Your Dungeons!

Started by Leon, 12 July 2010, 08:22:07 PM

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OMG Cyril, these are simply A-W-E-S-O-M-E to the max.

How DO you do it?

Mine look like a shambles when compared alongside yours  :-\

I`m highly impressed actually, mostly because its shown me just what can be achieved in this scale with the right skill and patience. Not a level I will ever be able to attain, but it IS inspiring and will make me keep one eye focused over my shoulder at your photos to remind me what I SHOULD be doing.

You`re work is amazing Cyril, I think these are the best examples of painted 10mm Pendraken Fantasy Miniatures I`ve ever seen, to date.

Thanks for sharing, and I avidly look forward to seeing more.

Six  :)


Wow, thanks Six... I don't know what to say ! #:-S

But you know, I actually only have one technique which works really well on the 10mm scale where details are "over enhanced" by the designers:
- undercoat in black
- for each part of a mini where you plan to put a color, always have 2 version of this color: the color itself and a brighter version
- apply the standard color by brushing heavily on the details of said part
- use the brighter color to dry-brush on the same details more gently this time
- optionnaly, when not satisfied by the results, apply some washing and hope for the best

Rince and repeat !

The best miniature you can practice on is the skeleton :
- undercoat in black (yes, I said black !)
- brush the bones with a light brown color
- drybrush with some "bone white" color
- optionnaly drybrush gently with usual white color

And due to the bits of brown color, your skeleton will look as if it has just risen from the grave !


WOW, thanks for the advice Cyril.

It`s too late for the collection I have already painted (I went for white undercoating, which kinda works for me because I`m a non fussy... aka lazy... modeller), however I still have vast numbers more to paint up. But I think I`ll redo my skeletons trying your way.

Only one thing, my skeletons are painted and varnished... any advice on how I remove the coating back to the original metal, or can I just black spray undercoat over them as they are?


Six :-)


Actually, I`ve been talking to Paula, my partner, and doing some thinking (ouch, brain hurts).

Cyril, we think we`d really like to add some of your 10mm dungeon and fantasy photos to my next book which is due out in hardback later this year. If we gave you some ideas of little cameo/set pieces we`d like to include, would you be interested in allowing me to add them to the book interior art (possibly the cover as well)?

My addy is:    <-- double underscore between gypsy and dance

If you`d like to get in touch I can let you know the details?

Cheers again,

Six  :)


Six I would be honored (I mean.. honoured :) ) !
I'll send you a mail in a minute and we'll see what we can do !

Now for the painting.
Painting it black on top of the old layers of paint may ruin some details.
If I was you, I would first try to put some shader on your skeleton, then drybrush it with bone white.
Coat d'Arms released 3 different types : examples are HERE (I would advise to use the "421 Dark Brown").

If this is not satisfying, there are many ways to strip paint from minis.
There is a good tutorial HERE but others can be found with google. Lots of people tend to use "Pine Sol" which seems ok for both metal and plastic (I use white spirit for metal).


Have replied to your mail...  and the honour is mine I assure you  :)

Thank you so much for the effects advice and especially the paint stripping link. I`ll pour over these tomorrow and see what I can do about making my skeletons look a little less like bleached white Halloween Pound Shop decorations lol.

Catch you soon, and keep up the great work.

Six   8)


Allright, I just finished the "dungeon pack" parts, ending with the heroes:

The Heroes by cyril F, on Flickr
(The "red mage" is, of course, a tribute to Six's batrep ;) )

Against the skeleton guards by cyril F, on Flickr

Going unnoticed... by cyril F, on Flickr

The photos are a bit blurry however, I'll try to take better one when I get the time.


They look good Cyril - nice to see the figures in situ in your dungeon. I do like the way you have made the dungeon look very "used".
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
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Leon - Now home to over 7000 products, including 4500 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints and much, much more!


Wow Cyril incredible!

I've added some of your pics to a news story on our website:


Top-notch Cyril, nicely done  8)


Well wicked Cyril; they just keep getting better and better all the time.

A game enjoyed with minis and a dungeon as well crafted as this will be incredible, and your friends have an awesome treat in store for them when they play (unless you plan to play solo?). Like fred says, your dungeon looks used, gritty and totally `real`.

Very cool altogether  =P~



06 September 2010, 09:57:27 AM #57 Last Edit: 06 September 2010, 10:33:32 AM by Cyril
Wo ho ho ! So I made it to the Pendraken headline news !  :o
Thanks a lot guys !
Indeed I like when the dungeon feels cold, gritty and dirty. In one word: hostile.  :d

Also I'm still thinking about how to base the minis. Actually I'd really like them to get square bases, like in the good ol' days !
By the way, does anybody know where to get a bunch of plastic bases compatible with the dungeon squares ?
I guess I'll use Pendraken square bases for the heroes but I'd like some plastic for the others in order to customize them.

And thanks again everyone !

Edit: to Six, I plan to play it with a couple of friends. A good bunch of them seem half interested/half amused by the scale, but they won't laugh when the giant crush its mace on their face !


Edit: to Six, I plan to play it with a couple of friends. A good bunch of them seem half interested/half amused by the scale, but they won't laugh when the giant crush its mace on their face !

Hahaha, way to go Cyril. No I doubt very much the amusement and half-hearted interest will stay, or will show for long on their faces when they see just what fun you can have with 10mm. In fact, I imagine their expressions will change to pure envy as they too wish they had a similar collection as your own :D

Six   ;)



I used 12mm plastic counters, and while they are a good size they are really a bit light so figures tend to topple over. UK 1p coins have a good weight to them but are bit large at 19mm.

Coins are very cheap as bases even the smallest plastic counters are 2.5p each.

If you really want square bases then I don't think I have seen any small ones
2011 Painting Competition - Winner!
2012 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up
2016 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2017 Paint-Off - 3 x Winner!

My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at