Started by sultanbev, 28 October 2013, 04:19:59 PM

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some recent MicroMark army list releases:
Note the Falklands War British have now been considerably updated.

G225G: German East Asiatic Force, 1900, China
CH54G: Chinese Revolutionary Army Brigade, 1912-1916

CH55: Chinese Kuomintang Nationalist Infantry Regiment, 1924-1925, China
CH56: Chinese Warlord Armies (1), Order of Battle, c1924, China
CH57: Chinese Warlord Infantry Division, 1920-1928, China
CH58: Chinese Warlord Mixed Brigade, 1920-1928, China
CH59: Chinese Nationalist Kuomintang Infantry Division, June 1925-1927, China
CH60: Chinese Warlord Armies (2), Chiu-Yueh-Chun Army Infantry Brigade, Canton, China
CH61: Chinese Nationalist Army Order Of Battle (1), 1926, China
CH62: Chinese Nationalist Army OOB (2), additional units raised in 1927, China
CH63X: planned Chinese Nationalist Infantry Army, 1928, China
CH64: Chinese Nationalist Infantry Divisions Type A & B, 1929-1932, China
CH65: Chinese Nationalist Infantry Division Type C, 1929-1932, China
CH66: Chinese Nationalist Cavalry Brigade, 1929-1932, China
CH67: Chinese Nationalist Marine Brigade, 1931-1936, China
CH68: Chinese Nationalist Infantry Division, 1933-1936, China
CH69: Chinese Communist Infantry Division, 1929-1933, China
CH70: Chinese Communist Infantry Division, 1934-1937, China
CH71: Chinese Nationalist Anti-Communist Infantry Division, Oct 1933-1934, China
CH72: Chinese Nationalist Infantry Division, 1936-1937, China

CH73: Chinese Nationalist Infantry Division, German trained, 1937-1941, China
CH74: Chinese Nationalist Infantry Division, 1938, China
CH75: Chinese Nationalist Infantry Division, 1942-1945, China
CH76: Chinese Nationalist Army OOB, February-May 1942, Burma
CH77: Chinese Nationalist Infantry Division, US trained, 1943-1945, India, China
CH78X: planned Chinese Nationalist Infantry Division, 1945, China
CH79: Chinese Nationalist Infantry Division, British trained, 1943-1945, India, China

AIR65: Saudi Arabian Air Force, Saudi Arabia, 1930-1974
AIR66: Saudi Arabian Air Force, Saudi Arabia, 1975-1985
AIR67: Saudi Arabian Air Force, Saudi Arabia, 1986-1991

B34MB: British 27th Brigade, South Korea, August 1950-July 1951
B272M: British 3rd Commando Brigade, Falklands Islands, 1982 (double list = £1.80)
B273M: British 5th Infantry Brigade & divisional support, Falklands Islands, 1982
Lists B272M and B273M replace List B40M.
AIR68: Saudi Arabian Air Force, Saudi Arabia, 1992-1999
AIR69: Saudi Arabian Air Force, Saudi Arabia, 2000-2009
AIR70: Saudi Arabian Air Force, Saudi Arabia, 2010+
SU14M: Saudi Arabian Army OOB, Saudi Arabia, c2008

Should be available over at the Wargames Vault, or contact me direct




Duke Speedy of Leighton

Thank you.
Like the way the preview of Falklands Brits mentions Matilda's and valentines!
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


Several more new releases, should be up on the Wargames Vault within a day or two:

AS6N: Armies of India (1) Bombay Presidency of the East India Company, 1796-1815
AS7N: Armies of India (2) Madras Presidency of the East India Company, 1796-1815(double list = £1.80)
AS8N: Armies of India (3) Bengal Presidency of the East India Company, 1796-1815 (double list = £1.80)
AS9N: Armies of India (4) Scindia & Holkar armies of the Maratha Confederation, 1790-1803
AS10N: Armies of India (5) Berar, Peshwa and Rajput armies of the Maratha Confederation, 1790-1803, India
AS11N: Armies of India (6) Armies of Mysore, Oudh, Scinde, Travencore, Nizam of Hyderabad, Multan, Bhopal,Bahawalaphur c1790-1815
AS12N: Armies of India (7) Armies of Tibet and Nepal, 1780-1815
G42N: Kingdom of Hanover Army, 1789-1797, North-west Europe
G43N: Hanover Army of Observation, 1796, Westphalia
IT19N: Neapolitan Infantry Regiments (1) 1st-8th Line Regiments,selected strengths 1806-1815
IT20N: Neapolitan Infantry Regiments (2) 9th-12th Regiments, Light Infantry Regiments,Selected strengths 1806-1815
IT21N: Neapolitan Guard Units, selected strengths 1806-1815
IT22N: Neapolitan Line Cavalry and Artillery Units, selected strengths 1806-1815
IT23N: Neapolitan None-line and militia units, selected strengths 1806-1815
S16N: Spanish Army of New Spain, c1790-1813, Mexico (replaces details on List S3N)
S17N: Spanish Army of Cuba, Santa Domingo and Louisiana, c1790-1815

