Next set of rules?

Started by Nosher, 27 October 2013, 11:29:25 AM

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1. What's been your favourite set of rules this year?

Battlegrouop Kursk -got this year although it came out earlier.

2. Which new rule set has been a disappointment?

Dux Brit - same feeling as Nosher. period is interesting but just can't seem to drum up any enthusiasm :-\

3. Which rule set are you most looking forward to?

Battlegroup Fall of the Reich - main period of interest in WWII for me; Just hope it's not going to be a rehash of Kursk and end up being the answer to question 2

4. Where is there a gap in the market that you're keen to see plugged?

Something for the Russian Civil War and early WWI when things flowed.  Looking at PP's Square Bashing but not convinced by what I've read so far. HAve foudn various RCW sets on the net but seem to depend a lot on cards and that's not my thing.


Favourite set:
The One Ring.... okay not exactly wargaming but I ran a campaign for the best part of a year
Found Tusk the other day. Funky little game

Most dissapointing
same set...index is dire, the first adventure supplement was okay, but then again I struggle with bought adventures.

Most looking forward to:
Something that will allow me solo play on a fantasy setting.

As for the last...
Haven't got a clue
Sometimes I wonder - why is that frisbee geting bigger - and then it hits me!