :)
With the recent arrivals this now includes a mounted Brigade HQ, if the head swap goes well :-SS

Waiting patiently for postal deliveries to resume on 5 January  :-w :!! :!!
The trenches will preempt the Australians as soon as they arrive
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 January 2016, 07:58:44 PM
I didn't get the magnetic vinyl glued on last night, was 'dragged' along to a BBQ instead ;)

Done this morning before breakfast so will be dry this afternoon ready for labelling :)

Cleaned up and washed the Light Horse Brigade, 80 mounted figures :o
These are now waiting for the Germans to get off the painting rods so they can be undercoated when the weather improves, forecast still says Tuesday

I need to get some new super glue for the head swap :-SS
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 January 2016, 02:46:21 AM
Labels done on the German bases, but some idiot  :-[ :-[ :-[
- didn't make a label for the HQ of 701 MG Company
- was 4 short with the number of bases needed

I had two, deliberate, spares from the last batch of bases I did but that only half solves one of the problems ~X(
I will have to print the missing label next week when I have access to a colour laser printer again

About to sort all but half of 701 MG Company onto the bases and make room on the painting rods for the Light Horse

It is persisting down so I have not made it out to get the super glue either :( Who me putting off the head swap :-SS ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 03 January 2016, 07:53:20 AM
Quote from: paulr on 03 January 2016, 02:46:21 AM
:( Who me putting off the head swap :-SS ;)

That IS a fiddly job, and not one I'm keen on either, Paul.
(Personally, I'd almost find it easier to chop one head off, put a 'pin' in the neck/torso and sculpt a new head....That's how much I like head swaps.)

Think I've told this story before.....

I had to get Mrs Techno to switch the Dremmel off, on one occasion , as I was drilling into a head.
(Holding the head firmly (I thought) in one hand.....The Dremmel in the other....And I lost the grip on the head, which then proceeded to spin at an alarming rate between my thumb and forefinger....So I couldn't let the b*gger go, as it would have flown off, into the distance.  X_X.....)

Nice little friction burn !

Cheers - Phil (It's persisting down here, too.....Makes a change !)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 January 2016, 08:59:04 AM
Quote from: Techno on 03 January 2016, 07:53:20 AM
That IS a fiddly job, and not one I'm keen on either, Paul.

Well that has boosted my confidence, NOT :(

I don't have the skill or materials to sculpt a new head. By the sound of it is fortunate that I don't have a Dremmel either
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 03 January 2016, 09:26:06 AM
It's perfectly 'doable', Paul.

It's just that I'm usually doing things in something of a rush.
A pin vise and bit will work 'OK'......(Just be prepared to take your time) if you want to fix the head in place with a small pin.

I had the problem with the Dremmel, as I was being impatient.....and trying to drill into the head in one quick action, rather than using very short bursts of pressure, to gradually make the hole.
The bit 'clogged' slightly and simply 'grabbed' the head.

Cheers - Phil

(PS....It's persisting down even more here now ! X_X
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Ace of Spades on 03 January 2016, 10:00:53 AM
I just cut off the heads with a sharp knife and glue them back in place with a drop of CA-glue; no drilling, inserting rods or whatever.
Untill now they've always held perfectly. Had done some on my 1918 Germans and a friend of mine tipped the box they were all in; no problem at all; they all held.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 January 2016, 12:32:34 AM
I didn't drill or use rods and am now relying on super glue.





It turned out that the only real challenge was the long neck attached to the Australian officer's head :o
I ended up having to file it down a little after cutting the head off, and ended up filing my thumb nail in the process :-[ ;)

There is currently a break in the rain so I even managed to get all the Light Horse undercoated :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 January 2016, 05:01:45 AM
Based the Germans :) :)
Less half of 701 MG Company :(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Ace of Spades on 04 January 2016, 07:37:26 PM
I bet they look excellent once painted Paul!
Do they feel 'sturdy' enough to you?

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 January 2016, 10:15:14 PM
They feel pretty sturdy, checked them a few hours after they had been glued ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 05 January 2016, 06:43:58 PM
German flocking touched up yesterday and bases edged this morning :)
Should hopefully get them varnished this afternoon

Light Horse horses base coated and started touching up the base coat :)
Is it just me or do others find they miss areas when base coating?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 05 January 2016, 07:29:38 PM
I sometimes miss bits. I have found the following useful if you use the glue followed by sand method. Once it is dry, to fix the sand in place I mix a little PVA with the first wash (I use yellow ochre). When that's dry I can then apply a normal wash of chocolate brown. This way bits of sand don't come adrift so much when I do the coats of dry brush.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Ace of Spades on 05 January 2016, 08:15:40 PM
I also miss parts when basecoating figures here and there. I never realy understood why because some spots where very obvious...afterwards. I guess it is because the wet paint shines a bit like the metal so you think it's glistening wet paint but it's actually the metal showing through... Ah well, missing a bit here or there isn't too bad; I patch it up somewhere along the way with a matching color...

