What made you choose Pendraken?

Started by ryman1, 01 April 2013, 06:53:55 PM

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Bishop Lord

QuoteIs the 'Best 10mm Manufacturer' poll running this year?

Yep I will be running the best 10mm poll again this year :) but it will be later than normal

" there is no more Jerusalem, I shall go to Cyprus..."

2014 Painting Competition - Runner-Up!


AWI for me too. I saw some painted figures over on TMP (I think) and had a genuine double take moment when I read they were 10mm.

Then I saw Mollinary's Jicin game photos and was hooked. Seriously, that man should be on commission...

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Ok - cause someone has to bring Leon and Dave back to this planet, and bearing in mind that I have no sense of humour.

a) There is no alterative
b) Terrible service
c) High cost
d) Appalling casting

Corse I could be being a bit backward  :d

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021

goat major

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2014 Painting Competition - Winner!


Quote from: Charon on 05 April 2013, 01:54:23 PM

Then I saw Mollinary's Jicin game photos and was hooked. Seriously, that man should be on commission...

And what makes you think that I am not?    ;) ;) ;)Still, if you enjoyed the Jicin photos, you ain't seen nothing yet!  The magnum opus, the tome that will change the Wargaming world for ever, the book that will usher in the "Golden Age of Pendraken 10mm figures" for a thousand years, is almost upon us.   Wargaming in History, Volume 8: The Austro-Prussian War, the Opening Battles,  should hit the streets at SALUTE on 20th April.  Snappy title,  eh?    And it contains shedloads of piccies of Pendraken goodness. Oh, what an age of wonders we inhabit.


Oh, and a chap called John Dz had something to do with it as well,  but I cannot quite recall what!
2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!


Quote from: ianrs54 on 05 April 2013, 06:59:57 PM
a) There is no alterative
b) Terrible service
c) High cost
d) Appalling casting

Don't worry Ian, we'll continue to give you the worst service we can possibly manage, just as long as the postman can find you under that black cloud...  :P
www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products, including nearly 5000 items for 10mm wargaming, plus MDF bases, Battlescale buildings, I-94 decals, Litko Gaming Aids, Militia Miniatures, Raiden Miniatures 1/285th aircraft, Red Vectors MDF products, Vallejo paints, Tiny Tin Troops flags and much, much more!


Quote from: mollinary on 05 April 2013, 07:16:52 PM
the book that will usher in the "Golden Age of Pendraken 10mm figures" for a thousand years, is almost upon us.   


Sounds like something put about by that nice Mr Schicklgruber all those years ago.  :d
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.



Quote from: Hertsblue on 06 April 2013, 08:42:04 AM
Sounds like something put about by that nice Mr Schicklgruber all those years ago.  :d

Very true, only at 150th the size!! ;D ;D ;D

2021 Painting Competition - Winner!
2022 Painting Competition - 2 x Runner-Up!


Quote from: ianrs54 on 05 April 2013, 06:59:57 PM
Ok - cause someone has to bring Leon and Dave back to this planet, and bearing in mind that I have no sense of humour.
a) There is no alterative
b) Terrible service
c) High cost
d) Appalling casting
Corse I could be being a bit backward  :d

I don't think Leon and Dave could get any higher praise from Ian, could they ?? ;) :P
Cheers - Phil.


I feel that you should add aztecs to the line and see if it really brings up the costumer satisfaction  8-} 8-} 8-}


I think the first stuff I got was actually Wild Geese miniatures
If I were creating Pendraken I wouldn't mess about with Romans and  Mongols  I would have started with Centurions , eight o'clock, Day One!

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Aztecs - why would we want very small chocolate bars  ?   :d :d

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021

General Greenman

Quality of casting which I saw for the very first time when I was at leads several years ago . I. First bought son colonialism British and mahdist figures and have been impressed ever since in all aspects even a follow up phone call on one occasion as there was some concern snout as to whether I had received the order . In the past I have given my order over the phone.
They are always polite and.pleasant


Quote from: ianrs54 on 07 April 2013, 06:58:35 AM
Aztecs - why would we want very small chocolate bars  ?   :d :d

Words of wisdom. We could all learn something from this man!
I don't drink coffee to wake up. I wake up to drink coffee.


Quote from: FierceKitty on 07 April 2013, 09:52:53 AM
Words of wisdom. We could all learn something from this man!

Really?  :o :o :o :o :o :o
When you realise we're all mad, life makes a lot more sense.
