Gangleader147's Charity Raffle Results

Started by gangleader147, 07 June 2013, 12:43:09 PM

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Sorry for the delay - home internet issues.

The Draw took place on Wednesday at Simple Miniature Games in Christchurch and drawn by Niki, Graham's Wife.  During which he added to the prize fund.  The Sir Hicks Sculpt was the first ticket drawn followed then in order as below, prizes were in a list and allocated the ticket in order as they were drawn.  I bought the first ticket to get the ball rolling, I was drawn mid prize list but threw it away out of fairness.  The winner is at the end of each line - donation by at the beginning.

I am trying to contact each winner - if I miss you - just shout I may have missed you.  Any addresses for items to be posted to would be great to speed things up.  I have also included the donating company/person for the prizes.  If vouchers are electronic I will forward to you so email addresses are good, hard copy vouchers will be posted as any items and if any email contact then both parties will be given ticket number.

A huge thank you to Sir Hicks for his generous donation, all the companies supporting (in some cases) a stranger and for private gamers who donated some of their projects going no where or painted items.

A big thank you to all who bought tickets too, some were very keen to try and win the sculpt judging by the amount of tickets bought by certain individuals ;-)

28mm Sculpt - Paul Hicks - BLT2531 (AVBCW Forum)

Phil Deeprose - Boltaction Rulebook - Svenn The Dh Hutt (SD Forum)
Gordon Liddle - Boltaction Boxes - Trevor (Weymouth Warlords)
Blitzkrieg Miniatures - 1:72 Platoon Deal or 1/48 Resin Tank - Tomrommel 1 (SD Forum)
Phil Deeprose - Osprey Vietnam Book - BLT2531 (AVBCW Forum)
Aventine Miniatures - £30.00 Voucher - Ian Brumby
Pendraken Miniatures - £20.00 Voucher - Paul (Weymouth Warlords)
Warbases - Voucher - Peter Parker-Harris - (SDMS)
Andy Tutton - Empire of the Dead Rulebook - Trevor (Weymouth Warlords)
MCS Miniatures - War of Edadh - Trevor (Weymouth Warlords)
MCS Miniatures - Abel Limited Edition Figure - Maichus (SD Forum)
MCS Miniatures - Incursion Boxed Game - Rob Bright (Frothers)
Maichus - Helldorado Figure - Mike (Peter Pig)
Maichus - Helldorado Figure - Phil D (Christchurch Crusaders)
MCS Miniatures - Alien Squad Leader Rulebook - Mike (Peter Pig)
Redzed - Painted SYW Cav unit - Ged (Gringo40s)
Fenris Games - Voucher - Trevor (Weymouth Warlords)
Gringo40's - £20.00 Voucher - Paul (Weymouth Warlords)
Peter Parker-Harris - Warhammer Lizardman Army - Ian Brumby
Simple Miniature Games - Dropzone Commander Selection - Gordon Liddle
Simple Miniature Games - Plastic Hoplites - Machius (SD Forum)
Simple Miniature Games - Plastic Perry French Hussars - Trevor (Weymouth Warlords)
Simple Miniature Games - Barricades - Trevor (Weymouth Warlords)
Simple Miniature Games - Imperial Guard Book Selection - Scot Steve (SDMS)
Simple Miniature Games - 40k Book selection - Gordon Liddle
Simple Miniature Games - Blister Bundle - BLT2531 (AVBCW Forum)
WestWind Productions - Empire of the Dead Rules and two starter forces - Oooo (SD Forum)

Well done to the winners . . . . .