For my groundwork I only use fine sand held in place with diluted white glue. I sprinkle the sand on the bases till the metal bases of the figures are just barely covered. Then I use a fine brush or something like that to form the dry sand where nescessary (like making shellholes in my WW-1 scenery). Then I use a seringe with a 'needle' made of some narrow plastic tubing and use it to carefully let the diluted glue drop/run onto the dry sand while applying minimal pressure. The 'needle' makes it easy to get between the figures and let the sand soak nice and evenly. Give it a day or two to dry, and it's ready to paint; no sweat. It's proven to be tough enough for average gaming.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 05 January 2016, 09:27:23 PM
I meant base coated as in the main colour painted (e.g. brown horse), not coating bases. Apologies for any confusion :-/
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 06 January 2016, 08:26:09 AM
I prime by hand so missing bits doesn't really happen.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2016, 08:28:44 AM
The base coat was done by hand but still managed to miss some areas for example under the body by the legs...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2016, 08:30:56 AM
Varnished the Germans this evening :)

Sorry, too busy assembling trenches to take any pictures before the light went :(

I will hopefully get a chance to take pictures tomorrow while the filler is drying in the trenches ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 06 January 2016, 08:35:46 AM
I base my figures individually on small lengths of dowel so that I can turn them easily:

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 January 2016, 08:47:59 AM
That would certainly help ;)

Lovely job, by the way  :-bd =D> :-bd =D>
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 January 2016, 06:10:14 AM
After the good progress this morning on the trenches I got a chance to take some pictures of the Germans this afternoon.

The sun was quite low so I was having to use my shadow to block the direct sun, so apologies for the picture quality

Battalion 701



Each battalion of Pasha II had an attached MG company giving them significant firepower

Battalion 702



Battalion 703



Half of MG Company 701 and Pioneer Company 701



Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 07 January 2016, 07:11:11 AM
Very nice indeed.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 07 January 2016, 07:16:51 AM
Damn fine work, Paul.  :-bd
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 07 January 2016, 09:12:59 AM
Very nice work.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Womble67 on 07 January 2016, 09:16:35 AM
Very nice indeed

Take care

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 08 January 2016, 04:58:21 AM
Light Horse have been packed away along with the rest of my painting stuff in preparation for a BBQ we are hosting tomorrow :(

Lots of kids so temptations need to be out of site ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 08 January 2016, 06:42:48 AM
A BBQ ? :o

You really, really know how to rub it in, don't you, Paul ?  ;)

Cheers - Phil (Did actually see the sun over the past couple of days... :o :o..It didn't hang around for long though  :()
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 08 January 2016, 09:46:25 AM
We've had rain and damaging gales today  :o :(

But the forecast is better for tomorrow :-SS
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 24 January 2016, 11:27:52 PM
Light Horse have now been brought back out after a very successful BBQ, weather cooperated very well on the day, then turned to crap again and of course delays due to trenching

Horses have now been dry-brushed

Uniforms next...
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 25 January 2016, 07:22:16 PM
Painted shirts on some of the Light Horse, a few BEA4 East/South African mounted rifles figures there for variety, and did a 'paint conversion' of the jackets to shirts on some of the ME5 Australian cavalry
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 26 January 2016, 06:59:05 PM
All uniforms base coated, one third dry brushed :)
ShIrts dry brushed :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 31 January 2016, 04:01:29 AM
Another successful day at ValleyCon :)

The sheik Sa'ad scenario worked well and nicely filled the full day :)

Pictures and an AAR to follow when I have recovered from two days fairly solid gaming ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 31 January 2016, 07:43:03 AM
 :-w ;)

Looking forward to that, Paul.  :)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 31 January 2016, 08:46:16 AM
Sounds great
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Steve J on 31 January 2016, 12:28:08 PM
Goblins being prepped for basing in advance of the Painting Comp.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 February 2016, 06:44:55 PM
Almost 3 weeks and no progress on the Light Horse Brigade :(

I suspect I'm not going to get a lot of sympathy but the weather has been too hot for painting, certainly for dry brushing. High 20s or low 30s

I have been busy doing the AARs for Cowpens and Sheik Sa'ad and more recently sorting out some WWII 6mm a friend wants to sell

Last night I realised how close we are to 15 March so the focus will now shift to preparations for Guilford Courthouse :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 16 February 2016, 04:12:34 AM
Still too bloody hot for dry brushing 28 degrees :o

But good progress on preparing for Guilford Courthouse :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 16 February 2016, 05:40:30 AM
Quote from: paulr on 16 February 2016, 04:12:34 AM
Still too bloody hot for dry brushing 28 degrees  :o

