'First Look' pictures of the new Napoleonic British!

Started by Leon, 16 February 2014, 11:06:46 PM

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Looking good, really excited about this range!


Does anyone know how much space the Line infantry marching will take up? Say 30 figures in a single rank (600 men), and how do they compare in size to O.G. (A strip of 5 is 1").
In 15mm. my old strip Mini Figs are mounted 4 to the inch. Anything less than 22 figures starts to look odd after taking 4 figures away from each battalion in the brigade to make up a skirmish line.
The 18 remaining figures have only to loose 2 casualties (10%) and it is starting to look a little thin.
A Prussian battalion of 16 figures in column, on the other hand zips around like a Mini Cooper (the old one).

Mike L


Lord Lensman of Wellington
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When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.




Mike L


Quote from: Dragoon on 19 July 2014, 12:39:15 AM
Does anyone know how much space the Line infantry marching will take up? Say 30 figures in a single rank (600 men), and how do they compare in size to O.G. (A strip of 5 is 1").
In 15mm. my old strip Mini Figs are mounted 4 to the inch. Anything less than 22 figures starts to look odd after taking 4 figures away from each battalion in the brigade to make up a skirmish line.
The 18 remaining figures have only to loose 2 casualties (10%) and it is starting to look a little thin.
A Prussian battalion of 16 figures in column, on the other hand zips around like a Mini Cooper (the old one).

Line infantry:


I don't have any Old Glory strips but there's a figure comparison:


Cheers, Michael
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Thanks Michael,
Strangely enough, Around 2003, I wanted to work out what really happened at Quatre Bras. So rather than use a set of rules I just worked out real deployment distances of infantry, cavalry & artillery.
Then work out movement distances. Much easier than rules as we know what results were. Just split march periods into 15 minute slots.
But to start with I needed to know and test what frontage "That Article" occupied.
One rule book, and a very good set of rule, says 21" for British  and 32" for French. This works very well for rule writers as 600 British Infantry  in 2 ranks and 600 French Infantry in 3 ranks will take up exactly the same frontage.
On the parade ground, in a stationary line, shoulder to shoulder, yes, but the space may well alter when advancing on a hill in the Peninsular.
Other books say 24". To keep the unit depth to a minimum, I was going to use 20mm wide 10mm deep, with 6mm figures in March Attack.
I would have used bases shallower than 10mm. 6mm would have been better. Then a friend told me that OG 10mm figures took up the same amount of width and depth as 6mm. I bought 1 bag of 50 and a smaller command bag. A 60 figure regiment in 2 ranks just blows the mind and they were straight out of the bag, unpainted.
But I couldn't  find limbers, wagons or any pictures of what I was buying.
Back to frontage. I was concerned that my battalions at 1 figure = 80 men a line of 8 figures in 1 rank would fit on 2 x 20mm. Wide bases.
However Age of Eagles cropped up.
Infantry base 3/4" wide x 1" deep, that's 6 figures in 2 ranks deep and the basic unit is the brigade. 1 base = 360 men.
Cavalry base is 1" wide x 1" deep  that's 3 figures wide in a single rank . 1 base = 180 troopers.
Works well for large battles.
Myself I think, that for a good game 1 figure = 20men 1 rank deep. 1 figure = 50 men disrupts battalion structure for Brit 10 company  battalions (30th. Foot had 650 men before Quatre Bras. That's 13 figures but a 20mm. Base gives 4 bases  @ 3 figures per base. If the bases held 6 figures in 2 ranks, would that look right. You have pendraken French based up. Do you have a page to show a battalion in line for me to look at. Just to see if it falls together for me? I'm going to have to take the plunge soon, before all my figures get lead rot and desert :-(

Mike L


Just looking at the Light Dragoons Brit. LD. have a small pear shaped plume, but in 1815 they would have worn oilskins over there Shako's.
As would the infantry

Mike L


Quote from: Dragoon on 24 July 2014, 12:00:51 AM
Do you have a page to show a battalion in line for me to look at. Just to see if it falls together for me? I'm going to have to take the plunge soon, before all my figures get lead rot and desert :-(

These Hungarians are all mounted 6 to a 25mm square base:




When I was thinking this through it wasn't necessary to take British infantry into consideration.
← click my website button to go to Michael's 10mm 1809 BLOG and WW1 Blog


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25mm x 25mm fit Napoleons Battles. Age of Eagles was taken from that and Fire and fury (ACW rules) but it does play well.
I just like to see and use skirmishers. Reading about Peninsula battles where one or two companies are given a task, for solo play this adds chrome but slows everything down.

I'll never paint like yourself, and it is the painter that brings thins to life. Tony Ackland painted a battalion of Airfix AWI in 20mm. with a hand painted standard. Prussian style and apart from basing they would stand against any that I've seen. That was his first wargames unit.

Your design work on the blog looks great.

Brit Infantry have always caused problems, moving by divisions of 2 companies or a half battalion frontage was often used for speed, flexibility and safety.
I'll have to read the drill and tactics before I decide.

Looking at your 24 figure battalion, are you still with 1 figure = 50 men or is that a 600 man battalion?

BTW, how long does it take you to paint 24 figures and a horse?


Mike L


Quote from: Dragoon on 25 July 2014, 01:20:21 AM
25mm x 25mm fit Napoleons Battles. Age of Eagles was taken from that and Fire and fury (ACW rules) but it does play well.
I just like to see and use skirmishers. Reading about Peninsula battles where one or two companies are given a task, for solo play this adds chrome but slows everything down.

Open order on 25mm squares:


Quote from: Dragoon on 25 July 2014, 01:20:21 AM
Brit Infantry have always caused problems, moving by divisions of 2 companies or a half battalion frontage was often used for speed, flexibility and safety.
I'll have to read the drill and tactics before I decide.

Looking at your 24 figure battalion, are you still with 1 figure = 50 men or is that a 600 man battalion?

I come by my battalion numbers from OOB, dividing the regiment's total by the number of battalions present then shuffling them into battalions of 12, 18 or 24 figures. However, there's nothing to stop me playing a regiment of 54 figures as a battalion in a different game.

Quote from: Dragoon on 25 July 2014, 01:20:21 AM
BTW, how long does it take you to paint 24 figures and a horse?

Bleeding ages. But I feel that once a good number of battalions are painted to a certain standard, their ranks can be joined by some less-loved rag-tag units (if the Emperors are't looking).

Cheers, Michael
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The last lot of sculpts for our impending Napoleonic British range have arrived at Pendraken HQ, so here's some pics!  We'llbe getting the whole range moulded in the next month or so and then we can get these ready for release.



Rocket troops:

British Personalities (Wellington, Picton and the Earl of Uxbridge):

Hope you like them!

www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


They look superb! Look forward to seeing some fantastic British rockets on the tabletop! And Picton with his umbrella! Just great!
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