Dr. Kaempfer's Album of Persian Costumes and Animals, 1684-5

Started by Druzhina, 21 February 2014, 08:34:41 AM

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Dr. Kaempfer's Album of Persian Costumes and Animals, 1684-5
including pictures of:
. Persian Royal Bodyguard and Palace Usher
. Persian Musketeers
. Persian or Turkic Cavalryman

In 1683 Dr. Kaempfer joined the Swedish embassy to visit the Shah of Persia. The embassy traveled from Moscow, via Kazan, Astrakhan, across the Caspian Sea to Isfahan, the capital of Persia. Kaempfer ventured out along the way, exploring other areas by Baku on the Caspian Sea.
The artist, Jání son of Bahram, calls himself 'Farangi Saz', that is a painter in the European style. He worked for Dr. Kaempfer in Isfahan, filling about forty-five pages of a sketch-book for him in 1684-5.

This is used as a source for illustrations in Persians and other easterners by George Gush

Dr. Kaempfer's Album of Persian Costumes and Animals, 1684-5

Illustrations of Persian Costume & Soldiers