I hate you ! ;)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 16 February 2016, 06:53:15 AM
Quote from: Techno on 16 February 2016, 05:40:30 AM
I hate you ! ;)
Cheers - Phil

Rain forecast for tomorrow night and Thursday, first significant rain in a month, still going to be in the low 20s :-[
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 25 February 2016, 07:37:47 AM
The weather cooled a little today and was in the low 20s long enough for me to finish dry brushing the uniforms of the Light Horse Brigade :)

Manes, tails & hooves next
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 25 February 2016, 10:10:09 AM
Well, we've seen the sun for the past couple of days !  :o :o :o :o
I actually had to draw the curtains yesterday afternoon, it was so bright.....I was being blinded by the light.
(Mind you......The temperature hasn't half plummeted !)  ;)

Cheers - Phil

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 25 February 2016, 10:35:34 AM
Manfred Man, man.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 25 February 2016, 11:30:24 AM
I'm almost tempted to set my BBC weather app to NZ to see if you're right Paul!  :P
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 25 February 2016, 06:45:30 PM
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 March 2016, 03:36:30 AM
The weather 'relented' yesterday, a maximum of only 20 degrees ;)

So I got the manes, tails & hooves done on the Light Horse Brigade :)

I'll hopefully get the white markings done tonight and that will be the horses finished
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 02 March 2016, 06:47:19 AM
I dream of 20 degrees....and no rain......or gales.....or sleet....or snow  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 02 March 2016, 07:44:24 AM
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: GrumpyOldMan on 02 March 2016, 09:18:08 PM
Quote from: Techno on 02 March 2016, 06:47:19 AM
I dream of 20 degrees....and no rain......or gales.....or sleet....or snow  :'( :'( :'( :'(
Cheers - Phil

20C here means I have to chop wood for the fire because it's winter  :D :D

(Can get down to 0C at night though)

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 March 2016, 06:40:39 PM
Good progress yesterday on the Light Horse :)

White markings done on horses as well as saddle blankets and other rolls and bags  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 05 March 2016, 09:34:14 PM
More progress, bandoliers and boots :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 March 2016, 12:58:58 AM
A vey small amount of progress yesterday :(

Managed to do the tack on about a quarter of the Light Horse brigade before the temperature got to almost 30 degrees and it was too hot to paint ~X(

Hopefully will get more done tonight and/or tomorrow as it should only be in the low 20s :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 07 March 2016, 06:09:18 AM
Quote from: paulr on 07 March 2016, 12:58:58 AM
Hopefully will get more done tonight and/or tomorrow as it should only be in the low 20s :)

X_X  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 March 2016, 06:15:30 PM
Didn't really cool down last night  :(

20 degrees this morning at 7am :o

But should cool down later as a front and rain arrives #:-S
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 08 March 2016, 07:46:41 AM
Bet it's raining from the border to Newport, then Cardiff and back....

Guess whewre I'zzee I'm drivin to today ?

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 08 March 2016, 07:48:49 AM
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Lord Kermit of Birkenhead on 08 March 2016, 07:59:41 AM
Dat were yesday

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 08 March 2016, 07:06:35 PM
It did indeed cool down, autumn is definitely here

Good progress on the Light Horse, all the tack finished as well as rifles, swords and emu plumes

Only flesh and metal highlights left to do :o

I need to sort the bases out :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 March 2016, 09:09:36 AM
More progress on the Light Horse :)

Flesh and metal highlights done :)
Bases cut out, sanded and painted :)

Need to do touch ups and glue magnetic vinyl to the bases tomorrow

I think I will do the unit markings, on the upper arms, once I have based the figures as I need to mix the various poses up across the units :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 12 March 2016, 06:46:48 PM
Touch ups done yesterday morning :)
Figures washed late yesterday afternoon so they are ready for final dry brush this morning :)
Plus at least one touch up I missed yesterday ~X( ;)

Magnetic vinyl glued yesterday so the bases are ready for labelling this morning :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 13 March 2016, 07:15:29 PM
Figures dry brushed, bases labeled :)

Will sort the figures onto bases tonight and hopefully base tomorrow
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 March 2016, 06:06:40 PM
Two long basing sessions yesterday, the Light Horse are now based :)

Need to touch up the bases, add unit markings, and finally varnish
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 16 March 2016, 06:17:16 PM
While waiting for the basing 'mixture' to dry yesterday I sorted the next batch:

The first three should mean I have all I need for the bits of the Gaza battles I'm looking to do next year to mark the centennials :)

I have three questions :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 19 March 2016, 02:38:40 AM
Basing touched up and unit markings added over the last couple of days :)
Light Horse varnished this morning :)
Pictures hopefully tomorrow

