Oudenarde - 11 July 1708

Started by Hertsblue, 27 January 2014, 12:49:47 PM

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This was a battle fought at our local club. It's one of Marlborough's major victories but could have gone either way. It was a battle the French could have, and possibly should have, won. That they didn't was mainly due to that old bugbear, divided command - and of course the brilliance of the command-team facing them.

In the summer of 1708, the French Army of Flanders was ordered to besiege the Belgian fortress-town of Oudenarde. The army was commanded, in name at any rate, by the 26 year old Duke of Burgundy - who just happened to be the grandson of king Louis XIV and the heir to the French throne. Actual command was vested in Marshal Louis Josef de Bourbon, Duke of Vendôme (at least so Vendôme thought), an experienced and capable general. The young man had other ideas, however, and the situation was not helped by the fact that the two loathed each other on sight and by July were not on speaking terms. Burgundy knew that all he had to do to get his own way was to refer any dispute to granddad. This did not lend itself to rapid decision making.

The French dillied and dallied about Oudenarde and Marlborough saw an opportunity to force a battle if he moved quickly enough. By force-marching he reached Oudenarde in time to cross the River Scheldt at the same time as the French and the Allied advance-guard, under Cadogan, was in position to block the French advance after it had crossed the Scheldt at Gavre.

The French advance-guard, under the Marquis de Biron, attempts to hold off the cavalry of Cadogan and Natzmer whilst Burgundy's wing completes its march to Hysse on the heights to the left.

Burgundy's foot establish themselves on the heights whilst his cavalry form up to the north of the village.

Burgundy's cavalry look on (foreground) while Biron's horse contend with Cadogan's cavalry. Grimaldi's squadrons have arrived to boost the French strength. In the background Cadogan's foot have seized the village of Groenewald and Prince Eugene has turned up with yet more cavalry.

With the arrival of Vendôme himself and welcome reinforcements, Burgundy has taken the plunge and ordered his wing forward.

The cavalry melee on the French left becomes bigger and more furious.

The arrival of Argyle's Dutch battalions come as a welcome relief to the Allies as they pass the village of Schaerken en route to Diepenbeck.

Argyle takes Deipenbeck, shoring up the Allied left. Burgundy's foot continue their steady advance.

Lottum's Prussian foot now arrive to put pressure on Burgundy's exposed right flank.

The cavalry melee on the French left has now become an out-of-control mass. The arrival of the red-coated Gendarmerie isn't likely to calm it down. The French have a real problem now - their entry-point is totally blocked by this swirling mass of horsemen. Feeding in further infantry in support of Burgundy is going to be a nightmare.

On the French right Burgundy is hanging on grimly. The light is beginning to go and nightfall cannot come too soon. He will pull off as soon as he is able and face the wrath of Vendôme...

This is an odd battle to game. Burgundy's behavior during the battle, when his entire wing sat and did nothing while the rest of the army was beaten, can only be put down charitably to inexperience and bad advice. Vendôme, who fought on foot in the battle-line, was understandably furious. I tried to give the young man a chance to act by allowing him to advance on the roll of a six on a D6. As luck would have it, the six came up two and a half hours into the battle.   

When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



Great report really enjoyed reading it. Also great scenery

take care

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Steve J

Really enjoyed that and great to see the battle unfold 8).


Good stuff!  Rules used?

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 Excellent, Ray :-bd
Thanks for posting !
Cheers - Phil.


I just hope to God that I never have to paint that many.  :D

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Great report and a great looking battle too. Thank you. 8)
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Cool battle, real sense of scale.  I particularly like the second last picture - where there is just loads of cavalry milling around, blocking up half the table.

What rules did you use?
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Lovely looking game - good to see a Marlburian battle!



27 January 2014, 10:35:57 PM #10 Last Edit: 27 January 2014, 10:48:30 PM by Hertsblue
Thank you all for your kind comments, guys. Rules used were my own Corporal John set. Downloadable free from www.rulesdepot.net.

For the record the forces employed were: French 43 Squadrons and 23 battalions. Allies 33 Squadrons and 21 battalions. There was very little artillery employed in the battle - most of it got left behind.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.
