Austrian-Hungarian : Requests for some extra poses

Started by Daisy, 20 September 2014, 08:00:33 PM

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Hi All

My requests for early war AH's :

1. Standing and firing
2. Kneeling and firing
3. Stretcher bearers with stretcher and wounded.


If we are talking Austrian-Hungarian requests, and I can make do very well with the nice figure now available, I would love an advancing pose with bayonet.


Apparently the WWII Afrika Korps figure in cap and firing pose has been used as WWI Austrian firing.
The artist formerly known as Dour Puritan!


Yes saw the photos of WWII Africa Korps as Austro-Hungarians very convincing. However, looking more in the line of simply advancing with bayonet or for that matter just advancing. The new poses for the WWI figures strike me as very nice but really odd choices. In 10mm I really want to see masses of troops advancing especially 1914-15 Eastern front.



Re Advancing Austrian inf with bayonet
Just a suggestion
I am at this moment painting up one of the 19th Century Wurttenburg figures as an Austrian 1914 advancing with bayonet which is really close to the Austrian uniform with a paint job ,cap is close short boots trousers gathered at ankles, looks like the same backpack as well
FWW2 I think they are
Best wishes


Thank you so much that is fantastic news, I was thinking if something would work from another range!!!