The Mongol Experiment - Report

Started by Leon, 21 February 2014, 11:17:20 PM

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Dave Fielder

I echo the deposit sentiments ... a pledged is a promise, thus it should be substantiated somehow. I'll leave it to the Pendraken gang to decide how much to make it tenable.

So what is next?
Romeo and Juliet is a Verona Crisis


i am hesitant to write on here for fear of being ridiculed for going against the grain and reiterating my view that the figures just dont do it for me
i have large armies of pendraken   fpw loa  falklands  and have been a fairly regular buyer
i joined the kickstarter bought books and dusted down my memories of mongolia nad northern china where i lived and the chinese history i studied at uni
i bought half my pledge at once and will honour my next 10 packs although even painted i an not personally convinced
i am sure someone will make a smart ass comment about not being able to see theit teeth but for me the figures are too slight and so are the horses

with this in mnd i am going to put them on ebay so i will make a loss too but i dont want Leon to be put off at all
alternatively i will sell the 20 packs and freebies for 75% here and reinvest the £20 in pendraken figures
if interested in this let me know if not ebay it is

sorry an amazing idea didnt work but had i seen in the flesh i wouldnt have joined hence no more kickstarters
shame the shows are dropping by the wayside this year too
i think a crisis is in the air for the hobby as reveille (my local) was down on previous years in terms of new traders/products and the b and b seemed to have very few bargains and alot of overpriced items


While I had no current interest in the project due to prior commitments, I agree entirel
with the view that a non-refundable up-front payment with the pledge must be the way forward.
There must be a more concrete commitment on the part of the people expressing a sincere
interest. That would give Pendraken a clearer indication of real interest.

I for one would have no problem with such a deposit to support a range I really wanted.



Are the mongols in the January sale package?


Are the mongols featured on the company face book page, Twitter, etc,etc....
Perhaps a visual figure display at the next few shows would bump sales, a nice Genghis dvd running in the background,
would grab attention too.


Quote from: TinyTerrain on 22 February 2014, 02:28:21 AM
I am going to say what Leon is far too polite to the 40% who made a comitment to the project and didnt follow up by placing an order, and worst still in some cases didnt have the courtesy to speak to Leon in person,  shame on you.

I have to say I totally agree with Craig on this. I am very dissapointed that there are that many members on this forum who have taken advantage of Pendraken in this way.

No one forced you to pledge -If you have pledged you should honour that pledge.   I appreciate personal circumstances change, but you should honour it as best you can, at the very least you owe Dave and Leon an apology

Quote from: sakura on 22 February 2014, 01:34:17 PM
i am hesitant to write on here for fear of being ridiculed for going against the grain and reiterating my view that the figures just dont do it for me.

With a KS or this sort of project you are taking a gamble (I feel a very small one in Pendrakens case). But in return you are getting a chance to get an input into whats in the range, a reassonable 10% off and additional freebies. 

I have not seen the figures "in the flesh" so I cannot comment on his views, and in any case he is fully entitled to them.  More Importantly he has been man enough to stand up and explain why he does not like them and also to honour his pledge regardless - Well done Sakura.

I did not pledge to this project as it was not of sufficient interest for me to start another project with so much in my lead pile. (LH will now bang on about WSS British that I have not done in 2 years :))

As to future projects I do think that a reasonable amount up front is the way to go.

For the record too would be happy to stump up the full amount of my pledge up front

Quote from: fsn on 22 February 2014, 11:15:49 AM

Perhaps next time, we (the nuts in the Pebdraken museli) could be polled on our preference? *ahem* Byzantines or chariot armies, anyone?

I am up for some Chariot Armies please  :-bd
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson


Between Indiegogo and Paypal, using the fixed method, I give them a bit less than 9%.

I think you should at least have some visuals : concept or sculpts. People need to have a visual support to feed their desire.

2015 Painting Competition - Winner!
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


The ones who pledged and did not honour their pledge are lowest of the low  >:(


Hi all,

I made a pledge when the project was announced, it was I believe the smallest pledge made (12pounds) but a pledge all the same and I fully intend to honour it.
If anything I will be purchasing a lot more than my pledge suggestedm
I've not been on the forum for a while, I made clear a while ago that a change in circumstances and health issues had put a temporary halt to my indulgence in the hobby, things are getting better but at the moment I'm still in a financial struggle and this is why I have yet to place my order.
I've seen the range and can't wait to get my hands on the figures but I must prioritise until my finances improve.
Rest assured my pledge will be honoured as soon as I am able to meet it.
I hope fellow members do not think too badly of me for the delay, I do love the Pendraken ranges and look forward to being able to buy at least an army pack so that I can get back to painting and having work to contribute.




My mistake, it's 25quid.
Had a look at my finances this morning and it looks like 3 weeks before I'll be able to call in to seal the order.
They are lovely sculpts and I'm looking forward to them, please accept my sincerest apologies for the delay.




I don't think you're the subject of all this contempt.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.



How's things, good to see you on the forum. Those of us who have been on the forum for a while know you've been through a tough time. Certainly my post wasn't aimed at you.

Glad to see you back and that things are working themselves out for you.




No Ry, as FK says, you're definitely NOT.
Hope things are getting a bit more on track for you now. :)
Personally.... 'somewhat' disappointed that the take up to pledges ratio ended up so low.
Didn't expect it to be as low as the 60% quoted, though I thought Leon would have done extremely well  to get an absolute 'full house'.
Maybe more folk felt as Sakura, that they weren't quite what they were after ?
Though I thought 'we' showed enough Wips early on to show what was coming.
Seems to have been a bit of a Marmiite reaction. Some loved them.....some didn't.

Cheers - Phil.


With everyone's sentiments Ry.

As someone who has absolutely zero (0, nil, nothing, no) interest in Mongols, may I just say that the sculpts are gorgeous. I honestly don't think that anyone with even a vague interest in the Khan's Kids would not love them. You may be getting feedback I'm not, but reading through the posts it seems to me a more common reaction is "not for me, but beautifully done."

Perhaps others who did not follow up on their pledge could offer feedback to Leon as to why. Not for berating purposes, but for feedback, so that the process could perhaps be modified with the upcoming chariot armies kickstarter  :D. We grow by learning.

Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


Cheers folks,

Sorry my post does look slightly defensive now I read it back, not intended, just thought it worth explaining that I'm still up for the project.
I can understand the frustration at only 6/10 people keeping to it, I do hope it doesn't prevent future non-kickstarter projects.
Some great ideas re: collecting funds prior to launching, seeing as freebies were offered to all pledgers there can be no complaints if HQ decide that's the safest way to proceed.
Anyway, loving the work you're all posting, can't wait to join in again.