Next batched cleaned up and washed, tanks and light cars assembled :)
I followed Zippee's example and used just the standing crew man and have the MG firing out the rear of the Model T
Undercoated this afternoon
A lovely autumn day, cooling down from a high of 27 ;)

Off to try out Jacobites using Volley & Bayonet this evening :)

I have still have two questions  :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 19 March 2016, 02:58:24 AM
I've just noticed that I have been remiss on two counts:

1. I haven't updated the figure count this year :o

In December it was:

436 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
69 Cavalry and Motorcycles
11 Guns and vehicles
516 Total

With the addition of the first batch of Germans from Pasha II and the Australian Light Horse Brigade it is now:

521 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
148 Cavalry and Motorcycles
11 Guns and vehicles
680 Total

2. I printed off the missing labels for the second half of 701 MG Company but neglected to base them along with the Light Horse ~X(

I will have to base them with the next batch
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: WeeWars on 20 March 2016, 01:31:53 AM
Quote from: paulr on 19 March 2016, 02:38:40 AM
what colours would the Arabs be wearing, how much variety, etc (Arab revolt 1917)

Paul, Have a look at these rather beautiful, colourful WW1 Arabs: (

Cheers, Michael
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 20 March 2016, 04:15:23 AM
Thanks Michael, suitably inspirational :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 20 March 2016, 04:27:03 AM
I got a chance to photograph the Australian 2nd Light Horse Brigade

5th Light Horse



6th Light Horse



7th Light Horse



A couple of close ups


2nd Light Horse Brigade - MG Squadron



2nd Light Horse Brigade - Signallers, HQ & Spotter


Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 20 March 2016, 07:49:15 AM
Very nice indeed, really look the part.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 20 March 2016, 08:23:28 AM
Really nice, Paul. 8)
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Matt J on 20 March 2016, 08:43:17 AM
Cracking stuff Paul  8)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 20 March 2016, 10:13:05 AM
They look really good.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 20 March 2016, 06:43:59 PM
Thanks Guys :-[ :)

I'm pleased with how they turned out, particularly the head swap :)

The head swap exchanged a head with Wollesly helmet for a head with a hat and emu feathers. I will leave it as an exercise for the reader to spot the two figures involved. One is easier to spot than the other  ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 25 March 2016, 07:17:26 PM
I made some progress on the new batch this week
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 29 March 2016, 06:57:13 PM
More progress on the new batch this week
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 10 April 2016, 05:26:24 AM
Welsh & MGs base coated earlier in the week :)

Progress has stalled a bit :-[ :(

I've been distracted by thoughts about the Sudan :-\
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 10 April 2016, 07:09:16 AM
Not at all surprised. I am also looking into that. Like the idea of a bit of derring-do for a change from the organised armies I usually play.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: GrumpyOldMan on 10 April 2016, 07:35:14 PM

There was a Sudan fan rule set 'They Don't Like it up 'em' published in the lardies Christmas 2008 special if you're interested (

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 10 April 2016, 07:46:20 PM
Thanks Grumpy, current thoughts are a V&B wing scale variant so we don't need to learn another rule set
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Nick on 13 April 2016, 12:05:17 PM
Fantastic paint jobs on these minis, can't wait to see more  :-bd

I must ask, what colours are you using for the Aussie undershirts? I'm struggling to think of a good vallejo colour that matches the blue-grey of the shirt.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Womble67 on 13 April 2016, 02:41:23 PM
Those horse look really good Paul

Take care

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 13 April 2016, 07:19:35 PM
Quote from: Nick on 13 April 2016, 12:05:17 PM
Fantastic paint jobs on these minis, can't wait to see more  :-bd

I must ask, what colours are you using for the Aussie undershirts? I'm struggling to think of a good vallejo colour that matches the blue-grey of the shirt.
The colour looks very similar to Vallejo Grey Blue 943 to me.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 13 April 2016, 07:44:02 PM
Quote from: Nick on 13 April 2016, 12:05:17 PM
Fantastic paint jobs on these minis, can't wait to see more  :-bd

I must ask, what colours are you using for the Aussie undershirts? I'm struggling to think of a good vallejo colour that matches the blue-grey of the shirt.
Quote from: Leman on 13 April 2016, 07:19:35 PM
The colour looks very similar to Vallejo Grey Blue 943 to me.

You have a good eye Leman it is indeed Grey Blue 943
I dry brush with either 905 Blue Grey Pale or 989 Sky Grey as highlights
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Nick on 13 April 2016, 08:30:21 PM
Thanks a lot guys, really appreciate it!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 13 April 2016, 08:52:28 PM
No problem Nick, for Aussies and Kiwis a lot of the undershirts were sent from home rather than being issued so a variety of colours can be used

For the 'colonials' I tend to use a mix of greens and greys  as well as blue. My Welsh all have blue undershirts.

