US vs. Germans in Normandy, August 1944 in 10mm with BKC (mod)

Started by bigjackmac, 27 January 2014, 01:09:07 AM

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So, welcome to the inaugural fight of my "Hell on Wheels" campaign.  The concept is following a US mechanized infantry task force in France, late August 1944, through a series of fictional, yet historically based/representative fights against the Germans.  To see the task force's order or battle you can visit the earlier "Hell on Wheels OOB" post, which shows the units and leaders.  As merely a plot ploy, the Yanks will primarily find themselves facing off against a single German unit lead by Oberst Fritz ;)

So, today's fight is just following Falaise, let's say 24 August 1944, with US forces working on breaking out of Normandy.

The table.

US forces.  Overall scheme is pretty simple; two rifle companies abreast, each with a tank platoon in support, with ATGs, battalion (Weapons Company) mortars, and M10 Tank Destroyers in general support, and one company in (off table) reserve.
*Each company has two MGs in their Wpns Plt, one is their own, the other is attached from Wpns Co.
*Wpns Co 81mm mortars are in general support on table.
*The Bn FO is in general support on table.
*Wpns Co ATGs are in general support, off-table but on call
*Tank Destroyer Plt is in general support, off-table but on call
*The Bn CO pulled himself away from the chowhall long enough to get involved in the attack today.
*The rest of the battalion task force is off-table in reserve, hopefully not needed but standing by in case things don't go well...

Lookie there, that's a Tiger.  No, it's two!

Just then the Bn CO comes on the net to tell everyone to get their heads down, fly-fly boys are on the way, and a flight of Jugs swoops in!

As always, for the whole write-up and 47 more pics, as well as to see who received personal decorations for their part in the fights around Mais Non/Mais Ouis, please check my blog at:



There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data


Sorry brother, it wasn't your time.  It was close, but I was able to keep you back.  I'm afraid next fight you'll have no such luck as most of my tanks are already knocked out.  With the way I handle armor you should be worried  :P ;D



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It was a good game ! hopes and fears ! 
Good job Jack !

and I must say " Good job Guys, let's see how we'll drive them  to Berlin !"

I really like this pic... something will happen.....

Duke Speedy of Leighton

You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Thanks fellas, I appreciate it.  Ronan, I'm just finishing up my next write-up.  The good news is, your company led the assault, and took the objective.  The bad news, you had some real bad luck (dice rolling).  :o :o :'( :'(

Ithoriel was dodging bullets like "The Matrix," and Lemmey was a bit over-eager  ;D ;D ;D

Oh, and Hertsblue suffered a... setback  :-\




I was hoping your bad luck and my bad luck would cancel each other out!



Me and my boys were all ready...But nobody told us we'd started.  :o
Oh well....We'll just stay hunkered down here listening to our iPods gramophones then.  :D
Cheers - Phil.


You're all heroes in my book  ;)

By the way, any word on the Vietnam USMC stuff?  I have a sneaking suspicion I was supposed to be doing something but didn't...



We'll have a word with 'THE MAN' at some stage Jack.
Don't worry....I hadn't forgotten.
Leave it with me for a while. ;)
Cheers - Phil


No problem Phil, I just wanted to check, specifically to make sure I wasn't holding the process up.

Of course, my heart lies with WWII...  When I close my eyes I can see Marines on Guadalcanal with Springfields and water-cooled .30 cal. machine guns, or at Bataan with their pie-plate helmets and leggings...  Come on Phil, don't treat me like this  :'( :'( :'(
