Man walks past Pendraken Stall at Salute 13

Started by WeeWars, 04 May 2013, 06:39:44 PM

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Last Hussar

I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain why you are wrong.

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little."
Franklin D. Roosevelt

GNU PTerry


Looks like he had no idea who Pendraken were and made no attempt to find out despite the stand being busy.  Overall the guy's 'journalism' technique seemed to be going straight for names he already knew, anything fantasy (his own obvious area of interest hence Forgeworld drooling but didn't mention the prices!) or a quiet stand.
"The time has come, the walrus said..."

2017 Paint-Off - Winner!


More importantly... the slightly balding fella with the backpack in front of him...

That's me :)

(and yes, I walked past too, but I'd just come from twisting Leon's ear, saw the cameras and turned around!)


Yeah this reminded me why I stopped watching BoW videos, I think it was their unboxing of Victrix Napoleonic French Line Infantry, ".... and of course Victrix will be producing the other factions as well."

WTF!!!!!!!! Factions? I'm sure that France/Austria/Britain/Russia/etc,etc are all highly delighted to be classed as a faction.

The depth of these knobheads knowlege of anything beyond 40K is totally underwhelming.


I stop watching because I cannot understand their accent.
2015 Painting Competition - Winner!
2018 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


I couldn't get it to work.
Must be clicking on the wrong thingy (Sorry to use such a technical term.)
Cheers - Mr P. C.Illiterate


Don't worry, Phil - you're really not missing anything  :)


 :)  :-bd

I don't feel so left out now.
Thanks Nik.
Cheers - Phil.

Derek H

They get worse.  Take a look at "Flames of War for the Win" their new series about guess what.

The fat Irish one is joined by a total nerd with no clothes sense who just can't leave his hair alone for any more than ten seconds  in a contest to see who can spout the most rubbish.


I'm a FoW player, and I'm afraid I lasted about 2 minutes of that video, most of which was skipped ahead, watch 10s, skip ahead, watch 10s.

In the end, nothing put me off the game more :(

A lot of people don't like FoW, I do, but... get the rulebook, ignore everything else. Don't buy the models, not only are they massively overpriced (cough cough PSC) but... 10mm models and half all ranges gives a MUCH better game, and eliminates the track to track tanks that pisses off any non-fanboy.

I'm starting to think of some much better acronyms for BoW now, I doubt any of them are forum safe lol


The buggers caught me on the day as we were setting up. Referred to the Celtos range of miniatures as Celt 08?
Their Salute video's are quite poor, they do avoid anything that doesn't have a codex or is presented in a box!

I'll never forget the review video they made of the Warhammer 40K CGI film. The review was longer than the film  :o