Free Dungeon Rules

Started by Leon, 12 March 2010, 03:00:04 PM

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It's a nightmare for us.  We get back from Triples on Sunday night, then we've got 3 days to replace stock/cast Salute orders/catch up on regular orders, before heading down to London on Thursday!  I'll be glad when we get past them and I'm not on 3am finishes!

Oh yes, I know all about that. I used to do stuff with John Keating (Wizkids promotions manager for Ireland) and it can get pretty darn hectic, and as you say, sleep.... what`s that lol.

Six   :)


QuoteI`ll have a complete add on supplement to go with the core rules soon, which will allow Pendraken gamers to run their heroes through a dungeon completely solo (without a DM).

Top-notch  8)




Hi Guys,

I'd just like to add I would love to see those solo rules, since all of my gaming these days is by my lonesome! The Pendraken figures are just perfect for a whimsical bit of dungeon delving. I'll have to work on the stats for some of my favourite codes that aren't covered yet (especially the Funguy/mushroom men!).

Thank you for the new addition of the rules!


I mean "edition". I'll be leaving now...


Hi Arundel,

Solo gaming is actually my preferred hobby preference (I was weaned on solo gaming from the early 70`s onwards. My early heroes were authors like: Donald Featherstone, Terrance Wise, and Tony Bath, etc).

The stats for the miniatures not covered in DW only take minutes to think up; and if you are familiar with the rules - usually only seconds.

The lists I include are really samples, and I strongly encourage individuals to tailor things to suit their own needs and tastes.



I totally understand what you mean. My first RPG was Tunnels and Trolls back in about 1980, and that set of rules was very solo friendly. I've actually got some ideas for some of the critters you don't cover-if I ever get organised I'll post them for you to see. Right, I'm off for some delving...


I totally understand what you mean. My first RPG was Tunnels and Trolls back in about 1980, and that set of rules was very solo friendly. I've actually got some ideas for some of the critters you don't cover-if I ever get organised I'll post them for you to see. Right, I'm off for some delving...

OOOooh!!   Tunnels and Trolls was LOVE at first sight; back then the choices were the original (classic) TSR D&D 3 book set, Runequest (which followed soon after), or Tunnels and Trolls....  tunnels and trolls tore out our hearts and made mental and physical giants out of us all hehe. Aaaaaah, those were the days. You may notice that Dungeon World and T&T kinda fit together with very little extra work  ;)

Happy delving.

.... thats exactly how the wife and I are spending our Sunday too.



I`ve just sent the finished Advanced Dungeon World supplement to the Pendraken `bosses`. So you should get to read it soon   :)

Enjoy  ;)



I've just added it to the first post of this thread. - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Can't wait to see them. Thank you, guys!


We've just had an RPG variation of the Dungeon Rules sent through by Six, so here it is! - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Gniiii!! Can't see it at job! I must wait... a bit!^^
The shadow of a man can never stand up and walk on its own.



These links no longer work :(.