SYW Austrians & Prussians

Started by nikharwood, 01 June 2010, 08:17:38 PM

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Gonna start calling you Ferrero Rocher ;)

You are 'spoiling' us!
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Good man - get the Father Ted quote in there  =O :-bd - I tried to find a youtube clip but failed  :(


Hussars today: about 55 minutes:

Total elapsed time = 22hrs 05mins

republic of tolworth

Nice Hussars 8)
Not so keen on the brown bases. I prefure the grassy look myself.

The troops look a treat though.
League of the dayglow Aztec Empire.


25 September 2010, 06:29:39 PM #49 Last Edit: 25 September 2010, 08:31:13 PM by nikharwood
Ah - don't worry - the bases aren't finished yet; I'll do all of them in one go once both armies are these will get a couple types of static grass added in yet, which will then get a drybrush to tone the grass down a bit. The base edges will get painted then as well.  :)

More to come tonight...


Here they are - Cuirassiers which took about 50 mins:

Total elapsed time = 22hrs 55mins


02 October 2010, 02:18:54 PM #51 Last Edit: 02 October 2010, 02:20:25 PM by nikharwood
Blimey - another week lost to work... :o

Prussian Dragoons now done - 55 minutes:

Total elapsed time = 23hrs 50mins

Only Prussian commanders to paint...and then finish the basing & varnish - the end is in sight!  8)


And Commanders now done: 40mins:

Total elapsed time = 24hrs 30mins


And they're done! Bases have had static grass added (which I decided not to tone down as I like these looking quite bright) and the edges painted; this took about 90 minutes.

It's far too wet to spray-varnish them today so that'll get done at a later date. I'll take some 'proper' pics later on-table but for now here's a couple sneaky previews:



Total elapsed time = 26hrs

So there you have it - two complete armies, from packet to table in a little over a day all-in. I'm pleased with that...8)


Fabulous Nik ;)

1.  What rule set are you using for SYW?

2.  What method do you use for flocking?

I have used thinned pva then flock and could occasionally see the PVA through the flock. I have used GW paint 'loaded' onto areas of the base and again this looks odd and I have tried super glue - which is my current preferred method, but is a pain in the arse... :-\
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


03 October 2010, 04:01:00 PM #56 Last Edit: 09 October 2010, 10:01:35 PM by nikharwood
Quote from: Nosher on 03 October 2010, 03:51:47 PM
Fabulous Nik ;)

1.  What rule set are you using for SYW?

2.  What method do you use for flocking?

I have used thinned pva then flock and could occasionally see the PVA through the flock. I have used GW paint 'loaded' onto areas of the base and again this looks odd and I have tried super glue - which is my current preferred method, but is a pain in the arse... :-\

Thanks nosher mate  8)

1.  More than likely Black Powder...or Rank & File

2. I use my not-for-the-fainthearted method: spots of superglue onto base & then take pinches of static grass & apply, shake excess off upside down [so that remaining grass sticks up] - it's only a pain in the arse because you'll get it on your fingers...not to mention the fumes! Works well though  8)


Cool. Was thinking you might head BP route ;)

Just bought FoG Renaissance which uses 40mm frontages for units. If I want to do rivet counting I can go that route or if I want to go fast and furious I can also go the BP route without having to re-base.

I already have ECW in 6mm so am looking for inspiration in terms of Horse and Musket for something different. At the moment its a toss up between SYW and GNW although knowing me I'll end up with 10mm ECW as well as my 6mm stuff :-[
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson



Thanks for the walk-through.  The project was ambitious, but the result looks pretty darned good.

Let me try expressing one of the principles involved, just to see if I'm understanding:  you can get away with painting the figures on their final bases because the parts you cannot reach effectively with a brush have been covered well enough (with black undercoat and bestial brown overbrushing) so that they will not be visible in the end. The most visible, outer parts you can reach with a brush, and so can spend a bit of time on them.  Is that about right?

So, we should have the courage to paint from the get-go in light of how the figures will actually be seen in their ranks on their stands.  I've read plenty of people saying that 10mm figures at arm's length do not have to be perfectly painted.  That's fine, but not practically helpful.  By contrast, you show just what to do to carry that bit of general advice into practice.

My impatience with the bleeding-eye method may just induce me to have the courage to try your method.



You're welcome - and thank you  8)

It's not really that I don't paint anything that can't be seen - I don't leave anything really unpainted at all - but that, even with the figures painted, I can get to pretty much everything with a brush & do - with some 'undercut' exceptions...there are very few areas that don't get painted. It's more that, when I want to, I can paint fast!

I've taken some quick pics (apols for quality) of a Prussian infantry stand from various 'underneath' angles - hopefully they'll help: