Has Pendraken discovered a new chemical element?

Started by fsn, 09 January 2014, 10:52:16 PM

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I live on my own. I don't have visitors. I have no pets. I tell you this, not for sympathy (as I neither require nor expect none), but as background to something that is perplexing me.

I know I bought nine Valentines from Pendraken - three troops. I assume, and I expect that Pendraken delivered nine. I'm pretty sure I undercoated nine, and top coated nine.

However, when it came to detailling, I find there are only eight hulls, but nine turrets.  This has happened to me before. A Pz III hull disappeared, as did a Pz II turret.

So, the possibilities are:
      * I have been going into a fugue state and eating tank hulls. Nothing has "passed" to make me think this may be true.
      * Someone is sneaking into my house and stealing one hull. Unlikely. This Valentine disappeared a the weekend when I didn't leave the house.
      * I am dropping and losing hulls. Also unlikely. I have searched high and low and the hulls are only moved between two rooms.
      * Pendraken makes some hulls out of a new element - Dissapearium. This element dissolves overnight on contact with acrylic paints.

Since the losses can't be my fault, Disappearium must be the answer!

May I have my Nobel Prize now?


Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!



I have had this before but realised it was due to the odd hull slipping off the board I spray  on when I wasn't looking

Your problem seems more intriguing though
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


My camouflage painting isn't that good that I could miss a hull.
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!

Matt J

no pendraken miniatures do not occupy the same space and time as us.

I bought a pack of billmen. 30 pcs all there, checked again 30 billmen plus a ecw pikeman and a wizard with staff  :-\. The pikeman has stayed the wizard has since disappeared without trace. Have you got him?

I'll let you know if your hull appears in my lead pile  ;)
2012 Painting Competition - Winner!
2014 Painting Competition - 3 x Winner!
2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!
2015 Painting Competition - 2 x Winner!


Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!


As Sideshow Bob rightly once said, there is no Nobel prize for Attempted Chemistry.

The new element project was shelved last I heard. While Dave's discovery of Upsy-daysium could potentially have revolutionised miniatures casting, its atomic mass was 350, and it was thought that the postage costs would make it uneconomical. Plus the Royal Mail would likely limit you to one 10mm fig per package.


Allright boys, time for the pills! Everybody in a single file now!

HEY YOU!! one pill per patient!! Hey what did you call me?

NURSE! tranquilize this one for me please!

=P~ =P~


It's you Cooman! You're building an Frankenstein army from all these missing pieces!

You fiend!

Sleepy now. I'll get you Cooman ... zzzzzz zzzz zzz *burp* zzzzz
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
3 votes in the 2016 Painting Competition!; 2017-2019 The Wilderness years
Oik of the Year 2020; 7 votes in the 2021 Painting Competition
11 votes in the 2022 Painting Competition (Double figures!)
2023 - the year of Gerald:
2024 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


This has happened to me too and not always with figures/minis.

What normally seems to happen is they turn up just after the replacements arrives.

It's all something to do with wormholes.


Have you looked down the back of the sofa ?....Or more likely, have you cleared it off the desk along with any accumulated 'off cuts' etc and thrown it in the bin ?

I have to watch out I don't pick up very small pieces of models with my sleeves, and drop them goodness knows where, if I'm wearing a heavy pullover.
Only thing that regularly goes missing from my desk is a small piece of unused green stuff.
Ninety nine times out of a hundred it's because one of the cats has trodden on, or sat on it.
Usually find those pieces somewhere unexpected in the house, covered in black fur.
Cheers - Phil.


This is what happens when fsn forgets his pills........ :P


The same thing has happened to me as well, not only once butl twice!!! Many years ago while painting an elite miniatures  30mm Austrian Napoleonic hussar it dropped and bounced who knows where. it neve rturned up and the room has been re carpeted and refurnished. then latterly i purchased a Pendraken 10mm British Marlburian starter army isorted the figures for a unit of infantry and painted it up but I cannot for the life of me find the remainder of the figures. they have utterly vanished. I can't even blame it  on pets or children as I have neither . I have come to believe that ther is a wargame figure limbo that stuff disappears into never to be seen again.


There is, of course, a Bermuda Triangle of lost wargames figures just to the east of Shangri-La. It increases the Earth's gravity well by about twenty percent. If anyone ever discovers it and attempts to move it we'll all fall off the planet....  :o :o :o
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



They also produce attractium...this is pewterscopic.  If you purchase some, it will do its best to attract more.

This is the only way I can explain my ever growing pewter pile :D