George Nafziger Order of Battle Link for All

Started by rexhurley, 16 August 2013, 06:24:30 AM

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Hi guys some of you maybe aware of this US Gentleman who researched a lot of information over the years and owned detailed OBs of over 7000 forces from 1600-1945, today I found out he has donated it to the US Army's Command Library where they are available as a free download PDF's here is the link to the extensive index of what is available enjoy.

Cheers Rex



That's the main listing for the collection. If you want to download a specific period in bulk as a zip file go to this address:

Be warned, though, each is a fairly hefty file.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Quote from: Hertsblue on 16 August 2013, 08:05:59 AM
That's the main listing for the collection. If you want to download a specific period in bulk as a zip file go to this address:

Be warned, though, each is a fairly hefty file.

hence the above which takes u to small pdf's that download in a few secs


It's worth noting that the host site, the US Armies Combined Arms Research Library is full of interesting material above and beyond the Nafziger collection. Note surprisingly it's strongest on American material including much contemporary WW2 stuff.

The collection of obsolete military manuals will provide hours of informative browsing- useful for finding out how people thought things would work.

Hamster King