The Mongol Experiment - Report

Started by Leon, 21 February 2014, 11:17:20 PM

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Quote from: DanJ on 25 February 2014, 12:08:20 PM
The biggest area with holes in it would appear to be the ancients, however the death of Warmaster Ancients seems to have slowed down the whole 10mm ancients scene.

Pendraken also cover most popular ancients range so you'd probably be looking at a the more obscure armies like the bronze age, however these don't appear to be a niche market, not the most particularly popular with players which is a shame. 

The only obvious gaps I can see and which I'd happily pledge to would be Ancient Chinese, there's a lot of scope here and pre-columban America with a conquistador range to take them on.
No, there are still a large number of big holes among the popular ancient armies. The Hellenistic and Achaemenids alone need a lot more figures.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Ancients is the bottomless pit of figure manufacture - people think it's Napoleonics, it isn't: Ancients is just VAST  :o

I'd be all over 10mm ancients. . . except I have several tens of thousands of 15mm already and I suspect most of similar age (WRG pedigree types that were weaned on the purple primer and grew up with Bakerese through the death throes of DBMM and the godless creation that was FOG) are similar, too much investment, too many mutually morphing assemblages to even consider realistically changing scales. And those that didn't do that did the 28mm WRG to WAB thing.

10mm ancients relied on WMA for new growth and that proved a flash in the pan, we tried to like it, we truly did but it was broke and frustrating not least in the brash way it was supported by its fanboyz but even then we couldn't envisage a change in scale - mind that hasn't stopped me purchasing random bits and bobs of 6mm and 10mm ancients - but they just represent weakness and gullability  :D

Now anything between 1300 and 1930 that's an open book for 10mm for me  :D


Hi, for future projects I think pictures of a few prototype greens would really help. Once I saw the pictures of the sculpts, I could have kicked myself for not participating. Will have to buy in now.


I was tempted, but not enough to commit. I'm more tempted now by the really nice sculpts, but I've so much else to do and so little likelihood of using them I'll hang off! I knew that'd be the case so despite being tempted by chucking a tenner in I held back... still, I guess if you run another you'll know where you are money wise; expect @two thirds to hit the commit button when it's ready to go.

A "late buy in" stage might be good tho - although would that dilute the earlier pledges?
I provide a cheap, quick painting service to get you table top quality figures ready to roll -


Wasn't the original pledge simply to buy a given number of the figures when available? That being the case, wouldn't any order support the cause?

(Go on - you know you want to!)
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


QuoteNo, there are still a large number of big holes among the popular ancient armies. The Hellenistic and Achaemenids alone need a lot more figures.

I've got all those and many other armies too so I was thinking about armies which I don't have and which aren't available from other 10mm manufaturers.

It depends if we're talking about adding the more popular ancients armies or looking for new products for potentially new markets.


Quote from: DanJ on 02 April 2014, 03:58:19 PM
or looking for new products for potentially new markets.

18th century Turks, Persians and Indians fits that bill


Quote18th century Turks, Persians and Indians fits that bill

Certainly would and I'd sign up for any of them but would they be economically viable? 


Apparently the mongols have made it to my home, I can`t wait to check them out....

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Quote from: marie on 05 April 2014, 12:29:13 PM
Apparently the mongols have made it to my home, I can`t wait to check them out....
Arent they a bit warm in all that mail and fur

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Got them, love them, sprayed them...... :)