stripping figs

Started by ryman1, 16 June 2013, 05:12:50 PM

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Hi all,

I've started to strip some old zulu figures down that a friend passed on to me (10mm perrin/pendraken) using the the better halfs nail varnish remover and it works a treat, the paint is falling off.
My only problem is how do I prepare the figs for repainting once they're stripped?, I daren't paint straight onto the stripped figs whilst the nail varnish remover residue is still on them, my question is - how to I wash the figs - water?, soap?.
I'm hesitant as they're metal and I don't want to damage them or leave them unpaintable, any advice would be great.




Well that was a disappointment. With the subject "of stripping figs", I thought ...
Lord Oik of Runcorn (You may refer to me as Milord Oik)

Oik of the Year 2013, 2014; Prize for originality and 'having a go, bless him', 2015
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An old paintbrush.....A teensy dollop of washing up liquid.....Wet the brush...dip that in a tiny amount of the w.u.l ...'Paint' the figure with the soapy water and rinse Ry.
Leave to dry really well.
I use the same method, if I'm converting an old green to get rid of any releasing agent that's been used in the pressing process.

Cheers - Phil.



If they resist nail-varnish remover they'll certainly resist soap and water, Ry. Just don't use heat to dry them.
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Like Phil says, use washing-up liquid as a degreaser. You can use Dettol liquid to strip paint cleanly off figures.
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I employ ethanol for that matter, it dries the remains of paint after the acetone and leaves the surface totally clean.


I always use the Morrisons own brand Dettol, as it will strip paint off metal and plastics with no damage to either material.


That's a good tip for plastics....Must try that sometime.
Probably said it before.....But there was one chap I met, that swore Steradent took paint cleanly off the models.
Can't actually vouch for the veracity of that tip though.
Anyone ever tried that ?
Cheers - Phil.


Quote from: Techno on 27 June 2013, 08:27:32 AM
That's a good tip for plastics....Must try that sometime.
Probably said it before.....But there was one chap I met, that swore Steradent took paint cleanly off the models.
Can't actually vouch for the veracity of that tip though.
Anyone ever tried that ?
Cheers - Phil.

Makes you wonder what it does to your dentures....  :o
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.


Just got the electric tootbrush out, dipping it in nail varnish remover and placing it on the fig is even better than before!  :)

Now off to ebay to look for badly painted figs going for peanuts that I can repaint and flog. mwah ha ha, world domination pending 8->



If you've got a lot of figures to strip.....Save yourself a bit of dosh by buying plain acetone from somewhere like Boots. (Nail varnish is, I believe, just acetone with a 'nice' smell.....Yuk !!)
500ml used to be around £5-£6.
I buy it in larger quantities from various suppliers, as I get through a fair old bit every few months....Using it to clean sticky putty off the dental tools.

Like NVR though....DON'T spill it anywhere !!....It strips varnish from tables etc like you know what....and just in case someone new has joined recently....Don't try it on plastic figures...They'll melt ! ;)
Cheers - Phil.


Quote from: Techno on 27 June 2013, 11:09:01 AM

If you've got a lot of figures to strip.....Save yourself a bit of dosh by buying plain acetone from somewhere like Boots. (Nail varnish is, I believe, just acetone with a 'nice' smell.....Yuk !!)
500ml used to be around £5-£6.
I buy it in larger quantities from various suppliers, as I get through a fair old bit every few months....Using it to clean sticky putty off the dental tools.

Like NVR though....DON'T spill it anywhere !!....It strips varnish from tables etc like you know what....and just in case someone new has joined recently....Don't try it on plastic figures...They'll melt ! ;)
Cheers - Phil.

Nice one Phil, I'll order in some plain stuff.
One thing I've noticed with the nail varnish remover is the remarkable speed with which it evaporates, I can fill a 100ml petri dish, plonk in some figs and within 10 minutes there's nowt left.
Still, it's great stuff, looking forward to not smelling of perfume!





You'll almost certainly find the plain acetone evaporates at least as fast as NVR.

I'd be tempted to leave your 'stripping pot' in a shed or garage outside rather than breathe too many of the fumes in.
Can you put an old saucer or similar on top of the dish ?
That might help a tiny bit with the evaporation ??

Cheers - Phil.


I think I should do it in the garden, getting a bit too much and stinks the house out too.

I have an idea!, I'll transfer the contents into a plant spraying container, that way I'll only use what I need. :)