Doctor Who Rules (Version 1)

Started by Vulpine, 20 April 2014, 05:06:41 PM

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So for around two years me and dim_reaper have been working on rules and sculpting our own 10mm minatures. Check out,6028.105.html for more details.

So here is the first draft post playtest:

You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Still the scenario section to go... Until then set up 130cm apart (or whatever you can) and kill each other ;)
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Could you post in a format that is more readable - say a PDF?

The multiple screen shots are really quite hard to read.
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at


Unfortunately I can't, Dim_Reaper might be able?

I'll ask him, until then best thing is to steal the pics and place them in word or somesuch.

Alternatively, if you PM me your email adress I can email you the PDF.
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Send Leon the WP document.......

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


26 April 2014, 08:43:40 AM #8 Last Edit: 26 April 2014, 08:46:50 AM by Vulpine

PDF version (thanks Leon)
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient


Carnival of monsters

This supplement to Time Wars is a make do list until the completed additional forces
are done. Eventually we will be bringing out these and other races in supplements as
well as Characters and special scenarios and historical missions for the additional races.


Faction Special Rules:

Cyber army: If a Cybrtcontroler or Cyberleadet is taken as your Empire command then Cyber Patrols may be taken as basic.

Cybermats: If a Cybrtcontroler or Cyberleadet is taken as your Empire command then Cybermats may be taken as support.


                       A F M C W E N T
Controller       4  7  4  8 4  9  9 2
Race: Cyber
Type: Individual (Command for Empire)
Cost: 15pts
Rules: Command (Rank2) Unceasing, Xenophobic
Size: 1 Cybercontroler
Orders: Combined Fire, Defensive Fire, Stand Fast, Take Aim.
Options: May be accompanied by 4 to 10 Cybermen at 5pts each.


                       A F M C W E N T
Leader            4  7  4  8 4  9  8 2
Race: Cyber
Type: Individual (Command for Empire)
Cost: 10pts
Rules: Command (Rank1) Unceasing, Xenophobic
Size: 1 CyberLeader
Orders: Stand Fast, Take Aim
Options: May be accompanied by 4 to 10 Cybermen at 5pts each.


                       A F M C W E N T
Cybermat       6  -  5  7  -  7  8 1
Race: Cyber
Type: Swarm (Support Cyber army only)
Cost: 10pts
Rules: Hazardous (8inc), All terrain, Swarm, Scout
Size: 1 Cybermat swarm
Orders: Can't receive Orders

Faction Special Rules:

Draconian Force: If a Draconian Lord or Draconian Hero is taken as your Alliance command then Draconians warriors may be taken as basic.

Warrior race: If a Draconian Lord is taken then Draconian warriors may be taken as Basic and Veteran troops. If taken as Veteran or as command, the Draconian warriors are the finest cast warriors. Cast warriors may re-role the dice to hit in combat. This must be done before the opponent roles.

Draconian Lord

                      A F M C W E N T
Draconian L   6  5 6 5   2 4 6 2
Race: Draconian
Type: Individual (Command for alliance)
Cost: 10pts
Rules: Command (Rank 2), Warrior race
Size: 1 Draconian Lord
Orders: Charge, Quicken Pace, Stand Fast, Combined fire.
• may be accompanied by   9 Draconian for 14pts
• One Draconian may take a Flamethrower at 1pt

Draconian Hero

                      A F M C W E N T
Draconian H   6  5 5 5   2 4 7 1
Race: Draconian
Type: Individual (Command for alliance)
Cost: 5pts
Rules: Command (Rank 1)
Size: 1 Draconian Hero
Orders: Charge, Stand Fast.
• may be accompanied by   9 Draconian for 12pts
• One Draconian may take a Flamethrower at 1pt

Draconian warriors

                  A F M C W E N T
Draconian  6  5 5 5   2 4 6 2             
Race: Draconian
Type: Squad (Veteran for alliance)
Cost: 12pts
Rules: None
Size: 10 Draconian
Orders: If Squad leader is taken, Quicken Pace
• One Draconian may take either, a Flamethrower at 1pt, Sniper riffle at 2pts
LMG at 2pts or Missile launcher at 3pts.
• One Draconian can be a Squad Leader at 1pt

Ice warriors

Faction Special Rules:

Warrior Force: If a Ice Lord or Marshal is taken as your Alliance command then Ice warriors may be taken as basic.

Cold War: If a Ice Lord is taken and they are playing a Scenario with defenders. The Ice Lord may chose to defend. If the Ice Lord player is defending, before setting up they may role a D6, on a 2+ the board may be a winter board (a winter board must be used). All models on the board who are not Ice Warriors race are effected with the 'fatigue' special rule.

Ice Lord

                   A F M C W E N T
Ice Lord     5  5 5  7 4  6 7  2
Race: Ice Warriors
Type: Individual (Command for alliance)
Cost: 10pts
Rules: Command (Rank 2), Cold War, All-Terrain
Size: 1 Ice Lord
Orders: Defensive Fire, Stand Fast, Take Cover, Combined Fire
Options: May be accompanied by 4 Ice warriors at 10pts or 10 at 25pts


                 A F M C W E N T
Marshal   5  5 5  6  4 7 7 1
Race: Ice Warriors
Type: Individual (Command for alliance)
Cost: 5pts
Rules: Command (Rank 1), All-terrain
Size: 1 Marshal
Orders: Defensive Fire, Take Cover
Options: May be accompanied by 4 Ice warriors at 10pts or 10 at 25pts

Ice Warriors

                   A F M C W E N T
Ice Warr    5  5 4  6  4 7  7 3
Race: Ice Warriors
Type: Squad (Veteran for alliance)
Cost: 10pts
Rules: All-Terrain
Size: 5 Ice Warriors
Orders: If Squad leader is taken, Defensive fire
• May take 5 more Ice Warriors at 15pts.
• One Ice Warrior can be a squad Leader at 1pt


Faction Special Rules:

Mercenary Force: If a Sontaren Major or commander is taken as your Alliance or empire command then Sontarens battle squads may be taken as basic.

