Wanted wagon

Started by Womble67, 16 December 2013, 04:02:49 PM

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Hi all

Im looking for a wagon similar or the same as in the picture. Within Pendraken ranges also pictures would be helpful.

Take Care

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I think fred has a wip pic of a german one like that, can't seem to locate it though  :-\


This is the photo in question

But not a great angle

The right hand wagon is in the German WWII range, and I think is closest to the one you have posted
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That's the one! I knew it was around somewhere  m/


hi there thank you for your help just what i need found a different picture from nikharwood pbworks

take care

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17 December 2013, 05:25:50 PM #5 Last Edit: 17 December 2013, 05:27:53 PM by WeeWars

Langley N Scale
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That photo of nik's is a more useful angle - although beware that he has swapped in a cavalry man (probably SCW) as one of the draft horses.
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My wife's creations: Jewellery and decorations with sparkle and shine at http://www.Etsy.com/uk/shop/ISCHIOCrafts


Hi thanks WeeWars and fred for all your help I am more than happy with the german supply wagan will add it to my next order

take care

The Wargames Directory

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Hello Womble67

Quote from: Womble67 on 17 December 2013, 10:14:35 PM
Hi thanks WeeWars and fred for all your help I am more than happy with the german supply wagan will add it to my next order

take care


I'm not sure what you're after the wagons for but you should bear in mind the new WW1 limber riders coming- lots of useful figures:-

Cheers (I'm holding off getting some wagons until I can get some limber riders too)



Hmm, if I win the sweepstake I'll be getting a couple of those for my Boers.
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


hi GrumpyOldMan do you no if there doing wagons as well as limbers

take care

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Hello Andy

Quote from: Womble67 on 19 December 2013, 08:57:15 AM
hi GrumpyOldMan do you no if there doing wagons as well as limbers

take care


All I know is what they've written in the forum but they have mentioned wagons:-


In the second post Dave mentions wagons. I don't know how far they are along the sculpting trail. But if you're in a hurry I'd go for the German ones  :).




There aren't any wagons coming any time soon, we'll probably need to get this first lot released and then go from there once the sales start coming in. 
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Hi all thanks for all your replys I think I'll go for the German supply wagon

take care

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