991 Dark Sea Grey dry brushed 943 Grey Blue or 989 Sky Grey
924 Russian Uniform WWII drybrushed 972 Light Green Blue or 943 Grey Blue
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 19 April 2016, 07:41:53 PM
I finally managed to get some more paint on this batch #:-S
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Nick on 20 April 2016, 10:50:10 AM
Good to see some more work on this, Paul :D

Anything special planned here for Anzac Day?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 20 April 2016, 07:41:36 PM
This weekend we are finishing off a Poland 1939 game

Next weekend we will be playing another of Pierre the Shy's ANZAC What if Scenarios, this time looking at a possible attack north of Suvla Bay
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 21 April 2016, 12:58:12 AM
Quote from: paulr on 20 April 2016, 07:41:36 PM
This weekend we are finishing off a Poland 1939 game

Next weekend we will be playing another of Pierre the Shy's ANZAC What if Scenarios, this time looking at a possible attack north of Suvla Bay

Last year we played a couple of what if gamesaround the supposition that the ANZAC Corps landed on the flatter terrian around Suvla Bay. That involved the ANZAC covering force from Australian 3rd Brigade. This time its the Kiwis turn to land to the north of the salt lake and advance inland. I'm going to play the Ottoman defenders so the others don't know precisely what they're facing...only that some defences have been spotted by eariler aerial recce.

Good excuse to finish off my Indian mountain battery.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 23 April 2016, 09:55:11 PM
Made some more progress on this batch
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 30 April 2016, 11:44:38 PM
The slow and unsteady progress on this batch continues
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 May 2016, 07:54:24 PM
More progress yesterday  :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Fenton on 03 May 2016, 07:59:39 PM
Just to interrupt an excellent thread. Does anyone have the Western Front supplement for ITLSU that the ladies did for free?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: GrumpyOldMan on 04 May 2016, 12:06:09 AM
Hello Fenton

Quote from: Fenton on 03 May 2016, 07:59:39 PM
Just to interrupt an excellent thread. Does anyone have the Western Front supplement for ITLSU that the ladies did for free?

Only one I know about is Storm of Blood which appeared in the Summer 2011 Special and is repeated in the Play the Game Compendium, neither free unfortunately. This was for trench warfare.


Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 May 2016, 05:10:05 AM
Pierre the Shy has that supplement and as we play the early period on the western front we haven't really had a need for it
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 04 May 2016, 07:28:10 AM
The Storm of Blood Supplement does have some charts for 1914 Western Front troops, but you are probably better referring back to earlier posts on the ITLSU 1914 thread.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: pierre the shy on 04 May 2016, 07:46:29 AM
Quote from: Fenton on 03 May 2016, 07:59:39 PM
Just to interrupt an excellent thread. Does anyone have the Western Front supplement for ITLSU that the ladies did for free?

As Paul has mentioned I did get Storm of Blood as well as ITLSU PDF's from Richard Clarke but its more about trench warfare than 1914 stuff so not used it much.

There is a good conversion table that someone did for 1914 French/Germans and British troops that is posted in the files section of the TFL Yahoo group that I use to classify units in the games we play - is that of any use to you Fenton?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 10 May 2016, 08:11:42 PM
More progress yesterday :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 11 May 2016, 05:53:17 AM
More piccies soon ?

Cheers - Mr Impatient. ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 May 2016, 08:37:07 AM
Hopefully, if I stop forgetting to paint bits... :-[

I need to start organising the bases for this batch which is a good sign :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 12 May 2016, 08:02:15 PM
Good progress today :)

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 14 May 2016, 08:45:29 PM
More good progress yesterday :)

Need to crack on with base edges and sorting out the labels :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 15 May 2016, 06:48:28 AM
 :-w :-w

Cheers - Phil ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 15 May 2016, 06:12:26 PM
Good progress on the bases yesterday  :)

In Auckland for a work conference for the next couple of days, so no progress  :(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 19 May 2016, 08:11:11 PM
Good progress since I've been back from Auckland

Painting finished, just need to do touch ups, wash, final dry brush and paint figure bases :)

Bases done and labeled :)

I even had one infantry base spare, them I remembered I need two infantry bases for the second half of of MG Company 701 ~X( >:(
Cut out a couple of extra bases this morning before heading off to work, will sort them while finishing the figures :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 19 May 2016, 08:35:05 PM
Quote from: paulr on 19 May 2016, 08:11:11 PM
Painting finished, just need to do touch ups, wash, final dry brush and paint figure bases :)

And take some photo's and put those on the forum.  :D

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 21 May 2016, 02:07:47 AM
Yes Boss ;)

Good progress :)

Even managed a brief visit to the Wellington Warlords club to have a look at a Jutland game put on by the club president

This was the third in a series of games; Light Cruiser action, the run North and the main action

When Pierre the Shy and I left the German battle cruisers had just done a gefechtskehrtwendung (battle turn away) to avoid the Grand fleet and the Second Battle Cruiser
Squadron had passed through the First Battle Squadron narrowly avoiding collisions.

