WW2 Russian SV5 PTRD AT rifle

Started by old smokie, 21 October 2013, 04:14:39 PM

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old smokie

anyone tell me whats in the pack, are they single figures with AT Rifle or  AT Rifle teams, if teams how many per pack

TIA :)


These are two prone soldiers.
I don't know how many per pack, maybe 3 couples.
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You get three bases with a two man prone anti tank rifle team.

As the hemets are very similar to the italian helmet they will make passable italians with a suitable paint job.
The cynics are right nine times out of ten. -Mencken, H. L.

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well. - Robert Louis Stevenson



Variation on a theme:-

Does anyone have any photographs of SV26, the DT LMG (10)

The (10) suggest there are 10 machine gunners, are they standing up, or lying down?

Much thanks



Here you go (RHS of picture):

They come in a tem of 2, so I suspect there are 5 teams in a pack.


They stand up.
( sorry for the bad quality of this photo.)


Quote from: Kiwidave on 31 October 2013, 07:21:41 AM
They come in a tem of 2, so I suspect there are 5 teams in a pack.

aren't they SV3 DP LMG ?


Thank you both.  I now have a fine picture of the DP LMG and a not so fine, but very useful picture of the DT LMG.  As someone said, one has a saucepan on top, the other, a frying pan.


Quote from: ronan on 31 October 2013, 07:23:34 AM
aren't they SV3 DP LMG ?

Yep - didn't read the question properly! :-[