Uniforms worn by Spanish Marines SCW?

Started by GrumpyOldMan, 28 July 2013, 05:58:24 AM

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Hi All

Just wondering if anybody had any information on this topic. The uniform guides show a generic style landing rig for marines but going through Richard Capa's photos, which are meant to show the 151 Mixed Brigade (made up of marines) at Segre in 1938,  these show a fairly vanilla Republican Infantry dress. I realise that proper uniform only lasts so long but just wondering if this was a gradual process or whether they started in this style.

Photos available at http://www.magnumphotos.com/C.aspx?VP3=CMS3&VF=MAGO31_10_VForm&ERID=24KL535353 (also listed in Resources sub-forum).