Beatty had underestimated the speed of the approaching battleships as the Grand Fleet deployed on the starboard column and failed to pass ahead as planned

Almost 60 capital ships in 1/6,000th scale did look rather impressive :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 24 May 2016, 07:10:19 PM
A couple of sessions yesterday got this batch based :)

Now just need to touch up the basing and hope for some varnishing weather :-w
Forecast is for rain or showers for next 10 days :( :(

Showers, thunder & northwest gales today, a good day to work from home
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 25 May 2016, 09:08:50 PM
Touched up half the bases yesterday, will do the rest today :) :!!

I've made a start on the next batch which are 1914 reinforcements for Pierre the Shy,12440.msg203603.html#new (,12440.msg203603.html#new)

I now have...

627 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
158 Cavalry and Motorcycles
15 Guns and vehicles
800 Total
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 May 2016, 11:43:14 PM
Touched up flocking on all bases and repainted edges  :)

Waiting for varnishing weather :-w :-w

According to the forecast next Saturday and Sunday are looking possible  :-w :-w :-w

Saturday & Sunday look ok for photography as well
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 29 May 2016, 07:32:00 AM
'Bout time, too !  ;)

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 29 May 2016, 08:32:24 PM
Lovely sunny calm day today, will have warmed up enough for varnishing by noon :)

Shame I'm stuck at work all day ~X(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 June 2016, 02:07:16 AM
Lovely sunny calm day today, warmed up enough for varnishing by noon  :)

Good thing I'm working from home today ;) :) :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 June 2016, 04:53:49 AM
A pesky cloud had me worried but after a short delay there was enough sun light for photography :)

MG Company 701 - now at full strength



158th (North Wales) Brigade - last two units

1/7th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers



Note the black over blue puggaree flashes at the back of the Wolseley helmets.

158th Brigade Machine Gun Company



Note the black puggaree flashes at the back of the Wolseley helmets. The MG and loader are a tight fit on a 25mm square base, less 5mm for the label.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: FierceKitty on 03 June 2016, 04:58:19 AM
Calm, sunny day...nothing to varnish. :(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 June 2016, 05:02:16 AM
Some British vehicles...

No 1 & No 2 Sections, No. 7 Light Car Patrol



No 1 & No 2 Sections, "E" Company, Heavy Section, Machine Gun Corps



And finally, now I have three full Brigades, a Division Headquarters plus three heliograph signallers


Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 03 June 2016, 05:03:03 AM
Cracking work Paul.  :-bd
Well worth waiting for.  :)

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 June 2016, 05:06:17 AM
The last of this batch is some Arabs primarily for the Arab revolt but also usable for Senussi



Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 03 June 2016, 06:43:55 AM
Very nice Paul. I particularly like the Arsbs, and the muted colours you have used, I will be borrowing this for my Arab light horse.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 03 June 2016, 07:50:04 AM
Those are a bit good, too !

Cheers - Phil.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: nikharwood on 03 June 2016, 08:13:03 AM
Nicely done - as Forbes says, those muted colours work well  8)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 03 June 2016, 08:38:00 AM
Those are brilliant! Love the whole unified look.
Where is Mr Lawrence?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: FierceKitty on 03 June 2016, 10:03:16 AM
Look good. How do the mixed horse and foot elements operate?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: skywalker on 03 June 2016, 11:18:27 AM
Brilliant  :-bd :-bd :-bd
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: kev1964 on 03 June 2016, 01:48:33 PM
Excellent job , Arabs do look good, great choice of colours.

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 June 2016, 08:41:35 PM
Quote from: mad lemmey on 03 June 2016, 08:38:00 AM
Where is Mr Lawrence?

He's busy hobnobbing, I did think about him as the leader but white silk wouldn't have looked as impressive as the red robe of the current leader

Quote from: FierceKitty on 03 June 2016, 10:03:16 AM
Look good. How do the mixed horse and foot elements operate?

ITLSU treats Arabs fairly generically and allows all Arab bases to move as cavalry so the horses are there for 'local colour' ;)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 June 2016, 08:42:50 PM
Thanks all :-[ :) :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 17 July 2016, 04:12:22 AM
Sorted the last batch of this project:

Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 17 July 2016, 08:59:09 AM
Those Arabs look really good.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 21 July 2016, 05:44:57 AM
The forecast for today was good and next week or so is rain, showers and/or strong winds...

