The Tussel for Tessel - a BKCII AAR

Started by Steve J, 15 February 2014, 05:22:21 PM

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Nice!! Your battlefield always looks ace!



Great stuff! Good looking game and, if a little one-sided, seems to have been fun to play. Certainly plenty happening ... or perhaps more accurately failing to happen!
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Very nice, like others have said lovely scenery

take care

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Steve J

Thanks for the comments chaps :). Both Craig and I like to game on nice looking tables as after all we spend a lot of time on our minis.


Agreed - lovely looking as ever, Steve  8)

I'm looking forward to the next battle as well - I think you're right that the points value will prove 'equal' in essence, given the circumstances; I predict a close-run scrap.  :)



"Close run scrap"....your forgetting one crucial thing, Steve's playing me! I think Ive only ever beaten him twice in about 5 years!

The campaign is proving to be great fun, and using both 10mm BKCII and 15mm CoC is a great combination, allow us to zoom in for one game and then out again for another as we see fit.

Thanks for another great game Steve, great AAR as well,

Tiny Terrain Models

Steve J

Quote"Close run scrap"....your forgetting one crucial thing, Steve's playing me! I think Ive only ever beaten him twice in about 5 years!

That's why I only play games against you Craig :D ;).


Quote from: TinyTerrain on 15 February 2014, 11:57:11 PM

"Close run scrap"....your forgetting one crucial thing, Steve's playing me! I think Ive only ever beaten him twice in about 5 years!

Quote from: Steve J on 16 February 2014, 08:05:23 AM
That's why I only play games against you Craig :D ;).

;D :D ;D