Generation War

Started by Steve J, 25 April 2014, 08:32:35 PM

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I thoroughly enjoyed it because I know bugger-all about tanks and machine guns. Of course if they'd made one on the FPW and had the wrong guns etc. I too would now be moaning.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


I thought it was well done and didn't "airbrush" the actions of the Germans to any great extent.

Given that it was aimed at a general audience, most of whom couldn't tell a Panther from a pillbox, it did pretty well on the hardware and equipment side too.

Slightly miffed that Virgin seem to have a glitch with Martha Kearney's program on the realities behind the series whereby it plays the Beeb Two trailer then drops back to the menu. I dare say I can pick it up online but watching it on a 19" PC screen is not ideal. :(
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

Steve J

I thoroughly enjoyed the whole series and thought it covered a lot of the 'sensitive issues' extremely well. Having a very good knowledge of the period certainly helped, as I had to point out a lot of things to the family that could only be briefly touched upon, given the length of the programme.


Quote from: Bernie on 11 May 2014, 02:45:11 PM
Just seen last episode of the series

Unfortunately only 2 of the 4 Nazi war criminal heroes died. We were required to feel sorry for the two left who made up their friendship with the Jewish survivor.

I hope the Polish & Ukrainian govts sue the producers for the portrayal of the AK Polish home army and the Ukrainian partisans as being more anti-Jewish than the German army.

It was no band of brothers and the belief that the moral equivalence of what Allies did to the Germans as to what Germans did is quite absurd.

Such a shame as could have been as good as "Das Boot" or "Come & See"

What the Russians did to the Germans in Pomerania, Silesia and East Prussia came damn close.
Don't buy your daughters a pony, buy them heroin instead, its cheaper and ultimately less addictive.


with regard to the comment that govts should sue for the portrayal of their partisans as anti jewish

are we seriously suggesting that the Ukrainian and poles in ww2 did not have anti jewish elements?

I have watched it all and did not feel sorry for the survivors and don't believe that was the intention

many of the atrocities in the east were aided by the local populations
I would love to see either government sue the producers as a more accurate picture of ww2 beyond us and them may be seen

I abhore the holocaust and all its perpetrators

i have spent 30 years teaching it and trying to show that it can happen again and must not

but reducing it to the level that it was a simple occurrence done by the enemy doesn't help

Jim Ando


Thought it was quite good.

I watched the debate after part 3 with some experts and they pulled bits of it apart especially the friendship with viktor and the polish home army.

Getting back to several points that have been made,

1) it did show the Wehrmacht killing civilians not just the special troops.

And 2) there was a bit when lieutenant winter pulled out an empty mag of his mp40 (not that important) .

I thought it showed the change in uniform quite well from grey and jackboots to camo smocks and ankle boots.



Just catching up on this thread and must agree with Sakura. From all my readings etc, the Poles appear to be more anti Semitic than the Germans, and I thought this was portrayed rather well. After all, when Germany finally went into Czechoslovakia, the Hungarians and the Poles took a slice each as well, the Poles the large chunk. All in all, a very enjoyable mini-series.