A little help here?

Started by andys, 11 May 2014, 09:32:52 AM

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So I've got myself some Polish 16/17th C Winged Hussars (code P1). The wing-things come as separate pieces.

Can I get them to fix onto the minis? Can I ****!

Anyone got any tips as to how I do this please? Liquid green stuff maybe, not that I've got any of course. Or Vallejo Plastic Putty?


This question comes up every three months or so. :)

For me, it's superglue, then a dab of epoxy to make a lasting join. I've got some 67 hussars, and none of them have lost their wings yet (though they've been walloped by Muscovites, Turks, Cossacks, and Swedes at various times).
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Thanks for the reply. I've tried super glue but it just doesn't work. The one I've got is very runny, is there a thicker, "gloopier" super glue available?


I use superglue gel for things like that.

Usually Tesco superglue gel - for no better reason than that I do my weekly grocery shop in Tesco, that it's inexpensive and that I'm too cheap to pay more when half of it will go hard in the tube before I get round to using it!


There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


I use superglue and the smallest amount of green stuff/milliput which when dries is hard as a rock. I join the pieces together with the green stuff then add a little superglue, it has always worked for me.. I have built Battlefield gothic ships like this then accidently dropped them and they havnt come apart. The superglue I use is from the pound store 10 tubes for a pound I think
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


11 May 2014, 10:06:39 AM #5 Last Edit: 11 May 2014, 10:08:45 AM by andys
Cheers, I'm cheap too  ;) (Yorkshireman), so will probably give that a try. We're off to Morrisons later, will have to see if they stock something similar.

Edit - like the idea of the pound store as well, will have to scour the ones around me  :D


Yeah, i used superglue gel on mine, but they're definitely a but fragile.  They look great though!

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It's the epoxy that does the real fixing job.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


So I popped down to the local Poundland just now and picked up 4 bottles of superglue for, errm, well, you know, £1. They also had an 85ml tube of Hard as Nails - which seems to have done the job  #:-S. Take 24/48 hours to set and I think I'll then add a splash of superglue over the top. Fingers crossed and thanks for the advice lads  :D

And presumably when I next come to use the Hard as Nails, I'll find myself throwing the rock solid 84.9ml that are left in the tube away  ;) Still, for a quid, I'm not complaining.


If i'm having real trouble getting figures to glue together I pound one to a lump of crushed metal with a mallet in front of the others, then shout "you could be next" at the rest. It hasn't worked yet ,but maybe i've just not done it enough times to persuade the rest.


Quote from: Dunnadd on 21 May 2014, 07:02:05 PM
...I pound one to a lump of crushed metal with a mallet in front of the others, then shout "you could be next" at the rest.

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Quote from: Dunnadd on 21 May 2014, 07:02:05 PM
If i'm having real trouble getting figures to glue together I pound one to a lump of crushed metal with a mallet in front of the others, then shout "you could be next" at the rest. It hasn't worked yet ,but maybe i've just not done it enough times to persuade the rest.
It seems to work in the real world  - until the revolution.  Beware the vengeance of the little ones!  ;D

2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
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Hard as Nails? Top stuff, highly recommended. I dropped a couple of figures when I was painting them onto a wooden floor - no problem at all. Well apart from the bit of Anglo-Saxon of course  :D (phew!)


Secret to anything regarding superglue is to ensure that both surfaces to be joined are perfectly flat, smooth and clean. The blurb will tell you that it bonds in 10 seconds or so. Don't you believe it! Clamp the two bits together for at least two minutes and the resulting join will be strong.

And yes, there are various grades of the stuff. The cheap stuff is usually c**p. Buy it from model shops that specialise in large kits. They usually have the good stuff.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



Mollinary wrote
QuoteIt seems to work in the real world  - until the revolution.  Beware the vengeance of the little ones!  Grin

I wouldn't do it to full size non-metal people obviously. That would not only be wrong but messy and illegal also.