So last night I cracked on preparing this batch and got the guns glued together before work this morning :!! :)

With the last of Pierre the Shy's 1914 reinforcements off my painting rods I got these on the rods and at lunch time took advantage of the good weather to get them undercoated :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 22 July 2016, 10:02:04 PM
Good progress on this batch :)

All base coated, except leather coats which I will do after dry brushing the rest of the uniform :)

Horses, motorcycles, mortars and guns dry brushed :) :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 25 July 2016, 05:39:09 AM
More good progress yesterday :)

:) :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 13 August 2016, 07:37:36 PM
Finally made some progress on these, grenade bags done on Ottoman storm troopers

I really need to crack on :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 27 August 2016, 04:52:22 AM
Finally some good progress on this batch :)

Almost all the detailing done :)

Skin, hair and helmet crests left to do :!!

Then they will be ready for touch ups and wash...

I also cut out all the bases needed for this last batch :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 27 August 2016, 05:00:18 AM
I have a bit of 'terrain' left to do to complete this project.

I've seen several useful examples here on how to do the barbed wire I need

What I'm a bit stumped on are the cactus hedges that were a major feature of the Gaza battles, see some pictures below. Any suggestions on how to build these simply  :-\



Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: FierceKitty on 27 August 2016, 05:16:03 AM

I've just bought some of these for the upcoming Mexican project; they're pretty good. There are also some which are only prickly pears, if you don't want the iconic American ones.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 27 August 2016, 05:41:16 AM
Corse scatter in light green.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fsn on 27 August 2016, 09:25:13 AM
Goldfish tank foliage.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 27 August 2016, 09:33:33 AM
Trust you to bring up tanks!  ;D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fsn on 27 August 2016, 11:38:44 AM
 ;D ;D ;D

I was thinking more of this stuff ...
£1.68 for 3 on Amazon. Not sure how big the leaves are though.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 27 August 2016, 08:04:33 PM
Thanks guys some interesting ideas there :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 28 August 2016, 06:32:41 AM
Quote from: fsn on 27 August 2016, 11:38:44 AM
£1.68 for 3 on Amazon. Not sure how big the leaves are though.

A little on the large side for 10mm perhaps ??  :-\
Not sure, though.

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fsn on 28 August 2016, 06:40:09 AM
I was thinking some chopping and forming would be required.  >:(
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 28 August 2016, 07:00:31 AM
More good progress on this batch :)

All the last detailing done :)

Skin and hair done :)

They are ready for touch ups and wash...

Prepared all the bases needed for this last batch :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 28 August 2016, 07:21:14 AM
Quote from: fsn on 28 August 2016, 06:40:09 AM
I was thinking some chopping and forming would be required.  >:(

Ahhhh !  :-[ (Sorry, Nobby)

In which case, aren't there any suitable shaped and sized 'seeds' (from health food shops ?)  that could be 'globbed' together with PVA to form this type of vegetation ?
Save a bit of time ?

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 28 August 2016, 08:23:49 AM
Are you thinking of pumpkin seeds? They are already the correct colour, and have a nice flat shape. White glue and a matt spray would probably work.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 29 August 2016, 03:24:10 AM
Another interesting thought :-\

Finished the touch ups and painted two sides of the bases :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 30 August 2016, 07:44:45 PM
Washed figures and painted figure bases :)
Just need final dry brush now

Finished painting bases and glued magnetic vinyl on :)
Just need to glue on the labels and then will be ready to base up

Remembered I need to make a table for the Division HQ stand; cut out, glued and base coated :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 01 September 2016, 08:02:17 PM
Table now finished, except for final dry brush which the figures also need :)

While cutting out the labels I realised that I needed six 30x30 bases and all the ones I had cut out were 25x25  >:( ~X(

Several rude words later I quickly cut out and sanded the six larger bases I needed and planned to remove and reuse the magnetic vinyl off six of the 25x25 bases :)

Then I had a more careful look at the number of bases and number of labels...  :-\ :-/
I was short eleven 25x25 bases :o #-o

More rude words followed by cutting eleven more bases and another sanding session

The only positive was I found out before I had taken the magnetic vinyl off six of the bases that I still needed

While painting the first side of the extra bases this morning before work I realised, six plus eleven is seventeen, I had forgotten the bases for the Ottoman Stormtrooper batttalion
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 01 September 2016, 10:59:33 PM
Oh dear!  :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 September 2016, 12:12:31 AM
All sorted now and hopefully still on track for basing on Sunday
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 02 September 2016, 08:45:48 PM
Final dry brush done on all figures, guns and table :)

Finished painting extra bases :)

Labelled first lot of bases and cut out remaining labels :)