Bread for War: If a Sontaren Major is taken then the Detachment will have learned different skills and tactics, all command Level 1, 2 and 3 know the same additional order. Role 1D3:
D3 - Order
1:     Charge
2:     Stand Fast
3:     Take Cover

Sontaren Major

                       A F M C W E N  T
Major              5  7 6  7  3 7 8  2
Race: Sontaren
Type: Individual (Command for Empire or Alliance)
Cost: 10pts
Rules: Command (Rank2), Fatigue
Size: 1 Major
Orders: Quicken Pace, Combined Fire, Defensive Fire, Take Aim

Sontaren Commander

                       A  F M C W E N T
Commander  5  7 5  7  3  7 8 1
Race: Sontaren
Type: Individual (Command for Empire or Alliance)
Cost: 5pts
Rules: Command (Rank1), Fatigue
Size: 1 Commander
Orders: Quicken Pace, Combined Fire

Sontaren battle squad

                       A F M C W E N T
Sontarans     5 7  5  7  3 7 7  2
Race: Sontarens
Type: Squad (Veteran for alliance or Empire)
Cost: 14 Pts
Rules: Fatigue
Size: 5 Sontarns including a squad leader.
Orders: Quicken Pace
• May take up to five more Sontarens at 3Pts each.
• Up to Two Sontarens may take support weapons.
  • One may have a Sniper riffle at 1pt
  • One may have a Grenade Launcher at 1pt
  • One may have a LMG at 2Pts   
  • One may have a Missile Launcher at 3Pts
• If no support weapons have been taken then one Sontaren may be upgrade to:
   •  A HMG Weapon team at 4pts
   • A Mortar Weapon team at 5pts

Sontaren scout

                               A F M C W E N T
Sontarans scout   5 7  5  7  3 7 7 1
Race: Sontarens
Type: Individual (Veteran for alliance or Empire)
Cost: 5 Pts
Rules: Fatigue, Infiltrate, Spotter
Size: 1 Scout
Orders: None

Sontaren recon squads

                      A F M C W E N T
Sontarans    5 7  5  7  3 7 7  2
Race: Sontarens
Type: Squad (Veteran for alliance or Empire)
Cost: 16 Pts
Rules: Fatigue, Scout
Size: 5 Sontarns including a squad leader.
Orders: Quicken Pace
• May take up to five more Sontarens at 3Pts each.
• Two Sontarens may take support weapons. They may both take the same type of wepon
  - Flamer at 1pt
  - Sniper riffle at 1pt
-  Grenade Launcher at 1pt
-  LMG at 2Pts
•  One Sontaren may take a Missile Launcher at 3Pts

Sontaren Heavy weapons squads 

                        A F M C W E N T
Sontarans      5 7  5  7  3 7 7  2
Race: Sontarens
Type: Squad (Support for for alliance or Empire)
Cost: 20 Pts
Rules: Fatigue
Size: 3 Somtaren weapons teams, including Squad Leader
Orders: Quicken Pace
• May take up to 2 more Weapon Teams at 5 pts each
All Squad must take one of the following options:
• A HMG at 4pts per Weapon Team
• A Mortar at 5pts per Weapon Team


Faction Special Rules:

Vogan Force: If a Leader of the Gardians  or Chief Councillor is taken as your Alliance command then Vogan Militia may be taken as basic.

Hit and run: If a Leader of the Gardians  or Chief councillor is taken then any Vogans may be use a special action called Hit and Run. This takes up two actions, but you may fire at a enemy target and then 'run' (see rules for running) directly away from that enemy squad.

Vogan Guardians
                   A F M C W E N T
Guardian       5 7  5  7  3 7 7  2
Race: Vogan
Type: Squad (Basic for Alience)
Cost: 20 Pts
Rules: Fatigue
Size: 3 Somtaren weapons teams, including Squad Leader
Orders: Quicken Pace
• May take up to 2 more Weapon Teams at 5 pts each
All Squad must take one of the following options:
• A HMG at 4pts per Weapon Team
• A Mortar at 5pts per Weapon Team


Factional special rules

Shape shifters: If a Zygon Warlord is taken, Zygons become basic.

Zygon Warlord

                 A F M C W E N T
Warlord     4 4 4  4  4  4 7 2
Race: Zygon 
Type: Individual (Command for Alliance or Empire army's)
Cost: 5 Pts
Rules: Infiltrate, Hazardous, Command Rating 2
Size:  1 Warlord
Orders: 'Take cover' 'Defensive fire'
Options: May take a retinue of five Zygons at 7pts or ten at 16pts.


               A F M C W E N T
Zygons    4 4 4  4  4  4 6 2
Race: Zygon 
Type: Squad (Veteran for Alliance or Empire army's)
Cost: 16 Pts
Rules: Infiltrate, Hazardous 
Size:  10 Zygons
Orders: If Squad leader is taken 'Take cover'
Options: One Zygons can be a squad leader at 2pts
You're just a pathetic
bunch of tin soldiers,
skulking around the
galaxy in an ancient