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Started by Orcs, 25 February 2014, 08:04:26 AM

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Steve J

I think a Cold War range of figures makes sense. The Falklands stuff is just superb 8).


Quote from: Steve J on 26 February 2014, 09:26:31 AM
The Bend Sinister ones are 12mm and personally the Pithead figures just don't do it for me. Their vehicles are pretty good from what I've seen though. On a commercial note, Pendraken produce ranges that are equally covered by Magister Militum et al, so I don't see this as an issue. I do think their limited appeal, as mentioned previoulsy, could be an issue.

I believe the units that fought in France used French or British uniforms, but stand to be corrected on this (If time permits I will double check my Polish books). I think the 10th Brigade is a must due to it being one of the most famous Polish units in the short campaign.

I have a mix of Pithead and Bend Sinister and Pendraken. Pithead vehicles are good . I used the Pendraken late WW1 germans in greatcoat to give variety and all three manufacurers mix ok on the same base

Yes 10th Brigade used Freench Kit in France - including tanks , so they will look like French . 
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