I should get the magnetic vinyl glued on the extra bases this afternoon so they can dry overnight, label the extra bases tomorrow morning and base the figures tomorrow afternoon :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 03 September 2016, 01:33:17 AM
I spotted the weather forecast for tomorrow; Occasional rain,... Northerly strengthens. Probably not spray undercoating weather :(

I sorted some of the figures off my painting rods onto the labelled bases freeing up three rods
I already had one rod spare, the four are enough for the first batch of my First Crusade project :)
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 September 2016, 02:07:59 AM
Magnetic vinyl glued on the extra bases yesterday afternoon and dried overnight :)

Labelled the extra bases this morning :)

First lot of basing done :)

German artillery and Ottoman Storm trooper battalion left to do :!!
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 04 September 2016, 07:58:50 PM
Based German artillery and Ottoman Storm trooper battalion last night :)

Basing and edges tidy up to do then they will have to wait until the weekend for varnishing weather :-w
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 05 September 2016, 07:45:24 PM
Tidied up the basing last night, will give it a final check tonight once PVA is fully dry. Then tidy up any edges that need it
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 06 September 2016, 07:48:20 PM
The basing needed a few final tidy ups where the sand 'flock' hadn't stuck properly so touched them up last night

I also added the maps and papers to the table on the Division HQ base

The edges will be done tonight
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 06 September 2016, 09:15:44 PM
Huzzah !!

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 06 September 2016, 10:14:08 PM
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 07 September 2016, 07:55:10 AM
Be interested to see how those maps turn out. Enjoying my book on the Ottomans in WWI. I hadn't realised that the Dardanelles and Gallipoli campaign had started because the Russians had got themselves in an unnecessary flap in the Caucasus.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 September 2016, 09:17:56 AM
Base edges done  :)

Spent cartridge cases added to the artillery :)

So just the varnishing to do this weekend after the gale and rain blows through

Oh and of course some pictures ;)

695 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
169 Cavalry and Motorcycles
24 Guns and vehicles
888 Total
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 September 2016, 09:21:15 AM
Quote from: Leman on 07 September 2016, 07:55:10 AM
Be interested to see how those maps turn out. Enjoying my book on the Ottomans in WWI. I hadn't realised that the Dardanelles and Gallipoli campaign had started because the Russians had got themselves in an unnecessary flap in the Caucasus.

I did some similar maps for my Imperial Division HQ as well


Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 07 September 2016, 10:12:37 AM
NICE !!  8)

(We haven't seen those before, have we ?)

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 07 September 2016, 01:48:39 PM
Really nice. When I get over my flirtation with the early Western Front I shall have a crack at the Middle East.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 07 September 2016, 07:48:42 PM
Quote from: Techno on 07 September 2016, 10:12:37 AM
NICE !!  8)

(We haven't seen those before, have we ?)

Cheers - Phil

See page 32 of this thread, I think some people were distracted by the Arabs I posted on the same day that went onto a new page
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 September 2016, 04:14:06 AM
A beautiful spring day after a frosty start :)
Warmed up nicely and stayed calm so the last batch has been varnished :) :) :)

Waiting for the sun to move round enough to provide indirect lighting for pictures :-w
Have kept busy on my First Crusade project while waiting :D
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 11 September 2016, 05:35:29 AM
Quote from: paulr on 11 September 2016, 04:14:06 AM
the last batch has been varnished :) :) :)
Waiting for the sun to move round enough to provide indirect lighting for pictures :-w

Squeaks of excitement.  =P~
Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 September 2016, 06:23:35 AM

Artillery 2x 7,7cm 1x 10,5cm



Minenwerfer Company






Spotter, Signals and Regiment HQ


Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 September 2016, 06:29:12 AM

Storm Trooper Battalion



Signals and Division HQ


Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 September 2016, 06:31:35 AM
So this project is now done :) :) :)

695 Infantry, Gunners, Officers and Signallers
169 Cavalry and Motorcycles
24 Guns and vehicles
888 Total

Some cactus hedges and barbed wire to do :-$
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Leman on 11 September 2016, 07:14:52 AM
Wow! terrific conclusion to it all.
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Duke Speedy of Leighton on 11 September 2016, 08:43:30 AM
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: Techno on 11 September 2016, 10:21:43 AM
What those two said !  8).....Worth waiting for, yet again, Paul.  :-bd

Cheers - Phil
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: fred. on 11 September 2016, 11:55:34 AM
Great stuff Paul. Impressive both individually and en masse.

Are you going to get all 888 together for a photo shoot?
Title: Re: ITLSU 1917 Project
Post by: paulr on 11 September 2016, 07:37:51 PM
Quote from: fred. on 11 September 2016, 11:55:34 AM
Are you going to get all 888 together for a photo shoot?

I probably should ;)

Just need to work out where to put them all that will have even light  :-\