D&D You Tube

Started by sixsideddice, 31 May 2013, 11:29:48 AM

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My Daughter Tiffanny is puttin together a series of You Tube videos of all our campaign game sessions (in order). A lot of work as she has to splice and dice, and cut each part into 10 minute chunks (if her following get high enough she`ll go pro and will be able to do full session videos of 2 hours at a time). She`s working on these at the moment, and they will be up some time soon-ish. Will post link to these when they`re done :)

O Dinas Powys

Good to see you back Six, sound interesting; look forward to seeing them  :-bd


(I know, even though it's fantasy  :o  ;)  )


As a high-volume YouTube watcher (I have no life), I'd advise never going over 1 hour on a video. That's more than enough.

Are you talking the RPG, or the recent boardgames?


And as for ads on Youtube, it's better to have many short vids, than one long.
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Its not me doing it... its my eldest daughter  :D  so I`m not sure how she plans on going about it to be honest.

The first five audio game vids are now up; by my calculation, the footage we`ve shot and played so far will take her another 20 videos (audio only), and about the same number of video film sessions...  the sessions seem to work better using the digi cam, and gives a nice visual of the figures and stuff.

To date, the game has been played out using 28mmm D&D minis; but I shall be switching back and forth between these and my beloved 10mm as time goes on... the 10mm videos will come a bit later on during the campaign.... as right ow the guys like the size of the bigger stuff. But once I introduce 3D 10mm I think they`ll be equally hooked. I think by the time we`ve finished this campaign, we`ll have the longest D&D campaign ever shot on audio and video for you tube.

One thing I noticed on the ones shes put up on you tube so far....  damn I talk fast when I DM.... wayyyyy too fast lol. The guys say its fine (they`re used to me) but I think I need to slooow down lol.



01 June 2013, 04:28:35 PM #5 Last Edit: 01 June 2013, 04:30:28 PM by sixsideddice
Oh yeah.... initially I was using 2nd edition Dungeons and Dragons, but the players quickly asked to switch over to my own Dungeon World rules (incorporating the all new alternative rpg material, which adds a much more complete and `beefy` system for character generation, wounds/hit points, monster stats, spells, and a whole bunch of rpg rules which never made it into my 2nd/3rd edition DW game... this now bumps the game up considerably, into a fully fledged rpg and is now not just an old school figured based dungeon crawl). I have had proper bound copies of these printed up for myself and the players to use, and I call it "Dungeons and Dragons The Gilbert Edition" (using the open licence to add D20 material to the mix) as it includes a LOT of altered stuff from D&D 3.5 and 4th ed, so I can now play seamlessly with material from official D&D sources.


QuoteAs a high-volume YouTube watcher (I have no life), I'd advise never going over 1 hour on a video. That's more than enough

I love you tube... to me, its the peak of what the computer was designed for, informative, useful, and a heck of a lot of fun. I watch a ton of rpg and boardgame videos on it and usually save them all to my harddrive. For me personally I like the long stuff, like the Pax Celeb 2/3 hour long video sessions, the longer the better. Then agan, I`m the same with my films, I like the 3, 4, 5 hour epics  the best and never grow tired of watching.. love watching long series too, star trek, Xena, Buffy, X files, etc etc  :D

QuoteAre you talking the RPG, or the recent boardgames?

full rpg, but I do own and use all three the D&D adventure system board games as well. I find it easy to inter-change play on the terrain tiles, using both 28mm or 10mm minis at will.


Very nice six - good listening already  8)

Good to see 2nd edition putting in an appearance too...I've fallen back in love with 3.5 in the last fortnight or so & am busily re-reading all my Eberron stuff (as well as the second Pathfinder Adventure Path - Curse of the Crimson Throne) - great stuff  8)

Looking forward to seeing the vid sessions  :)


QuoteVery nice six - good listening already 

Good to see 2nd edition putting in an appearance too...I've fallen back in love with 3.5 in the last fortnight or so & am busily re-reading all my Eberron stuff (as well as the second Pathfinder Adventure Path - Curse of the Crimson Throne) - great stuff 

Looking forward to seeing the vid sessions 

Hi Nik, great to hear from you  :)

Yeah, 2nd edition is sweet, I really wanted the guys to keep wth it, but they really wanted to switch to the other system... but i kept the essence of 2nd ed in the campaign, so its pretty seamless really. 3.5 is an old love I will never quite be able to shake (and it converts to my own system sooooo easily, so thats a big bonus), and fits together with Pathfinder so neatly too... "Curse of" is a GREAT adventure. I may run that myself to sometime soon-ish. I think by my calculations.... audio and vid... Tif`s got to add at least another 30 videos to you tube just to bring us up to date in the game. She`s away til Tuesday up north, so she`ll add the rest when she gets back; she`d better cos the next games start in a week hehe.

Now all I gotta do it slooooow down when I DM... I talk so fast LOL.


I'll be looking forward to the vids!
Am I not the only one who would kind of prefer to watch a game of dungeon crawling than watch TV or a movie then?

Obviously playing trumps all but I love watching groups of buddies getting together and going on a quest, it's such a cooperative, fun and shared thing!

Liberate Tutemae Ex Inferis


QuoteI'll be looking forward to the vids!
Am I not the only one who would kind of prefer to watch a game of dungeon crawling than watch TV or a movie then?

Obviously playing trumps all but I love watching groups of buddies getting together and going on a quest, it's such a cooperative, fun and shared thing!

I love wartching a good game in progress and i get so much inspiration and so many ideas that way too.


Quote from: sixsideddice on 03 June 2013, 03:38:34 PM
I love wartching a good game in progress and i get so much inspiration and so many ideas that way too.

Yep - agreed; some of the Chris Perkins games are superb  8)


Tif ran out of steam (college etc) so I have taken it over... which means I am learning to do videos and splice and stuff myself right now. The campaign is into its 14th session at the moment (all apart from the first 2 which are audio, have been recorded on video) so there are aver 35 hours for me to do :( so bear with me while I work out how to make a channel, and do all the snazzy stuff to make it cool and hopefully watchable.



"but I love watching groups of buddies getting together and going on a quest."

Then we should all form the Pendraken guild in World of Warcraft and go do dungeons together. Now that would be a larf.


WoW? Ugh! Come to EVE and build/  kick over sandcastles in the sandbox  :d

The rules of EVE :)

Rule 1: Don't fly what you can't afford to lose

Rule 2: Trust No One

Rule 3: Keep your clone up to date

Rule 4: If you're in a fair fight, at least one of you screwed up!!

Rule 5: See Rule 2
There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data