Pendraken Miniatures Forum

Pendraken Releases, Requests and Photos! => Requests => Late 19th C./Colonial Requests => Topic started by: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 10:43:32 AM

Title: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 10:43:32 AM
Hello there, I love my pulp games, I do a lot of pulp role play and games normally in 28mm. HOwever it would be good if I could get a smaller range as in 10mm so that I can play big games on a small table.

So is there any chance of a Darkest Africa range, or even do some combining of other ranges so that I wouldnt have to buy full packs of 30 boers to get 2 hunters.

I would envisage....
Hunters male and female
native types
things to hunt - the big 5 would be a good start.
then for the added pulpy feel
Ape men etc....

Apologies if this has been raised in the forums elsewhere. :-[
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Leon on 31 July 2010, 01:46:30 PM
We've got a few things that could be used.  There should be enough hunter type poses in the Boer War range, but there wouldn't be any female ones.  I suppose a couple of blobs of green stuff could fix that! (

There's the Masai tribesmen in the East Africa range ( (

We've got some dinosaurs as well.  There's a tyrannosaur, stegosaur, raptors and some smaller dinosaurs, all in the Fantasy range.  We do have a triceratops but the leg needs fixing.

For hunting prey, we've got some Rhino's ( ( could have a pop at.  There's also tigers (in Africa?!) and some Bison!

I'm stumped with the Ape Men though.  The Samurai Apes in the Fantasy range are all in Japanese armour, so wouldn't quite fit.
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 02:03:54 PM
Strangely enough I have spent the last few hours trawling though the website to see what I could find.
I have come up with this far  ;D

FSA8 tigers
NEA3 Masai
NEA4 porters
GEA1 Askari
AC21 Pack mules
AC35 Rhino
ME21 open top tourer
ME27 Phoenix scout
SCV1 20's/30's truck

And for the more fantasy side

AC11 dinosaurs
AC15 giant spiders
F19 flying dino

I need about 10 boers with rifles  no beards(  ::) ) and I am well on the way  ;D
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: lentulus on 31 July 2010, 02:34:35 PM
The soviet naval infantry ( SV19) would be good for an armed freighter crew figure.
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 03:09:08 PM
oooh forgot the armed freighter crew.... now need a big monkey (well ape) and I will be a ble to tell this story I have just invented about a lost island where the natives live in thrall of a giant ape and a film crew arrives to make a film but capture the Ape God andt ake it back to New York where it escapes and climbs the Empire state building and then gets shot by airplanes....and dies, well I suppose you would falling from the top of the Empire state building, especially full of machine gun bullets!

I think I might be onbto a winner here... only need a director to make the film and my millions will be assured
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Zbigniew on 31 July 2010, 04:09:23 PM
For big monkey type maybe fantasy trolls could be used
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Blaker on 31 July 2010, 04:13:43 PM
Man, I cant wait for the movie!!!   :P   Yes maybe the trolls would be a good sub for apes?  Then there are the swarms of bats and flying lizards(dragons) and the new Giant Owls, all worthy of being hunted by the Pulp crowd. . .

Looks like you have found most of what you need, maybe you and Leon could swap ideas about putting together a "Pulp Package"  :D

However, Leon, you gave us great links to what you thought would be good but, where are the pictures of those minis you linked us too  ;D

Sooo many uses for 10mm - it GREAT!!!
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 05:52:01 PM
I also have a cunning idea for a series of films based around an archaeologist named Idaho James. He basically is a daring do archaeologist who scours the world for amazing treasures. I was thinking something religious for the first one, set in 1936 trying to stop the nazi's from getting it first ;D .
here he is searching on a dig near some terracota warriors
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Blaker on 31 July 2010, 06:37:34 PM
That's Grrrreat!  Idaho James, yes, yes I could see you doing at least 3 movies before doing a final 4th one that would blow chunks. Maybe one movie could be reenacted in a dungeon - yeah in a 10mm dungeon with all sorts of nasties chasing our daring hero and his cohorts.  Maybe even have a crystal something he has to find while trying to outwith the fiendish Draken Master  ;D

Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Blaker on 31 July 2010, 07:40:52 PM
You know, they do have Desert Rats  8)
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 07:58:58 PM
I was thinking Idaho would need a quirky weapon, so he uses his archaeologist's trowel tied to a bit of rope which he uses to swing across chasms etc. :-[
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Leon on 31 July 2010, 09:50:39 PM
We've got a few pics of those:

Boer War chaps:


SCW truck:

Tigers are on the site here: (
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 09:52:46 PM
About to put an order in..... need about 10 boers for hunters and 10 Askari as gun bearers, but the rest is full packs.... HOw can I indicate this on my order?
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Leon on 31 July 2010, 10:04:45 PM
Quote from: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 09:52:46 PM
About to put an order in..... need about 10 boers for hunters and 10 Askari as gun bearers, but the rest is full packs.... HOw can I indicate this on my order?

Stick the order through as normal, but don't make the payment.  Then send us an email with the extra bits you need, and we'll price it all up and send you a PayPal invoice for it.

If the order is in before midnight, it'll be priced up before the increase.
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 10:06:06 PM
cool on its way now  ;D
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 10:19:06 PM
I found BW24 dismounted foot with slouch hat... as there are only 15 of them that is near as dammit 10 so bunged it on the order as will just take the full pack of Askari... in the end some can be bad guys.....
the order is on its way through paypal cheers ;D
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Leon on 31 July 2010, 10:21:00 PM
Quote from: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 10:19:06 PM
I found BW24 dismounted foot with slouch hat... as there are only 15 of them that is near as dammit 10 so bunged it on the order as will just take the full pack of Askari... in the end some can be bad guys.....
the order is on its way through paypal cheers ;D

Thanks for that!  Just in time!

BW24 are quite a good figure, as they are kneeling firing, if I recall correct.
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 31 July 2010, 10:49:31 PM
I like cutting it fine ;D Looks like I will have a bit of painting to do in a little while.... Time to get rid of my 28mm stuff methinks and get back to my 10's
Many thanks
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Blaker on 01 August 2010, 03:59:30 AM
Kuddos to Leon for posting up those pictures for us  ;)

And you got the order in under the wire before the increase - good show!

Now we will be wanting to see those movie stills posted on this site when budget allows  8)

Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 01 August 2010, 09:49:31 AM
I have cast the Ape God already - yey for keeping my Britains zoo animals from when I was a kid. I now have a massive Ape - I just need to keep it short and snappy .... Got it!

BONG the 8th wonder of the world!  (named after the island he was found on). ::)

Also thanks to Leon for the assistance yesterday it is good to see customer service is still the same as it was when I bought stuff years ago :D
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Leon on 01 August 2010, 02:20:52 PM
Quote from: Maenoferren on 01 August 2010, 09:49:31 AM
Also thanks to Leon for the assistance yesterday it is good to see customer service is still the same as it was when I bought stuff years ago :D

No bother, happy to help!

Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 02 August 2010, 09:24:48 PM
Here is Bong the 8th wonder of the world in all his Glory ;D
A couple of random 10mm figures I knicked from a mate
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: nikharwood on 02 August 2010, 09:42:26 PM
That's a big-feckin-scary-monster-ape kind of way  8)
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Blaker on 02 August 2010, 09:46:40 PM
Yikes!!   :o    I think you need a few more that just two chaps to cage BONG!   ;D

Man, now you have me thinking I need to get advance order tickets for the movie  :P

Looks great!
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 02 August 2010, 09:49:16 PM
fear not in the film they are armed with some form of gas bomb that knocks him out ::)
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: nikharwood on 02 August 2010, 09:51:26 PM
And don't underestimate the power of a foxy chick in a slinky dress either  :P ;D


And the scruff look works too:


Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 02 August 2010, 09:53:34 PM
yeah I will have to think of that... we need a dame (correct terminology from the period) probably a blonde.... ;D
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: nikharwood on 02 August 2010, 09:55:17 PM
hehehe - you posted before I edited in my pics  8)
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 02 August 2010, 09:56:39 PM
built some small step pyramids tonight too, I thought they might come in handy... ooooh maybe a very big wall will be needed too to keep Bong out of the village
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: nikharwood on 02 August 2010, 10:07:17 PM
Cool - have you seen these? Might be useful [buy them 'used' for cheapness...]
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 02 August 2010, 10:15:03 PM
I built a set for 28mm pulp game... will need to make them again for 10mm yikes
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: nikharwood on 02 August 2010, 10:30:06 PM
Addict... ;D
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: Maenoferren on 02 August 2010, 10:38:05 PM
Title: Re: Pulp Heart of Africa range
Post by: nikharwood on 02 August 2010, 10:50:22 PM
 8) ;D 8)