Gurkhas for Falklands

Started by alanl, 22 February 2013, 11:14:06 AM

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The bootnecks RAS'd everything that wasnt nailed and superglued down   :d

And the paint job on the Anchor pub was well out of order.................


Still does Sunray :D just had an exercise down here asked troop commander for a grid ref for an incident she was reporting. upon receipt of referance had to contact her again and tell here to turn her map 90 degrees and give me the new grid referance. ;D

Officers are scarry creatures =)


Quote from: ManchesterDave on 24 February 2013, 08:42:53 PM

And the paint job on the Anchor pub was well out of order.................

Its been a few decades since I last took a footsie up from the harbour (Philomel St ?) and but the hotel [sic] on the corner with Crozier was and is know as" the Globe"- and the paint job you refer to was to add a laurel. 

The victory in the Falklands was due in no small measure to  the leadership skills and fieldcraft of the 'two tape' section commanders.  Unlike the Argies they could read a map, issue exact FCOs and range of battleskills.  Wargame Rules should reflect this dichotomy.   



Right then.

Just starting some 'infills' the Falkland's range...Which will include a few Gurkhas...
But I've got a query on something else to be added.
The L4A2 'Bren'.

The piccy I've got (artwork rather than photo) shows the mag as (as near as dammit) straight...But checking around I'm 'informed' that the mag had a slight curve...and the photo's I've found seem to bear this out.
Which is correct chaps ?
Admittedly the curve seems to be so miniscule that at this scale I don't think it would be truly visible.
Answers on a £50 note for preference.
Cheers - Phil.


Wish I had a £50 note to offer an answer on but in absence of sufficient funds, I am absolutely certain the mag was straight.

Sure others who served at that point will be more knowledgeable ;)
I don't think my wife likes me very much, when I had a heart attack she wrote for an ambulance.

Frank Carson


Thanks Nosher ! :-bd
Cheers - Phil.


The L4A2 has a slight curve like you mentioned but id be happy with it straight at this scale just happy to hear its fact very happy :D :) :) :) :)



As soon as I've got something to show with these 'newies' I'll pop some pics up. ;)
Cheers - Phil.


Could it be the different mags in use - a version of the old mag and the SLR mag, which I seem to recall also fitted and would be shorter and straight?


From the fairly cursory investigation I've done Rim....I think you're on the right lines.
Thanks for the input. :-bd :)
Cheers - Phil.



It is Gran.
Thanks  :-bd
(Dammit...I think I've made the mag a fraction too wide. ;)....Out with a new scalpel blade.)
Cheers - Phil.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead

Phil - it is basically the same shape as the SLR mag, just longer, so appears slightly curved.

Lord Kermit of Birkenhead
Muppet of the year 2019, 2020 and 2021


Ah-ha !! #-o #-o

My rubbish sense of 2D perspective has been playing tricks on me again....
But I think at last I see it properly now.

Thanks Ian ! :-bd
Cheers - Phil.


The 7.62 LMG has indeed a slight curve ....BUT.. in 1/150 scale the 30rd mag would appear to be "straight".  I have seen them straight in 1/76 models.(the Matchbox paras range) The shorter mag referred to is the 20rd SLR which was interchangeable. 

Best wishes
