Q of the Week: The Lord of the Rings films?

Started by Leon, 06 July 2010, 01:36:14 AM

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Personally I Love the films, the elves were exactly how I saw them in my head, Legolas is Legolas to me. The Rohirrim too are  how I expected them to look. I did like the cinematic scale of the film too (IN my top 10 films ever - so far) I also really enjoyed the hunt for Gollum that was done a while ago.... very well done. ;D
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Quote from: Leon on 27 July 2010, 03:08:42 AM
I've just been reading through some trivia bits on IMDB, and apparently:

A scene was cut from the finished film that showed Eowyn (Miranda Otto) stripping away her regular clothes and then dressing herself in the armor of a Rohan warrior.


Outrageous, grr, feckers....why would you cut that scene? Hell's teeth, the world's gone mad I tell you  :P


So would people like to see Peter Jackson direct The Hobbit as well?  I think I read the other day that the Del Toro fella has walked away from the project.
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My understanding is that MGM is in serious trouble as a studio which has caused all sorts of trouble for Warner/New Line as MGM own the rights to make the Hobbit...

Against that backdrop, the rumours have been flying that The Hobbit is essentially on hold, or possibly shelved.  Del Toro walked away in May and its been in chaos since.

That said some of the cast including Ian McKellan have been keen to say things are very much still on track and filming is going at a pace...so make of it what you will.

Apparently Jackson has consistently ruled himself out after the studio screwed him on his payments for the LOTR trilogy, although it seems he's now firmly on board to direct.

Apparently the Hobbit will be two films to be releast over 2011-2012 

As to wether i'd like to see Jackon in the big chair.  Oh yes.  I think his vision is essential to tie all the films together and frankly if he does the same job on the Hobbit as with LOTR it'll be excellent.

That said, the Hobbit is a far thinner source for a film maker to go at so i can't wait to see the film(s) whoever does it...


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