Pendraken Sci-Fi "Alienish" Creatures

Started by Gunhit, 30 March 2010, 01:40:54 PM

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Hi, here are a couple of close ups of the Sci-fi "Medium creatures".

I personally think these figures are more appropriate for 15mm gaming than 10mm. Next I need to decide on which paint scheme (like the red, but should I stick with the more authentic blue/black?) and how I will base them. I will attempt to have a go at modifying a few figures to add bio-guns and other nasties  ;D



Personally I'd go with the blue/black.  The red scheme looks very nice but if it's "Aliens" that you're going for then blue/black, or maybe the Aliens 3 green/black look.


In the 'Genocide' story there were both 'black' and 'red' colonies of aliens so either will do...

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