Hammerhead, Newark

Started by Leon, 05 February 2014, 09:47:41 AM

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General Information

Hammerhead 2014 is being run by Kallistra Ltd and The Forest Outlaws Wargamers Club with assistance from the GCN.

We would like to thank GCN and COGS (Chesterfield Open Gaming Society) and in particular Dave Wise for their sterling work over the last 7 years in making Hammerhead such a successful visitor participation show. Visitors to Hammerhead know that at this show they are encouraged to play the games rather than admire a range of demonstration layouts. We aim to keep his legacy intact as every game presented at Hammerhead 2014 is a participation game.

The Hammerhead Experience

Every game at Hammerhead is visitor participation, which means that you are very welcome 'to have a go' at a wide variety of different historical and fantasy based games run by intrepid gaming clubs, historical societies, wargame  companies and enthusiastic groups of gamers. You will be able to play a full game or simply move a few miniatures, roll some dice, have a chat with the people running the game and then move onto the next. The show provides a great opportunity to try out new or familiar game systems and spend a day indulging yourself and friends in this absorbing and fascinating hobby. Whether you're interested in The Great War, WWII, Ancients, Medieval, ACW, Fantasy or Science Fiction, we are sure that you will find a selection of games you would like to play.

New Venue

Hammerhead 2014 has moved to a new venue to The Cedric Ford Pavilion at Newark Showground, which offers a welcoming, warm and comfortable environment in which you can play games, shop for wargame goodies from a selection of top traders, maybe have a drink at the bar, enjoy a meal or snack and socialise with fellow gamers. The car parking is plentiful, free and Newark Showground is only a few minutes from the A1.

For more info: http://www.hammerheadshow.co.uk/
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!