
Started by Techno, 02 April 2013, 02:02:17 PM

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Some early Wips of a handful the next 'Ancients'.

L/R...2xFanatics, Heavy warband, 2x warband (Oh dear...What have I done to matey's right arm ....That's gotta be changed big time before I even get to the left arm.).....Commander...Helmet and left arm still to do.

Cheers - Phil.

Steve J

They look good so far :). Any chance of the spear arms being a bit more animated, or are they restricted by the moulding process?


Really like the two swordsmen, the first spearmen and the javelinman who's throwing.


The javelin should a be a bit more horizontal, unless he's just lobbing it over the front line. Otherwise nice!

Matt J

agree with Steve J. The spear guys would be good for second rank but could do with some more animated types for front ranks.

Are the fanatics going to be the full on danglies out, tatooed nutters?
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02 April 2013, 03:28:16 PM #5 Last Edit: 02 April 2013, 03:33:11 PM by Phobos
Excellent stuff Techno, as always!

Only two poses for each reference? Also, as Steve J and Matt of Munslow, I´ll like to see more animated poses for the warbands, more "hairy barbarian".

Duke Speedy of Leighton

Where are Asterix and Obelix? 10mm Dogmatix?  ;)
You may refer to me as: Your Grace, Duke Speedy of Leighton.
2016 Pendraken Painting Competion Participation Prize  (Lucky Dip Catagory) Winner


OK chaps...
I'll see if I can 'animate' the spear guys a bit...Not a problem really sculpting wise...But possible to make Dave's job an absolute nightmare. ;)
Pose numbers ?
Erm....I'm just doing like for like poses for the figures I can make out in the old range at the moment....The actual numbers will be down to 'The Man'. (i.e Leon.  ;) ;D

As far as 'the danglies' as Matt so eloquently puts it... ;D....I have given them some rather insignificant ones already...But I didn't really feel i could go too far, in case I caused offense.
This thread is going to degenerate now, isn't it ?  :o

And now Lemmey wants a Dominatrix......Oh sorry, I misread that. :-[

Cheers - Phil.


Brilliant work, iv,e no idea how to sculpt but once you have the green stuff  in a basic shape how long does it take to get a fig done,

2013 Painting Competition - Winner!
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It's almost "How long is a piece of string ?" Kev.

Depends on the type/genre of model really.
Some I can possibly whip through in perhaps couple of hours.....But others can take up to perhaps four...maybe even longer. :'(
As you're constantly 'cycling round' the figures, it's difficult to tell for sure.
I tend never to do more than a part...for example, the legs or trousers...on one model, before putting it aside to set...moving on to the next.

Also depends on what the model is supposed to be armed with.
Obviously something like a spear or a bow takes a lot less time than some sort of rifle.
Getting headgear to 'look right' can be very time consuming in comparison to the other parts of the model.

Poses make a lot of difference too.
Arms into the sides....Relative piece of pee...Arms 'out' need some sort of wire, so a bit of drilling will be involved.
Will I have to solder onto the wire frame arm for something the chap's holding ?
It's tiny little 'extras' that often take up most of the time, I guess.....That and constantly mixing up little bits of putty ! ;) ;D ;D
You would not believe how much time that takes out of a day, if I'm doing 'special mixes' constantly. ;D ;D

Cheers - Phil.


The problem with over-animated poses is, without sufficient variety of poses, they look more like a troupe of formation dancers than a troop of warriors...


Very nice work indeed Phil  :-bd These are just what I've been looking for, they'll fit my planned Albion campaign perfectly.

My preference, for what it's worth, is generally less animated poses that look good ranked up. Echoing Wulf's comment really.

Asterix and Obelix would make cool characters .... 8)




Asterix, Obelix and, most important of all, Vitalstatistix on that shield borne by two warriors!  Go on, you know you want to! ;)

2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
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The spears could do with being a bit longer maybe; other than that - looking good! :)


Interesting points being raised here regarding the poses.
I'll have to check with Leon.
Always the possibility of 'extras' down the line though.

Quote from: Kiwidave on 02 April 2013, 06:39:07 PM
The spears could do with being a bit longer maybe; other than that - looking good! :)

Difficult one there Dave....From the references I've got, if anything, they might be a teensy weensy tad on the long side as they are. :-\
From an aesthetic point of view, I think I'd agree with you....Historically I believe the representation's about right.

Cheers - Phil.