colors for modern French, soviet and Americans

Started by Le Manchou, 28 May 2013, 01:04:15 PM

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Le Manchou

Hi, I recently bought 10mm modern french, soviet and american infantry and wonder which colors to use to paint them, any tips?
Si vis pacem, para bellum


I used this for my modern French ( not 10mm.. I didn't know..  :-[    )
Humbrol 102
Humbrol 113
and 26.

from an an old game :

( from )

For the US I  used Humbrol 121, 110, 118.  I'm not sure they are the exact colors, but they looked good on the table.

Le Manchou

Thanks, Ronan, I always use acrylic but if I don't have a choice I will go for Humbrol
Si vis pacem, para bellum


28 May 2013, 06:22:08 PM #3 Last Edit: 28 May 2013, 06:23:50 PM by ronan
you're welcome Le Manchou

I'm sure you can find these colors in acrylics. ( for example here : )

edit : I prefer this link )