KR15M: North Korean Light Infantry Brigade, 1970+
KR16M: North Korean Amphibious Light Infantry Brigade, 1975+
KR17M: North Korean Airborne Light Infantry Brigade, 1975+
KR18M: North Korean Reconnaissance Brigade, 1970+
KR19M: North Korean Mechanised Artillery Brigade, October 1951-1955
KR20M: North Korean Mechanised Artillery Brigade, 1956-1963
KR21M: North Korean Infantry Brigade, 1964-1973
KR22M: North Korean Shock Infantry Brigade, 1974-1977
KR23M: North Korean Combined Arms Brigade, 1978-1983
KR24M: North Korean Combined Arms Brigade, 1984+
KR25M: North Korean Infantry Division, December 1950-1956
KR26M: North Korean Corps and Army Support, 1951-1956
KR27M: North Korean Armoured Division, 1956-1966
KR28M: North Korean Infantry Division, 1957-1966 (includes Corps & Army support)

or order direct from me  :)


09 December 2013, 04:26:47 PM #4 Last Edit: 09 December 2013, 04:31:17 PM by sebigboss79
Could you link pics / your hp for ordering....North Koreans  :-\

EDIT: Apologies. Just saw these are not "shiny" goodies  :-[


Aye, they are very detailed organisation charts so you can figure out how many shiny metal goodies to buy off Leon.  ;)
And to create wish lists of models not yet made  8)

Available for sale on the Wargames Vault

or direct from me on sultanbev@googlemail.com



Have done the rest of the North Koreans, you've no excuse now ;)

KR29M: North Korean Infantry Division, 1967-1977
KR30M: North Korean Corps and Army Support, 1967-1977
KR31M: North Korean Armoured Division, 1967-1973
KR32M: North Korean Armoured Division, 1974-1977
KR33M: North Korean Armoured Division, 1977-1985
KR34M: North Korean Infantry Division, 1977-1985
KR35M: North Korean Mechanised Division, 1977-1985
KR36M: North Korean Infantry Corps Support, 1977-1985
KR37M: North Korean Army Support, 1977-1985
KR38M: North Korean Independent Tank Regiment, 1977-1983
KR39M: North Korean Independent Armoured Brigade, 1982-1990
KR40M: North Korean Elite Training Regiment, 1977-1985

Minor amendments made to lists: A28M, A29M, A30M, IS27M, KR2M

KR41M: North Korean Order of Battle, 1986-1999
KR42M: North Korean 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th Forward Corps Support, 1986-1999
KR43M: North Korean 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th Rear Corps Support, 1986-1999
KR44M: North Korean Infantry Corps Support, 1986-1999
(9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, Un-named Corps)
KR45M: North Korean Mechanised Corps Support, 1986-1999
KR46M: North Korean 820th Armoured Corps Support, 1990-1999
KR47M: North Korean Army Support (1) Artillery Corps, 1988-1999
KR48M: North Korean Army Support (2) Pyongyang Defence Corps, 1988-1999
KR49M: North Korean 105th Armoured Division, 1987-1999 (double list = £1.80)
(includes a brief current summary of home built T-62 variants)
KR50M: North Korean Armoured Brigade, 1991-1999
KR51M: North Korean Mechanised Brigade (1), 1986-1999 (front line units)
KR52M: North Korean Mechanised Brigade (2), 1988-1999 (lower quality units)
KR53M: North Korean Infantry Division, 1986-1998
KR54M: North Korean Motorised Infantry Division, 1986-1999
KR55M: North Korean Para-Military Training Division, 1986-1999
KR56M: North Korean Infantry Division, 1999+
KR57M: North Korean Infantry Corps Support, 2000+

Available on the Wargames Vault very soon, or contact me direct.


16 December 2013, 11:32:30 PM #7 Last Edit: 16 December 2013, 11:35:57 PM by Fenton
I presume the HQ sections are liable to change without  prior notice
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!


Aye, but it doesn't affect their combat ability, they are still CV7  8)